Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

"The Man Who Mastered Gravity" was published in March, 2023. Use this space to share your thoughts, comments, praise and/or cries of outrage.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by natecull »

When Townsend replied to Gray Barker's queries, (or was it Ed Hull') he said he found Brush's work in the Pacific Aeronautical Library in Santa Monica. It is in one or the other of those letters, and both were once online somewhere.

Though Townsend would be in LA in 51/52, I have a feeling this event was sometime in the late forties.
Interesting! The "original" document of Mason Rose's The Flying Saucer in the Jess Fritch file collection is stamped with Pacific Aeronautical Library. (attached)

And yes the Ed Hull letter in the Gray Barker Collection mentions Brush several times. Attached also. I'm not sure though that Townsend says that *he* found Brush's work in the Pacific Aeronautical Library, but rather that someone found *him*.

I'll add a full text transcript of the letter because it's so important, but here's the relevant part for now:
I have felt for some time that you have been interested in continuing your study of this matter. Early this year, someone called to my attention a series of articles in Aviation Report. There was, I believe, a series of six articles appearing from August through November of 1954 which mention the study of electro-gravitics and touch briefly upon its potentialities. I felt, when I read these references, that you must have been behind it, inasmuch as it came from London and I knew no one else who could have had that information.

The publication in Aviation Report got results, for it was not long until a representative of a French aircraft company called me here in Washington. He had been sent by his company on a chase to obtain more information, and the man actually had travelled clear to California, not knowing any Washington address, had contacted several aircraft companies in California, and had finally gone to the library of the Pacific Aeronautical Institute at Santa Monica. There he uncovered an article on the subject, written by a friend of mine in California, subsequently contacted that person, and continued the search here in Washington.

You will be interested to know that the contact with the French aircraft company has continued and work is progressing in France at an ever-increasing rate. It would violate commercial secrecy to give the name of the company, or to say much about the program which is contemplated, but for your own information, and I am sure, deep satisfaction, the matter is being considered quite seriously in France, and actual work has begun. As a result of their invitation, I went to Paris last June and July to set up the project and start the ball rolling. If all continues as we hope it will, I will return next February to assist in the expansion of the project. I believe I can thank you for this contact, for it is clear that it came about through your mentioning this subject in Aviation Report.

The same report, incidentally, was read by Douglas, and undoubtedly by many other aircraft manufacturers in the United States. Martin, as you know, is starting a new project and I believe Lockheed will too. According to the grapevine, the studies in gravitation are already under way at both Northrop and North American. According to the New York Herald Tribune, Convair is now interested and so is Bell. Then, also, we must give credit to my old friend Bill Lear for continuing interest in the spreading of the good word.

This is a subject which the British should consider seriously too, and I am wondering if, in your contacts there, you have unearthed any special interest or activity in the British aeronautical industry.
So Townsend is here referring to Project Montgolfier, and "that person" who searched the Pacific Aeronautical Library must be none other than Jacques Cornillon. And the "friend of mine in California" must have been Mason Rose, and therefore the document that Cornilion found must have been that very same copy of "The Flying Saucer". As the editor of the Montgolfier report describes it:
Our interests were peaked by the appearance of a few foreign news articles which revealed the possibility of a new type of propulsion system. We contacted our U.S. technical representative Mr. J. Cornillon to inquire about this. The few fragmented documents we had found pointed to the existence of “Project Winterhaven,” which appeared to have the same importance as the ”Manhattan Project” had in the United States. The purpose of Project Winterhaven was to develop a flying vehicle using a new propulsion motor which was sometimes called Electrokinetic, and at other times called an Electrogravitic system. Mr. Cornillon started his document search from his location within the United States and subsequently communicated directly with Mr. T.T. Brown who seemed to be the original developer and whom was researching a new phenomena named the “Biefeld-Brown effect.” This phenomenon appeared to be at the very heart of "Project Winterhaven." The Phenomena is described as such: forces emanating from an electrically charged condenser are not “null” but the condenser itself has a tendency to move forwards on the positive end. After Mr. Cornillon’s first contact with Mr. Brown, it was determined that Mr. Brown was capable of performing an experiment which would demonstrate the reality of this phenomena, which prompted us to offer Mr. Brown an invitation to fly back to France to perform this experiment.
I'll get into the Brush references (they are many) after I transcribe them.

(94.35 KiB) Downloaded 97 times
The Hull latter.pdf
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The Flying Saucer - Original.pdf
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Last edited by natecull on Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Thank you, Nate. "That person" was most certainly Cornillion, by his account. And Mason Rose was a "pyschologist to the stars" (as I have been told by our family doctor who knew him then), who, like L. Ron Hubbard, bought his Ph.D from the Sequoia University diploma mill. He never wrote a technical, scientific document in his life. (But a couple of quirky facts about him emerged during my research: he owned an experimental seaplane, and was a modern cattle rustler, once arrested in AZ for stealing a truckload of beef headed for a Phoenix steakhouse)

I have always thought Townsend wrote it for him. I

I think the reference I remember, or perhaps, misremember, was in an enumerated series of answers to questions asked by Gray Barker.

Another curious fact, revealed in Townsend's letter to Hull,was the reference to a dinner party the two had attended with Sarbacher, before Hull departed for England.

Both of these letters were part of the Gray Barker package (re)uncovered in the Charleston W.VA. library by poster Pladuim. I don't believe that Hull "just happened" to write the Inter Alia article on antigravity. It was part of his assigment from one or both men.

