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Post by Langley »

Rose wrote:Lanley, more search terms for the next time you are in the DOE database:
Thank you Rose. Excellent. I'll quietly snoozle up to that lot and post any hits in the Hidden but Why thread.

Paul, Mikado and Fred. The thing about the peanut oil diesel is that Ruddie released it just prior to the introduction of technology for the cheap extraction of oil. So the pre petroleum era might provide other interesting examples of technology killed by petroleum. And there we re enter the world of Lear and his steam engine in the modern era. He could run that on Jim Beam. Handy if you break down in the desert. Force fed areosolised coal dust is a "fluid" fuel too.
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Post by natecull »

kevin.b wrote:Look through Leedskins notes, and he left clues about the moon in coral castle.
He must have been a dowser, and have known the frequency of coral, the moon alters the field balance between the sun/earth.
Yes, Kozyrev's ideas on 'the flow of time' sound very similar to what you talk about as space flowing. At least at a general level. I can't really parse either of you well enough to compare any specifics. :) Though J W Dunne's ideas in 'An Experiment With Time' and 'The Serial Universe' seem somewhat similar also. And Buckminster Fuller's mutterings in 'Synergetics' about gravity being geometry and the moon literally weighing more on the side farther away from the Earth because it's phase locked. Seems insane, but then he goes and builds real domes, so you have to stop and go 'what the?'

I wish I could somehow put together all these ideas that seem to have some intuitive connection and have them make sense at a more formal, rational level. Or is that not how it works? But if it's geometry we're talking about, we *should* be able to formalise it, right?
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Post by natecull »

Langley wrote:Thanks Nate.

However, Brown was working with plasmas and ion fields as well as delving into the nature of the iotopes. When was the first time he used a electric field to propel an ion?

Which is precisely how Lawrence got the jump on the Nazis in the enrichment of uranium as far as weapons grade enrichment went.
A thought playing in my mind today. May or may not be to the point since I'm pretty hazy on atomic history and should probably read a whole bunch of Manhattan Project books, but am too lazy at the moment.

Are there any similarities between a calutron and a tokamak? I mean they're both racetrack-like devices involving magnetic deflection of ion streams, right? Beyond that, though - there'd been accelerators since before the war, so acceleration was well known, but magnetically bending the streams, was that basic principle also obvious to anyone skilled in the art, or is there any shared classified design heritage? Or just convergent evolution from unclassified science?

Andrei Sakharov invented the tokamak (or was given credit for it). Then shared it with the West, and it went on to become the standard hot fusion design after the stellarator (I believe). And may or may not have been a huge dead end / red herring. That whole thing though has always vaguely fascinated me, but I know little of the history/politics around that. Fusion research should have been 'born secret' on both sides of the Cold War like the H-bomb detonation path was - but it wasn't.

Wikipedia ( ) says that that impressive and startling openness was because of the 1955 International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, which became the IAEA. What triggered that conference? My history is not only hazy but practically nonexistent there.

Morgan says that there were definitely Russian 'Carolines' working on who knows what. Now, Deyo (who could be barking mad or could know something or both) fingers Sakharov next to Teller as part of his 'Illuminati'.

Take or leave Deyo - but does Sakharov fit anything like the profile of a possible 'Caroline'? A dissident atomic scientist, somehow gets enough pull to contribute to an international conference and share this huge secret. Why? What was possibly in opening up fusion research for the Soviets? I thought the mid-1950s was pretty scary in terms of cold war tensions. Was there just a sudden outbreak of common sense on both sides pulling them back from the brink, or what?

And how did the Soviets jumpstart their uranium separation efforts after WWII, anyway? They had their Manhattan spies (and the whole English/Soviet spy scene also fascinates me in terms of alleged groups like 'Caroline' and realising that the London/Oxford/Cambridge social scene, way after Arthur Balfour and his spectral dalliances, was riddled with occult/political fraternities. See the Cambridge Apostles, for instance. ) So they would have learned of the calutron. Did they take that route to get their isotopes? And then what? Convergent evolution, or shared secrets?

Now part of Townsend Brown's specialty is ions. More specifically ion *flow*. The trigger mechanism of an H-bomb doesn't seem to me to have a lot in common with ionic propulsion - more like radiation, it all happens so fast - but a tokamak, now that's all about guiding and deflecting ions electromagnetically at much slower speeds. And Morgan mutters something about 'fusion in Philadelphia'. And seems to like Farnsworth. Not fission. Fusion.

Is there a possible evolution path from gravitators and saucers to stellarators and tokamaks - or something *like* tokamaks, but maybe actually *working*? Classified, functional fusion, as opposed to the unclassified, very expensive, spectacularly non-functional version we see today that's been '50 years in the future' for 50 years?

Just reaching here for shiny ideas. I know it's been talked about in the book, but can we find any more detailed links?

What would the serious geopolitical implications *be* of a functional fusion powerplant, really? What are the claimed advantages? Small size, or really big size, low radiation (if you do it right) and energy independence - no need to buy uranium, just distill seawater. The first place I'd think of putting it would be a submarine. The second, a spaceship. The third, anyplace you needed a reactor. Hard to hide the second unless you launched from a secret location and had really good radar stealth. The first... but well, if you had one, why wouldn't you fit it standard equipment on all your ships? The US Navy had no secrecy qualms about mass deploying *fission* reactors. The third, there's been no sign of. And cracking fusion would be a *huge* propaganda coup. So why hide it if you did?

