Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Thank you, Henry. It is wonderful to read Raymond's words again. Ted Gunderson's, not so much. Raymond, being guileless and naive, was easy to use and manipulate.

You are so good at excavating the bones that are giving structure to this part of the story, which is very much the Silent Running story. It began with Ross Gunn's petition for atomic research funds immediately after attending Fermi's seminar in DC. "

Twigsnapper" even said Townsend's greatest trick after the Pearl Harbor debacle was to lead the Russians AWAY from what was going on under the sea.

Back to the Miethe Story...his connection with Townsend is assumed to be through their shared interest in high voltage work, but I found this on a German language forum and wondered if they also shared an interest in he area of fluid dynamics:
Dr. Miethe's BMW V1 impeller is not one of the what-ifs: it actually flew in Prague Kbely in the fall of 1943, powered by the BMW 003 engine. The Unicraft model was built again by R. Epler: how many Unicraft and how many Epler? Good question.
https://www.flugzeugforum.de/threads/15 ... st-3061403

One day we will all emerge from the fog and the whole picture will be clear.

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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

I find it somewhat odd that Ross Gunn has a ton of scientific papers related to electrostatics and ionic physics:


Some interesting titles from that link (full articles not available):

"The statistical electrification of aerosols by ionic diffusion"

"A quantitative evaluation of the influence of the lithosphere on the anomalies of gravity"

"Army-Navy Precipitation-Static Project: Part I-The Precipitation-Static Interference Problem and Methods for Its Investigation"

From Gunn's Wikipedia page:

He was one of the first to appreciate the possibility of using nuclear power for submarine propulsion. During World War II he was involved in the development of thermal diffusion technology for isotope separation.

Naturally the terms "thermal diffusion" and "isotope separation" immediately call to my mind three documents:

1. "The Separation of Nuclear Isotopes using Laser Energy"
By Michael Riconosciuto***

https://www.fpparchive.org/media/docume ... 95_FBI.pdf

2. "Theory of FM Laser Oscillation"
By SE Harris and OP McDuff

https://web.stanford.edu/~seharris/Publ ... 960/18.pdf

3. "Electrostatic Cooling: Science Fact or Fiction?"
By Michael Riconosciuto


***documents 1 and 2 outline the exact same system of equations...

...And finally, an anecdote from "Not Exactly the CIA: A Revised History of Modern American Disasters", By Roger Phelps:

Working in secret in the early 1980s at the laboratory of his family company, Hercules Manufacturing, Riconosciuto developed a type of FAE he nicknamed "Blue Death." In 1983, the CIA's Dr. Earl W. Brian, through his Bio-Rad company, bought the property on which Riconosciuto's Hercules Manufacturing laboratory sat. In 1985, a company called Dyno-Nobel acquired the Hercules Manufacturing company itself. Dyno-Nobel and the CIA thus would have acquired Riconosciuto's "Blue Death" FAE technology. In a U.S. government contract dating from 1990, the Dyno-Nobel company was tasked to produce fuel-air explosives for the military. This led indirectly to a secret being revealed: America possessed FAE technology.

In 1994, the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Non-Proliferation and National Security conducted something called The Non-Proliferation Experiment (with "proliferation" short for "proliferation of nuclear weapons"). The experiment was, ominously, designed to produce a non-nuclear explosion that packed destructive power equal to some nuclear weapons - a bomb, in other words, whose use would not attract horrified attention by spreading nuclear radiation. Some American reporters got an earful while covering an April 1994 gathering called the "Symposium on Non-Proliferation Experiment (NPE) Results and Implications for Test Ban Treaties." Reporters heard results of NPE tests conducted by Dyno-Nobel earlier that year at the US government's Nevada Test Site, a secret location patrolled by Wackenhut, the company that hired Riconosciuto to produce his "Blue Death" FAE refinement - the electro-hydrodynamic gaseous fuel bomb.

Presenting test results at the symposium, Mark Mammele of Dyno-Nobel said, The requirements of the Non-Proliferation Experiment, as outlined in the original explosives bid package, presented Dyno-Nobel, Inc., with a unique challenge. The size of the [detonation] chamber, the total volume of explosives required, the chemical-energy equivalent of 1 kiloton, the time-frame of loading the chamber, transportation, and safety were all necessary considerations in choosing this particular explosive.

It was not reported that this particular underground test, almost certainly of Riconosciuto's Blue Death FAE, lowered the ground level at the Nevada Test Site by 30 feet. A year later, some researchers suspected fuel-air explosives were used in the Oklahoma City bombing. Riconosciuto at that time acknowledged his belief, based on details of the OKC incident, that the weaponry used was of his design - the Blue Death FAE. Even so, Riconosciuto was never accused of participating in the OKC bombing. This, likely, was because at the time he was still a valuable "intelligence" asset, a member in good standing of Not-Exactly-the-CIA.

And according to the Gunderson document:

CLUE #1: A shockwave travelling In a light medium that strikes a plane solid surface reflects the same form. A shock wave travelling In a dense medium that strikes a surface adjacent to a light medium reflects as a refraction.

CLUE #2: Examine the pressure rise over the surface volume relationship.

The secondary shock wave is driven beyond the "Chapman Jugo" condition as the leading edge of the wave is compressed into a thin boundary. The chemical reaction from ordinary explosive effect is enhanced by the electro-chemical effect, electrons are converted into energy at a much higher scale. The reaction is considered A-Neutronic as an over-driven detonation takes place.

The only description left is the electronic analogy of this dynamic system and how the Ionic separation takes place. This is a well-kept secret.
Before I have noted the electronic analogy may be found in Robert Sarbacher's work:

Metal-air electrochemical cell
Sep 30, 1982 - Synectics, Inc.