I squint my eyes, when I read Townsend's replies, trying to read between the lines, knowing that he well knew that anything he put in print would be seen by other eyes, present and future, friend, and foe. What was true and meant to last? What was a feint?

I feel the same way about the whole elaborate story Cornillion told his employers, about how he spent 1995 trying to chase down Townsend Brown.
But I know from Linda that he was the Brown's landlord during their Embassy Laundry period (1993-94). So who was his elaborate charade meant to convince, and why?

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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by natecull »

I feel the same way about the whole elaborate story Cornillion told his employers, about how he spent 1995 trying to chase down Townsend Brown. But I know from Linda that he was the Brown's landlord during their Embassy Laundry period (1993-94). So who was his elaborate charade meant to convince, and why?
(1953, not 1993, right?) Ok, yes, that's very weird, isn't it?

Ok, checking the Hull letter again. The letter has "11-1955" handwritten on the top and refers to "Your letter of November 8th" and "the last issue of Life magazine, dated December 5th, 1955". Magazines however sometimes are released before their dated month. So let's say it's November 1955. "There was, I believe, a series of six articles appearing from August through November of 1954... The publication in Aviation Report got results, for it was not long until a representative of a French aircraft company called me here in Washington... the contact with the French aircraft company has continued and work is progressing in France at an ever-increasing rate... As a result of their invitation, I went to Paris last June and July to set up the project and start the ball rolling. If all continues as we hope it will, I will return next February to assist in the expansion of the project. I believe I can thank you for this contact, for it is clear that it came about through your mentioning this subject in Aviation Report."

Townsend says "last June and July", but in fact the Montgolfier report (I just checked it) states clearly multiple times that Townsend's first visit to Paris was June-July 1955. So Townsend presumably here means "June just passed" rather than "June last year".

Cornillon writes to his employers on 14 April 1955 (translated Montgolfier Report p107)
With respects to the second issue, after extensive research in the ‘Pacific Aeronautical Library’ I have found the enclosed photocopied document... The paper from the Pacific Aeronautical Library happened to include contact information for the author. I immediately scheduled a meeting with him to find out if these people were serious researchers or hoaxers... Rose suggested we meet the next day with someone who had a more intimate relationship with T. Brown. This resulted in our second meeting at Dr. Rose’s residence. There, Dr. Rose presented me to a prominent nuclear physicist named Dr. Shank... I responded that I would greatly appreciate meeting Brown to discuss this possibility. They don’t have his present contact address however they know that he was employed as a consulting engineer at Brash Electronics, and so they will make contact with him and pass along the request for him to call me... A bit later on I obtained Brown’s telephone number in Washington. Unfortunately I was unable to work due to a foot injury therefore I was unable to go to Washington until the 7th of April. There I met Brown for the first time... He told me that he had to be at the Franklin Institute on April 14th and he asked; -would there be a possibility for us to meet again in Philadelphia? I agreed to meet with him because I live near Philadelphia and perhaps we could continue this discussion at my house afterwards. Thus, I met Brown Yesterday in Philadelphia. This time around, I noticed a distinctive change in Brown’s character. Unlike our previous meetings Brown had become more reserved and enigmatic for various reasons, and he politely refused to come to my home afterwards because, -as he said, -he had an urgent meeting to attend to in Washington.
So yeah. Cornillon definitely claims to have met Townsend Brown for the very first time on April 7, 1955. If Linda's memory of Cornillon being their landlord for two years before this is correct, both Townsend and Cornillon must have been lying. That doesn't say good things about the honesty - and the trustworthy testimony - of either one of them. Either that, or Linda is misremembering or lying herself. There don't seem many more options.

Edit: Checking the timeline though, I see Linda makes TWO SEPARATE claims about Cornillon: One, that the Brown family spent time at Cornillon's cabin in "Spring 1955". That's consistent with Townsend first meeting him in April that year. The second claim is the problematic one: that Cornillon was Townsend and Josephine's landlord in Washington DC during 1954 (perhaps late 1953). However, Linda also says she was NOT living with Townsend and Josephine at Cornillon's house in 1954, but rather with Josephine's parents, the Beales. Then in November 1954 the family moved to Leesburg, Virginia, while Townsend continued working in DC.

I think the reference I remember, or perhaps, misremember, was in an enumerated series of answers to questions asked by Gray Barker.
I happen to have a copy of the Gray Barker documents, so as you've been mentioning missing them, I've just put them up on the Internet Archive (they might already be there, but better to be sure). Here's the link: https://archive.org/details/townsend-br ... rker-files

I've scanned all the docs and while there are a couple of letters from Barker himself to and from Townsend, the only one which is an enumerated series of answers and which mentions Brush is the Hull letter. Here's the mentions:
Section 6: Charles Francis Brush did not use dielectrics as such. His work did not include electrical phenomena. He was primarily interested in rates of free fall and in the non-equivalence of weight and mass. After the phenomenon of “retarded acceleration in free fall” seemed to be definitely established, Brush went on to discover the spontaneous generation of heat in complex silicates and other materials. His third significant achievement was the correlation of the retardation of gravitational acceleration and the spontaneous generation of heat. He reported a consistent, proportional relationship between the two phenomena.

