Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

"The Man Who Mastered Gravity" was published in March, 2023. Use this space to share your thoughts, comments, praise and/or cries of outrage.
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Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

And yet I stand by my personal memory: I read about Linda and "Morgan"'s relationship - including his death in a vehicle crash and suspicion that it was faked - in some fringe publication somewhere on the New Age / free-energy zine circuit, sometime in the late 1980s or early 1990s. Who published that information, what did they know, and when did they know it?

(I've been thinking it was a little photocopied 'zine/dossier thing, of which there were many, but it might have been a brief article in Duncan Roads' Nexus Magazine. I don't have the desire or justification at present to pay Nexus money to go search their entire back catalogue, but that might be a thing worth doing.)
I can verify that this article is NOT in Nexus magazine because somebody uploaded the entire back catalogue to the Internet Archive where we can search it for free now.

https://ia601708.us.archive.org/view_ar ... 202016.rar

I searched all of them and will give the links to the most relevant ones if anyone wants to double check.


https://ia801708.us.archive.org/view_ar ... us.101.pdf



101.pdf = VOLUME 1, issue 1

102 = issue 2
103 = issue 3
104 = issue 4
105 = issue 5
106 = issue 6
107 = issue 7
108 = issue 8
109 = issue 9
110 = issue 10

201 = issue 11 = VOLUME 2, issue 1
202 = VOLUME 2, issue 2
203 = issue 3
204 = issue 4
205 = issue 5
206 = issue 6
207 = issue 7
208 = issue 8
209 = issue 9
210 = issue 10
211 = issue 11
212 = issue 12
213 = issue 13
214 = issue 14
215 = issue 15
216 = issue 16
217 = issue 17

By checking this out manually I have verified that not a single issue is missing from the archives. At least not for the first few years of the magazine's existence. The three digit number coding system is the only clue to what issue you are getting if you are using the links in the .rar file. It follows the basic pattern of first digit = volume number and second/third digits = issue number.

I have also taken a look at some of the publications by Kenn Thomas at SteamShovel press. This also turned up negative. However, not all of them are in the archives. Most of them are missing and the first one to even start with is number 8:

https://ia903109.us.archive.org/29/item ... sue_08.pdf

I think you get the idea though basically all this turned up nothing.

Actually that's not entirely true. This was in NEXUS 401:
Martin Killian, a Washington correspondent for Der Spiegel, also spoke to Casolaro about the conspiratorial entity that Casolaro was by now calling "the Octopus"—a cabal which Casolaro believed had been started by CIA superspook James Jesus Angleton.

Casolaro believed that the motive for creating the Octopus had been revenge for the notorious Albanian operation which had been compromised by Soviet mole Kim Philby.

Tony Casolaro said that his brother did not see the Octopus as a tightly structured organisation. "He didn't envision them as a group like the Mafia. More as a network. They would overlap when their needs coincided."

And this is from NEXUS 501:
Cutolo then revealed that an associate of Wilson also "aided in overseeing the laundering of funds, which [were] then used to purchase weapons to arm various factions that the CIA saw as friendly towards the United States. The associate's name is Tom Clines." Wilson then told Cutolo that "most of Operation Watch Tower was implemented on the authority of Clines." Tom Clines worked under Theodore Shackley, and both of them were heavily implicated in gun-running activities during Iran-Contra—itself a notorious drugs-for-money-for-guns operation under US President Ronald Reagan and Vice-President George Bush.

In fact, Cutolo revealed later in his affidavit that the illegal activities of Mike Harari were protected by a number of US VIPs. Cutolo was told by Pentagon "contacts, off the record" that these VIPs included CIA Director Stansfield Turner and former Director George Bush. Both, in Cutolo's words, "shielded" Harari from "public scrutiny". The same contacts also told Cutolo that Watch Tower was a sanctioned mission and that "United States military authorities confirmed to me that Operation Watch Tower occurred, and gave their approval." Cutolo also learned that "Harari was a known middleman for matters involving the United States in Latin America", adding that the Israeli assassin "acted with the support of a network of Mossad personnel throughout Latin America and worked mainly in the import and export of arms and drugs trafficking."
And also this, from NEXUS 222, which will nicely bring us back to the main topic of this very forum:
Antigravity enthusiasts should welcome this anthology for it contains two hard-to-get reports relating to the secret post-War work of American physicist. T. Townsend Brown. One recently declassified paper, "Electrogravitics Systems", prepared by the Gravity Research Group (London. Feb. 1956), examines electrostatic motion and control. The other, "The Gravities Situation", released by Gravity Rand Ltd (London. Dec. 1956), includes a summary of Brown's original patent specification for a device that produces force or motion. In his provocative contribution. "The US Antigravity Squadron". Dr Paul LaViolette suggests that electrogravitic technology has at least been part of US Air Force black R&D programs since late 1,954--and indeed, reportedly, put to practical use in the B-2 "Stealth Bomber" which electroslatica11y charges its exhaust stream and wing edges. This, LaViolette proposes, is tantamount to saying the B-2 has an auxiliary propulsion system-at supersonic speeds it can function as an aircraft with over-unity propulsion efficiency! Surely it's time to reassess Brown's theories and patents-who knows what other surprises are tucked away?
Huh. Guess Michael Riconosciuto was right about the electrostatic cooling probe working faster than ionic wind could account for. He was the one who started applying the Biefield-Brown effect to aircraft wing pins in the first place. I was too harsh judging him for lifting some of his earlier work from his Stanford colleagues (SE Harris and OP McDuff, 1965) without crediting them in a handwritten paper he gave to Ted Gunderson.

Ending with another tidbit about Brown from NEXUS 205...
The Philadelphia Experiment had its genesis in 1931, in Chicago, when a small team of scientists got together to investigate the possibility of invisibility. The team included John Hutchinson, Dean of the University of Chicago, Dr. Emil Kurtinauer, an Austrian physicist, and Dr. Nikola Tesla. Tesla was Director of Engineering and Research for RCA at the time.