If you *did* have a working, fusion powered sub or two, and most especially if you had to keep it deep, black ultra secret for fifty years, well, it would have *very* specific basing and servicing requirements. You couldn't let ordinary fission-reactor personnel, heck ordinary personnel of any kind, work anywhere near it without being sworn to kill-your-family-if-you-talk levels of secrecy. You would have to have a completely separate and yet pretty large supply and servicing chain. You *might* let some specially vetted toplevel staff of an ordinary nuke company like General Atomics near it, but they'd be gagging for a chance to sell fusion technology so there would have to be *very* good financial incentives for them to not do that. Probably would be best to be a small company who only does that one reactor model, and even better to do it completely inhouse, have a military unit who can be trusted *never* to talk.

In fact, you'd really be best to have a completely separate and secret base entirely. Take the whole thing completely off the normal Navy grid. Possibly an underwater base so you don't have to risk being spotted by satellite or 'friendly' forces you don't want to meet. ( ... 962&sr=8-1 )

But that would be hugely expensive to maintain, and you've still got to provide conventional supplies like food somehow, and I'm not sure why you'd want to do it, compared to the massive upside of just going public with the fusion technology and transforming your whole military and making darn sure you were the first and the best to do it, just like the USA has been with fission and rocketry and computing... *unless* there were some nasty proliferation side-effect of fusion.

(Of course, I'm assuming in this scenario that there *isn't* a better technology like cosmic/radiant energy, and that fusion is what it was sold as in the 50s, which isn't necessarily true - neutron embrittlement, residual radiation, etc, may make it just as dirty and non-scaleable as fission. And this makes no attempt to make sense of the other weird effects attributed to Brown and the Carolines. Just playing with the calutron-ion thread.)

Funny thing though, at the New York 1964 World's Fair there was apparently a *working* fusion exhibit, right out in public view. General Electric. ... nology.htm Not breakeven and I forget the technology, but it wasn't tokamak or fusor - more like an ancestor of Z-pinch, I think.

Come and get irradiated! Bring the kids! Happy Mr Atom is your friend! It's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day...

Didn't pan out. Apparently.

Thing is, the geek in me rebels at the thought of any scientist, even a deep black military bastard like Teller, *deliberately* wasting time and money chasing a design path. It's just bad science and worse, it's bad *art*. It's inelegant and no scientist or engineer likes inelegance. Even (especially) the mad ones. I don't think your true Dr Strangelove type could bear to sabotage a line of research and tie up funding that could be better used building a personal shark-mounted moon laser. So, if Teller and team was chasing tokamaks, even if guys like Bussard got frustrated later and felt locked out of the loop, it must have been because he thought there really was something to be gained there. And why keep looking if you already had it. So Teller *couldn't* have been in the 'Illuminati', at least not the branch that had working controlled nuclear fusion...

Wish I could make any of this line up.
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Post by FM No Static At All »

natecull wrote:
Not quite. If you've read his notebooks, you'll know that Brown's 'gravitational isotopes' are something quite different again from 'normal' nuclear isotopes in that not only are they chemically indistinguishable, they are also indistinguishable via *inertial mass* based methods of separation. They are only separable via *gravitational mass* - reaction to a gravitational field not to acceleration. Which means any kind of acceleration or centrifuge based methods, used on their own, won't find them, unless a specific-gravity based technique (such as floating them in a very heavy liquid of known SG) is also used. The Manhattan guys wouldn't have been looking for that and so none of their techniques as is would be useful for this process. What I was wondering was if, even so, Brown's blue-sky notebook ideas reflect any classified knowledge of existing separation techniques, or if they reflect only knowledge of unclassified physics about nuclear structure circa mid 1950s. I imagine deducing so fine a distinction from his notes would be problematic.

And of course, if you give the ions of the isotopes velocity well you magnify the mass difference and so they can be separated on that basis.

Yes, *mass* difference but not *weight* difference, which is what Brown was looking for. Standard Model says weight is merely mass times acceleration and all acceleration fields are interchangeable; Brown says it's something entirely different. It's a clear test of whether he or Einstein is right. Which is why, it seems to me, he writes as frustrated in the 1970s that the test had not yet been performed. (And if the test had not been performed even in the black world, then his science was not confirmed, and it seems doubtful to me that any technological applications could exist for an unconfirmed science.)

It's entirely possible that no such thing as gravitational isotopes exist - certainly the effect is not predicted or tested for anywhere else in conventional science that I know of, and other than Brown's sand-shaker experiment (and Kozyrev's notes about a similar 'shaking' test) there is no suggestion of proof that it could be true. But Kozyrev makes me wonder.
From the web site of Caplphysics
Bernard Haisch wrote:Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers."
Bernard Haisch

The primary mission of the Calphysics Institute is to carry out research on the electromagnetic quantum vacuum, with emphasis on the formulation and execution of experiments to elucidate the properties of the quantum vacuum and to search for possible technological applications.