I might add at this point that, during the last year, we have made a further study of this phenomenon in the light of electro-gravitic theory, and find it to be consistent, although somewhat different than we had first suspected. Perhaps it can be explained in this way: gravitation is related to electrodynamics in two ways; the dynamic and the static. In the dynamic relationship, which in the main, is that part of WINTERHAVEN where effects are obtained by charging or discharging capacitors or the like, and where electric current is involved; and the static phase, where a fixed condition exists, or the effect is “built in”, so to speak. In the static phase, the relationship is essentially between the gravitational field and the electrostatic field, and the energy relationships are fixed, or static. Phenomena of the latter class are those involving materials which are either lighter or heavier than they should be, if the effect did not exist. This is simply an extension of Brush’s concept of the non-equivalence of mass and weight. It may be said to be the non-equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass.

It now appears that many materials are lighter than they should be, relative to the amount of interial [sic] mass which they possess. Aluminum and silicon, certain of the aluminum silicates, and barium aluminate appear to be examples. Recent study has indicated that many of the rare earth elements are of this nature, perhaps even more strongly than the materials with which Brush was familiar. It is believed that many of the rare earth elements such as erbium and ytterbium, and to some extent, even the metal tantalum displays the compound Brush Effect of being both lighter than they should be and of generating heat spontaneously.

We now have included in the WINTERHAVEN program a special research project for the study of the rare earth elements in regard to their anomalous gravitational characteristics, and this may actually turn out to be one of the more important aspects of the whole WINTERHAVEN Project. In brief, it would appear at this point that the rare earth metals and tantalum may prove to be the most important spacecraft materials, and form the basis for a whole new family of super-light materials of construction.

We are currently engaged in the examination of several methods of beneficiating these materials to enrich their content of the lighter gravitational isotopes. In section 6, you asked if we had any specific comment on this phenomenon of the bismuth and zinc bobs observed by Brush. The answer is yes, and it is simply this; that the effects observed by Brush provide the clue for the existence of gravitational isotopes as distinguished from mass isotopes. The heating effects observed by Brush are concomitant with the deficiency of gravitational mass, so that the amount of heat generated reveals the richness of the gravitational isotope in that particular element.
This is where Townsend's (and Brush's) science falls way, way off the modern map of the universe. Splitting apart inertial from gravitational mass requires invalidating General Relativity: this generally gets you laughed out of the Academy. But Townsend seems to be talking about real experiments.

This section also gives a succinct definition of what Townsend means by the distinction between "static" and "dynamic" (although he doesn't actually use the word "counterbary" in this document). Here Townsend is thinking particularly about electrostatics. The current work by Exodus Propulsion ( viewtopic.php?t=752 and previously viewtopic.php?p=22263#p22263) appears to be putting "anomalous center of mass shift" with electrostatic fields back on the table. But it's worth being reminded that Townsend was working both static and dynamic in 1955 - and, that his concept of "static" also involved the idea that some materials might have a static electrostatic field and/or electrogravitational field "built in".

OK, there aren't that many more Brush references. Here's the second section about him:
Section 10: To my knowledge, Dr. Brush was not aware of a diurnal variation in the thermal activity of barium aluminate. A longer term variation was clearly observed in Harrington’s work at the Bureau of Standards. Harrington used an ice calorimeter and made every effort to maintain conditions rigidly constant. He observed that the spontaneous generation of heat in any material did vary from day to day and, had he taken readings more often, probably would have observed an hour-to-hour variation. This, it seems to me, is very significant, for it does reveal a close relationship between the dynamic phase of electro-gravitic theory and the static phase. It may provide a very precise and convenient way of measuring all of these cycles referred to above, simply by utilizing a continous recording calorimeter and a material which is highly active thermo-gravitationally.

Harrington observed that the active materials in the calorimeter such as Sandusky clay, barium aluminate, etc., ranged around .002 of a degree warmer than the environment, and that the heat given off by any one sample did vary from day to day, increasing and decreasing. He actually gives a set of curves which shows the variations in heat observed by the various materials which he tested. As to the exact amount of the retardation of gravitational acceleration exhibited by the materials which gave off heat spontaneously, I don’t recall that Brush actually determined it. In this respect, his experiments were purely of a qualitative nature, although he did record that he had made enough tests of a prcise [sic] nature to be convinced himself that there was a close parallel relationship between the materials which fell more slowly, i.e., with less gravitational acceleration, and the materials which gave off heat spontaneously. He refers to this relationship again and again in his published reports.
The "Harrington" Townsend refers to is Elmer A Harrington, who published a report "Further Experiments on the Continuous Generation of Heat in Certain Silicates" dated April, 22 1933 in the "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society" published by University of Pennsylvania Press.

See: https://www.jstor.org/stable/984697

The Charles F Brush Sr papers at Case Western Reserve University are digitized and downloadable:

https://digital.case.edu/islandora/obje ... pcbru01105

That's just one section of correspondence; it's a bit incomplete, but contains some letters about his thermogravity experiments and just part of Elmer Harrington's 1933 paper. The top of the Brush file is here: https://digital.case.edu/islandora/object/ksl%3Abrush

Google has a copy of Harrington's full paper in the Proceedings, though the Proceedings isn't downloadable as a file.

https://books.google.co.nz/books?id=fFU ... ton&f=fals

I've now downloaded all of the paper's pages as PNGs and put them also on the Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/townsend-br ... ngton-1933 Harrington's conclusion:
In conclusion, a positive heating effect was indicated for which there is no complete explanation. The fact that the indicated effect was observed both in the experiments of Dr. Brush and in those of the Bureau of Standards lessens the probability that it was due to experimental error. Therefore, while not excluding the contingency of experimental error common to the two methods accounting for the effect, the possibility remains that it may be due to some process as yet unknown.