Mr. F.D. Roosevelt, (then Secretary of the Navy), was a personal friend of Tesla, and approached him in 1933, to be the director of what became known as "The Philadelphia Experiment". In 1934 the team was moved to Princeton University where they were joined by Dr. John Von Neumann, T. Townsend Brown, (later known for his work on electrostatically controlled flying saucers), and a Dr. Levinson, whose time equations were considered invaluable. In 1936, the first test of hardware achieved partial invisibility.
Oh wait actually let's continue on a bit here.... From the official TTBrown timeline:
1967 -1968 Palm Springs, Santa Monica 15 April 1967 - luncheon demo at Odlum ranch with Curtis LeMay and Chuck Yeager Two weeks later, a demo for Edward Teller at his home in Berkeley 16 June 1967 - Brown family move to Santa Monica under instructions from Floyd Odlum. Rebuilding demo models of the fan for Guidance Technologies Inc, a missile guidance company "this thing was so incredible it had to be some kind of fake" GTI CEO 3 August 1967 - contract signed with GTI September 15, 1967 Linda meets Morgan in San Francisco. He's "training" physically and mentally. "In September, some important documentation was handed over by the people who were safeguarding it - me and Charles Miller" The project's black application was "handed over to Northrop". November 1967 - William Lear is very interested and visits the lab regularly Curtis LeMay is also very interested Demo of the fan for Rand Corporation. Nobody is surprised. The next day the project is shut down. "It's over, sweetie." GTI pays TTB $1,500 a month in perpetuity, despite going bankrupt as per contract that Odlum had drawn up.
Now the following quotes are from Andrew Bolland and Raymond Lavas, respectively, from Paul's main website....
Yes, Guidance Technology was on the corner of Cloverfield and 22nd Street in Santa Monica. I used to live near there actually. In any case, during the period Brown was working with them, he was supposedly working on the precipitator; however, looking back that doesn’t really appear to be the main thrust according to Brown’s family. I do know that Guidance Technology had government contracts and Bill Lear and General LeMay were frequent visitors. I apologize for the blanks, but I’m sure Paul will fill them in his time.
What strikes me as odd, is the fact that several independant researchers had managed to approach this type of science from several angles, and several shadowy government types kept tabs on most everyone, however they (government)never bothered uniting anyone who did independant research.
They just grabbed a lot of the math formulas from their “inside sources” and dissapeared without leaving as much as a Thank you.
It happend to one of our founding organizations- a company called “Interprobe” located in Chicago. This was during contract negotiations for a military application of an exotic “weld cooling technique” for special aircraft wing-pin joints. We showed them, and they just copied us then claimed that they had originated the technology by themselves.
I have a copy of a non-disclosure agreement signed by an Air force official who ended up stealing the technology to help build the next generation aircraft hardware.
There is just no end to shamefull events surrounding the actions of SOME self described military representatives whom we dealt with in the past. We could not even contemplate trying to take them on legally without spending millions in attorney fees.
Sorry, I guess I’m just bitter with the way everything turned out. Many of my friends have suffered and continue to be prosecuted over all of this.
Anyway, I will continue to look for Nate's old article on the death of Morgan, but honestly, it may be gone forever. But let's hope the actual important stuff (the science) can still be salvaged sooner rather than later!!!

Ok now let's end post.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by David Osielski »

Thanks, Henry. What's your CV? Are you on LinkedIn?

I'm gonna need a tall glass of water to wash down all those breadcrumbs...
Screenshot 2024-03-28 091244.jpg
https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxDgmVI_hZdk ... ure=shared
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Jan Lundquist »

I believe Linda was told, sometime in the mid-eighties, that "Morgan" had died in a motorcycle crash.

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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by David Osielski »

I'm also blurry on Morgan's space-timeline...

Back in 2007, Trickfox would beg to differ
viewtopic.php?p=5324&sid=9a1ffceebf2b9f ... cf2c#p5324
Think about it.... If he REALLY died in 1987 what are the chances that we would be speaking about a person maturing to a healthy stable individual who comes back into Linda's life again in 2007 and submits input for a life of intrigue in the Caroline Group.
I should really dust off "Chapter 45: We lost Morgan" from the Before Times and get read-in :wink:
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear David,
Thanks, Henry. What's your CV? Are you on LinkedIn?
I have no CV or LinkedIn. I used to have a LinkedIn but that's a looooooong story as to why it is deleted now. And if I had a list of impressive accomplishments for a CV, it all would have been showcased somewhere on this forum already. lol.

Also thanks for the threads from Trickfox. I'm going to try to avoid the time travel hypothesis for now in accordance with Occam's razor but know I don't consider it off the table at all.

Dear Jan,
I believe Linda was told, sometime in the mid-eighties, that "Morgan" had died in a motorcycle crash.
Ah, a MOTORCYCLE... I kept CTRL+F-looking for a "car crash"... lol

But moving on... Do these quotes from another forum also happen to be your writing?
None of this would have come light if Linda Brown had not agreed to work with the writer of Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown (on Amazon at http://tiny.cc/IzfAi).

Once the author-daughter collaboration began, Linda's high school sweetheart whom she thought had died years earlier, reappeared in the story as a covert source for the biographer. When J.D, now in a position to command men and missions with a snap of his fingers, was called away from the project, he asked an octagenarian named Garrity to step in for him. Garrity was the British Special forces agent who had met Townsend on the ground when he parachuted into Germany. (Unbeknownst to Linda, Garrity had also been in and out of her own life in various disguises throughout the years.) "Dr." Brown had been a mentor and role model to both men and they wanted to see that he received his due honors.

When these two reappeared their presence exacerbated an already testy marital situation with a husband who resented (loudly) the time Linda was spending on the project: "If no one cared about your father while he was alive, why should they care about him now that he's dead?" She persevered in spite of his resistance and when the first draft of the Parallel Universe story was completed in 2008, JD and Garrity withdrew into the shadows again.
Are JD and Garrity possibly the other nicknames of Morgan and Twigsnapper?
I was intrigued by the mystery-wrapped enigma stuff, but I was really taken in by the very human and very multi-generational aspect of her story. Her father had mentored Twigsnapper (British special forces and one of Ian Flemings "Red Indians") after WWII and Twigsnapper mentored JD, who ended up with enough clout to earn himself an escort of armed helicopters when he traveled.
Seems like JD faked the car crash in 1987 on Twigsnapper's orders?
She is down to earth, focused and determined to do what she has to do to pull her father's science back into the "white world" and she is being aided in this by JD (who has ended up being far more than just a "high school crush"), Twigsnapper, and other spooky types. They, too, seem committed to helping to break the clamp down on TTB technology that occurred after the contents of his paradigm-breaking 1950 demonstration for President Truman were leaked to a mole in the Kim Philby spy ring.
Paul Helliwell, James Jesus Angleton, and George K Pender ran The Octopus cartel (in that order), and when Angleton died in 1987, it probably became necessary for JD/Morgan to disappear.

"Dr. Dan Marckus" and author Nick Cook's desribe Truman's national security act of 1947 being related to TTBrown's saucers, which where already up and flying at this point.
Ostensibly, these objects—they could hardly be described as "aircraft"—exhibited characteristics similar to T.T. Brown's flying discs. Their historical interest lay in the fact that their "existence," if you could call it that, had been logged by observers with impeccable credentials more than three years before the first rash of flying saucer sightings in the United States. True, it was wartime and things got misidentified. But with the foo-fighters there was none of the hysteria that accompanied the U.S.-based sightings of 1947, which tended to make the testimony, if anything, more objective and believable. These people, many of them hardened by years of combat experience, felt they were encountering something new and dangerous in German skies. And the year 1944 seemed to be key.
Their experiences echoed what USAAF General Twining had told General Schulgen in his secret memo of September 1947. That "aircraft" making no apparent sound, with metallic or light-reflecting surfaces, exhibiting extreme rates of climb and maneuverability, "were within the present U.S. knowledge." What did that mean exactly? I didn't know, but somehow I felt the wording was key
Elsewhere Paul said that "Dr. Dan Marckus" could be Morgan or could be related to him in some way. Let's quote from this book again from a few pages later on.