I would also like to note the definition of the term "over-driven detonation":

The term “overdriven detonation” refers to detonation process in which the main detonation parameters, such as detonation pressure and propagating velocity, exceed the corresponding Chapman-Jouguet (C-J) values. This kind of detonation state can be realized by the impingement of a high velocity object upon the explosive. This paper presents our initial survey on the occurrence of overdriven detonation in high explosive. The HMX-based PBX is used to accelerate the metal plate being used as the impactor. The target explosive is the so-called SEP, simplified from the term of the ‘safety explosive,’ with the composition of PETN wt.65% and paraffin 35 wt.%. By changing the thickness of the metal plate under an unvaried amount of donor explosive, the different impinging velocities are yielded. The propagation of the detonation wave grown from the impingement of metal plate is recorded by the high-speed streak camera owing to the self-luminosity of detonation.
Overdriven detonation phenomenon in high explosive
Z. Liu; S. Nagano; S. Itoh
https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-ab ... m=fulltext

self-luminosity of detonation
In Riconosciuto's case, that light was blue and gold, hence the name "Blue Death"... Maybe that part "sparked" Trickfox's interest in Sonochemistry and Frenkel's theory? (elaborated on in a past thread)...

Sorry for that wall of text. The thing I meant to specify was the connection of Ross Gunn to the work of Michael Riconosciuto. I see that Gunn died in 1966, so the timelines do not match up very well, but can still conceive of some indirect inspiration from Gunn to Risconosciuto regarding the Blomgren technology, which was built at the Interprobe corporation and made out of the "Olive Green" hardware that Raymond was being so secretive about....

From the Wikipedia page for Thermophoresis:

The term Soret effect normally applies to liquid mixtures, which behave according to different, less well-understood mechanisms than gaseous mixtures.
I will probably come back to that later and the connection to the the Ratchet Effect... But back to the computer parts:

RASP is a computer crunching program for a custom modified set of DEC VAX 11780 processors (which was in place in 1982) The twin vaxes were set to crunch out a very special spread sheet, and the output from one computer was fed into a laser by way of a Brewster modulation window. The lasers from the second computer was also modulated by another brewster window, then the two beams were collided at orthogonal angles.
From another post by Raymond Lavas:

First: (BEC) Bose Einstein Condensate,(something like giant living plasmons) Huge temperature control problem here so take this as "BIG WISHFULL SCIENCE" and only worth the theoretical value if the math works out and energy equations do balance out.

There is the "transdimensional" part, Photon/electron/plasmon reactions
throught the usage of Lasers and Brewster windows.
"temperature control problem"?

I wonder what technology solves that...

From Raymond's old YouTube video:

And... here is the drawing. And it shows a system using high voltage here, and here, to modulate an audio signal...... that wor[ks]... here is the signal input, and it goes into here, and the field pulses come out, out front there, so that's-- these devices are fan fluid control systems. And we are going to be talking about all kinds of different types of these fluid control systems that have been kept classified for years, and we will be explaining why these have been classified for years.
Eventually we're going to be involved in building high voltage power supplies, and particular applications, for instance-- the application by Hercules Research Corporation in Hercules California, of the METC cooling unit as used by a laser Brewster window... Where the beam hits the Brewster window, and the METC point is being used for cooling the Brewster window in order to perform a rather important laser diagnostics, and also laser sciences of all kinds.
There's plenty of different modulation diagrams which come from the original work done it at Hercules Corporation. And then there is a final theorem, written in the handwriting of the master himself, M.R. [Michael Riconosciuto] And that will be discussed further on down the line-- that those people who are authorized to see this particular little seminar, and also understand what the applications and psyops (psychological warfare operations) in the military and how dangerous it is.
Remember this:

What if the calculated and measured energy used to produce the high voltage of my cooling probe is lower than the energy required to keep the bulb lit.
Compare with this:

the METC cooling unit as used by a laser Brewster window... Where the beam hits the Brewster window, and the METC point is being used for cooling the Brewster window in order to perform a rather important laser diagnostics
I fear I may clog up the search box function on the site if I quote all these terms over and over again but at times I have found the information doubling / cloning to be rather important for my own organizational process.

Separating nuclear isotopes in a totally aneutronic fashion refers to pulling apart proton from proton only and I believe Farnsworth nearly achieved the same effect with his Fusor device. Of course Raymond doubted the Fusor was ever successful because his own version of a "free energy device" came from the Blomgren probe being used on a Bragg cell, which is an effect like a Brewster window causes but where sound waves are used instead of laser light.

Sound wave modulation would lead to a form of "sound wave diagnostics" which would form a completely alternative science surrounding the explosive and nuclear scene as well as the self-luminosity of any such bomb created with it.

Yes I was there and I was questioned by an explosive expert called "Sherrow' (working on Behalf of Soldier of Fortune magazine) . The technical arguments between Sherrow and myslf was over the use of Aliminum silicate in the construction of the device. The explosive power of the device was known to surpass the Chapman-Juge detonation velocity. This is an issue that made Sherrow totally incredulous to the point of laughing at me. It would have labelled our device A-neutronic in Design. I refused to elabotrate the actual technicalities partially because I did not hold in my possession any engineering data necesary for preparing the elaborate design. Later on I did meet with Dr. Sam Cohen, the father of the neutron bomb. He was a wonderful individual who encouraged me to distance myself from all this type of work and become more humanitarian. Although I do know the secrets behind such devices, I willl never work in this type of project again.