The author desires to express his appreciation to all who aided in this investigation. The idea was original with Dr. Charles F. Brush, and he not only supported generously the work at the Bureau of Standards, but he also contributed much by his active interest and advice. Dr. Brush's heirs, Mr. Roger G. Perkins and Mrs. Dorothy Brush Dick, made it possible to continue the work. Mr. E. F. Mueller, under whose direction the experiments were performed, and Dr. M. S. Van Dusen made many valuable suggestions during the course of the investigation and in the interpretation of the results. Miss C. L. Torrey examined the materials for radioactivity and Dr. H. Insley made the petrographic analysis.
Edit: Charles F Brush's papers to the American Philosophical Society on gravity are available online, and most are downloadable: https://www.jstor.org/action/doBasicSea ... %22&so=new

Harrison's paper was presented in Philadelphia in April 1933. Townsend was in the Navy at this point, a freshly minted Lieutenant (Junior Grade), just off the Caroline cruise, but about to lose his Navy job due to cutbacks in May. But what city was his "desk job" in? NRL Anacostia, we think, in DC? I suppose that's not too far away. Of course, he could have just read the Harrington paper later.

Edit: Duh, actually Charles Brush was a huge deal in the Ohio electrical world, and Townsend was from Ohio and in the electrical world, so he probably came across Brush much, much sooner than 1933. I think it would've been very hard to miss the guy - and his weird theories, which Brush had been proclaiming since 1911 (kinetic gravitation) and 1915 (spontaneous generation of heat).

Elmer Harrington apparently received his PhD, in chemistry, in 1915 at Clark University in Massachusetts (see: https://acshist.scs.illinois.edu/bullet ... p15-19.pdf ) Not much else seems to be known about him.

Incidentally - and this is probably a huge distraction - if one Googles "Harrington Bureau of Standards", one discovers a much more interesting east coast Harrington: a person named Roger F Harrington, born 1925 in Buffalo, New York, who was a young instructor during WW2 at the Navy Radio Materiel School in Dearborn, Michigan, then went to Syracuse University and got a PhD in 1952. He went on to do all sorts of very clever radio antenna design for military systems and is 98 now. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_F._Harrington )

I would love it if Roger F Harrington turned out to be related to Elmer A Harrington. It would tie a whole bunch of Townsendian interests together. But sadly I don't have any data to justify that.

In conclusion, I wish to say: CLEVELAND ROCKS!!! (Are Observed To Exhibit Correlation of Continual Generation of Heat, and Impairment of their Gravitational Acceleration). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qDkZnpOiS8

Regards, Nate
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by natecull »

I have finished transcribing the Hull Letter, and added it as an attachment to the post a couple back.

I've also put it up on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/townsend-hu ... transcript

One more note which has always bugged me about Townsend's Winterhaven-era off-the-map gravity theories. In the very same letter he first talks about invalidating the Equivalence Principle (not by that name, but in terms of different values for inertial vs gravitational mass). And also suggests that the "longitudinal waves" produced by his "electrogravitional communications system" would very likely travel faster than light, which, he is fully aware, "brings us face to face with an embarrassing situation with the limitations imposed by relativity." Then later, he references Václav Hlavatý as someone interested in electrogravity.
Section 16: The New York Herald-Tribune articles, the three of them, give a number of references to individuals and organizations currently interested in the electro-gravitic concept. One in particular, which I have know [sic] about for some time, and mentioned also in the Tribute articles
is Hlavaty, of Indiana University, a mathematician. There have been a number of articles about Hlavaty’s work in newspapers and the like, but I am unable, at the moment to give you any technical references, i.e., references to technical papers which he has written.
But Hlavatý (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%A1clav_Hlavat%C3%BD) was a colleague of Einstein, and worked with Einstein on the final version of his Unified Field Theory, which he published in 1957 as "Geometry of Einstein's Unified Field Theory" (up on the Archive: https://archive.org/details/geometryofeinste029248mbp ).

I've always struggled to reconcile Townsend's attitude towards Relativity. On the one hand, he liked ether theories and proposed faster-than-light waves and a room-temperature, measurable, electric-gravity connection - and on the other, seemed to have a personal connection to a noted relativist!

All I can figure is that, in 1955, the informal rules of the physics elite towards speculations about Relativity must have been much more relaxed than they are today.

Regards, Nate
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by David Osielski »

That's weird...

Two weeks ago user Bolland posted some comments on Jesse's YT Townsend video page :shock:
American Alchemy-Bolland-Twigsnapper (HOWARD)-Morgan (DAVE SMITH)q.jpg
Some not very nice things were said about Paul's book and LAVAS' name was misspelled, but a few breadcrumbs dropped about Twiggsnapper & Morgan.

Wonder if this is an invitation from the Fates to crack my OSINT knuckles and dive back into the aether???

Some midichlorians do seem to chase and PUSH this latest morsel, especially when an electric field is run across these charged plates... 8)
Screenshot 2024-05-20 221003q.jpg
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Trickfox & Caroline

Post by David Osielski »

Henry_Yang wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 7:56 am
Now, I will have to move around again and i think the caroline group is keeping me safe for the immediate moment...
Henry (or anyone else for that matter), do you think Trickfox was with the Caroline Group or just that he held TCG in such regard that they could wield their influence to essentially ensure his safety? :shock:
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by David Osielski »

David Osielski wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 1:05 pm That's weird...
So while continuing to dig...I get the impression the *real* Bollands, Andrew and Linda "LongboardLovely" want to torpedo Jesse's video and by extension Paul's book while also doxxing Twigsnapper & Morgan. Or at least throw more dust into the air. Why?