The Calphysics Institute is the research organization led by Bernard Haisch, president of the non-profit Digital Universe Foundation. The Digital Universe is creating a global collaboration of experts and educators to collaboratively build a free, public-service oriented, non-commercial subset of the Web that will become a trustworthy and visually engaging repository of human knowledge, ultimately evolving into the kind of "Encyclopedia Galactica" envisioned by Carl Sagan.
The zero-point fluctuations of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum may be approximated as a continuous flow of energy: randomly-phased plane-waves in the representation of stochastic electrodynamics (SED). Since the flow of radiation is on average the same in all directions, there is no net flux of energy or momentum as perceived by an observer in an inertial frame. However an accelerating observer will experience an asymmetry. Acceleration through the quantum vacuum results in the appearance of an electromagnetic effect -- a cousin of the well-known Unruh-Davies radiation -- whose strength is proportional to acceleration.
[STATUS: SED theory well developed since 1960s. See Rueda & Haisch (1998) papers on the Poynting vector of the zero-point fluctuations on the Scientific Articles page. See also SLAC physicist Pisin Chen's proposed experiment to measure Unruh-Davies radiation using an ultra-high-intensity laser (Chen and Tajima, Phys. Rev. Lett., 83, 256, 1999).]

(2) REST MASS: E=mc2
A fundamental particle may be an intrinsically massless thing of some sort (string? spacetime deformation or singularity?) which continuously interacts with the quantum vacuum. Buffeted by the zero-point fluctuations of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum, a particle exhibits Brownian-like motion which Schroedinger named "zitterbewegung" (quivering motion). A tiny bit of the quantum vacuum energy is diverted into the kinetic energy of this zitterbewegung. We suggest that this is the origin of E=mc2 for a particle. If true, there would be no physically distinct mc2. The physically real thing would be only the energy, E, associated with the zitterbewegung of the particle. In this view there is no need for any magic, mysterious conversion of mass into energy and vice versa. One could think of a particle as a localized concentration of zero-point energy which gravitates and resists acceleration for the reasons given below... no traditional "mass" needed.
[STATUS: Zitterbewegung and its connection to the zero-point fluctuations is well-developed. See for example the monograph by de la Pena and Cetto: "The Quantum Dice" (Kluwer 1996). The E=mc2 interpretation needs development. See H. E. Puthoff, Phys. Rev. A, 39, 2333, 1989.]

Consistent with (2), inertial mass may also not be a physically real, innate property of matter. What we traditionally (since Newton's Principia) think of as inertial mass would in reality be a resistance of the quantum vacuum to acceleration. The fundamental particles (quarks and electrons) in an accelerating object interact with the electromagnetic quantum vacuum, whereby a drag force is generated that is proportional to acceleration. This could be the origin of F=ma. We refer to this as the quantum vacuum inertia hypothesis.
[STATUS: Well developed hypothesis. See numerous papers on Scientific Articles page.]

As a consequence of (2) the greater the number of fundamental particles in a given volume of space, the greater the energy deficit of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum (since more of it is diverted into zitterbewegung). This may create an asymmetry in the energy-momentum flow of the zero-point fluctuations (in the SED representation). In other words a Newtonian gravitational field or a general relativistic curvature of spacetime produced by mass may in actuality be manifestations of a quantum vacuum energy asymmetry.
[STATUS: Tentative hypothesis. Need to reconcile this in detail with general relativistic spacetime curvature produced by mass-energy. See also a recent attempt to develop the polarizable vacuum gravitation perspective.]

A particle at a fixed distance above a gravitating body such as a planet, will experience a downward force as a consequence of (4). This would be the origin of the force which we traditionally have called weight.
[STATUS: See Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Inertia Hypothesis, Rueda & Haisch, Annalen der Physik, 2005.]

Inertial mass and gravitational mass may be identical because they have an identical source process. Acceleration through the quantum vacuum and being held stationary in a gravitional field in which the electromagnetic quantum vacuum, being radiation, falls past on curved geodesics are, after all, identical processes.
[STATUS: See Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Inertia Hypothesis, Rueda & Haisch, Annalen der Physik, 2005.]

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
'The only reason some people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.'
Elizabeth Helen Drake
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Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »


I certainly hope that you are keeping all of your notes. I am dead serious here.

Are there any similarities between a calutron and a tokamak? I mean they're both racetrack-like devices involving magnetic deflection of ion streams, right? Beyond that, though - there'd been accelerators since before the war, so acceleration was well known, but magnetically bending the streams, was that basic principle also obvious to anyone skilled in the art, or is there any shared classified design heritage? Or just convergent evolution from unclassified science?

Seems like alot of interesting questions there. But perhaps I just like racetracks, But it jingles in my brain that this might be one of the reasons that Townsend Brown left that group of papers UNDERLINED in his files. As if he knew that someday someone ( with exactly Pauls background, exactly Pauls interest in fusion and wait ... exactly Pauls knowledge of the characters mentioned in that particular paper. And then it just " kicked around" for forty some years until it was discovered? undisturbed and non-weeded? This kind of thing just drives me nuts because its really hard to keep both feet on the ground here, but that is exactly what eventually played out. Perhaps Paul is the one who can begin to answer some of your questions Nate> This

Then I think, in all of your wondrous mental " thought playing" there is this.... which I have been asking myself over and over.... IF THERE WERE such wondrous submarines ( surely there has to be more than one? Is there a method already devised where it lives within the classified folds of the military ( The Navy and the NRO particularly in control of the oceans and the other overlooking everything). If I were such a fleet of subs ... where would I base myself? And IF there is such a base... HOW could it possibly have been built secretely when everyone is monitoring everything so carefully? When did the building start? When were the plans laid out. Remember here folks we are talking multigenerational projects here... and that in itself hides most things from most people.