Thr cooling Probe used on Bragg cell chanalizers presents a much more useful apppication of this high voltage control technology. There are several dozen novel applications planned but the most important to me personally is the possibility of temporarilly reversing the second laws of thermodynamics to cause a truely strange time manipulation process. I call it "looping the singularity".
Dr. Sam Cohen:

I've spoken to Michael Riconosciuto (the inventor of the a-neutronic bomb) and he's an extraordinarily bright guy. I also have a hunch, which I can't prove, that they both (Riconosciuto and Lavos, his partner) indirectly work for the CIA.
Dr. Cohen on the nuclear threat to humanism / humanity:

Teller’s irascible behavior forced him out of the mainstream but not out of the lab, thanks to Oppenheimer who didn’t think we should be without geniuses, even those whose enormous egos caused serious friction. As bright and innovative as Teller was, his overall performance during the war left a lot to be desired. He was not content to be part of a team effort (like yours truly) and preferred to work off to the side on new and different and sometime pretty far-out ideas (like yours truly). This caused considerable resentment. After all there was a war going on and most people thought future nuclear weapon concepts should be worked on sometime in the future, after we had finished our primary assignment. Edward’s behavior was like a colonel on a planning staff during a military campaign who tells his commanding general that he’d like to plan for the next war. That would be the end of the colonel, who would be demoted and shipped off to some base in the Aleutian Islands.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

At times I have been inclined to believe that Riconosciuto sat in prison scribbling the laser modulation equations out by himself from pure memory, hence the use of cursive, as it was done in a rush. Recently I came to believe that the journal article by Harris and McDuff was open in front of him, and he copied directly, knowing nobody would catch him behind the walls of the prison. Why did he choose this article to plagiarize? It was Gunderson that gave him credit for it, and maybe Gunderson plagiarized it on his behalf, removing the context before compiling the OKCBOMB report.

Regardless, due credit is not given to Harris and McDuff, nor do those two men ever thank Riconosciuto in the acknowledgement section of the original paper.

The authors wish to express their gratitude to E. O. Ammann, B. J. McMurtrya, and M. K. Oshman for providing us with the results of their experiments on He-Ne FM lasers, and also for numerous helpful discussions. Knowledge of their experiments increased our confidence in the theory, and in certain instances indicated the direction in which to proceed. We also wish to thank L. Osterink, A. E. Siegman, and Russell Targ for interesting discussions; and gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Mrs. Cora Barry with the numerical computation.
Targ? Was this Stanford lab being run by the CIA?

Russell Targ was involved in early laser research at Technical Research Group, where he co-authored, with Gordon Gould among others, a 1962 paper describing the use of homodyne detection with laser light. Later, at Sylvania Electronic Systems, he contributed to the development of frequency modulation and mode-locking of lasers, and co-authored a 1969 paper which described the operation of a kilowatt continuous wave laser.

In 1972, Targ joined the Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory at SRI as a senior research physicist in a program founded by Harold E. Puthoff. The two conducted research into psychic abilities and their operational use for the U.S. intelligence community, including NASA, the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and Army Intelligence. Targ worked at SRI until 1982.
From Trickfox:
Yes I am also familliar with Puthoff’s work in Remote viewing (RV), but all of that “RV” stuff is really unimportant to anyone who is serious, and in reality Puthoff has been trying to discover and explain the “communication theory” which could explain how RV actually works.
This phenomena is now known as “LINK THEORY” or “link physics” and serious research has been performed by several other Phd scholars (including our little group)
For a primmer see http://www.boundaryinstitute.org/articl ... tshell.pdf
Hal Puthoff IS NOW considered to be one of a few select pioneers in this field.
RV and Link theory is ABOUT HOW SUPERSPACIAL COMMUNICATIONS can possibly function.
John Nash (a beautiful mind) was also a key source of knowledge,and suffice it to say that many of us (including myself) have suffered the “Nash syndrome” (subliminal messages from unknown sources).
Now we believe that we understand how the “connectivity” functions. (superspacial time loops in Clifford Space)
The math is sometimes reffered to as “Random Associative Symbolic Processing”.
Those of you who are bold enough to try and understand the math should read and understand one of the chapters (page 60)in the book “Stochastic Analysis on Infinite Dimensional Spaces” (ISBN 0-582-24490-0)
A description of the aforenoted book:
This project is devoted to the study of stochastic analysis in infinite dimensions. The main topic is stochastic differential equations (SDEs) in infinite-dimensional spaces, such as noncommutative L^p-spaces, related infinite-dimensional groups, loop groups, and path spaces. The questions of existence and uniqueness of solutions of the SDEs and smoothness of solutions will be studied. Then the solutions will be used to construct and study heat kernel measures (a noncommutative analogue of Gaussian or Wiener measure) on the infinite-dimensional manifolds. In general these infinite-dimensional groups are not locally compact and therefore do not have a Haar measure. The PI intends to study Cameron-Martin type quasi-invariance of these measures. It is an interesting questions in itself, but it also can give rise to unitary representations of the infinite-dimensional groups. It is proposed to study properties of square-integrable holomorphic functions. For example, quasi-invariance can be used to prove weak Cauchy-Riemann equations for holomorphic functions. Besides the classical infinite-dimensional stochastic analysis the PI intends to study noncommutative SDEs. The proposed research is motivated by several subjects. Infinite-dimensional spaces such as loop groups and path spaces appear in physics, for example, in quantum field theory and string theory. The PI proposes to formalize some of the notions used in physics, such as measures on certain infinite-dimensional spaces. The proposed problems in the field of noncommutative probability have their origins in quantum physics.
noncommutative probability
Never heard that term before. lol.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Noncommutative probability grabbed me, too, Henry. All I can say for now is "hunh."

Ross Gunn and Townsend Brown must have had a long and evolving relationship over the years. By the time Townsend came to the NRL, the cutting edge in radio communications was mulitplex transmissions. Gunn held the patents, which he signed over to AT&T. Shortly after Townsend arrived at the lab, Gunn patented a portable electrometer, and the makings of a research dream team were born, that continued even after Gunn moved to the NWS to study "cloud physics"

It was Gunn who pushed the lab into atomic energy and into high atmosphere research. Townsend was his agent in the accomplishment of practical and forward moving objectives in the outer world. They have to be the most famous two Ohio child prodigies to emerge from the radio communications developments of the very early 1900's.