So on another thread I mentioned all these German guys and maybe everyone here already recognizes them and none of us need any introduction to them at all:
In 1958, the U.S. Air Force commissioned a "special studies group" within Air Force Intelligence headed by an Austrian-born technical consultant called Dr. Stefan Possony to carry out a detailed appraisal of Lusar's book. The research effort was branded "secret" and has only recently come to light. I found it during a long, hard night's trawl in the basement when it popped out of cyberspace after an unusual combination of word commands fed through a high-power search engine. A section in Lusar's book was devoted to "flying saucers" which he asserted, in no uncertain terms, were the product of German wartime inventors. "Experts and collaborators in this work confirm that the first projects, called 'flying discs,' were undertaken in 1941," Lusar wrote. He even went on to name the key individuals involved. These were "the German experts Schriever, Habermohl and Miethe, and the Italian Bellonzo." Lusar described the craft in some detail. There were two principal centers of disc development: one, headed by Miethe in the vicinity of the Lower Silesian city of Breslau in modern-day Poland; the other centered on Prague in Czechoslovakia, then also an integral part of the Reich. The Miethe disc was described as a discus-shaped "plate" of 42 m diameter, fitted with "adjustable" jet engines. Shortly before the plant where the craft was being built was overrun by the Russians, the retreating Germans blew it up, destroying the disc inside. However, many of the "experts" who had worked on the project were captured and taken back to Siberia, where work on them "is being successfully continued," Lusar reported. In the paranoid U.S. security climate of the late 1950s, it was this aspect of the account that had led to the commissioning of Possony's special intelligence report. According to Lusar, the other disc, developed by Schriever and Habermohl, did achieve flightworthy status before the end of the war— on February 14, at a facility just outside Prague. "Within three minutes they climbed to an altitude of 12,400 m and reached a speed of 2000 km/h in horizontal flight," the author related.
Here is Raymond Lavas holding some of the electrogravitic technology, in the forum of a solid stack structure of barium titanate...

https://scontent-ord5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/ ... e=662E0686

If only his other pictures where online....
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

Oops, I forgot the biggest quote I meant to put on that last post.
Although calm and collected in the presence of such famous people as William Stephenson (Churchill's WWII Spymaster), Ilya Tolstoy (Leo's grandson), Curtis LeMay (USAF General and architect of the Strategic Air Command), and nuclear physicist, Edward Teller, Linda's poise is rocked when, in her senior year of high school, she falls for JD Barrett, her handsome and slightly scandalous classmate whose overriding ambition is to become a real life James Bond. Impressed with the Russian-speaking, crossword puzzle solving young rebel, Linda's father and his associates conspire to help him reach for that goal. After JD disappears into the netherworld of the CIA, Linda vows that she will never again date a man whose career might come under her father's sphere of influence.

At the time her story begins, she has been happily married for 35 years. Husband George, long used to having her full attention, develops a burning resentment of her devotion to the biography project. The two of them are in the midst of a marital crisis when JD (who was reported dead in 1987) shows up again. He now appears to hold an influential position in the "Alphabet" arena, and is determined to see that the biographer has the background information he needs in order to write an accurate book. Although Linda finds that her feelings for him have not changed, JD's work takes him away again before she can ascertain his feelings for her. However, it seems that JD is certain to return, somehow, somewhere. After all, as he himself said, everybody has an agenda. And in his profession, usually more than one.
https://forums.nathanbransford.com/view ... own#p25315

Sorry this meant to be the very first one on that other post. JD Barrett was the real name.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Henry, yes, I wrote the synopsis for Linda's book, The Good-bye Man.

Garrity was her chosen name for Boston/Twigsnapper, JD Barrett, her alias for "Morgan"

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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

So "JD Barrett" is a pseudonym as well? I was hoping that was the real name, so that I could search for the motorcycle crash in the archives of local Ohio town papers. Thus proving Nate's point with something even more then just the second-hand article he saw all those years ago.

I searched the "Infinite Energy" magazine back catalogue as well but they did not start publishing until 1995, which may have been too late already. I didn't find it but I couldn't see the classified ads sections at the ends so my search there is only 95% completed, with odds at 99% that the thing is just not even there to begin with.

If "JD Barrett" was obsessed with learning Russian as a language, and doing pro-capitalist counterespionage, then I assume that he would have been well aware of TTBrown's missions to rescue those German UFO scientists.

I see it was George Blake who spilled the beans on Operation Gold and Operation Silver, so I think the Russians where aware of Thomas Townsend Brown long before Philby.

Supposedly, TTBrown was involved with Project Pryamider, which was not compromised by Philby at all, but by that young amateur, Christopher John Boyce. I think it was Onizuka Air Force Station where the satellites where being planned and constructed.

But I think Philby's betrayal led to the formation of Le Cercle, the group above The Octopus, and below the nameless entity started by Paul Helliwell that ran Project Hammer.

Le Cercle formed just after Watergate in 1977. Philby was caught in 1962 and his compromising of the allied "proxy war" operations in Albania led to Le Cercle's main goal which was revenge against the Soviet Union, which was completed in 1991 with the rigging of black market microchips with PROMIS. See Peter Schweitzer's research for more details about that particular black market.

I'm sure Angleton had ties to Mossad, just like Theodore von Karman and Jack Parsons. The thing is though is that those last two men where communists and Angleton was the opposite. Not sure if then it is even possible they worked on the same stuff. Have considered at times that they each had a hand in the UFO stuff.

I remember Twigsnapper saying that the NSA used PROMIS to spy on Mossad and steal Russian battleship secrets and subvert potential unnecessary nuclear outbursts as well. So whoever Twigsnapper was, if he got this information firsthand, must have come from knowing George K Pender. The other two leaders of The Octopus, Helliwell and Angleton, where OSS and CIA guys. Pender was high-ranking NSA. Or maybe he knew Beau Kitselman. Who may have also been NSA.
Kissenger was said to have lumped that information with his own party bag and come up with the notion that the Russians were preparing to send airborne troops to Egypt., using possible nuclear armament as a stiff arm to resistance.
............(.Which actually was starting off on the wrong foot. The fellows doing the initial reporting were agents, Turkish nationals, and they in no way would have been qualified to substantiate the nuclear shipment. Their information was sent to the Navy in Washington .... massaged ... and then sent out as the threat it " needed to be"

Actually the shipment never left port and the freighter being tracked was another ship. Is the tail wagging the dog here?

Whatever the instigation, Israel figured to be under immediate threat and went to the first of two nuclear alerts. She was within just moments of running out of the standard arms that she needed to continue her fight.( And was pressuring the United States for) Going nuclear would have been her last option and unless someone stood down she would have used them. (By the way .... at the time she had 10 warheads.)

Israel ,of course, was operating using complex communications equipment leased to her by the NSA and (Hello Trickfox, right up your alleyway?, a forerunner of Promis) just happened to know what was going on in her head. Not only was the NSA getting an earful of what the Israelis were doing but also listening to the Russians every command. ..... of course no one could admit to having that information or also of even knowing how they had their information so it took awhile to get things squared away. And into the right hands with the proper agenda.