You said "In fact, you'd really be best to have a completely separate and secret base entirely. Take the whole thing completely off the normal Navy grid. Possibly an underwater base so you don't have to risk being spotted by satellite or 'friendly' forces you don't want to meet. ( ... 962&sr=8-1 ) "

So ... where would YOU put a " Caroline base?"

I realize all of these questions are perhaps better suited for a fictional story of grand and fantastic scope but it doesn't hurt sometimes to let your mind go play! Elizabeth
Last edited by Elizabeth Helen Drake on Sat Jul 12, 2008 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Elizabeth Helen Drake
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Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

Any responses to this post? Lets meet in the " Random Thoughts" area? Or something more fitting for the discussion OK? We have a whole slew of topic heads that would be more appropriate and we need to shift. Thanks! Elizabeth
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A "Fusion Powered Future" ?

Post by Paul S. »

natecull wrote: If you *did* have a working, fusion powered sub or two, and most especially if you had to keep it deep, black ultra secret for fifty years, well, it would have *very* specific basing and servicing requirements. You couldn't let ordinary fission-reactor personnel, heck ordinary personnel of any kind, work anywhere near it without being sworn to kill-your-family-if-you-talk levels of secrecy. You would have to have a completely separate and yet pretty large supply and servicing chain. You *might* let some specially vetted toplevel staff of an ordinary nuke company like General Atomics near it, but they'd be gagging for a chance to sell fusion technology so there would have to be *very* good financial incentives for them to not do that. Probably would be best to be a small company who only does that one reactor model, and even better to do it completely inhouse, have a military unit who can be trusted *never* to talk.
When I indulge myself in similar flights of fancy, I think pretty much the same things as you've just outlined, nate.

I think I addressed the "geo political" implications of a "fusion powered future" in my Farnsworth bio.

And then there's the potential "dark side." Like Philo said to Pem, "with a fusion-powered laser, you could burn a hole through the moon." The question being, of course, "who might want to?" do such a thing, or otherwise employ such forces for malevolent purposes.

Just one more thing you can do with a cosmic Ferrari.
Wish I could make any of this line up.
Ditto that, too.

Paul Schatzkin
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Post by Langley »

natecull wrote:
Are there any similarities between a calutron and a tokamak? I mean they're both racetrack-like devices involving magnetic deflection of ion streams, right? Beyond that, though - there'd been accelerators since before the war, so acceleration was well known, but magnetically bending the streams, was that basic principle also obvious to anyone skilled in the art, or is there any shared classified design heritage? Or just convergent evolution from unclassified science?

And how did the Soviets jumpstart their uranium separation efforts after WWII, anyway? They had their Manhattan spies (and the whole English/Soviet spy scene also fascinates me in terms of alleged groups like 'Caroline' and realising that the London/Oxford/Cambridge social scene, way after Arthur Balfour and his spectral dalliances, was riddled with occult/political fraternities. See the Cambridge Apostles, for instance. ) So they would have learned of the calutron. Did they take that route to get their isotopes? And then what? Convergent evolution, or shared secrets?

Now part of Townsend Brown's specialty is ions. More specifically ion *flow*. The trigger mechanism of an H-bomb doesn't seem to me to have a lot in common with ionic propulsion - more like radiation, it all happens so fast
1. Have a look here and see what you think, bearing in mind that the classification of "Secret, Limited" was applied to anything weapons related definately at the time of the discovery of Plutonium. And that the MAUD documents were secret and related activities of the Uranium and then S1 Committees were secret. Before Dec 1941. ANY activity related to the bomb was secret.
Certainly, the USA led the world in cyclotrons. The Cockcroft Walton machine was for accelerating very small quantities of particles. The method devised by Lawrence for enriching uranium was secret.

2. I dont know.

3. "Townsend Brown's specialty is ions. More specifically ion *flow*". Ok
Have a look at Lawrence's Cal U tron (named after the "University of California" tron. ie Cal U, tron.) It is an ion flow device. though a mass spectrometer in type, its function was unique and secret. Lawrence used a pre existing principle sure. But nothing else would have enriched the quantity of uranium required. Problem : mass production. Moving sufficient ions per unit time. Rutherford and others had been firing particle streams at targets for years prior, but when you look at the distances, quantities and energies involved, it is seen that the purpose was to create new isotopes, new elements and to explore the nature of the atom. So we are not talking about directrly positive ions from a plasma over a large distance in order to separate two isotopes of the same element. Given that the first thing the US occupation forces did on arrival at Kyoto University was to completely destroy the cyclotron there. There was a Cockcroft Walton machine there. They used it to bombard flecks of uranumin. The amoung of U they had was sufficient to just cover a postage stamp. It lasted the Kyoto U bomb project the entire war. They were trying to duplicate Hahn's work. Fissioning an atom of U is a long way from a bomb.
The Kyoto University were trying to build a centrifuge of sufficient precision to sustain the rpm needed to enrich uranium. They failed to do it. Had they twigged that the Cockcroft Walton machine gave some clue as to how to enrich uranium - by using the basic principle in a completely different deployment and scale and design, it might have saved them from wasting the war trying to build the centrifuge. For which they didnt have the U anyway. REgardless, what was going on at the Berkeley rad lab was very secret.

