Julian Schwinger, Farnsworth Fusor, and Trickfox Sonochemistry

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Julian Schwinger, Farnsworth Fusor, and Trickfox Sonochemistry

Post by Henry_Yang »

Well I noticed this a long time ago but was unsure of any significance it would have to the TTBrown research. So, if you look closely at the profile picture that Trickfox aka Raymond Tromprenard used on his LinkedIn profile, there are some equations related to Sonochemistry.

https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C5603 ... eFIzoERo-8

You can see also the δc symbol placed over his heart chakra and his crown chakra illuminated by the waterfall behind him. The equations are from Frenkel's theory of the local electrification of cavitation bubbles, aka physical luminescence driven by ultrasonic sound waves.

Raymond quoted this from Margulis's "Sonochemistry/Cavitation" book and here is the full text in HTML:

Levshin and Rzhevkin presumed that luminescence of a liquid in an ultrasonic field is associated with formation of electric charges on the walls of a cavitation bubble because of an effect similar to the balloelectric one (the Lenard effect), but the authors did not develop their hypothesis theoretically.

According to Frenkel's theory, a cavitation space in a liquid at the instant of its formation is lens-shaped, and uncompensated electric charges opposite in sign form at the instant of rupture of the liquid. They are a consequence of fluctuation of the ion distribution in the liquid on the walls of a bubble. The fluctuation of the charges is proportional to the square root of the total number of singly charged ions in a cavitation cavity. That is, the formed uncompensated charge is

qc = e (Ni s δc)^1/2,

where e is the electron charge, N, is the number of ions per unit volume, s and dc are the cross sectional area and thickness of the cavity. The field strength in such a microscopic capacitor is, accordingly,

En = 4e/rc (Ni δc)^1/2,

where r is the radius of the cavity.

FOOTNOTE: In the Lenard effect, liquid drops become charged when the liquid is atomized. In this simplified approach, cavitation is considered as the "reverse" effect, the formation of bubbles in the liquid phase.
The book goes on to give some criticisms of this theory on the next page:

From Frenkel's appraisal, when Ni = 10^18 cm^-3, δc = 5×10^-8 cm, and rc = 10^-4 cm, the field strength En = 600 V cm^1. This corresponds to the critical value E , and is sufficient for breakdown of the formed cavity when the pressure therein does not exceed about 2 kPa.

However, there are several serious objections to Frenkel's theory.

1. The value of Ni = 10^18 cm^-3 for water is too high (it corresponds to a very high ion concentration of about 1.7×10^-3 M); for example, the ion concentration in purified di-stilled water at pH = 7 is Ni = 10^14 cm^-3. It is not difficult to verify that it is impossible to obtain a field strength En > Ecr sufficient for breakdown by Equation (2.57) for distilled water. For other liquids in which sonoluminescence occurs, the ion concentration is smaller by several orders of magnitude than in water, and the value of En cannot exceed 1 V cm^-1.

2. The thickness of the Frenkel cavity δc must be larger than the free path of electrons in a gas λ for ionization to occur in collisions. For a discharge to occur at En = 600 V cm^-1, the pressure must be below 2 kPa, which corresponds to λ = 10^-4 cm » δc. To satisfy the condition λ » δc, Frenkel introduced the artificial and unsubstantiated assumption of very rapid growth of a lens-shaped cavity to a spherical one (designated by a dashed line in Figure 2.13) with a constant value of rc, to observe the condition λ < rc.

3. When δc » 5×10^-3 cm, according to the above two paragraphs, breakdown is impossible, while the cavity thickness δc = 5×10^-8 cm corresponds approximately to the kinetic diameter of a molecule. Consequently, we are speaking only of homogeneous liquids containing no cavitation nuclei. There is no doubt that gas bubbles of size r = 10^-5 - 10^-4 cm, which are usually weak spots in a settled liquid, are spherical (at least at the moment of cavity formation). Since r » δc, Equation (2.56) may be used only for a homogeneous, degassed liquid in which, at a moderate ultra-sonic field intensity, no cavitation appears.
I bring this to the forum now because there are two connections that can be made from here. First is the cold fusion theory of Julian Schwinger.