You know, at the time, it was ... what was it called? " A career ending moveâ€
Trickfox mentioned a secret group created by Reagan that carried out the theft of the PROMIS software after Jimmy Carter started the whole plan in motion. Carter's master plan backfired on him and his administration when Reagan saw an opening and took it over forcefully.
In Any case the CSS seal is devided into five distinctive service.
on the star at 4 o'clock is the marine seal, at 8 o'clock is the navy seal.
the other three positions on the penta-star are seals related to other services which I am researching. Surrounding the seal is CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE, United States of America in blue letters (Times Roman Font) is my guess.

IT's a small inner circle group of the NSA which itself was layered in secrecy until James Bamford wrote his book called the Puzzle Palace.

Another few books which examin the secrecy of things like ohhhh... let's seee...... :roll: how about "Nuclear launch codes" and other such things like "international money bank transfer codes". These are just "Stings of integers" travelling in the ether aren't they?

I PROMIS I won't make any Cold INSLAW out if it! :roll:

There are a couple of good books which talk about where COMMAND power exists in the world at this moment. Books like Bruce Schneier's Applied Cryptography, and David Brin's "The transparent Society" which was recommended to me by a very reponsible defense contractor and researcher in the new ultra-wideband communications field.

The President of the United States has a very tough job, and I surely would not want to be in his shoes. Right now things aren't going his way too well but that does not mean that the duties of CSS will change when the administration changes and a new president is elected. I think it probably going to be more like.......

Ok...... Mr. President, now that youre in charge, let us tell you.... what we at CSS have been working on..... and sir....be prepared to become incontinent.... sir.
See "ultra-wideband" technology is something he continually relates to Thomas Townsend Brown, even though the effect is only present in the cryptography of the Phasorphone technology. But what do either of those two things have to do with PROMIS?
Tony Paterson worked for ASIO and Nickols claims he was in the CIA in court and btw he was buddies with Stephen Segal (even made a cameo appearance in the film "under siege")
If only the world could understand the power others could have abused at that time when I was keeping those PROMIS tapes. Instead I gave them to the house judiciary comittee who were investigating the inslaw scandal and the "Keating five" during the Reagan aministration tactics. The evidence just dissapeared from the public. Here is the last you will ever see of those computer tapes: "sitting on the hood of the car rented by house juiciary committee investigators; ImageOh but it's all Water uder the bridge now right?
Ronald Reagan was a hero.
we don't dare say anything against him, besides... it was Oli's fault!!!
PROMIS is said to have carried many mathematical breakthroughs in that code that stunned computer scientists who could not figure it out. It was mainly written by a female coder working under the Hamilton's at INSLAW who has managed to stay anonymous this whole time and probably does not even want personal credit at all. They don't want just anyone to look at the code because she made some weird discoveries while writing it. I suspect the same discoveries lie in the PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) code from the US NAVY in 1957, used to control submarines... and also the RASP (Random Associative Symbolic Processing) code of Michael Riconosciuto, used to do calculations faster than the Shannon entropy could ever allow. Both are circumstantially tied to Thomas Townsend Brown. But PROMIS is not.

From Nate:
(For what it's worth, Deyo also claimed that Andrei Sakharov was Teller's counterpart as head of a USSR antigravity physics program, which at least has the justification that Sakharov wrote one paper about something somewhat adjacent to a "torsion" interpretation of General Relativity. But it's still a very odd and very thinly sourced claim to make and doesn't seem to have been borne out by history.)

I really want Teller to have spent at least part of his life doing something cool like antigravity and not just very uncool things like H-bombs. I want to believe that. But I'd like proof.

I will settle though for proof that Teller maybe hung out in the same building as Townsend Brown in 1941-ish!

Anyway: if "Morgan" was referring to this Beckwith, could "Beckwith's boss" mean (if not perhaps Teller) then Ed Kenefake?

Sadly "Intrepid's Last Case" is no longer available to borrow from Archive.org, but a Google Books search claims that the text of the book does not include the word "Beckwith".
I think the T character in Beau Kitselman's "Hello Stupid" is in fact Edward Teller and thus the book was telling us that Teller gave up on antigravity because he did not understand it. The book concludes that Thomas Townsend Brown goes his own way with it. Does Morgan know something about Brown's NEXT journey after this point? The part after Brown says "Goodbye Stupid" and hands Teller his gold-plated "Stupid Award"???

To find Morgan, we either look at who took Russian classes in Linda's highschool while she was there, or we delve deep into everyone Edward Teller knew who was not at the Manhattan project. Both seem like preemptive dead ends, though.

One last thing... That alien electrogravitics device on Raymond Lavas youtube channel makes sense to me now. I just found the post that explains it:
I have met Rael (Claude VORILHON) -the man, and I wish him nothing but the best. One of his followers (call him Roy) is one of my best friends. Roy is also a wonderful guardian and accompanied me to the Las Vegas reunion last year. All I have is praise for the people who follow this "movement". They may have a rather eccentric leader which I do not believe in, but the people who live this lifestyle are worthy of respect. They have a very healthy and happy way about them, and they respect me as a neutral party.

I hope we can get one of the Raelians to post in our forum actually because these people have a pretty good idea about the implications which are comming to light about "first contact".
Let me tempt one of them into posting by publishing this image which only the Raelians will recognize as a partial construction of their dream project:

Kevin, I think you would surely get along real well with just about everyone in the movement that I've ever met. I"m not sure if you would want to pay to hear anything Rael has to say however, because as far as I know our hobbit "already has" all the wisdom offered in these seminars.
They are having a reunion in Las Vegas in late March 2008 (around 24th)
if anyone is interested, I can send details.

Any takers?
In his YouTube video, he chose the exact same location that the Raels want themselves, so I just know it is the same device. He was actually building / designing it for them. This probably doesn't belong on this thread but the thread it does pair with is the old one where I introduced myself, where I left the mystery unsolved on there. More pieces find their way to me and come together as I move along. Most important is to find out how to rebuild the Lavas-Riconosciuto Syntropy Machine and to hunt down anybody who has seen it operating, like Morgan and Twigsnapper.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Jan Lundquist »

I am truly sorry, Henry, I don't have the time or attention span for that wall of words. I love your thoughts and your insights, but, they are outside the scope of what I am working on now, so I can't do them justice. But, briefly, my perceptions about who knew what, when:

Former Royal Marine Boston/Twigsnapper/Garrity had access to information from William Stephenson's network and from his own reading of of history. By the time he was posting to the forum he had, no doubt, managed to fill in many blanks, to his own satisfaction. Probably many of his posts were more meaningful and telling than we were able to grasp at the time.

I was told that Morgan, by the way, learned his first Russian at his grandmother's knee. But Morgan would have known only what Twigsnapper or Townsend shared with him about the mission to Germany. Given their years of practicing "sealed lips sink no ships," I don't know that either man would have ever revealed the "Full Monte" about that event, and certainly not until Morgan had proven himself in action.