Correct me if my timeline is wrong. After Paul finished his Philo Farnsworth book, he received an anonymous tip encouraging him to investigate TTB. Andrew's Soteria.com website was the link which eventually connected Paul with Linda. I don't get it.

My Epic Fail timeline is also fuzzy, especially since the rival http://qualight.com/forum/ has gone 404.

Well, there is that DOD connection with Qualight.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Jan Lundquist »

David, Andrew was a college student when he first visited Josephine, Linda, and family in the eighties. He remained a supporter/promoter for many years after that. Something in the relationship went sour in the early teens. More than that, I cannot tell you.

Personally, I never felt that Trickfox was in with the Carolines.

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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Jan Lundquist »

BTW, David, and Future Readers

Toward the end of his life, dear Trickfox would go on binges, and become quite weepy and despondent. It may be that he said what Andrew claims, but heresay cannot stand up againt his translation of the Montgolfier report. It is an valuable contribution to the extant Townsend Brown literature, and it contradicts what he is claimed to have said.

Many characters have emerged along the winding TTB forum roads. Some have dropped away. Some, like Andrew, seem have been caught in a vengeful loop for ages now.

Curiously, until they entered the Schism Roundabout, both Andrew and Poster Mikado were rivals in the scramble for Brown's scraps. They had each benefited from Townsend's research, obtained through their relationship with Linda. Andrew had his Qualight company, and Mikado built a Gravitator...which he aid on his forum, haa drawn investors.

I don't know what the goal is in reviving the acrimony,
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear David,

Allow me to copy+paste that comment here as HTML in case the image hosting breaks down when researchers in the future get here...

Huh, that's weird. I think the video was removed. I get an ERROR 404 on my end.

Well, I'll copy the text out of the image then...

2 weeks ago

I'm sorry that Paul Shatzkin failed to due his due diligence on the first or second version of his book about TT Brown. His two sources of information were Linda Brown and her menagerie of sock puppet accounts. Her husband says she used to want to have him read her posting as other people and he wanted nothing to do with it. I met Twigsnapper (their friend Howard) and Morgan ("Dumpster Dave' her old high school love interest). It's great to see he's trying to make lemonade out of lemons, but he is misleading all of you.

Just an example - Raymond Lavos, the man who translated the Project Montgolfier files for us into English, called up bawling to one of us that it didn't work in a vacuum, that it was all lies, and that Brown got kicked out of there, because he was supposed to be working on other things and was just using them so he could do his own thing - a pattern that followed Brown through his life.

Andrew Bolland misspelled Paul Schatzkin's name in the first sentence. Meanwhile, many people have accidentally referred to Raymond Lavas as "Raymond Lavos" in the past and I believe that is a valid alternate spelling. Also, what a way to unveil "Howard" and "Dave"... This should get more attention on more threads!

So it was Michael Riconosciuto that got Lavas started on the Brown conspiracy thing. He first told conspiracy researchers about finding Brown's work suppressed at the Learjet corporation, where he worked on electrochemistry for the mining industry.

Lavas also convinced Gunderson of Riconosciuto's credentials as a CIA-sponsored genius by giving him a handwritten document showcasing Michael's alleged work on ferromagnetic laser oscillation and modulation in a cavity. I later found the original system of equations was discovered by Stanford researchers Harris and McDuff...... Not Riconosciuto, although he was there at Stanford with Schawlow. That part was proven by the research interviews conducted by the great Casolaro himself.

Sometimes I wonder if Riconosciuto was "larping" around with Lavas or whether this Brown / Learjet project was the real deal. You have seen his article detailing the electrostatic cooling device originally invented by Blomgren, of which he claims does not rely on the ionic wind principle, in direct contradiction with the work of Kibler at General Electric.

Lavas said not only was ionic wind not responsible, but that the Biefield-Brown effect WAS. By keeping the end poles on in the spark lamp, the Blomgren electrostatic probe cooled off just the center part to separate the poles... so efficiently that the numbers showed a rather clear lack of energy conservation. And then thermodynamics and information theory get turned on there head.

I want to believe Lavas so badly and rebuild the machine and watch the Second Law crumble to ash and dust. But he frustratingly left behind NOTHING to show for it.

And now this, with his partner Andrew claiming that in the end, Lavas said it was never real?

I don't blame him for his tone of voice at all. My own posts, at times, have carried the same level of emotion before.

Dear Nate,

When Burkhard Heim wrote to Einstein, Václav Hlavatý was the one who answered back. He told Heim that he was interested in his ideas and encouraged him to pursue them further.

Hlavatý, Heim, Rainich, Sachs, Evans, Wheeler, etc., belong to a class of physicists that independently developed metric geometry based "unified" field theories.

Penrose showed later that standard casualty was not admitted in Wheeler's case. Oliveira and Rodrigues debunked Evans and Sachs in a particularly beautiful way which also happened to show that the antisymmetric tensor part these physicists often ascribed the the "electromagnetic field tensor" is but a mistaken and trivial identification of some combinations of the non-electromagnetic curvature bivectors in a Pauli bundle that vanish in the vacuum spacetime solutions.

