Quantum Entanglement illustrated

Quantum Entanglement =
‘Gravitational Communications’ ?

The expression ‘Quantum Mechanics’ and its countless variations are on a lot of minds and tongues these days thanks to the release of Oppenheimer last month to both critical acclaim and box office success.

One of the more common variations/themes that emerges from the study of quantum physics is ‘Quantum Entanglement‘ – what Einstein described somewhat derisively as ‘spooky action at a distance.’

I have been spending entirely too much time on YouTube in the past few weeks, mostly deep diving into the origins and intricacies of this ‘science of the subatomic.’  It’s a curious world, to put it mildly – and a hard realm to enter without recalling something Richard Feynman (supposedly?) said,

If you think you understand quantum mechanics,
you don’t understand quantum mechanics.

I also venture into this realm because I want to find the consistencies in all of this now generally accepted theory and the considerably more controversial work attributed to Townsend Brown.  These are the sort of connections that flicker in and out of view when you squint your eyes and the light is just right.

So I was intrigued when I happened across this video explaining ‘Quantum Entanglement’ at the sub-atomic level:

I absolutely despise “vertical video” and hate posting it on my websites.  Maybe that’s because I’m old and was basically brought up on cathode ray tube displays that were more or less ‘horizontal’ (closer to square, actually, but who’s counting?)  But YouTube now has to compete with TikTok, so they’re putting up these ‘shorts’ in a ‘view it on your phone’ aspect ratio.  I believe my point is made in the visual above: a ‘landscape’ oriented frame with a ‘portrait’ oriented video in the middle.  What a waste of space.

After explaining quantum entanglement on the subatomic level, the physicist in this video (I can only assume he’s a physicist since nowhere in the video is he actually identified), delivers this money quote:

…these communications systems are taking advantage of this aspect of quantum mechanics [to a] new level of science that affords us the ability to communicate at any distance instantaneously.

Now then, where have we seen that idea before?

Oh. I know.  The Man Who Mastered Gravity, Chapter 50: Structure of Space.

Structure of Space is the second half of a notebook that Townsend Brown wrote while working at Vega Aircraft in Burbank, California (later reconfigured as the famous/notorious ‘Skunkworks’).  The hand-written entirety of Structure of Space is now online and can be downloaded here.


Here is the concluding passage in Chapter 50:

...the Vega notebook embodies the pivotal element of this story – the piece that has been hiding in plain sight for as long as I’ve been falling down the rabbit hole.

We are now going to consider an alternative to ‘radio communications.’ For the sake of this story, I’ll call this alternative ‘gravitational communications[i].’

When we talk about radio communications, we’re talking about sending a wave through the ‘ether’ – or whatever we want to call the medium that electromagnetic waves travel through. However, the waves are transmitted, it takes time for the signal to reach its destination.

Think of a child’s jump rope. If you shake one end of the rope, the motion creates a wave, and moments later the wave reaches the other end of the rope. The longer the rope, the longer it takes for the ‘signal’ to reach the other end.

Instead of sending a wave through the rope, imagine that you just tug on one end of it. What happens to the other end? How long does it take for the other end of a taut rope to move after you tug? It takes no time at all; the opposite end of the rope will move at the very same instant that you pull on the first end.

Now imagine that the rope is the medium through which you are trying to communicate. Rather than sending a wave through the medium, you just tug on the medium itself. How long does it take for the signal to reach its destination?

It takes no time at all.

Now, note the footnote that accompanies the term ‘gravitational communications’ above:

[i] ‘Quantum Communications” might be an equally viable expression, seeing as how what we’re talking about is ‘tugging on the quantum continuum.’

And then revisit what the unnamed (but presumably credible) physicist says in the video:

It’s just the new level of science that affords us the ability to communicate at any distance instantaneously.

Oh, really?  It’s “just a new level of science”??

Or is it precisely what Townsend Brown wrote about in 1943?

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