But to register a minor quibble, Townsend did not think he was rescuing a "UFO scientist" as that is a term from a later time. Though, of course, I understand that is a convenient shorthand for the two unnamed scientists (one in Germany, and one Twigsnapper and Sarbacher retrieved from a Russian labor camp) in the story.

Last edited by Jan Lundquist on Mon Apr 01, 2024 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Jan,

That's perfectly okay and I was never expecting anyone at all here to read that in full. I apologize for how disorganized that got as well. And I made a lot of references to things that newcomers wouldn't even understand really, like Operation Gold, which is code for the Berlin Tunnel, which Brown may have been a consultant on. Naturally I'm just repeating all the rumors that you may have already heard from Trickfox himself on this same forum in the "before times" pre-2009... as that was the ultimate source for all these posts of mine.

The connection from Robert Sarbacher to the Russian physicist is news to me. Given that Sarbacher wrote a textbook in "high frequency" engineering, I would believe that both men (or perhaps just Sarbacher himself at least) are experts in Plasma physics and inspire visions in my head like Nikola Tesla with his high energy capacitors and crazy electrical experiments.

PS: Do you think that some of Robert Sarbacher's patients where inspired by his collaboration with TTBrown? Like this one?

"Metal-air electrochemical cell"

RI Sarbacher and HR Fechter

Synectics, Inc.

Sep 30, 1982

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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear All,

Here is why I believe that Sarbacher copied TTBrown in the patent below.

Metal-air electrochemical cell
Robert Sarbacher, 1982

He has many more patents but only that one is the suspicious one.

See from the description:
It is anticipated that our invention will be useful in its concentration on a practical reactant cell which will provide the basis for a conpact engine and have the desired characteristics of ruggedness, as well as to provide for convenient replacement and maintenance of critical components.
Now let's look at the BLUE DEATH bomb created by Michael Riconosciuto, one of the world's most deadly weapons ever.

Electro-hydrodynamic Gaseous Fuel Device
Michael Riconosciuto
On page 27 of the Gunderson OKCBOMB Report
https://www.fpparchive.org/media/docume ... 95_FBI.pdf

Clue #1
A shock wave Travelling in a light medium that strikes a plane solid surface reflects in the same form. A shock wave travelling in a dense medium that strikes a surface adjacent to a light medium reflects as a refraction.

Clue #2
Examine the pressure rise over the surface volume relationship. The secondary shock wave is driven beyond the "Chapman Jugo" condition as the leading edge of the wave is compressed into a thin boundary. The chemical reaction from ordinary explosive effect is enhanced by the electrochemical effect. electrons are converted into energy at a much higher scale. The reaction is considered A Neutronic as an overdriven detonation takes place.

The only description left is the electronic analogy of this dynamic system and how the ionic separation takes place. This is a well kept secret.
I think we all know how the ion seperation takes place. Look at Sarbacher's patent again.

Sarbacher and Riconosciuto copied from TTBrown.

And Riconosciuto has ADMITTED to that, on his part, in the past!

And TTBrown's technology is worth more than just a stupid bomb, however:

Yes I was there and I was questioned by an explosive expert called "Sherrow' (working on Behalf of Soldier of Fortune magazine) . The technical arguments between Sherrow and myslf was over the use of Aliminum silicate in the construction of the device. The explosive power of the device was known to surpass the Chapman-Juge detonation velocity. This is an issue that made Sherrow totally incredulous to the point of laughing at me. It would have labelled our device A-neutronic in Design. I refused to elabotrate the actual technicalities partially because I did not hold in my possession any engineering data necesary for preparing the elaborate design. Later on I did meet with Dr. Sam Cohen, the father of the neutron bomb. He was a wonderful individual who encouraged me to distance myself from all this type of work and become more humanitarian. Although I do know the secrets behind such devices, I willl never work in this type of project again.

Thr cooling Probe used on Bragg cell chanalizers presents a much more useful apppication of this high voltage control technology. There are several dozen novel applications planned but the most important to me personally is the possibility of temporarilly reversing the second laws of thermodynamics to cause a truely strange time manipulation process. I call it "looping the singularity".

keep up the faith, all of you. There are more revelations to come, and some of us who have remained hidden had a very good reason to be that way. Now, I will have to move around again and i think the caroline group is keeping me safe for the immediate moment.

I still have a lot of hope that Qualight environmental will be succssfull and perhaps I can be of assistance in some future endeavors.

See that is the same Syntropic Arc Light technology I have mentioned in my other posts. Only now I quote Trickfox in FULL to show you the involvement of Richard Sherrow in censoring it.

See Sherrow's background HERE:


https://pt35b.wordpress.com/2015/05/14/ ... ashington/
Here is an amazing revelation/correction made by Richard Sherrow.

On Tuesday 17/08/99, and within my hotel room at the Grand Hyatt, Washington DC, I was met by the Police witness DC Kenneth G Bell, Dumfries and Galloway constabulary, Scotland, and Special Agent Chris Murray, Federal Bureau of Investigation, USA.

I then handed DC Bell the referred album of photographs (DE 33).

I should like to add at this time that photograph / view numbers pertaining to Views 42, 43, 44, and 45 were all taken by myself within the Bureau of ATF Headquarters, Washington DC.

I have previously mentioned taking these particular photographs in Lomé, Togo, but this is not the case.

Richard Sherrow; Police Statement S5757

https://inteltoday.org/2018/01/18/locke ... n-senegal/
The Senegal Timer: Lockerbie ‘Zeist’ Judges Dead Wrong. Again…

In their opinion, the Lockerbie Trial Judges wrote:

[52] The timer recovered in Togo which, as we have said, was one of two, was considered by the witness Richard Sherrow to be identical to one which was discovered in Dakar, Senegal, on 20 February 1988 within a briefcase found on board a passenger aircraft which had arrived at the airport there from Cotonou in Benin.

It was recovered in October 1999 by DI Williamson from the French Ministry of Justice in Paris but was not examined forensically. It cannot therefore be said whether its circuit board was single or double-sided. […]

This is simply not true. The timer given to DI Williamson by the French Ministry of Justice was the second timer (unboxed) allegedly recovered in Togo by BATB Richard Sherrow in September 1986.
Simply put, if Riconosciuto copied Brown, and Riconosciuto's bomb uses the Sarbacher patent in its design, then Sarbacher is the one who originally copied Brown.

This bomb is more powerful then the H-bombs of Edward Teller. No wonder Brown was shooed out of his office. It's a personal competition and Brown secretly won.

And when that plane got blown out of the sky, a certain DEA agent covered it all up and then flew back to Washington to IMMEDIATELY put Michael in jail. It was not his fault but they needed him to shut up about more than just the PROMIS software thing... lest the whole Octopus collapse under its own weight and come undone.....

But the Men in Black shoved the thing down in their briefcases and life went on.........

