Lifters and “EM Anomalies”

(Please make sure you read to the end of this post, it doesn’t get really interesting until the last few paragraphs. And please post any comments to the forums.)

I think I’ve mentioned previously that I’m not quite sure what to make of Tim Ventura, who operates the American Antigravity website and has done an admittedly admirable job of positioning himself as one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject.   The website itself is well organized and presents a balanced view of many controversial subjects.   Maybe my opinion of the whole operation is clouded by my personal encounter with Ventura last summer, when he pretty much brushed me off when I tried to introduce myself to him at the TeslaTech conference in Salt Lake City.  He then proceeded to regale a small assembly with the story of Farnsworth’s fusion reactor — a topic that I dare say I know a bit more about than he does.  But, like Victoria has noticed, my fragile ego bruises easily so maybe I’m reading too much into that particular experience. But I digress…

I was reminded of all this last week when my “Google Alert” notified me about an interview  that recently showed up at entitled “On The Verge of Antigravity” in which Ventura waxes on at great length about “lifters” as a possible step toward the “holy grail” of “true antigravity” propulsion.

The thing that struck me about the article was where it says

Ventura, among other “fringe” researchers, is experimenting with a
fascinating propulsion energy that can make lightweight vehicles called
“Lifters” float in the air. Exactly how it does this is largely

Reading that, I had to wonder, “is what makes the lifters lift really largely unknown” ?
See, I’ve also been following the traffic at Jean-Louis Naudin’s Yahoo Lifters Group, and could swear I recently read a post to that group that pretty clearly defined what makes the lifters pop into the air when the current is turned on.  So I went back over some recent posts and found this one by Leon Tribe which offers what I think sounds like a pretty reasonable explanation of the Biefeld-Brown effect as it is manifest in these “lifter” gadgets:

1) Ions fly off the wire
2) Ions hit the air molecules and slow down significantly
3) Ions accumulate in the gap and form a ‘cloud’
4) Ions induce a charge on the foil
5) Foil attracts to cloud, lifting the lifter up

That sounds to me like a perfectly reasonable explanation of the lifter, and although it is largely void of any “antigravity” component, I think the record would show that even Townsend Brown would concur that the effect is more “ionic” than “antigravity.”
So I’m compelled to wonder just where Ventura thinks the mystery is?

However, I will give Ventura credit for one very intriguing observation that he describes in this interview, and for this I must also make sure I give credit to my very able research assitant Elizabeth Helen Drake, who caught it before I did.

About half-or-two-thirds of the way down the first page of this interview, Ventura starts talking about “Electromagnetic Field Anomalies” and there is a link to a .pdf file that describes the anomalies.   Ventura states, “there are many side
effects associated with the high voltages (emphasis added) – and indeed the Lifter itself – that seem
to suggest something more or perhaps different than this very simple

Among the effects he describes are:

the Earth’s magnetic field seems to disappear for a
20-foot radius around the Lifter during operation during and for about 10-minutes after operation. [And] I am unable to pick up the flyback-transformer on a EM-frequency meter during operation. Since the Lifter and power-leads should be acting like an enormous antenna for this, I am amazed that a 250-watt power-supply cannot be picked up standing six feet from
it on a device that is sensitive enough to pick up electronic eavesdropping devices (bugs) that use only 1/20 watt.


Say what??  The Earth’s magnetic field dissappears??  For 10-minutes AFTER the lifter has been turned off??  And the electromagnetic frequencies generated by a 250 watt power-supply can’t be picked up by a senstive instrument??

Now, THAT, my friends, is a very interesting phenomenon, and while I’m not entirely certain what it all means, I do know I am entirely indebted to Mr. Ventura — and dear Elizabeth — for bringing it to our attention.

So, dear readers, would any of you care to chime in on just what causes such an unusual side-effect of a high-voltage operation of a Biefeld-Brown device — or, even better if you can, what it might mean that such an effect is generated?

If you’ve got anything to offer on the subject, please discuss it in the forums.   I’ve just created a new topic header under “The Science of Townsend Brown”  specifically for this subject.  Just use this link to get to that section of the forum.

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