Odd Lot Thread: Jim Semivan, Corso, Bismuth

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Jan Lundquist
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Odd Lot Thread: Jim Semivan, Corso, Bismuth

Post by Jan Lundquist »

I've been watching a lot of videos lately. Almost every one one brings something that seems relevant over here.

Today's inspiration comes from Top CIA Insider Jim Semivan Reveals UFO Secrets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peop3p0lyac.

Semivan is a self described old hippy, student of mystic traditions, former CIA operative, and Tom DeLonge's partner in To the Stars, Inc.

He mentioned Philip Corso, author of the Day After Roswell. Corso can be seen and heard in Fmr. Chief of the Pentagon's Foreign Technology Division, Corso, Discusses Retrieved NHI Technology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeLrsL-bAq0. Linda remembers witnessing a meeting between her father and Corso that took place on a dock in Florida, sometime in the early-mid sixties. This would either correspond with the period of time that Corso was with the FTD or after his retirement in 1963.

Semivan also says the analysis of a piece of space metal showed that the material was bismuth magnesium, fabricated in 70 something individual layers. That feature was firmly declared to be beyond our abilities then.

But was it, really? How many ablative layers were there in the heat shields of re-entry vehicles? AFAIK they were used first for John Glenn's capsule. Datewise, that was 1962, a year after Corso took the Army Desk at FTD.

What kind of material was used in the shields?

Also weren't the first such shields made by Clevite Brush or does that even tie in here?

just wondering....

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Re: Odd Lot Thread: Jim Semivan, Corso, Bismuth

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

While I'm being Mr. Cranky...

It's videos like these (endlessly rambling talking heads) that makes me think that maybe putting the hands of video production into the hands of every soul living on the planet.

This was a 30 minute audio production. At best.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity' https://amz.run/6afz
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Odd Lot Thread: Jim Semivan, Corso, Bismuth

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

On the other hand...
Jan Lundquist wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2024 1:16 am Semivan also says the analysis of a piece of space metal showed that the material was bismuth magnesium, fabricated in 70 something individual layers. That feature was firmly declared to be beyond our abilities then.
Mentions of 'bismuth' always get my attention.... don't want to go looking for it now but one of Jesse's videos has a clip of Hal Puthoff talking about "layers of bismuth the thickness of a human hair..."

But was it, really? How many ablative layers were there in the heat shields of re-entry vehicles? AFAIK they were used first for John Glenn's capsule. Datewise, that was 1962, a year after Corso took the Army Desk at FTD.

What kind of material was used in the shields?

According to Chat GPT:
The heat shields on the Mercury space capsules were composed of an ablative material designed to protect the spacecraft and astronaut from the extreme heat generated during atmospheric re-entry. Specifically, the heat shield consisted of a material known as thermosetting resin reinforced with other heat-resistant compounds. Here’s a breakdown:

Composition of Mercury Heat Shields:
1. Resin Material:
• The primary ablative material was a phenolic resin.
• During re-entry, this resin charred and ablated (eroded) to carry away heat, providing thermal protection.
2. Asbestos Reinforcement:
• The resin was reinforced with asbestos fibers to enhance structural stability and thermal resistance.
• This combination formed a durable, heat-resistant composite.
3. Bonding Layer:
• Beneath the ablative layer, there was a bonding layer to adhere the heat shield to the capsule’s aluminum structure.
4. Aluminum Base:
• The shield was mounted on a lightweight aluminum structure that provided additional mechanical support.

• The Mercury heat shields were designed to handle re-entry speeds of up to 28,000 km/h (17,500 mph), generating temperatures of approximately 3,000°F (1,650°C).
• The ablative process ensured that heat was carried away as the material charred and vaporized, preventing excessive heat transfer to the underlying spacecraft structure.

This simple yet effective design was crucial for the success of the Mercury missions, allowing astronauts to return safely from orbit.
Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity' https://amz.run/6afz
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: Odd Lot Thread: Jim Semivan, Corso, Bismuth

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Thanks, Paul. How are your projects going?

Clunking along behind your ChatGPT, with simple Google queries, I see that both bismuth and magnesium are associated with asbestos.FWIW

Yeah, being a reader, I was video resistant for years. So much yack-yack! Then I discovered bluetooth headphones.

Hope you are doing well, now that your "favorite" holdiday season is almost over.

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Re: Odd Lot Thread: Jim Semivan, Corso, Bismuth

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Actually, this holiday season has been pretty good... much better than last year which was a bit of a low-ebb for me.

The projects... have kinda been in abeyance for a few weeks. Don't have a whole lot of mojo these days, just the general end-of-the-year ennui / malaise.