Sorry for the wall of text again but hopefully I have justified my postition on the importance of that 1982 Sarbacher patent.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by natecull »

I can verify that this article is NOT in Nexus magazine because somebody uploaded the entire back catalogue to the Internet Archive where we can search it for free now.

https://ia601708.us.archive.org/view_ar ... 202016.rar

I searched all of them and will give the links to the most relevant ones if anyone wants to double check.


https://ia801708.us.archive.org/view_ar ... us.101.pdf
Wow, thank you Henry! I did not know that the Nexus archive was online. That's very useful!

Still trying to scan your "wall of text" here (I understand, I have a habit of doing the same thing), but yes in Linda's 2000s telling of the story it was motorcycle crash.

I don't have a great grasp on my memories of the article I saw. Everything from the mid-1980s through mid-1990s is sort of squished together, so I can't remember whether it was in fact Nexus or one of the back-of-Popular-Science infodump packages (of which Rex Research is the main survivor). So my memory is sometimes inaccurate.

But in the blurry memory I have, it feel like it may have been *very* tiny "article" in a magazine-type thing (which is why I thought Nexus). Maybe only a couple of sentences, an offhand comment, in one of those "news roundup" columns - could even have been the Letters page. Something like "oh and by the way, has anyone investigated Linda Brown's boyfriend, in relation to a certain vehicle accident of ..... " It might or might not have had an actual name attached. Could be quite difficult to text search on, but, I would go with the phrases "Townsend Brown" or "Linda Brown", I think.

Of course, the downside of searching Nexus is... you get highly concentrated conspiracy theory over your brain. So there's a price in sanity to pay for searching. (I speak from experience as a former occasional Nexus reader.) But I'll give it a go.

From the official TTBrown timeline:
That timeline document is not really "official" in any sense, even though it ended up on the "Townsend Brown family" website. I wrote it in early 2009 on either this forum or one of Linda's. It's based on me skimming through and summarising the events from Paul's first draft of his book ("Defying Gravity"). So don't read too much authority into it.

I searched the "Infinite Energy" magazine back catalogue as well but they did not start publishing until 1995, which may have been too late already. I didn't find it but I couldn't see the classified ads sections at the ends so my search there is only 95% completed, with odds at 99% that the thing is just not even there to begin with.

If "JD Barrett" was obsessed with learning Russian as a language, and doing pro-capitalist counterespionage, then I assume that he would have been well aware of TTBrown's missions to rescue those German UFO scientists.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't have access to Infinite Energy during the 1990s so I don't think it was there. Might be interesting gossip about the "antigravity" community for sure - a great historical/academic resource for tracing the development of the "Townsend Brown Myth" as a social phenomenon during its 1990s phase - but I don't think the article I remember will be there.

Also I don't think it's at all a given that "Morgan/JD" - as a young man in the 1960s - would have been given any secret information about Townsend's alleged WW2 activities. (If, in fact, those activities ever happened, and aren't just a tall tale pitched to Paul by spies for reasons unknown.) I just don't think secret organizations work by spreading secrets freely around.

Ok, glancing at some of these early Nexus issues, I can see there are entire missing pages in the scan (they show as white in the PDF). So that's disappointing. Though if they are ads, it's probably sanity-preserving.

This isn't Townsend related, but I remember this weird story from issue 204 (Jul/Aug 1991). I believe it was a real incident, and would love to know more. In some tellings of it, these were NSA officers - I'm not sure if that's correct or not. They were all very young.

Several newspaper clippings dated July 1990 reveal a strange story of 6 US Army soldiers, all with TOP-SECRET security clearances, who suddenly went AWOL (Absent Without Leave) from their 'sensitive' posts in West Germany, and turned up in the Gulf Breeze, Florida area. According to the reports, the six went missing on July 9, 1990 from the 701st Military Intelligence Brigade in Augsberg, West Germany, but some people in the USA claim to have met them on the 7th of July.

One report stated that the six had discovered that the US Government was covering up alien visits to Earth, and that their mission was to reveal that cover-up.

Another report stated that the six belong to a "cult" called 'The End of the World' and had come to the USA to find and kill the Anti-Christ.

One of the soldiers had told a friend that "they had been chosen by divine intervention to help prepare for the end of the world, which was to occur in about 8 years from now". He added "when the second coming of Christ occurred, Jesus Christ was going to arrive in a Space Ship!".

The six soldiers were: Michael J. Hueckstaedt, 19 from Farson, Wyoming; William N. Setterberg, 20 of Pittsburgh, PA; Kenneth G. Beason, 26 of Middlesboro, Tenn; Vance A. Davis, 25, or Wichita, Kansas; Kris P. Perlock, 20, or Hudson, Wisconsin; and Annette Eccleston, 22 of Connecticut;
The six were apprehended on Friday 13th July, after one of the soldiers, Hueckstaedt was stopped by Gulf Breeze Police Officer, Don Steven for a broken tail light.

(Sources: The Sentinel, 19 July, 1990, Florida Daily News, 20 July, 1990
Armageddon didn't happen in 1998, but the movie "Armageddon" starring Bruce Willis did.

In issue 212 (Feb/Mar 1993), an interesting angle on the PROMIS story: an interview with Ari Ben-Menasche (author of "Profits of War") who claimed to have been involved from the Israeli Intelligence side. An interview from 1991. Again, not what I'm looking for.

Also in this issue, an article by Stan Deyo, who *does* interest me because of his role as a Townsend Brown historian and/or mythmaker. I'm particularly interested in Deyo's activities before 1979 and the network of people he was involved with. Quoting from his article:
When I was still in the USA in 1971, I was approached by intelligence, officers who, ostensibly, were in the National Security Agency. They knew all about my private research at that time into advanced thermodynamic propulsion concepts. They told me about some fifty other related projects which had been overseen by Dr Edward Teller since the early '50s. In subsequent discussions with them about my other interest in making a tuned electrical generator they expressed at mild interest in where I would want to test such a device. I explained to them that my device might 'be some thing like the one the fictional hero, John Galt, made in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. and I thought it might best be tested in a largely unpopulated area. It was their suggestion that Australia might be the place for me to do all my subsequent research. I was not to know until over twenty years later HOW interested in the power generator that they really were.

They expressed great interest in assisting me to finish my work as long as I would move to Australia to do it. When they then moved me to Australia I started asking questions about why they were not telling the public about all the revolutionary technology they already had which related to my primitive efforts. In the end, they decided to set me up io an experimental lab at the bottom of a very deep mine shaft in Ballarat (in Victoria). There they said I would be able to complete my research into the energy conversion without interruption. It is my opinion that they were going to bury me in that mine shaft; because I was not allowed to tell anyone about the project. the place or the timing of same. They suggested that I tell no one where or when I was going to the mine shaft. Maybe I am too paranoid; but maybe that can be healthy, too.
So yes, Deyo is paranoid. Perhaps this experience is one reason why. But anyway. The reason why this strikes me is because, just yesterday, reading Townsend's 1942 Vega diary... he's talking about the same thing as Deyo is: turning heat energy (the vibration of molecules at radio-frequency wavelengths) into electricity. With a resulting cooling effect. I can see perhaps a direct line here between Brush's ideas on "thermogravity" which obsessed Townsend, "electrostatic cooling", and a "thermoelectric generator". Rectify heat energy and you get electricity and no heat. So that's interesting.

