Do you remember where we left off? Does this sound familiar?
- That rustling sound you hear is the sound of a curtain drawing closed, and the apparition you see behind the curtain is the vanishing figure of Thomas Townsend Brown.
That was the end of Chapter 43: For the Good of the Service – which, I now realize, was also the end of “Part 1” of this book.
It was apparent to me as I finished that last chapter that I was going to have to take an entirely different approach to the material in order to …. ah… “complete the mission.” But, no, I did not call in Jim Baker and form a Townsend Brown Study Group to suggest “new ideas” for how to proceed with the story. I knew immediately how I was going to proceed, and have spent the time since Las Vegas working on the resumption of the story.
I am now pleased to offer not one, not two, but FIVE new chapters that, together, demonstrate the new approach I will be pursuing with the “Rest of the Story.” Begin by reading this “Introduction to Part 2 or follow the links in the left-side column of this page to the individual chapters.
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