Regarding Heim theory, I noticed that his tensor fails to conserve angular momentum, unless extended to six dimensions. But he did what Pauli said never to do: added the electromagnetic field and gravitational field components together in a trivial way that involved calculating independent field strengths by separating them again later. This is a conceitful mere addition of two fields rather than unification. Pauli also ridiculed antisymmetric tensors in general for this reason.

Heim wrote the gravitational energy coupled to gravitational mass together in such a way that this tensor was non-Hermitian and allowed for the field to contributed energy to itself. In other words, gravity carries a field energy which gravitates on its own which interacts with the original field again.

Tensors don't carry themselves inside of themselves. Thus the energy momentum tensor cannot carry its own energy output as an input source term after its initial creation. This is a mathematical impossibility and forced Einstein to turn to pseudo-tensors, which Heim and Wheeler both criticized at length. But only Heim was dead serious about actually upending that program.

Heim's approach trashes Riemannian geometry completely. Einstein canceled gravity as a source term in the stress tensor. Heim did not. Heim took this new tensor and constructed the metric geometry without conversation laws. This metric had 64 equations which did not conserve energy until Heim found that 28 have null eigenvalues and thus do not contribute to the metric structure of the space-time. When the other 36 equations are placed into a 6-dimensional matrix, the effect is canceled out and the system does indeed respect general covariance and coordinate invariance.

Chen, a student of Penrose, derived Bohm's potentials from higher dimensional space. Heim saw this as a sign to make the extra two dimensions describe information theory.

I was offset by his trashing of the probability theory that is used in both thermodynamics and quantum mechanics as he claimed that quantum gravity dealt with nonlinear mass operators that required no longer holding linear probabilities as foundational. (Hello... Category Theory???)

But what killed the theory for me was the idea that the unified tensor allowed for gravity to "drag" light and that redshift was nothing more than "tired" light. And Pauli's comments on the structure of the tensor itself being a lie. I believe those comments where later branded as "Pauli's Criterion" or "Pauli's Lemma" by some physicists.

Whoops. Just smashed a mosquito against my own computer screen. Guess it's late and I should just get to bed already. lol.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear All,

Henry (or anyone else for that matter), do you think Trickfox was with the Caroline Group or just that he held TCG in such regard that they could wield their influence to essentially ensure his safety? :shock:
That depends if Robert Maheu was in that group. Trickfox dated his daughter, after all. Maheu showed him the secret technology that Hughes Aircraft had hidden in their bunkers. Something or other related to fast moving nuclear powered submarines.......

Meanwhile, there is ANOTHER group out there running amuck that Timothy E Taylor is a part of. I have discovered how their activities are tied to worshipping the Sirius star system and an "Extended Intelligence" they call "Tyler Durden". Nick Hinton proved this was connected to the Bledsoe family. Sorry I did not mention this back when I first discovered it. It all seems like a massive disinformation campaign run by NASA or the government or some rich aerospace dudes who got bored and took an interest in Discordianism and Fight Club at the same time.....
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Henry, a few facts as I recall them from the time:

Andrew and Raymond were not partners. Raymond was a math savant, without education, connection, or resources, who found Paul's forum long after Paul found Andrew. He was ill at the time, his last trip was to meet Linda et al, in Las Vegas. For the next several years, he was an active poster, whose fragile health began to deteriorate rapidly at the end.

I was told, don't recall if he admitted it publicly, that he was the bagman bringing drugs from South America to the Cabazon Reservation, Ricconosciuto et al, probably via what was then the Jackie Cochran airport in Indio, CA.

At the end of his life Raymond mostly tinkered on small projects of his own making, perhaps his greatest achievement was his Montgolfier Translation. Unfortunately, until Paul puts up a PDF of that and the original document, all we can do is to assume that what we see on line comes to us an accurate transcript of his translation.

By Raymond's own admission, he never had a loving relationship with a partner, and he felt the absence keenly. He experience some measure of that in the last weeks of his life, with a young Native American woman in their residential treatment center. However, your story about what he was shown at Hughes is interesting.

Given the time frame of his narrative it may be that the secret he was shown at Hughes had something to do with the CIA sponsored Project Azorian/Project Jennifer and the Glomar Explorer, which underwent sea trials off of Catalina Island.

Last edited by Jan Lundquist on Sun May 26, 2024 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Tyler Durden? Are you Sirius?

Methinks someone is pulling someone's leg.

Last edited by Jan Lundquist on Sun May 26, 2024 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Jan,

You are right about the Tyler D thing. It is an obvious fake, and I wish JM had considered it before featuring Timothy/Travis in that documentary.

But moving on to the big stuff...

I was told, don't recall if he admitted it publicly, that he was the bagman bringing drugs from South America to the Cabazon Reservation, Ricconosciuto et al, probably via what was then the Jackie Cochran airport in Indio, CA.
Perhaps you have heard of Carol Marshall and her investigation, which was ruined by Jonathen Littman, probably on orders by Ben Kalka, who hates Michael Riconosciuto with a burning passion. Riconosciuto was a police informant under Sam Cross, who put Kalka in jail. Later, Riconosciuto's girlfriend Valerie McDonald is murdered and the body dumped under a boat on his property. This site was chosen to frame him. Riconoscouto has a solid alibi and the case is never solved. But they later frame him up with drugs and a few laundered hundred dollar bills. Riconosciuto later claimed that Philip Arthur Thompson murdered Valerie McDonald in the aforenoted case. I do not believe Kalka was involved at all, but highly suspect him being the handler for Jonathen Littman, who kept a close eye on Casolaro along with Shackley and Cuellar.