I think if you look here you will find something resonant about radiation pressure. Its not about ions. But about radiation as it interacts and exerts pressure. Well, where there is ionising radiation there are ions. Otherwise it would be just ordinary EM.

I'd better duck back into my thread.
Paul S.
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Oh, calUtron !

Post by Paul S. »

natecull wrote:Are there any similarities between a calutron and a tokamak? I mean they're both racetrack-like devices involving magnetic deflection of ion streams, right? Beyond that, though - there'd been accelerators since before the war, so acceleration was well known, but magnetically bending the streams, was that basic principle also obvious to anyone skilled in the art, or is there any shared classified design heritage? Or just convergent evolution from unclassified science?
nate, thanks for putting that in there, because I was not familiar with the term and thought it was "cauldron." Now I know what we're talking about.

Similarities? Apparently, but I'll have to dig around a little further.

Magnetic racetracks... almost sounds like some kind of FAO Schwartz catalog toy. Maybe that's why it was a configuration that "mainstream" scientists kept coming back to, at the expense of more esoteric concepts that operated on the periphery of what they knew/know to be "true."

And then there is Sakharov....

Elizabeth is right, though, perhaps a topic for a different thread.

Paul Schatzkin
aka "The Perfesser"
"At some point we have to deal with the facts, not what we want to believe is true." -- Jack Bauer
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Re: CalUtron/Tokomak

Post by FM No Static At All »

Paul S. wrote:
natecull wrote:Are there any similarities between a calutron and a tokamak? I mean they're both racetrack-like devices involving magnetic deflection of ion streams, right? Beyond that, though - there'd been accelerators since before the war, so acceleration was well known, but magnetically bending the streams, was that basic principle also obvious to anyone skilled in the art, or is there any shared classified design heritage? Or just convergent evolution from unclassified science?
nate, thanks for putting that in there, because I was not familiar with the term and thought it was "cauldron." Now I know what we're talking about.

Similarities? Apparently, but I'll have to dig around a little further.

Magnetic racetracks... almost sounds like some kind of FAO Schwartz catalog toy. Maybe that's why it was a configuration that "mainstream" scientists kept coming back to, at the expense of more esoteric concepts that operated on the periphery of what they knew/know to be "true."
Similarities and differences:
A Calutron was a mass spectrometer used for separating the isotopes of uranium developed by Ernest O. Lawrence[1] during the Manhattan Project and was similar to the Cyclotron invented by Lawrence. Its name is a concatenation of Cal. U.-tron, in tribute to the University of California, Lawrence's institution and the contractor of the Los Alamos laboratory.[2] They were implemented for industrial scale uranium enrichment at the Oak Ridge, Tennessee Y-12 plant established during the war and provided much of the uranium used for the "Little Boy" nuclear weapon, which was dropped onto Hiroshima in 1945.

In a mass spectrometer, a vaporised quantity of a sample is bombarded with high energy electrons which causes them to become positively charged ions. They are then accelerated and subsequently deflected by magnetic fields. They then collide with a plate, producing a measurable electric current. The mass of the ions can be calculated according to the strength of the field and the charge of the ions.
To maximize the separation and the use of the required large electromagnet, multiple Calutrons were arranged around the magnet in a massive oval, which resembled (and were called) race tracks. Two types of Calutrons were created, known as Alpha and Beta, as the technology was improved. Magnetic separation was later abandoned in favor of the more complicated, but more effective, gaseous diffusion method. Due to the copper shortage during WWII, the electromagnets were made from thousands of tons of silver borrowed from the U.S. Treasury

A tokamak is a machine producing a toroidal magnetic field for confining a plasma. It is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices and the most researched candidate for producing fusion energy.

The term Tokamak is a transliteration of the Russian word Токамак which itself is an acronym made from the Russian words: "тороидальная камера с магнитными катушками" (toroidal'naya kamera s magnitnymi katushkami) — toroidal chamber with magnetic coils (Tochamac). It was invented in the 1950s by Soviet physicists Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm and Andrei Sakharov (who were in turn inspired by an original idea of Oleg Lavrentyev).

The tokamak is characterized by azimuthal (rotational) symmetry and the use of the plasma current to generate the helical component of the magnetic field necessary for stable equilibrium. This can be contrasted to another toroidal magnetic confinement device, the stellarator, which has a discrete (e.g. fivefold) rotational symmetry and in which all of the confining magnetic fields are produced by external coils with a negligible current flowing through the plasma.

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
'The only reason some people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.'
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Re: CalUtron/Tokomak

Post by Langley »

[quote="FM No Static At All Magnetic separation was later abandoned in favor of the more complicated, but more effective, gaseous diffusion method. Due to the copper shortage during WWII, the electromagnets were made from thousands of tons of silver borrowed from the U.S. Treasury

Excellent. Thanks FM.

