Burkhardt Heim: Take a leap into hyperspace

This might be a very important article relative to our current lines of inquiry. It introduces a theoretical scientist named Burkardt Heim, who was first brought to my attention by one of my sources last spring. It presents some concepts that sound very much like some of the ideas that Townsend Brown investigated:

Link: New Scientist Features – Take a leap into hyperspace.

2 thoughts on “Burkhardt Heim: Take a leap into hyperspace”

  1. Paul … Love whats coming down the pike … I knew that the romance would be great. How is it that some of these great men end up with such devoted women? I have studied Heim and was always fascinated by how much his wife so lovingly helped him. He lost his hands in a lab explosion when he was a teenager but she gave him no quarter … though she had to do most of his writing … she was quoted once as saying “You don’t need hands to think”. Charming photo of Josephine. I have a feeling she had the same spunk. Victoria

  2. A reader from Fairfax, VA has just written to alert me to this update to the Heim story:
    …that appears in subsequent letters to the editor of New Scientist Magazine.
    “The original article implies that Heim died without
    ever getting much attention from the U.S. aerospace community. Nothing
    could be further from the truth, though, as this reader’s letter
    explains. It is a critical addendum to the original article.
    You’ll also be interested in this article on another Austrian scientist, Tajmar, who is getting good experimental results.
    http://www.newscientist.com/channel/fundamentals/mg19225771.800- gravitys-secret.html

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