So for that and a bunch of reasons related to that, Marshall quits for a few years and resumes writing the book later on. After she published she quit for good, halting all work on her Timothy McVeigh research, which never saw the light of day. That same facility that Riconosciuto owned with his father was broken into and bomb-making materials stolen. Riconosciuto and Gunderson believed McVeigh had something to do with that. The FBI believes instead that McVeigh bought some fertilizer at a home improvement store and mixed it up in full public view in a recreational park.

As for Lavas, he was completely silent about all of it. Marshall was not. Some quotes from her book below:

Later in my investigation, I obtained from Michael Riconosciuto's files in the desert, a handwritten note from "T.G." to "Michael" which read as follows: "Raymond is arriving at LAX 7:55 p.m. Air Canada via Flight 793 from Toronto. Will have to go through Customs. This will give us another member for our drug/arms operation." The note gave a telephone number where "T.G." could be reached. "Raymond," referred to in the note, is presumably Raymond Lavas, Gunderson's former forensic's expert during his tenure in the FBI.

"Mike, Raymond Lavas turned some of your disks over to the Jack Brooks investigative committee (House Judiciary Committee on Inslaw)."

"Yeah, I know. There's no data on those disks. What that is, is that is a subset of VAX B.M.S., OK? What I do is I modify some of the VAX BMS routines to activate a one time pad encryption scheme. That's why I have to have two RLO2 drives on the VAX 11730, because one RLO2 Platter is a system planner, the other one is the one time pad. The data is on a 1625 BPI 9 track tape on the TU80 tape drive. That's the system configuration."

"If you say so."

One of the most surprising, and disturbing, documents I found in Michael Riconosciuto's hidden files (see Chapter 9) was an envelope with a notation on it, handwritten and signed by Ted Gunderson, which read as follows:

"Michael: Raymond [Lavas] is arriving at LAX, 7:55 p.m., Air Canada via flight 793 from Toronto. Will have to go through Customs. This will give us another member for our drug/arms operation. Only problem [is] Raymond will probably be using instead of selling. Sorry I didn't get to D.A. office. I tried to call, but no answer. By the time I fought the traffic to the bank and did my banking, it was too late Will be home tonight (818) 8806238. T.G."

And about the submarine thing...

Given the time frame of his narrative it may be that the secret he was shown at Hughes had something to do with the CIA sponsored Project Azorian/Project Jennifer and the Glomar Explorer, which underwent sea trials off of Catalina Island.
Raymond said that the "Hunt for Red October" depicted real stuff that he saw before. So I assume nuclear. But he was thinking more along the lines of the Biefield-Brown effect. See here:

Darned it, I think I lost a Three HOUR
E-mail response to your question. When I tried to send it it just dissapeared.
I suppose it could be because it was too long and had too many historical details, so I’ll just say that it (the information) was all there in the libraries of Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena.
I had a meeting with some scientists who gave me access because Bob Maheu (EX CEO of Howard Hughes Aircraft company in Culver City)go me involved with the highest technology pursuit on earth in the early 80s.(after my polygraph test)

Victoria I have used several aspects of Brown’s original work in several of our projects, however be advised that the technology is MUCH MUCH more advanced these days. Hopefully as we begin to communicate, there will be more to share with all, but remember that we are not creating anything new here.
It’s just that NOW some of us are ready to deal with the consequences.

TESLA TO BROWN (Technology re-explored)
http://www.psychopropulseur.com/downloa ... BROWN.html
“Tesla Documents from Colorado Springs 1899-1900” These are from a Rare Yugoslavian published book (by the same name).
Also here is a drawing of Brown’s application for a “fluid control grid”. This device was later used in silent submarine propulsion. I’ve made a few of these over the years.

I have never actually seen the fluid propulsion systems, but I discussed this subject with another engineer, and we decided that despite the obvious salt-water conduction problem, it should be possible to construct some rather exotic fluid propulsion systems. The patent application specified that the “fluid Media” was “sound” in the drawing shown, however the idea was to taylor the usage to various fluid “dialectric properties” and determin if it could possibly produce enough thrusting force. Since our application had more to do with communication that propulsion, we had to reason to put any actual engineering into it. I suspect other researchers did come up with a working solution, so I’d say YES, the “hunt for Red October” made all of us scratch our heads when the movie came out.

The report I saw (and still have somewhere!) was conducted by Army CID (I think).
It was actually very complementing about T.T.Brown. It was more like “Let’s find out who this Brown fella is, and exactly how did he make this flying disc stuff work”(complete with math equations).
I wish I could remember the report more acurately however it’s been a decade since I even seen this loose group of papers. I’ll see if I can find photocopies here in a few days. When I do I’ll put it up on the Danger Man page.
The reason I obtained a copy is because someone had actually tried to reverse engineer the design for his high voltage supply to see if the power consumption and entropy figures balanced out to produce an actual “WORK” function. They did the math and it turned out to be inconclusive.
The work I did in the early 80s was more related to communications, so “work”, “thrust”, and “energy consumption” was less important to us than “signal to noise ratios” and “hardware operational bandwidth constraints”.
Notice this part:

someone had actually tried to reverse engineer the design for his high voltage supply to see if the power consumption and entropy figures balanced out to produce an actual “WORK” function.
Why would the original Army CID report go on the DANGER MAN page if this "someone" wasn't DANGER MAN himself???

Moving on...