We'll see if the juice comes back in the New Year. Which I have decided doesn't start until Jan 6.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity' https://amz.run/6afz
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: Odd Lot Thread: Jim Semivan, Corso, Bismuth

Post by Jan Lundquist »

I'm glad to hear your inner Grinch let up on you this year. He was squeezing with both hands last year.

Thinking about Roswell story..if the object was a weather balloon, what happened to the payload it was carrying?

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Re: Odd Lot Thread: Jim Semivan, Corso, Bismuth

Post by Jan Lundquist »

And thinking about phenolic resin and 70 layers of bismuth, as fine as a human hair...

The exterior temperature of the capsule might reach 5000 F upon its return to earth. Were the shields were molded in layers and how many ablative layers were there in all?

If the resin in each later vaporized as it was meant to, would the asbestos layers then collapse?, making a thicker and thicker fire proof shield of very fine layers?


(Yes, I do need to get a better hobby. Preferably one with more answers than questions.)
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Re: Odd Lot Thread: Jim Semivan, Corso, Bismuth

Post by natecull »

(Yes, I do need to get a better hobby. Preferably one with more answers than questions.)
Ha. It is a fun hobby, though, isn't it?

I'm still a bit annoyed at Tom Bearden for making me try to understand WIlliam Hamilton's quaternions ever since my high school years.

Not the use of them for 3D graphics rotation, but trying to figure out WHY quaternions gave us the dot and cross product, and grad and div and curl, all of which describe physical reality, particularly the electromagnetic field.... YET if you put grad/div/curl back together into the actual quaternion multiplication where they belong - and which is a division algebra, which one would ASSUME is a useful thing - then you get an unholy blurred-together monster that mixes vectors (translations) with pseudovectors (rotations) and as a result does NOT describe physical reality. Which is why Heaviside and Gibbs ripped the vector part out of the quaternions as fast as they could and threw the rest away.

Why does physical reality hate elegant, correct, mathematics so very much? Unreasonable INeffectiveness at work.

So thank you Tom for giving my head that problem all my adult life, but with no answer, and with very few people with which to even be able to communicate the problem.

(The core of my problem is that Hamilton's Del/Nabla operator was only ever defined on the vector component, and only on EITHER pure vector OR pure scalar fields. But to be a true quaternion operator it needs to be defined on the scalar as well, and it also needs to define what happens when you apply it to MIXED scalar + vector fields. It's those mixed fields which appear to give not-well-typed "vector + pseudovector" results. You'd think that Relativity would be where 4D mixing of timelike scalars plus spacelike vectors would naturally happen.... and yet almost all of the Relativity crowd have never liked quaternions either. Bizarre!)

This thought comes to you courtesy of Kathy Joseph's "Kathy Loves Physics" Youtube, who very happily PUTS SCRIPTS OF HER VIDEOS up so they can be actually read, with footnotes even! https://kathylovesphysics.com/quaternio ... r-creator/

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Re: Odd Lot Thread: Jim Semivan, Corso, Bismuth

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Nate, I just wrote, elsewhere, that if I had a time machine I would use it to visit the Kingman UFO crash event in 1953.

And then, I would loan it to you for a visit to William Hamilton.

Before leaving this odd lot thread, I just want to leave my opinion about the Others among us. As strange as it may seem to the modern, western mind, I am with Semivan in believing that many of the NHI encounters are initiated by djinn. If we can believe in ETs from Zeta, why not djinn from the invisible world?

My miishmash profile of that race? species? comes from reading Middle Eastern anthoogies of Idries Shah. I am under the impression that though they are fire elementals, they are emotionally cold and yet intensely curious about human beings, precisely because of our changeable natures. They can be whimsical, and if so inclined, toy with us as we toy with our cats.

Some djinn are more inclined to cruelty than others, but happily, for us, they have no collective interest in world dominance. But a little respect and recognition from us is always appreciated, particularly after years of relegating them to the realm of fairy tales.

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Re: Odd Lot Thread: Jim Semivan, Corso, Bismuth

Post by natecull »

I am with Semivan in believing that many of the NHI encounters are initiated by djinn
I certainly have space in my worldview for believing that an entire spectrum of matter/mind, or something with the properties of both, exists just beyond the detection of our instruments and is populated with living beings that can often communicate with us on telepathic levels.

It is very frustrating that we don't seem to yet have a way to reconcile our telepathic/empathic impressions with our physical senses, or our physical theories, in ways that connect the dots. But a lot of people have been working this problem for a very long time.

Going on a journey, somewhere far out east
We'll find the time to show you, wonders never cease
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