I've now eyeballed the 200 series up to 224 (the 100 series issues, with their homemade desktop-publishing look, were not ones I ever saw) and I agree, no hint of the story I'm looking for so far. Will keep looking.

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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

Brush was involved with the heat transfer work??? Interesting, I only ever knew about him because of the petro-voltics stuff alone...

As I found that you wrote in one of your posts a long time ago, Raymond Lavas said all this on Paul's website:

Let me tell you about the two demonstrations we performed at the University of Colorado in March 2001.
Take a look!!
We demonstrated “a fan with no moving parts”
That was just a warm up to the more important “cooling” experiment in which we managed to cool the center of a light bulb filament while it remained lit on both sides of the area being quenched.
REMEMBER we did this THROUGH A GLASS LIGHT BULB in which THE AIR HAS BEEN EVACUATED.(so much for the “ion wind cooling effect” right!).
Some science experts that we demonstrated this to just scratched their heads and said “well that’s impossible”.
http://www.psychopropulseur.com/downloa ... LBDEMO.GIF
Does any of this sound familiar to anyone else here????
Here is a photo of the METC we used in both experiments.
http://www.psychopropulseur.com/downloads/img/power supply_Green copy.jpg
An METC unit (Modular Energy Transfer Catalyzer) is a DC high voltage power supply which has specialized pulse width modulation control inputs, and a precision current feedback loop control circuit built in.
It’s the “electronic control circuitry” which is connected EXTERNALLY to the METC unit that performs all the “magic”.
Here is a “Building plan” of the HV probe we used to perform the light bulb experiment with:
http://www.psychopropulseur.com/downloa ... VPROBE.GIF
This whole demonstration was just a method devised to stump those scientists who “THOUGHT” they knew what was going on with the physics of an “ion wind generator” ala “sharper image”(what a joke).
There was NO AIR in the light bulb, so HOW COULD AN ION WIND COOL ANYTHING inside an evacuated bulb???
As far as I can tell, The Scientist we demonstrated this experiment to was suppose to report to our prospective funding source, however, he looked “way to busy” and “uninterested in our demonstration”, and he remained unimpressed with it.(a real shame I might add)
We never got a chance to write up the math behind it all because he was in “too much of a rush to grade his students”.
I’d like to invite ANYONE to try and figure out how we quenched part of the lit filament THROUGH the light bulb using our probe and the METC unit!!!!!!
Obviously, some people were NOT impressed with what we did!!!
Are there any similarities to other stories here???
And I realized that he talked about this on the forum as well:

So...Mr. Moody.... Is that a big toggle switch that you turn on to generate your high voltage instataneously? What sort of short pulse electromagnetic frequencies are you emitting when you make those contacts close together? Do you have a radiation monitor or spectrum analyzer to guide your safe experimentation with high voltage transformers?

I have a Tektronics 496P so with the correct waveguides I could tell you if you are creating dangerous harmonics and a perhaps I could design a "Soft-Start Circuit" to eliminate your problems,.....But OH....You probably need the proper design for a multipurpous transformer and A pulse shapping electronic control circuit with an auto spark-quenching circuit hey?

How about calculating the force necessary to reach over unity?

Are you reversing the second law of thermodynamics? Sort-of pushing back ENTROPY ITSELF A BIT!!!

What if we decided to put on a REAL INTERESTING show of the energy control aspects of this High Voltage science?

What if I could turn off the center of a long light bulb filament while it shines red on both sides of the exact spot where I am cooling it. (Through the glass) What if the calculated and measured energy used to produce the high voltage of my cooling probe is lower than the energy required to keep the bulb lit.
More comments on Paul's main site from Trickfox:

Now we believe that we understand how the “connectivity” functions. (superspacial time loops in Clifford Space)
The math is sometimes reffered to as “Random Associative Symbolic Processing”.
Now back to the forum:

RASP is a computer crunching program for a custom modified set of DEC VAX 11780 processors (which was in place in 1982) The twin vaxes were set to crunch out a very special spread sheet, and the output from one computer was fed into a laser by way of a Brewster modulation window. The lasers from the second computer was also modulated by another brewster window, then the two beams were collided at orthogonal angles. The rest is a bit more complicated but involves high voltages and the BB effect. This whole deal was a set up to explore Hilbert space for a crumb trail...... Remember Ong's hat? This was a bit like that.
I'm not sure I understand all the details because I figured this technology out later after the Bald Eagle was put in a cage. :(
Water under the bridge......
Whatever this program is, it involves calculations in a hyperspace beyond the physical 3+1 reality we ourselves know about...

I don’t yet completely grasp all of the math in this book myself so please be patient with me OK???
My mentor (MJR) is partially responsible for introducing me into this field in 1983. He (MJR)was himself mentored by Nobel Laureate Dr. Arthur L. Shalow.
(MJR)is the infamous “Dangerman”. I’ll explain more about this in the future.
This is a long complex conspiracy story that many have refused to believe.
Well I LIVED IT MYSELF. It’s an open wound as far as I’m concerned.
Here's Michael aka Dangerman himself talking about what happened. The technology that quenches the spark in the arc lamp filament evolved from his original experiments on Brewster windows and electrostatic cooling of high-powered laser components in planes and perhaps UFOs as well:

A series of experiments were conducted with different electrode configurations and grounding arrangements. It was determined experimentally that by "appropriate modulation" of the high voltage field that the electrostatic heat transfer effect could be enhanced by several orders of magnitude. The voltage and current inputs to the hot plate and the voltage and current supplied to the electrostatic cooling probes were monitored during all the experiments.

The uniformity of the bulk cooling effect was immediately confirmed by repeated experimental demonstrations.

Measurements of radiated and convected heat flow away from the glass slab did not come anywhere near accounting for the BTU loss required for the temperature drop of the slab. The total heat dissipation actually measured in the experimental set-ups could not be immediately reconciled with the Second Law of thermodynamics, Joule's Law and Fourier's theorems on heat flow, and the Conservation laws of physics.

Additional theoretical work had to be performed.

Admiral Al Renkin (Retired), and myself demonstrated this heat transfer phenomenon to scientists from the various national laboratories. As amazed as they were, none of the scientists or engineers could accurately characterize the underlying physics of the experimentally observed phenomenon in our demonstrations. At this point the Office of Naval Research proposed that the experimental set-up be changed.

Oscar Blomgren Jr. had succeeded in cooling spots on the filament of a long display case type lightbulb. I was asked if it were possible to cool the entire length of the filament simultaneously, to the same degree as the sections of the filament had been. The answer was yes.

Then ONR wanted to see the numbers on probe energy versus the electrical energy input and thermal and convective heat flow around the filament.

Vacuum and inert gas backfilled lightbulbs were used for this set of experiments. The experimental results were immediately classified and all hell broke out around our project. I suddenly had immense resources in money and personnel made available to our project through DARPA, ONR, and USAF PRAM Project Office.