At around the same time, we were trying to set up a meeting with T.T. Brown on Catalina island. I think we were unable to so because of Brown’s health problems.
What strikes me as odd, is the fact that several independant researchers had managed to approach this type of science from several angles, and several shadowy government types kept tabs on most everyone, however they (government)never bothered uniting anyone who did independant research.
They just grabbed a lot of the math formulas from their “inside sources” and dissapeared without leaving as much as a Thank you.
It happend to one of our founding organizations- a company called “Interprobe” located in Chicago. This was during contract negotiations for a military application of an exotic “weld cooling technique” for special aircraft wing-pin joints. We showed them, and they just copied us then claimed that they had originated the technology by themselves.


We demonstrated “a fan with no moving parts”
That was just a warm up to the more important “cooling” experiment in which we managed to cool the center of a light bulb filament while it remained lit on both sides of the area being quenched.
REMEMBER we did this THROUGH A GLASS LIGHT BULB in which THE AIR HAS BEEN EVACUATED.(so much for the “ion wind cooling effect” right!).
Remember Paul's research started out with the Sharper Image thing? He got an anonymous phone call telling him to look into it? And he did and that kickstarted everything?

This whole demonstration was just a method devised to stump those scientists who “THOUGHT” they knew what was going on with the physics of an “ion wind generator” ala “sharper image”(what a joke).
There was NO AIR in the light bulb, so HOW COULD AN ION WIND COOL ANYTHING inside an evacuated bulb???
Well... Trickfox knew that already.

Look at what he told Mr. Moody when he first introduced himself on this very forum:

Are you reversing the second law of thermodynamics? Sort-of pushing back ENTROPY ITSELF A BIT!!!

What if we decided to put on a REAL INTERESTING show of the energy control aspects of this High Voltage science?

What if I could turn off the center of a long light bulb filament while it shines red on both sides of the exact spot where I am cooling it. (Through the glass) What if the calculated and measured energy used to produce the high voltage of my cooling probe is lower than the energy required to keep the bulb lit.
The numbers. What are these numbers? Here is a quote from Michael Riconosciuto:

Oscar Blomgren Jr. had succeeded in cooling spots on the filament of a long display case type lightbulb. I was asked if it were possible to cool the entire length of the filament simultaneously, to the same degree as the sections of the filament had been. The answer was yes.

Then ONR wanted to see the numbers on probe energy versus the electrical energy input and thermal and convective heat flow around the filament.

Vacuum and inert gas backfilled lightbulbs were used for this set of experiments. The experimental results were immediately classified and all hell broke out around our project. I suddenly had immense resources in money and personnel made available to our project through DARPA, ONR, and USAF PRAM Project Office.

This R&D continued for 3 years until it was disrupted by the murder of Paul Morasca. When I realized that Paul Morasca was terminated by the US Government, I folded up the project at Hercules, Cabazon, and Sonoma Engineering.

The research data and equipment from the entire project went into storage. I have effectively been on the run since I shelved the project in 1984.

My work on this project started with a heat transfer phenomenon that had been accidentally discovered by Oscar Blomgren Jr. I succeeded in completely reconciling the observed experimental results with the apparent violations of the laws of physics. The work that I completed can be summarized as mathematical modeling and numerical simulation with application of the boundary value problems of thermodynamics based on second order partial differential equations derived from elliptic functions. The mathematical principles and physical laws that cover this work are as follows:

(1) the laws of thermodynamics;

(2) the boundary value problems: 1st) the Dirichlet problem, 2nd) the Neumann problem, 3rd) Ronbin's problem;

(3) the equations of mathematical physics;

(4) Maxwell's relations in thermodynamics. The Maxwell relations in thermodynamics are based on Maxwell's cross-partial derivatives and lead to the Helmholtz function and the Gibbs function.

My work succeeded in clarifying the physics of the observed heat transfer effects demonstrated by the use of electrostatic cooling. The discoveries that I made have been classified and improperly expropriated by agencies of the US government.
The part about the numbers is this part:

Then ONR wanted to see the numbers on probe energy versus the electrical energy input and thermal and convective heat flow around the filament.
To which Trickfox said:

What if the calculated and measured energy used to produce the high voltage of my cooling probe is lower than the energy required to keep the bulb lit.
What if???

What if an ant could carry a skyscraper? I'd say THAT is more likely!!!!
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »


How could I forget THIS part?

Michael Riconosciuto:

"Yeah, I know. There's no data on those disks. What that is, is that is a subset of VAX B.M.S., OK? What I do is I modify some of the VAX BMS routines to activate a one time pad encryption scheme. That's why I have to have two RLO2 drives on the VAX 11730, because one RLO2 Platter is a system planner, the other one is the one time pad. The data is on a 1625 BPI 9 track tape on the TU80 tape drive. That's the system configuration."

Raymond Lavas:

RASP is a computer crunching program for a custom modified set of DEC VAX 11780 processors (which was in place in 1982) The twin vaxes were set to crunch out a very special spread sheet, and the output from one computer was fed into a laser by way of a Brewster modulation window. The lasers from the second computer was also modulated by another brewster window, then the two beams were collided at orthogonal angles. The rest is a bit more complicated but involves high voltages and the BB effect. This whole deal was a set up to explore Hilbert space for a crumb trail...... Remember Ong's hat? This was a bit like that.
I'm not sure I understand all the details because I figured this technology out later after the Bald Eagle was put in a cage. :(
Water under the bridge......
PROMIS in Hilbert Space? I knew this was an infinite-dimensional conspiracy. But not in that way. lol!
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