OK . - thats Abelson's obituary to Ross Gunn - see page 89 90 of Paul's book ist draft. Brown was assigned to the Heat and LIght Div. of the NRL under Dr Edwin Hulbert. Hulbert's assistant was Ross Gunn.

Abelson (remember him) says: "From 1927 to 1947 Gunn was a research physicist on the

staff of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. In 1934 he was

appointed technical adviser for the entire laboratory. In

that role he interacted with important naval personnel. In

March 1939 he wrote a memorandum to Admiral H. G.

Bowen, chief of the Navy’s Bureau of Ships, outlining the

tremendous advantages that could be expected from the

use of atomic energy in submarine propulsion"

and :"d Electricity

Division, superintendent of the Aircraft Electrical Division,

and technical director of the Army-Navy Precipitation Static

Project, as well as technical adviser to the naval administra-

tion. He also fostered development of the liquid thermal

diffusion method for separation of uranium isotopes. This

led to large-scale use of the process by the U.S. Army’s

Manhattan District at Oak Ridge, Tennessee." and
"In 1927 Gunn accepted an offer from the Naval Research

Laboratory to become a research physicist in the Radio

Division. He intended to spend only a few years at the labo-

ratory, but he remained there until 1947. In the pre-war
years the civilian staff was small and the naval officer man-

agement was willing to encourage pioneering basic research

related to radios, the new electronics, and instrumentation

employing vacuum tubes. Gunn was skilled in these areas,

and he interacted well with naval personnel. Within a year

he was promoted to assistant superintendent of the Heat

and Light Division. He was allowed to choose his own agenda.

During the period 1929-33 Gunn published twenty-eight ar-

ticles in the open literature. Most of the items were theo-

retical treatments of natural phenomena, such as terrestrial

and solar magnetism, cosmic rays, and other astrophysical
phenomena. Thirteen of the articles were published in Physical

Review. The remainder appeared in other standard jour-

nals. During this highly productive period Gunn invented

and was subsequently granted seventeen patents on useful

instrumentation. One device was an induction-type electrom-

eter that could produce an induced alternating voltage from

a small free charge. The basic principle was incorporated

in a large number of instruments, including the vibrating

reed electrometer. In addition to these activities, Gunn con-

ducted classified research relevant to naval problems.

In 1934 Gunn was appointed technical adviser for the

entire Naval Research Laboratory." and

:ucted the major part of the investigation.

Immediately after the announcement of the discovery of

uranium fission in early 1939, Ross Gunn became a keen

observer of and participant in developments relevant to

nuclear power. He was particularly interested in its possible

application to propulsion of submarines. Conventional sub-

marines were propelled by batteries, which in turn were

charged by electricity supplied by generators coupled to

diesel engines. These required air. While near the surface

of the ocean, the submarines were vulnerable to detection

and attack.

By mid-1940 it had become evident that the rare


U was

fissionable and that a chain reaction creating nuclear power

was likely to be achieved. Gunn learned that I was conduct-

ing experiments on uranium isotope separation and arranged

to provide me with financial support. I was then an em-

ployee of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. I obtained

my first tiny isotope separation using equipment manufac-

tured by me, but housed at the National Bureau of Stan-

dards. The method involved liquid thermal diffusion of ura-

nium hexafluoride (UF


). The simple apparatus consisted

mainly of three concentric tubes 12 feet long. The inner

tube was heated by steam. A second tube was maintained at

65° C. The third tube served to contain the 65° C cooling

water. The UF occupied the space between the walls of the

inner and middle tubes. Runs on this column were made in April

1941, when a measurable isotope separation was obtained."

And that took place on the Philedphia Naval dockyard. It was secret.
While Lawrence used Radar as a cover story at Crocker, it is not
known what cover story used by Gunn in Philidelphia.

This link between Gunn and Brown is not imaginary. Abelson
directly confirms what Paul has written on pp 89 -90.


This is about the 4th time Ive put this all up.
Gunn was into silent submarines. And it seems to be
me was in a position to make use of Brown's work.

Whether Brown sought acknowledgement or not I dont know
Maybe it was for the "good of the service" that he didnt.

See also

"We had the hose turned on us!": Ross Gunn and the Naval Research ...

1939 and Ross Gunn, a research physicist and technical advisor at the Naval Re- ... SCOA, 364-365; Ross Gunn, “The early history of the atomic powered ... - Similar pages

Its worth a read.

"Despite his enthusiasm for the assignment, Brown still encountered resistence to his novel ideas...
"I even heard it remarked at one point that Brown's work wasn't worth the powder to blow it up.""
= P.S. page 89-90.

Brown discharged from the Navy in the latter part of 1942.

A study of Ross Gunn's activites may reveal significant events at the same time. While Gunn's early role in reactor grade U enrichment (hence the need to boost his U to weapons grade at Oak ridge via Lawrence's Calutron - which also used a cauldron as part of the assembly - an explosion at the Naval U enrichment plant, which had begun ops in 1939, resulting from Groves hamfisted ignorant intervention, melted bitumen, caused severe burns to personnel. radiation exposure to personnel and it seems to me, required a cover story.

The MP used both methods of U enrichment. Neither methodalone would produce sufficient U for a bomb by 1945. The reactor grade stocks of U created by the Navy "saved the day"

Was there a need to dissociate Brown from the Naval program?

I will not be able to access the internet for the next 4 weeks.