This is from his Wikipedia page:

At UCLA, and for the rest of his career, Schwinger continued to develop the source theory and its various applications. After 1989 Schwinger took a keen interest in the non-mainstream research of cold fusion. He wrote eight theory papers about it. He resigned from the American Physical Society after their refusal to publish his papers. He felt that cold fusion research was being suppressed and academic freedom violated. He wrote, "The pressure for conformity is enormous. I have experienced it in editors' rejection of submitted papers, based on venomous criticism of anonymous referees. The replacement of impartial reviewing by censorship will be the death of science."

In his last publications, Schwinger proposed a theory of sonoluminescence as a long-distance quantum radiative phenomenon associated not with atoms, but with fast-moving surfaces in the collapsing bubble, where there are discontinuities in the dielectric constant. The mechanism of sonoluminescence now supported by experiments focuses on superheated gas inside the bubble as the source of the light.
And this is from an introductory letter he wrote, outlining his hypothesis:

The hypothesis that I now advance has the following ingredients:

(1) The claim of Pons and Fleischmann to have realized cold fusion is valid.

(2) But, this cold fusion process is not powered by a DD reaction. Rather, it is an HD reaction, which feeds on the small contamination of D20 by H20 .

(3) The HD reaction p + d -> 3He does not have an accompanying γ-ray; the excess energy is taken up by the metallic lattice of Pd alloyed with D. (Others have mentioned the possible importance of an HD reaction, but without reference to the lattice, and with no claim for its dominance over DD reactions.)

(4) The coupling with the Pd-D lattice that rapidly siphons off nuclear energy, as it becomes available, had previously acted to suppress the Coulomb repulsion between p and d, and, indeed, to overcome it with an energy of attraction that significantly ameliorates the effect of Coulomb barrier penetration.

(5) The asymmetry of the pd situation, compared with the symmetry of dd, enhances the HD reaction over DD reactions.
The mathematician Frank Tony Dodd Smith Jr studied under David Finkelstein and at the end of this letter, you see Julian Schwinger thanking Finkelstein for his collaboration. Thus I believe Smith was inspired by Schwinger through Finkelstein. Smith has more ideas on fusion and I believe attempted to continue Schwinger's program whereas Finkelstein ignored it.

Notice too the desire to overcome the Coulomb barrier. I believe Paul mentioned that the Farnsworth Fusor device attempted the same engineering feat, and that the Riconosciuto-Lavas-Blomgren electrostatic cooling probe could be used on the central electrode to keep it from melting if the technologies could be merged. And now we have a way of reaching the Coulomb barrier through the sonochemistry of Schwinger, which may be the third missing piece to the Fusor technology after the cooling probe.

The final connection from here was the gravity of the gravitational field, known mathematically as the Landau-Lipschitz pseudo-tensor. Here is a quote from Dr. Bernd Schmeikal in a paper of his called "Kirlian Superhet":

Free energy is the essential beyond. The visible is only free dissipating energy. The traditional denotation, indeed, means free space energy (FSE). This also can be conceptualized in different ways. For instance we can start off with Maxwell's equations or Einstein's which are a bit similar or with J. A. Wheeler's Geometrodynamics or even with Haken's Synergetics. According to the old computation of Landau the gravitation field of the earth carries a local energy density of

D = - g2 / 8лү = - 5.4 × 10^11 erg/cm^2

where g = 9.81 cm/sec^2 is the local acceleration at the surface and

γ = 6.67 x 10^-8 erg cm/g is the global Newtonian gravitation constant. This fine point of rigor shows that each m^3 of the local field at the surface must contain about 15 MWh of negative energy. It is said that this negative energy can be excited to deliver free positive energy density. Considering space as a synergetic field of electric and magnetic components E and H respectively, the local synergy density according to Maxwell's theory must be a quadratic form 1/2(ε0E^2 + μ0H^2) where ε0 is the capacitively of evacuated space and μ0 its permeability. In the absence of strong magnetic components D must be of the order (ε0/2) E^2, that is, 10^11 V/cm This quite considerable electric field strength may represent one possible source of unexpected currents in a HV-device. Another is perhaps scalar fields at vanishing pointing vectors or fields with synergy zero. These are free fields and behave very much like weak currents. They almost don't interact, but may excite physical as well as bioenergetic currents.
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