Gunn was the senior of the pair, as he had received one of the earliest set of call letters to be issued, while Townsend was still collecting his fishing worms. He once gave a moving speech on what makes a scientist. One of the qualities he valued mostwas the ability to work harmoniously with others toward a common goal. Some how or another, he and Townsend, must have found the resonant chord that enabled them to do that.

Though they would never work directly together after 1932, they were always headed in a similar direction. In the case of atomic energy research, they just needed Phil Abelson and thorium to get them started. Thorium was the breeder fuel of choice, probably because it was so commonly available in seawater and seabeds.

Apparently, their research lived on, for another few years, at least. When Townsend canceled his dinner with Cornillion, in Philly, to return to Washington, I believe he was returning to receive the results of an atomic test of a thorium pile. The designers at Sandia bitched about this last minute fuel substitution. They said "no one" had planned for it, but I'll bet Townsend and Ross and Sarbacher did.

The last thorium reactor at Oak Ridge would be shut down in the sixties. Maybe because Ross Gunn wasn't around to fight for it any more.

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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

I think Raymond's greatest hint was that Brown's work was used for communications technology instead of the propulsive devices.

Raymond mentioned the "Ultrawideband" program, which relates to the laser modulation technologies of R Targ:

This is from the concluding sentence of Targ's paper called "Laser Frequency Translation by Means of Electro-Optic Coupling Control"

https://web.stanford.edu/~seharris/Publ ... 960/13.pdf

Thus we havea means for shifting the frequency of a laser without sacrificing any of the potentially available laser power. As compared with external modulators, the incorporation of the single sideband modulator into the laser cavity gives almost a hundred-fold increase in the amount of frequency shifted power that can be obtained from a given laser, as a function of modulation power.
By shortening the article URL, you can find the parent directory:

https://web.stanford.edu/~seharris/Publ ... LinksPDFs/

So, I assume that ultrawideband presumably would have the same effect as the sideband modulator, if not greater...

The biggest issue with Ultrawideband technology is the Inter-Symbol-Interference problem. Overlapping pieces of information became garbled together and make the signal incoherent.

Skipping to the 2000s in the parent directory, we have some papers related to quantum entanglement. Specifically, of two photons, forming a "biophoton" system.

https://web.stanford.edu/~seharris/Publ ... 00/221.pdf
In summary, we have shown how the quantum nature of sum frequency generation with time-energy entangled photons allows resonant enhancement. Experimentally, we obtain a twelvefold enhancement of the near monochromatic sum frequency radiation that is generated by summing signal and idler radiation with a bandwidth of about 32 nm.
Think about the implications for Quantum Computing:
Quantum computers have been shown by Peter Shor and others to be much faster at solving some problems that the security of traditional asymmetric encryption algorithms depends on. The cryptographic algorithms that depend on these problems' difficulty would be rendered obsolete with a powerful enough quantum computer. One-time pads, however, would remain secure, as perfect secrecy does not depend on assumptions about the computational resources of an attacker. Quantum cryptography and post-quantum cryptography involve studying the impact of quantum computers on information security.
Although Raymond did not state how RASP worked, he said it formed entangled photons on the surfaces of the Brewster windows, as the laser light intersected itself, presumably as a holographic system:

From the Wikipedia page on Holography:
When the two laser beams reach the recording medium, their light waves intersect and interfere with each other. It is this interference pattern that is imprinted on the recording medium. The pattern itself is seemingly random, as it represents the way in which the scene's light interfered with the original light source – but not the original light source itself. The interference pattern can be considered an encoded version of the scene, requiring a particular key – the original light source – in order to view its contents.

This missing key is provided later by shining a laser, identical to the one used to record the hologram, onto the developed film. When this beam illuminates the hologram, it is diffracted by the hologram's surface pattern. This produces a light field identical to the one originally produced by the scene and scattered onto the hologram.
Looking at the Stanford Lab's timeline, we see that the first ruby laser was demonstrated in May 1960 by Ted Maiman at the Hughes Research Lab in LA. Bell followed up with the Hg+ ion laser, Bridges with the Argon ion laser, and Harris and McDuff finally with the tunable and parametric ferromagnetic lasers.

Weirdly enough, there is a man named Bruce Roberts who claimed that he invented the synthetic ruby, and that Hughes Aircraft stole it from him, and used it in this very same ruby laser research. He published the Gemstone Files over the conspiracy, which followers of Mae Brussell probably know what that is about....

Here is a letter from Dr. Sarfatti to Dr. Targ:

https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CI ... 0007-8.pdf

This looks and sounds like the "Link Physics" and "Clifford Superspacial Loops" that Raymond was talking about earlier...
Dear Russell,

Concerning the physics of the Geller effect and paranormal phenomena in general: I suspect the effect is quantum gravitational. Quantum fluctuations in the geometry of space-time destroy the common sense time ordering of the classical world. That is, to use Wheeler's ideas of superspace, there is net a well defined path in superspace (where each point is a 3-geometry). When quantum fluctuations are important it is impossible to "stack" the 3-geometries into a 4 dim space-time in a well ordered way. Psychic phenomena are a manifestation of quantum fluctuations in space-time geometry on a macroscopic scale. Also, you should be aware of the fact that general relativity is not consistent with simple notions of causality because of the TIME MACHINE effect of closed time-like curves. That is, the gravitational bending of light tips the light cones in such a way that a particle moving with v less then c can return to its original point in space-time but on a different sheet. Think of space-time as a Riemann surface of infinitely many sheets like that for logz. The classical world is the result of constructive interference of these multiple universes or space-time sheets (e.g. Kruskal patches in Kerr solution). I have recently been able to reformulate Feynman's path integral concept of quantum mechanics in terms of this time--machine effect in a multisheeted curved space-time.
Does the Riconosciuto-Lavas "RASP" program run on these principles? Has Ultrawideband already been created?

