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Post by Trickfox »

Mark Culpepper wrote:Trickfox.

Have you ever had really strange thoughts like this?

Perhaps you have had this heart problem for quite awhile before it was discovered?
Perhaps it was "meant" to be revealed to you the way it was and while you were in the hospital where you could find immediate help/
Maybe this is something that had to be corrected before you " went forth" into other adventures. Maybe for this next month you are just supposed to rest and take care of yourself?
As a mater of fact Marc it is a very opportuned timming for me to discover these problems now. Had I waited and had a real heart failure outside the hospital I would not now be capable of reponding from my hospital bed. I am in no pain or discomfort and I am carefully being monitored by ECG 24 hours a day. Today I will undergo a battery of nuclear medecine tests using the newest and finest equipment. THREE nurses and two student nurses are constantly questioning my comfort or needs. I live in a city where they train all the doctors and nurses or hundreds of miles around. It's a University hospital and it's called "God's Hotel" in French ( no kidding).

I only wish all of you citizens of the USA had the same considerate health care system we do up here.

In any case I have work to do today here in the hospital. I was working on some translations up until a week or so ago, and now I can get back on this translation work that I'm doing for a dear friend. I guess it was time for me to stop the other technical work I was doing anyhow. Climbing ladders and installing surveillance camera wires is more physically stressing anyhow. Now I have an excuse to sit in bed and play with my portable computer.

Having breakfast right now. Toast , pourage, juice, coffee, and a bunch of pills.

My spirits are up, and my mood is excellent.

I hope Mr. Twigsnapper is doing well also. How about it sir?
how is your health these days? you know we have to keep treading water here for a while don't we?

The psychopropulsier (as pointed out in the book The Good-bye man by Linda Brown and Jan Lofton) is a Quantum entanglement project under development using Quantum Junctions. Join us at
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Post by Kim »

Good morning all,

Ok, my 2 cents here. When Mikado had his cardiac arrest he had no health insurance. We could not have asked for better care then he received. There is a federal program that is called the Hill-Burton Act. It will pay for emergency care for individuals without healthcare. There is also the welfare health program that picked up other costs. His total cost $158,000 for the medical care he received and $18,000 for sky care (the helicopter). The only drawback was , he had to go back to work sooner than he should have to pay for his medicine (just 11 days later). Ask Raymond about Mikados "area 51" look.

Also, being a "mom-mom" of 6, I see how it is when a child is ill and a parent can't get the proper care for them. So there are always 2 sides to everything, the good and the bad.

And I do believe that everything happens for a reason. So as bad as it seems at the moment , there is a reason for what we all go through.

What we take time to dream, do we dare make reality?
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Post by htmagic »

Trickfox wrote:It's a University hospital and it's called "God's Hotel" in French ( no kidding).

I only wish all of you citizens of the USA had the same considerate health care system we do up here.

Hôtel de Dieu (Hotel of God)? :lol:
Glad to hear that you are receiving excellent care.
Time to brush up on your reading.

Get well soon...

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
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Post by twigsnapper »


I have already flown my coup and I expect that you are just a little behind me in the schedule.

As Linda said, be a good patient Raymond.

I spent some time charging up and down the hospital hallways cursing at various people to the consternation of a few who really care for me. Nothing like seeing someone coming at you with their entire drip system, maybe thinking of using it as a weapon. I am not a good patient.

But those in white are angels in disguise, very thinly veiled. You pay attention to them. I owe my life to one I think. At one point I was hearing Lions roaring in my head ... delerious thinking fondly maybe that it was the call of the lioness at the Dublin zoo ( old story for those who know me). Discovered later that it was just me. I know know that I was really a very lousy pain in the ass to work around and I was fortunate also to be at the " Hospital of God" in my own special way.

Get better Trickfox and be a better patient than I was. twigsnapper
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Post by amalie »

Kim ,

Ah well , I never seem to get things right, was it an Irish story about a faceless man.

Only other place I heard such fables was from my Indian friend Meera , who told me about the "turels" creatures that inhabit graveyards, which you can identify because their feet are on backwards.

Mikado's story was much more philosophical , something to do with the significance of moving a grain of sand.

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Post by amalie »

Dear Raymond ,

I am so glad you are better and the awful crisis is passing .

Do you really need all that drastic surgery ?

Now the problem is being identified, you should be able to manage it better, one way or another.

I send you all my very best wishes,

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Old lions...

Post by Griffin »

Mr. Twigsnapper-

Congratulations on flying the coop -- escaping the corral. It’s hard to keep a lion down, even an old one. This Flow Forum needs your inside knowledge and guidance as a tribal elder.


You'll soon be out too -- rested, tanned, and ready to further serve.

As ever,

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Post by Griffin »

If you're wondering how you can get a tan in the hospital -- it's from basking in the radiant, caring energy of all those attentive nurses! Bask away, and think of TTB enjoying his sun baths.

Chris Knight
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Re: LHC and Black Holes

Post by Chris Knight »

Following up on our discussion of the supercollider that may or may not ever get up and running... :roll:

This is an interesting discussion on whether there even exists such thing as a bona fide black hole. Whether one can exist based on our understanding of physics, mathematics, gravity, and matter.
Qualight Environmental

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Post by Trickfox »


I'm sitting here in my hospital bed watching the nurses work around me, and serving my every need. I'm tied to a heart monitor 24 hrs a day. They say my trace shows that one of my heart valves is leeking and two major arteries are nearly blocked completely. Funny thing is, I only feel different when I'm under stress. After watching the "no" vote on the bail-out yesterday I felt a lttle dizzy and a tear came to my eye as I felt a bit of stress. After my treatment (on another floor) they wheeled me back to my room where there is no TV. It is more quiet and less stressfull. I get to sleep a lot and ponder about what's next.