This R&D continued for 3 years until it was disrupted by the murder of Paul Morasca. When I realized that Paul Morasca was terminated by the US Government, I folded up the project at Hercules, Cabazon, and Sonoma Engineering.
Yeah so I don't know exactly what this is all about, but it will be interesting to look into Brush more and see if any of this goes back to him. I thought Brush mentored Nickola Tesla instead of Brown but I will have to look into the references on that as well.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by natecull »

Brush was involved with the heat transfer work???
Sort of, maybe, perhaps. Brush is definitely involved with weird theories about heat transfer. Did he achieve any practical results or hardware? Very few have been documented.

Charles F Brush was a hands-on electrical engineer/entrepeneur very much in the Nikola Tesla mould and, like Tesla, had some very weird (by todays standads) physical theories. One of them was a personal theory of "thermogravity"... an idea which went back, like "electrogravity", to Michael Faraday. Brush apparently believed that certain non-radioactive substances produced anomalous heat (this is not generally believed today), and that this heat might be caused by these substances absorbing gravity and converting it into atomic motion (this is also not generally believed today). IF TRUE (this is a very, very, very big IF - most scientists today believe these two ideas are absolutely not true) then this would of course imply that 1) gravity was a kind of radiation, and 2) that such substances might be gravity absorbers (if they were converting gravity into another form of energy, then presumably the gravity, as gravity, would go away).

Townsend Brown believed both of these two strange ideas - as did Brush. I don't think that's a coincidence. Townsend's interest in petrovoltaics in the 1970s is another development of this same idea. Heat and electricity are both forms of atomic motion to a radio engineer, so a rock was a radio circuit element to Townsend. And what he thought he could demonstrate was that rocks generated anomalous amounts of electricity, which is perhaps easier to quantify and record than anomalous heat. Townsend was very familiar with valves and diodes and (by his mid-40s) the new technology of transistors; a quartz rock is essentially just a very large diode and/or transistor.

This is the Brush in question: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_F._Brush Born 1849, died 1929 - when Townsend was 24, so he wouldn't have had much time to influence Townsend personally, but it's possible they might have met when Townsend was at an impressionable age.

I believe Charles Brush must also have been involved in the founding of Brush Development Labs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brush_Development_Company ) which later became the Clevite (sometimes called "Clevite-Brush") corporation. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clevite)

Despite Brush's weird ideas in the early 20th century, by the 1950s Clevite was a *very* high tech company, a WW2 military contractor, and a very early mover in transistors and semiconductors. Some of their transistor technology came from American research, some from German.

https://sites.google.com/site/transisto ... r-products
Transistor Products was incorporated mid 1952 in Rahway New Jersey as a new subsidiary of Purolator Products Inc. A brief announcement advised that a license had been obtained from Western Electric and that Scientific Specialties Co of Boston would produce specialised equipment for quality transistor manufacture. [Tele-Tech 1952] Purolator produced an extensive range of fuel and oil filters. Their rationale for entering the electronics industry is unclear.

Roland B Holt, its President and former Director of the Nuclear Physics Laboratory at Harvard University headed the research. Holt owned Scientific Specialties Corp which produced laboratory equipment. Transistor Products first premises were in Brighton, Boston, Massachusetts.
Transistor Products had a relatively short history as an independent company. In 1953 Clevite Corporation purchased 51% of the company with an option to purchase 100%. [Radio and Television News 1953, Burroughs 1953 (1)]

Clevite Corporation was founded in 1919 as an engineering company and during the World War II had produced bearings for the aviation industry. Post War they sought to diversify into electronics and began with the acquisition of Brush Development Corp in 1952. Brush was also one of the first companies to obtain a Bell transistor license.
Clevite Corporation of Cleveland has purchased Intermetall GmbH of Dusseldorf , Germany, the second largest company in Europe engaged in the development and manufacture of transistors and diodes. The German firm will be operated in conjunction with the parent company’s Transistor Products Inc subsidiary in Waltham Mass. The Waltham division's corporate name is being changed to Clevite Transistor Products.” [Radio and Television News 1956]
So Clevite was enough of a heavy hitter to a) be able to buy a company headed by a Harvard nuclear physics lab director, and b) buy a German company doing transistor research (the Germans had been working transistors before WW2 just as the Americans were; a perk of winning a war is that you get to scoop up the loser's technology). Semiconductors were super leading edge high tech in 1953 and remain so today, 71 years later. Clevite being able to get into the game so early suggests it was *very* well connected and trusted as a military contractor.

This pattern of US military contractor companies being a) very highly trusted by the military-industrial elite and b) yet headed by executives who often have weird ideas that aren't known or accepted by the scientific/academic elite, and in fact seem to be living in their "own world" and perhaps have more power and knowledge than the official military system, is a recurring motif in Townsend Brown's story. It's also a very strong recurring motif in the story that "Morgan" pitched to Paul... and it seems to be the same story that David Grusch pitched to the US Congress last year, and that the Senate leader of the Democratic Party, Chuck Schumer, seems to believe. (It's relevant that Schumer is a Democrat: the party currently in power never has anything to gain by making a ruckus about The System, and yet Schumer is doing just this.)

Townsend Brown's name is linked to the Clevite-Brush company in several documents: he recommends Clevite products (he always had a taste for the best tech) and he also I think mentions Clevite as a potential partner for his "Winterhaven" research - which is a hand-picked list of people Townsend personally knew and trusted. Exactly what that relationship was, though, remains as much of a mystery as the rest of Townsend's professional life.

As for Raymond Lavas' exotic mathematics: yeah, I remember reading that back when he posted it. I didn't understand his drift then and seeing it again now, I still don't. I wish he would have just come out and said what it was he thought he was trying to accomplish. I am very skeptical of high-maths theory with no through-line to "what the point is"; I think looking for patterns in numbers is a very easy trap that smart people fall into, and the higher the complexity, the bigger the trap becomes.

Regards, Nate
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Re: FYI This is what I recall about Charles Fuller Brush and TTB.

When Townsend replied to Gray Barker's queries, (or was it Ed Hull') he said he found Brush's work in the Pacific Aeronautical Library in Santa Monica. It is in one or the other of those letters, and both were once online somewhere.

Though Townsend would be in LA in 51/52, I have a feeling this event was sometime in the late forties. .Linda recalls that Jo saying that once Townsend had recuperated from his war wound, he spent his days at "the" library in Los Angeles. This would have been pre-Hawaii, when the library was funded by the West Coast aircraft companies.

The archives of the individual who took over the Brush company hold a few letters or notes from Townsend, in the early fifties, in which he asks if the individual is able to add anything to the Brush research. (No, because Brush carried out that line of research on his own).

Townsend, you will recall, went from LA to Brush, to GE, to DC. The Brush co would later becone member of the GE consortium which won many future space contracts.

Cornillion would report that Townsend was interested in thermal generation materials, giving as an example, the use of them to melt snow and ice on aircraft runways.

At the end of his life, in a letter once held in the TTB family archives, and perhaps, still there, Townsend would again mention Brush by name.

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