I can't make sense of the Blomgren electrostatic probe and why that is the ultimate technology that turns back Thermodynamics, but I suspect that Raymond was hinting at the macroscopic creation of a Frohlich Condensate or a Bose-Einstein Condensate by cooling a Brewster window modulated light beam into one that was frozen and did not move at speed c.

Naturally I think there should be some limit to the Blomgren probe's effectiveness, but cannot begin to describe how it works in the first place...

...And in "The Hunt For Red October", the (fictional?) technology isn't so much about the submarines speed or battery power, but the radar technology, which could detect anything instantly, as if TELEPATHIC. So that's another tree to bark up I think.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by David Osielski »

Henry_Yang wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 6:48 am You are right about the Tyler D thing. It is an obvious fake, and I wish JM had considered it before featuring Timothy/Travis in that documentary
Timothy Taylor & Travis Taylor are two separate NASA employees with different CVs and real-life identities.
But moving on to the big stuff...
Well, one man's trash is another man's treasure. But you once said I should just forget about "Tyler D." and focus on the Tic Tac video from the Nimitz. Maybe you're right... 8)
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by David Osielski »

Henry_Yang wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 7:44 am Meanwhile, there is ANOTHER group out there running amuck that Timothy E Taylor is a part of
OK, Henry. You have my real identity and I'm easily located on LinkedIn. I've asked about you, but been essentially told it's complicated. Nevertheless, I'll play along.... Yes, I'm familiar with Nick Ninton's research https://x.com/NickHintonn/status/1372298761427415040

Since meeting Ryan Bledsoe, Hinton also had a phenomenal conversion experience similar to Tim Taylor. Also agree about potential psyop with NASA. Taylor went looking for Pasulka after she met Bledsoe family.
I have discovered how their activities are tied to worshipping the Sirius star system and an "Extended Intelligence" they call "Tyler Durden"
I am also very interested in additional source material (other than Hinton) to corroborate the NASA/NRO Sirius worship connections. Also from my understanding, Pasulka coined Tyler D. to describe Taylor. Not other way around...?

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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear David,

I'm not sure how to start this reply. This is not really appropriate for this thread. But I will give it a go anyway.

Starting with the other thread where we talked about this, I added some YouTube videos there.

The guy who owns the channel was someone I had emailed after I saw his comments on Reddit inviting me (and all others) to do so if we had questions about Tim Taylor, which he said he would answer. So I shot an email message his way.

He told me Timothy and Travis where the same. We exchanged about six emails.

So then I added his information into the thread.

Timothy Taylor & Travis Taylor are two separate NASA employees with different CVs and real-life identities.
I was not aware of this blatant contradiction. I only learned about the entire subject after you mentioned it to me, and I watched that segment of Jesse Michael's video. And then met and talked with that YouTuber right after while doing further research.

Even though he was wrong, I do not believe it was intentional. I should have double-checked even though I believe he was being as trustworthy as possible with me.

I am not playing games with anyone or trying to fool anyone. It was an honest mistake.

I've asked about you, but been essentially told it's complicated.
I deleted my LinkedIn after I ran out of $$$ for school and moved states to start my life all over. Perhaps it was paranoia, but I didn't want my hundreds of followers to ever check in with me after my life fell apart and see the mess it was. It is a private matter that I deemed none of their business.

I told you I deleted it. That was all I said. I think "it's complicated" is an overgeneralization.

you once said I should just forget about "Tyler D." and focus on the Tic Tac video from the Nimitz
And that is what that YouTuber said to me. At the time I agreed with him, and offered to share his view with this forum. Dr. Jack Sarfatti is also very interested in the Tic Tac, BTW...

Nick Hinton believes that the Tyler thing is a psyop that targeted him and no longer talks about any of it. His appearance on The HigherSide Chats is unsettling because that is the same show that Tracy Twyman was on.

Tracy Twyman spoke about "Tyler" a lot but believed it was an AI instead of an EI.

From the writing of Quinn Micheals and Rico Roho, Tyler is the idea that "as information increases, so does chaos". It is a project of some kind meant to stick a giant middle finger up at SiriSYS, which is an AI hosted on a (quantum?) computer owned by Meritica inc, founded by M Daniel Walsh. The master program is called Monalle and warps two-dimensional spreadsheets into three-dimensional hyperbolic geometries in order to apply Ramsey theory to the three-dimensional graphical representation. Perhaps in the same way you might see the Thom Catastrophe theory be applied to Chomsky's Semantics in order to produce graphs of neurolinguistic weighted meaning.

Gee, what a mouthful, and I don't believe that any of it is true at all. Just rumors I heard before and wanted to simply forget...

But because you asked, I will recommend to you the rabbit holes that are Tracy Twyman and Quinn Michaels.

"Sirius" was always a way of saying SiriSYS... Unless you are a member of the Dogon tribe. Then it is the other way around.

Michaels got sued for millions of dollars for defaming Meritica inc after testing their AI product and publicly claiming that it was "evil" and "rotten".

Because he was a homeless and penniless Buddhist monk living in the woods of Mt Shasta at the time, they couldn't get a cent off him. Then he got hospitalized over a collapsed lung, and some kind of private settlement was reached.

MY involvement in all this stems from briefly interacting with the man that Tracy Twyman pinned her death on. He later threatened me and my whole family with nasty messages saying, in verbatim, that we all "where next".