Sighs of relief all round.

“We had the hose turned on us!”: Ross Gunn and the Naval Research
Laboratory’s early research into nuclear propulsion, 1939-1946
Cal U Press.

"Initially liquid thermal diffusion had not been considered a practical method
for isotope separation. Research at four laboratories in the United States had shown
that gaseous thermal diffusion did not give measurable separation. Abelson’s first
columns at the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism proved successful. He formally
suggested using liquid thermal diffusion in a 17-page memorandum in September
1940. During this preliminary period he had his salary from the Carnegie
Institution, his equipment from NRL, and laboratory space and a chemist from the.."

Gunn to Briggs, 17 and 27 Oct 1941 - (ie after August 1941)(Maud)

"What finally kept the Navy outside the nuclear research program was an order
by President Roosevelt. When Vannevar Bush, director of the Office of Scientific
Research and Development (OSRD), heard that Groves intended to visit NRL, he
considered it “a mistake.” Bush had recommended the creation of the OSRD
(authorized in June 1941)," "Only a few naval officers and
civilian engineers joined the MED. When the Uranium Committee became the S-
1 Committee of OSRD, all Navy members were dropped.""On June 1, 1941 Abelson became a Navy employee and
transferred his work to NRL’s Anacostia Station" "Around June 1, 1941 the NRL began to construct a small pilot plant with 36-
foot columns next to its Boiler House "Encouraged by these
findings NRL decided to build fourteen 48-foot columns; authorized in July 1942,
the installation was substantially completed by November.13 Since the Navy was
focused on submarine propulsion they chose to use an enrichment method that
would provide quantity over quality." "13. Abelson (ref. 11), 4-5; Philip Abelson, Liquid thermal diffusion (Washington, D.C.,
1946), 23; Notes on statements by Abelson and Gunn, Naval Research Laboratory, 9 Nov
1944, Series I, Henry DeWolf Smyth Papers, APS; Jones (ref. 5), 173.
14. Philip J. Abelson memorandum for Director and files, “Present status of uranium problem—
centrifugal separation of isotopes,” 27 Mar 1942, and “Present status of uranium
problem—centrifugal separation of isotopes,” 14 Jul 1942 [Box 1 / Folder 4]; Harold G.
Bowen to Briggs, 2 Sep 1942 [Box 2 / Folder 5] S-1 Files, RG 227, NACP; Rhodes
Gunn, Memorandum for file, “Production of separated
isotope 235,” 10 Dec 1942 [Box 2 / Folder 5], S-1 Files, RG 227"

Now, what was Gunn to Brown?

Philadelphia Experimental plant

MED blocked or hindered NRL’s acquisition of material.

Philadelphia accident
The Army lacked trained personnel to build and operate the S-50. Groves sent
four civilians and ten Army enlisted men to the Philadelphia Navy Yard for training
in August 1944. The Army personnel were drafted engineering graduates given
the rank of private first class.27 A week after arriving in Philadelphia on September
2, they were involved in the plant’s only accident. At 1:20 p.m. a cylinder of UF6
in the transfer room exploded, fracturing nearby steam pipes. Samuel B. Weir,

“The bottom blew off the bottle, and the gases escaped like a jet, sending
the bottle crashing through the wall of the building.” The mixture of UF6 and
steam created hydrogen fluoride, a very caustic acid.
It caused violent sickness. The men made for showers that had been set up
outside. The injured were taken to the Philadelphia Naval Hospital; thirteen men
had been hurt and two of them died. Although NRL worried about security leaks,
the incident went unnoticed, blending into the regular industrial accidents that
occurred at the Navy Yard during the war. What set the explosion apart was that
the casualties included Army enlisted personnel. The headline in the Philadelphia
Evening Bulletin read, “2 Killed, 9 Hurt by Blast that Blows Out Side of Navy
Yard Building.” The article gave a list of the dead and wounded, and noted that
five soldiers were among the casualties. The article gave no cause for the accident.
The entry in the Yard’s log book read, “[t]he weld of a steel high pressure gas
flask carried away a small building south of Building No. 683. The force of the
escaping gas injured a number of men working in the vicinity, some seriously, and
damaged the side of the frame building in which stored.” The Beacon, the Philadelphia
Navy Yard’s newspaper did not mention the incident.28
The accident halted the training of army personnel in Philadelphia."
28. Dorwart (ref. 21), 187-188; Accidents File, Box 1732A (ref. 27); Abraham (ref. 27);
Log Book, Philadelphia Navy Yard, Records of Naval Districts and Shore Establishments,
2 Sep-1 Oct 1944, RG 181, NAMA.
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Post by Griffin »


We'll miss you for the month. But it will flow by fast, as they all do.


A great excerpt from Calphysics!

Zitterbewegung (jittery/quivering motion/fluctuation) and spukhaftefernwirkung (spooky action at a distance) are two interesting German physics related terms that roll easily off the tongue and seem somehow to belong together. Using the Germanic penchant for combining terms into an efficient conglomerate, we could have: Zitterbewegungspukhaftefernwirkung.