Mr. Twigsnapper, you would not have lasted very long in the hospital here because the nurses and doctors are IN CHARGE HERE. If you don't listen, -they send 300 lb. orderlies with leather restraints after you, and you end up on the fourth floor psychiatric department locked up behind cages and pumped full of drugs until you are slobering and half dazed. (just like one flew over the cookoo's nest).

Because medical care is free, the doctor is GOD here. You don't get second opinions because the first opinion is a consolidation of the opinions of several doctors anyhow, and it comes with the opinions of several nurses (who also have plenty of power). I guess If I was rich I would prefer the US system where the doctors actually work for the patient and the patient can get a second opinion. For those of us who cannot afford expensive insurance this socialized system is just as good however. It just takes bit more time to get through exams and procedures. The equipment is just as modern as the US system, and I guess the lower paid doctors and nurses end up being better respected and better treated by the patients.

Yes Amilie I do need radical open heart surgery, but they tell me this type of procedure is easy for a young man like myself and there is not likely to be too much that can go wrong in these modern days. Like I said, i'm in the best of the best hospitals right now, and I'm not really concerned at all.

What else is going on down there folks. I won't see CNN news until tomorrow morning (during my treatment) but I'm still concerned about the falling market. Are we going to survive or is this thing crashing even more?

Good Thing Andrew chimmed in with the LHC stuff, things are getting too morbid anyhow.
Yup, they say the main collision results are not going to be known for several months because they are having problems with the supercooling system.

BTW I want to thank you Andrew for that last letter you sent me. I saw it again today when I was going through some papers. I realized that your correspondance to me in this fashion is very business-like and certainly well appreciated. Again thank-you for taking the time to send that envelope to me because it shows that you are a serious person when it comes to business matters, and I respect that.

The psychopropulsier (as pointed out in the book The Good-bye man by Linda Brown and Jan Lofton) is a Quantum entanglement project under development using Quantum Junctions. Join us at
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Post by amalie »

Trickfox ,

Don't worry about the market, it is fine up 400 points today.

I don't think market needs more money putting in , just a measure of confidence , which will come through when it is obvious that nothing more is going into the big banking/corporate pockets as unrealistic-subsidy-bail-out -tax-slush-funds.

I am so glad the doctors found your wonky heart , they should have found it years ago when you started the dialysis .

So now it will be repaired and will keep running for another 50 years at least.

Please let us know when and where , so that we will all be with you in spirit , and some of us physically as well.

You will be fine, can't you get a new kidney installed presently as well , what is your blood type ...

Try eat lots, take vitamins and build up inner strength.

Love Amalie
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Post by htmagic »


Do not worry about the market. It rebounded 485 points. Maybe because it was Rosh Hashanah and all the Senators were away!

As for the LHC, see my post on Gravity and Spin. I gave an update on the LHC there.

For the others that don't know it, on the main Index page is a link 'View Active Topics' and you'll see the latest and greatest, even if you are not notified by email on that topic.

I am glad the bailout did not go through. I emailed my representatives and told them to vote NO on the bailout. $700 billion is a band aid fix. The regulations need to be fixed before any more money is spent to prevent this from happening again. John McCain warned people about this in 2005 and co-sponsored a bill to enact regulations to keep the mess from happening. He was stopped by partisan politics. Now Obama has the gall to say this is the Republicans fault. It is not. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd (both Democrats) both need to be prosecuted. Anyone else tied to this should be as well. But I suspect it will be business as usual. People need to wake up and learn NOT to trust the mainstream media. Follow the money and look who controls them. But you can find the REAL TRUTH on the Internet if you care to dig (I did).

The Bible tells us there will be perilous times in the end but do not fear for evil will not triumph. Do not fear.

As Dr. Brown stated, "Everything will be all right."

Now, GO FORTH...

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
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Post by FM No Static At All »

Mr. Trickfox,
Glad you are feeling well and in good spirits. The will of the people has been heard by the greedy bankers.Now it is time to dismantle the fed and IRS,and give ourselves a truly free market, as our founding fathers had in mind all along. I will continue to meditate for your good health and the health of the nation. Both of you need all of our support and thoughts of love.

This may be the most important movie to be seen, and it won't be nominated for any awards.

Long life, Love, and Peace

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
'The only reason some people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.'
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Post by amalie »

Dear Raymond ,

Here is a poem for you

Love Amalie


Well said the surgeon, peering over his spectacles, there is Raymond's heart.
Just a few snips and tucks and a bit extra and it will be fine again

We waited, wondering, infintesimal points, across continents

Of course we knew there was a lot more in there
Space servers, moons, stars and planets, plasmas and time machines

You will be fine, he smiled in intimate embrace

But the obsidian knife had already reached to the matrix
the crystalline lattices had fallen before the milky way

Stay with us now Oh beating heart of Gia,
to see the wonderous world that you have made

And Raymond as well
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Post by kevin.b »

I notice this mans name has poped up a couple of times, here's third time lucky?
William Lyne, occult ether physics, link doesn't want to play, will find it soon. ... hysics.pdf

The section at the end of this book is basically talking about BROWNS gas, as discussed a few days ago, anybody would think a controlling bunch of lying money mad '@~=-?#'s had been keeping things away from ourselves.
Page 49 makes a strange remark?

fibonacci is king