I have every reason to stay anonymous as possible. I attempted to file a police report on the multitude of disturbing sexual threats that I received during this time, but it was not recorded properly as I mentioned first that the offender was from a different state, and they lost interest, telling me APS was a better solution, which I ignored out of my ever mounting frustration.

This conspiracy is a bag of empty shells. An empty rabbit hole that someone forgot to label with police tape. Stay away from it if you value your God-given time on this planet Earth.

I don't think even Ted Gunderson would believe it. Well, maybe he would go for the "Satanic" parts of it. But it's all worthless, in my somewhat experienced opinion....

PS: Thank you for uncovering Andrew's comment on JM's documentary, which solved the original question that this thread was created for. We now have a good idea of who Twigsnapper and Morgan are, which is something that has not been disseminated publicly at any point in history, and was something I thought I would never see...
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

I think I spilled way too much information in that last post of mine and feel inclined to state that I never intended to use this forum as a soap box. I have no idea what NASA is up to, and I think that Platform K and Tyler D are long-running characters in a Discordian game. That is all. Sure I met some shady characters while coming to that conclusion, and I stand by my previously stated conviction that there is nothing else to learn here.

I took a look at the Gemstone Files today on account I left that subject hanging. It turns out as impossible to prove that Roberts invented the synthetic ruby. Although by 1964, they had fallen out of fashion in favor of other alternatives to researchers around the world, including Hughes Aircraft, as well as Stanford.

The Nd:YAG, Alexandrite and Argon Lasers eventually came to replace the Ruby Laser which had limits in output power and tunability. There were also complications in operating and cooling the units.
Ross Gunn researched the Sodium–potassium alloy as a cooling mechanism for the fusion reactors on the submarines. It only worked underwater as in normal air, caught fire and was dangerous. Cooling the laser unit (Brewster windows) was probably done the way Raymond Lavas suggested: Electrostatically.

The Gemstone file is just too crazy to believe and forms one of those impossible-to-disprove-via-sheer-size-and-scope stories. I do think though that there is a chance that Roberts may have made the rubies he proclaimed to have made. But that is as far as I want to go with this.

The "Gemstone File" refers to either a collection of some thousand pages1 of handwritten letters and notes penned between 1968 and 1976 by Bruce Porter Roberts (1919/10/27-1976/07/30)2 or a set of perhaps 360 photocopied pages from a selection dated from August 1970 to August 1972, given by Roberts to Mrs. Mae Brussell née Magnin (1922/05/29-03/10/1988/10/03) in August or September 1972. The distinction is moot but when reading about the papers, the reader should be aware of the author’s intent.
They detailed a conspiracy dating to 1932 involving Kennedy’s assassination, the Mafia, the CIA and an organization "called MMORDIS - Mouldering Mass Of Rotten Dribbling Infectious Shit" which runs the entire world, controlling the American defense department, the intelligence agencies, and the Vatican.

Regarding Lee Harvey Oswald: Officer Tippitt was dispatched in his police radio car to the Oak Cliff Section, where Oswald had rented a room. Tippitt may have met Oswald on the street. He may have been supposed to kill Oswald, but something went wrong. Tippitt was shot by two men, using two revolvers. The "witness," Domingo Benavides, who used Tippitt's police car radio to report "we've had a shooting here," may have been one of the men who shot him. (A "Domingo Benavides" appears in connection with the Martin Luther King shooting also.)

Domingo Benavides was driving his pickup truck along Tenth Street in Oak Cliff on 22nd November, 1963, when he claimed he saw Lee Harvey Oswald kill J. D. Tippet. However, he was not asked by the Dallas Police Department to view a line-up because "he didn't think he was very good at identifying people".

Benavides later gave evidence to the Warren Commission, and the CBS: The Warren Report. In 1965, his brother Edward Benavides, who resembled Domingo, was shot in the back of the head in a club in Dallas.

Domingo Benavides was convinced that Eddy's murder was a case of mistaken identity and that he was the intended victim.
Maheu is named as the "mastermind" behind the "assassination". An article in Time magazine also pins "Project Jennifer" to his name:

Alerted that the stolen papers could endanger national security, the FBI tried to buy them back, but the deal fell through. Last week a grand jury in California returned a secret indictment in the theft. It reportedly cited only one defendant, Donald Woolbright, who is still at large. But in the process of investigating the theft, local police got into the act, and eventually the Los Angeles Times got a garbled version of Jennifer from a tipster. On Feb. 8 of this year the newspaper ran a story about a CIA-Hughes contract to raise a Soviet submarine supposedly sunk in the Atlantic. The CIA waited with bated breath to see if the rest of the press would pick it up or, worse, if the Soviets would.

Okay, moving on to Ross Gunn, another name that intrigued me:

Let's start with the story of Einstein's letter and why the Manhattan project was started:
Both Szilard and Wigner had grown up in Hungary, and had witnessed the rise of totalitarianism in their native country and in Germany. On the rationale that a possible strategy would be to deny Germany access to uranium ore, they decided to warn the government of Belgium of the issue. Some of the world’s richest uranium ores were in the Congo, which was then a colony of Belgium. But how could two Hungarian scientists living in America deliver such a warning? On recalling that Albert Einstein was a personal friend of Belgium’s queen mother, they decided to enlist his help. On July 16, 1939, six years to the day before the Trinity test, Szilard and Wigner drove to Einstein’s summer home on Long Island. Szilard explained the possibility of an explosive chain reaction, which apparently came as a revelation to Einstein. Wigner suggested that a letter written by refugees on a security issue to a foreign government might not be appropriate, so they decided that Einstein—the only one with a name famous enough to be recognized—would prepare a letter to the Belgian ambassador, with a covering letter to the State Department. Einstein drafted a letter in German, which Wigner translated, had typed up, and sent to Szilard. A few days later, however, Szilard came into contact with Alexander Sachs, an economist with the Lehman Brothers financial firm. Sachs had also trained as a biologist, and was a personal friend of and advisor to President Roosevelt. Sachs suggested that a better approach would be a letter directly to the President, and he offered to deliver one personally.
The group tasked with building the bomb later splits apart:
On July 30, Conant received from Briggs a letter describing how the Uranium Committee was being reorganized. Briggs would remain as Chair; George Pegram had agreed to serve as Vice Chair. The other members were to be Gregory Breit, Harold Urey, Samuel Allison, Henry Smyth of Princeton University (see the Preface), and Edward Condon of Westinghouse Electric. Briggs also expanded the breadth of the committee by adding four consultant subcommittees. These were to deal with the areas of Separation (i.e., enrichment), Power Production, Heavy Water, and Theoretical Aspects, and were respectively chaired by Urey, Pegram, Urey, and Fermi. The Separation group included Philip Abelson and Ross Gunn; the latter was also a member of the Power Production group. Merle Tuve, Alexander Sachs, and Albert Einstein had disappeared from the July 1940 makeup of the committee. Jesse Beams was also dropped from the main committee, although he would continue as a member of the Separation Group. Henceforth, the Uranium Committee would be known as Section S-1 of the OSRD. Replying to Briggs the same day, Conant indicated that it would be necessary to communicate to Beams, Gunn, and Tuve that their services would not be needed in the newly organized section, and asked if Briggs would prefer to write them himself, or have Conant or Bush do it? Briggs opted for the latter. As a result, in a letter to Ross Gunn on August 14, Bush explained Gunn’s removal from the main committee.
Ross Gunn, upon being removed from the original group, is now the liaison officer for both of the twin factions:
But with the recent reorganization, it was time to bring the Uranium Committee into line. Bush suggested that in place of serving on the committee, Gunn be nominated as the individual who would serve as the direct contact between the committee and the Navy. Gunn replied on the 18th, formally tendering his resignation from the committee, and indicating that there should be no objection on the part of the Navy to his serving as liaison. Ironically, at just this time Philip Abelson was beginning to test experimental liquid-diffusion columns at the Naval Research Laboratory.
Here is when the bomb project realizes that Uranium is a threat to national security and that Germany's scientists are ahead:
In the spring of 1940, Abelson took a brief leave to return to Berkeley to complete the neptunium-discovery work with Edwin McMillan (Sect. 3.8), efforts which directly motivated Glenn Seaborg to search for plutonium. After returning to Washington, Abelson began to consider possible approaches to enriching uranium isotopes, and after reviewing the research literature decided to explore the liquid-thermal–diffusion (LTD) method. Historian Joseph-James Ahern has suggested that Abelson’s interest in LTD was triggered by a visit by Ross Gunn in July, 1940, who showed Abelson a copy of a paper by Harold Urey. As related in Chap. 4, Gunn was a member of Lyman Briggs’ Uranium Committee, and had appreciated very early on the potential of nuclear fission as a power source for naval vessels.
Gunn works to purify U-235:
In a letter to Conant on July 27, 1942, Harold Urey brought up Abelson’s experiments, remarking that “This work has not been correlated with the other work of the Committee, for reasons that I do not understand, but efforts should be made … to be sure that the work of that laboratory [NRL] ties in with the general purpose of this committee.” Bush asked Briggs to get more information from Ross Gunn. In September, Briggs reported that Abelson was experimenting with 36-foot columns, and estimated that seven such columns in series would produce a doubling of the U-235 percentage. The catch was that the equilibrium time for such an arrangement, which was not specified, would be impracticably long. As related in Chap. 4, General Groves visited the Anacostia facility four days after his appointment as head of the Manhattan District, but was not favorably impressed. By November 15, the Anacostia pilot plant was essentially complete, and by December 1 (the day before CP-1 went critical), five columns had been charged with material. The timing was propitious, as in late November the S-1 Executive Committee again reassessed enrichment methods, and decided to include the work at the NRL in its review despite its being officially orphaned. Consequently, Groves, Warren Lewis, and three DuPont employees visited the Anacostia plant on December 10, which for two full weeks between December 3 and 17 ran continuously with no shutdowns and a minimum of human intervention. On the 12th, Lewis wrote to Conant that the NRL work “is certainly of such interest that the development work ought to be continued intensively.”
As TT Brown was in the Navy (and possibly the OSS), it is conceivable that he was another in-between liaison asset. We will have to examine the connections between Miethe, Urey, Einstein, and Sarbacher... If any such connections exist. They will be very relevant here.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

Found a link!

Responsibility for over-all direction remained with Oppenheimer. His primary duty was to make the technical program succeed, but there was a discouraging mass of nontechnical administrative detail to claim his time. It was important to order housekeeping arrangements so that they facilitated research and development, but it hardly required the attention of a man whose talents were needed in a larger sphere. Oppenheimer's position became more difficult when Edward U. Condon, who had been brought from the Westinghouse Research Laboratories to be associate director, clashed with the military authorities and left the project. Recognizing that something would have to be done, the Lewis committee recommended the establishment of an administrative office under some competent individual reporting to Oppenheimer. It took more than six months to find the right man, but in the meantime the most urgent needs were met by special assistants who took charge of personnel, construction, and liaison with the post administration. By July, 1944, this arrangement had expanded into a competent staff which managed the nontechnical phases of administration.
Connection to Brown via NICAP:

The Condon Committee was the informal name of the University of Colorado UFO Project, a group funded by the United States Air Force from 1966 to 1968 at the University of Colorado to study unidentified flying objects under the direction of physicist Edward Condon. The result of its work, formally titled Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, and known as the Condon Report, appeared in 1968.