Here’s an equation of sorts: If the Brownian jittery motion relates to what esoteric Chinese sources call Wuji, then it is indeed without limits or boundaries and therefore inherently “non-local.” Its jittery nature is a constant, dynamic oscillation (frothing, foaming, effervescing) -- in my experience and opinion -- between Yin-Yang, Negative-Positive, Off-On, etc. You can’t think/say it’s this and you can’t think/say it’s that, it’s hopping too fast. Both/And. It’s like our White Rabbit, hopping instantaneously back and forth. “No time…” Truly non-local, non-fixed. Thus, spooky action at a distance. What distance? What time? What when? What the…?

Interesting, isn’t it? What fun!

As ever,

FM No Static At All
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Re: Zitterbewegungspukhaftefernwirkung

Post by FM No Static At All »

Griffin wrote: A great excerpt from Calphysics!

Zitterbewegung (jittery/quivering motion/fluctuation) and spukhaftefernwirkung (spooky action at a distance) are two interesting German physics related terms that roll easily off the tongue and seem somehow to belong together. Using the Germanic penchant for combining terms into an efficient conglomerate, we could have: Zitterbewegungspukhaftefernwirkung.

Here’s an equation of sorts: If the Brownian jittery motion relates to what esoteric Chinese sources call Wuji, then it is indeed without limits or boundaries and therefore inherently “non-local.” Its jittery nature is a constant, dynamic oscillation (frothing, foaming, effervescing) -- in my experience and opinion -- between Yin-Yang, Negative-Positive, Off-On, etc. You can’t think/say it’s this and you can’t think/say it’s that, it’s hopping too fast. Both/And. It’s like our White Rabbit, hopping instantaneously back and forth. “No time…” Truly non-local, non-fixed. Thus, spooky action at a distance. What distance? What time? What when? What the…?
Now instead of thinking about strings and things, think about a fine structure that permeates all of space (aether) that provides 99.9% of what we call atoms and hence mass or matter. If that is so, then how the heck are they held together from the outside? The push of the aether! It produces the graviton and supergravitons that bind matter. It also produces the other gravity effect that holds objects to the surface of a planet. :idea:

:arrow: Isn't that like strong and weak nuclear force? Now logically, if we can disturb the cause of gravity, which effect would be felt first? Would the effect between masses or the atomic structure? I postulate the former. Dr. Brown, Kosyrev, Leedskalnin, Tesla, all discovered this phenomena. and they all approached it from difference perspectives. Aspden until quite recently, sided with the postulation that it was electromagnetic in origin, but his most recent work indicates he is leaning to an electrostatic cause.

The aether would be the media in which "spooky action at a distance" would occur, and it would also be the media that contains the energies of thoughts, the plane of data that so many have been able to tap into. If it makes sense then were both crazy or on to something. :lol:

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
'The only reason some people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.'
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Re: CalUtron/Tokomak

Post by natecull »

Langley wrote: And that took place on the Philedphia Naval dockyard. It was secret.
While Lawrence used Radar as a cover story at Crocker, it is not
known what cover story used by Gunn in Philidelphia.

This link between Gunn and Brown is not imaginary. Abelson
directly confirms what Paul has written on pp 89 -90.
Mmm. So that does make Brown right in the middle of the uranium refining scene? I guess that's fairly hard fact. I'm losing track of what's been previously stated in the book.

I know this whole Philadelphia enrichment plant thing was mentioned in the book, but I'd just like to say again that it's one of the most interesting history factoids I've learned here.
“The bottom blew off the bottle, and the gases escaped like a jet, sending
the bottle crashing through the wall of the building.” The mixture of UF6 and
steam created hydrogen fluoride, a very caustic acid.
It caused violent sickness.
Mmm, hydrofluoric acid ( ) One of my favourite things in the world. Used to have nightmares about it in school when they told us it was a 'one drop on your skin and you amputate an arm' sort of deal.

Yes, I'm a big chemistry wuss. Why I went into IT instead. :)
Going on a journey, somewhere far out east
We'll find the time to show you, wonders never cease
Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »

Mark Moody,

This thought is especially for you.

Yesterday I happened to be walking through a local swap meet. Its probably pretty typical of the same kind of event all around the country. Knick Knacks and unwanted stuff. More stuff... thinking of George Carlins routine here. You might know what I am talking about, but who can resist.

Anyway. I thought particularly of you. There was a print of a painting which I had never seen .... perhaps someone else is familiar with it .... but it was of Pegasus and his rider/ They were snared in some kind of situation where there were wires coming up from the ground. Pegasus was down on his knees, trapped ... wires holding him down all around ... and his rider had a few of those lines on him too but was reaching out to a far off cloud as if he was asking for help from above.

I didn't buy it but I looked at that print for a very long time. And now, reading this thread I realize that it is exactly what has happened to your Pegasus too ... but there are reasons for it and what is happening here is very important. So I am asking you to bear with us and let this flow of conversation go where it wants to go and in this thread. I believe it is meant to be here and no amount of urging on my part or any one elses is going to budge it .

This whole discussion is a major one I believe and I think that we are knocking on the REASONS your Pegasus has been tied down for so long.......

And for some reason I believe that you eventually will benefit from this in ways that you might not even understand yet. So personally I ask your permission to ( as Rose said) " highjack your thread here...... There is something telling about that image and the name Pegasus and the thread that was offered and thats where this information wants to be. So please understand if you can what might be going on here ... I really appreciate it. Linda