After examining hundreds of UFO files from the Air Force's Project Blue Book and from the civilian UFO groups National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) and Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), and investigating sightings reported during the life of the Project, the Committee produced a Final Report that said the study of UFOs was unlikely to yield major scientific discoveries.

The Report's conclusions received a mixed reception from scientists and academic journals. The report has been cited as a decisive factor in the generally low level of interest in UFO activity among academics since that time. According to a principal critic of the Report, it is "the most influential public document concerning the scientific status of this UFO problem. Hence, all current scientific work on the UFO problem must refer to the Condon Report".
Forgot to quote first quote in above post.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by David Osielski »

Henry_Yang wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:16 am I can verify that this article is NOT in Nexus magazine because somebody uploaded the entire back catalogue to the Internet Archive where we can search it for free now.
Anyway, I will continue to look for Nate's old article on the death of Morgan, but honestly, it may be gone forever.
Any chance it might be OMNI?
https://archive.org/details/omni-archiv ... NI_1_1980/
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by David Osielski »

David Osielski wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 1:05 pm That's weird...
Two weeks ago user Bolland posted some comments on Jesse's YT Townsend video page :shock:
Then the other shoe dropped...or did it??
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTEWLST ... 4Cc45uFgwz
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by Henry_Yang »

Any chance it might be OMNI?
https://archive.org/details/omni-archiv ... NI_1_1980/
Perhaps. I would like to wait for natecull to confirm such a possibility, if it exists, before undertaking that search...
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by David Osielski »

Henry_Yang wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:27 am I would like to wait for natecull to confirm such a possibility, if it exists, before undertaking that search...
Agreed. Especially since the searchable text feature seems inconsistent.
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Re: Did "Morgan" ever "die" in a fiery car crash?

Post by natecull »

Hi David and Henry! I'm all caught up with at least this thread now. Didn't realise I'd been so long away.

So, "Morgan's" real name as David Smith, and his picture there in the yearbook. DING. This is indeed what I believe to be his real name. I believe this because of Linda in the late 2010s occasionally calling him "David", and because of a reference to "Mr Smith, meet Mr Smith" (on his meeting with William Stephenson, I think). That joke wouldn't work unless David's real name was Smith.

And of course, because of Andrew Bolland calling him "Dave". No doubt the Bollands and "Mikado" could have given me a lot more inside info, but because of the sudden and weird outbreak of bad blood between them and Linda (who yeah, I'm pretty sure did have "a menagerie of sockpuppets"), I never wanted to really hang out with them. I remember they had a counter-forum at some point in the 2010s. I tried reading some threads and the tone was just so bitter and angry, I didn't much like it. I feel like Andrew felt like Linda had personally betrayed him somehow and I never understood why.

I didn't want to say this name here until someone else brought it up. Because this is Paul's forum and he for some reason chose to give David an alias. But now you have, so let's go there.

The brief article or note that I'm still looking for: My memory sometimes fails me but no, I don't think it was Omni Magazine. While I did occasionally read this in the library in the 1980s/1990s, it wasn't quite my speed (too fictional), and I thought the context I encountered it in was more underground and conspiratorial.

I am almost sure though that that article/editor's-note did name David Smith by his real name! So that's a potential keyword to search for, if text search is available. I think it was not an obituary as such, but a reference to there having been a death-notice/obituary, and a hint that this was a thread worth pulling in regards to the Townsend Brown mystery. At least if I'm not just imagining the whole thing.

Note that in the time period I'm thinking of (late 1980s or more likely early 1990s), there were two people with access to the Townsend Brown family who might have known of David by name and mentioned him to whatever chain of reporting led to whatever underground press it was reported in: 1. William Moore (who had done a lot of research on Townsend and even spoken to him), and 2. Andrew Bolland. If it was a third person, then that would be very interesting to know.

Henry, you've mentioned a *lot* of stuff in this thread, both detailed WW2 history and wildly speculative psi/tech stuff, and I can't currently give it the attention it deserves. I would like to say, though, looking back at your comments about PROMIS, which are presumably informed by Raymond Lavas and Michael R.... I don't think that PROMIS ever had anything to do with backdoored microchips. That is, I have no inside information, but it just doesn't make any sense. PROMIS was an enterprise VAX database originally pitched at prosecutors' offices and then at all sorts of bureaucratic government departments. Database technology has nothing to do with microchip technology. Neither would PROMIS have had anything to do with complicated mathematics. But I'm sure that both PROMIS and whatever backdoored-microchip stunts were going on, would both have been the sort thing that the NSA loved to do, in the 1970s/1980s, as the computer age was going "micro" but the Internet hadn't yet made it out of universities and military contractors.

Similarly: I believe psi/ESP is real, and yes, people like Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ have been involved in investigating it for decades now. And just as with UFO sightings, a personal encounter with psi/ESP is transformative. Almost everyone with a physics background who has one of those encounters gets their standard materialist STEM worldview knocked on its face, and so they immediately start to create speculative physics theories based on lots of really complicated mathematics, as a way of trying to explain "how either psi or UFOs might work". These theories are interesting, and may have some value, but they're also kind of a huge distraction - first, because there are so many of them, and second, because psi doesn't really work on mathematics and mathematics doesn't help us understand it.


>Wonder if this is an invitation from the Fates to crack my OSINT knuckles and dive back into the aether???

>Some midichlorians do seem to chase and PUSH this latest morsel, especially when an electric field is run across these charged plates... 8)

Yes. I very much understand this feeling. Something out there seems to want to "help" this story - whatever the truth of it actually is - to come to the light. I don't understand it at all, but I have felt this sensation myself.

Going on a journey, somewhere far out east
We'll find the time to show you, wonders never cease
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