
Is the forum really open? After THIRTEEN YEARS?
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Paul Schatzkin
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Post by Paul Schatzkin »


As of April 15, 2022.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Umm...

Post by natecull »

OMG! Hi!

I only just thought of searching for TTbrown today and discovered you've reactivated the project! That's a very nice surprise.

How's things with you? How's Linda, if you know? Hope all are well. It's been so long and my thoughts have been with all of you for several years.

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Re: Umm...

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Hello Nate.

I noticed this morning that you'd signed up for the notifications list. Was nice to see a familiar name. There were one or two others as well, so I guess word is starting to spread...

I have no info/news re: Linda. Attempts to contact have gone unanswered. The last I heard from her was in August, 2019 - before the pandemic. So, for all I know, she's dead.

I have been busy on a number of fronts since this thing resurrected itself. I still have a lot of the same old doubts, but am forging ahead regardless.

Stay tuned,

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: Umm...

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

If there is anybody else attempting to register to use this forum... please standby.

This morning I opened the forum for the first time in a few days and discovered that there are 2,187 new registrants awaiting approval.

A lot of them have come from .ru IPs.

And most of them have what appear to be fake names.

I have a bit of work to do to actually get this forum up to speed, starting with installing the rules for the Registration which will be similar to the rules over at NO HANDLES, NO PSEUDONYMS, NO FAKE NAMES. I will even have to change my own from 'admin'

So IF you are by some chance an actual person who has come for The Resurrection, the best thing you can do is sign up for the email list:

... and I will correspond with you that way.

If you're really interested, send me an email: I'm not hard to track down.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Umm...

Post by natecull »


I, uh, may have posted a reference to your book and forum on a recent Reddit /r/UFOs post. Sorry about the Russian bots, if that is indeed what brought them here. There should be some genuine live humans in the mix though. I hope.

I've been watching some Graham Cameron videos (on the subject of the Oke Shannon notes on the infamous 1985 "Advanced Theoretical Physics" UFO meeting) and I'm getting quite a good feeling from some of the new generation of researchers (and some of us Gen-Xers who have been on the subject since our youth in the 1980s).

For example the Swedish "Archives of the Unexplained" seems to be becoming a useful node for archiving all documents mysterious. Isaac Koi, longtime of Above Top Secret, has been digitizing stuff and putting them up there. I'm really glad to see this happen.

I would *love* to see all the relevant Townsend Brown documents that are free to do so find their way to the AFU archive, or, if that's at all possible given personal promises around the privacy of living people, etc.

The more we can document to connect jigsaw pieces and remove some of the fear and secrecy from the conspiracy aura, the better I think. My read of the situation (a bit like Cameron's) is still this: there exist genuine mysteries - there have always existed military-adjacent people with an interest in mysteries - but most of the Top Secret working groups working those mysteries, from the 1950s to now, did not come up with answers, and remained searching for both evidence and theories for decades. I'm agnostic on whether interesting "hardware" manifesting non-conventional physics behaviour was ever built - yet, as with UAPs themselves, there do remain a hard core of interesting claims, and interesting fringe defense science people who remain mostly unknown to the world.

I am still sure that I read printed documents in the 1980s and 1990s that have not yet filtered into the Internet, or were released to the Internet only in the 2000s. For example, I saw the 1968 Douglas Aircraft UFO study documents in the 1980s, I think. Before Graham Cameron saw them. They were photocopied and available from one of those dodgy "classified ads in the back pages of Popular Science" outIets. They made their way to a New Zealand bookshop (Scorpio Books) which at the time was specialising in offbeat and occult subjects. It bugs me that I no longer have these or I'd have scanned and uploaded them years ago, but they weren't mine to keep.

The 1970s United States Psychotronics Association and its sibling, Mankind Resources Unlimited (the Jerry Gallimore / Tom Bearden circle, including Christopher "The Secret Life of Plants" Bird, and a bunch of Navy figures) - they intersected with Townsend Brown circa 1975. There was a kind of passing of the torch between the generations there, I think.

Certainly my impresssion is that that 1970s group is where Townsend Brown started to become a legendary figure (spoken of in hushed tones and linked with Nikola Tesla in the same breath) rather than a real person. And the people speaking of him in those tones were weird New Age "Men Who Stare At Goats" hippies, yes, but they were also very much inside the US military establishment. I think there may still be useful threads to be pulled there. If not in your project, then in someone else's.

Regards, Nate
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Paul Schatzkin
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Re: Umm...

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Hello again Nate... what time is it in New Zealand (about 8PM here in Nasvhille).

I am actually pleased that you posted something to Reddit... I was gonna go there myself one of these days.

Can you provide me with a link to the Reddit forum where you're posting? I will stick my neck in... but not until I've removed the listing for the current version of the book from Amazon. I know it's already in circulation and there's nothing I can do about that, but I want to reserve new readers for the new edition.

If that's why I suddenly have all of these .ru registrations, I'm in the middle of nipping that in the bud now. For the last couple hours I have been poking around under the hood of phpbb and shoring up the spambot preventives. New users will have to answer a 'trick question' before their registration will be submitted to me for activation. We set that up on a while back and it works quite well.

I don't know if I have time to sort through 2,100+ mostly-bot regs to see if there are any real ones, so I may have just delete the new ones en masse and appeal to new visitors to start over. I'll post something to that affect if I do have to take that drastic measure.

I have also re-written 'the rules' for registering and posting. No more handles. No more assumed identities. No more... hiding. Period.

Now, I just hope we can keep the discussion within the realm of some measure of sanity. That is in even shorter supply these days than it was back in (what I am now calling) 'the before times,' – and there was not a whole lot it then.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: Umm...

Post by natecull »

Mid-afternoon here. I'm generally available for chat in the evenings (NZDT), if you wanted to do a video call sometime.

This is the thread where I dropped your name, which led to me Googling and discovering you'd reopened the project. ... prevalent/

Yep, we're in complicated and divisive times socially and politically, more so than ever, but on the other hand there's an upswing of interest in UFOs/UAPs and a growing passion for actual documented truth. And a deep need for people who can help explain some of the social context to the various surfacing documents, too, before the conspiracy crowd fans the fear into a firestorm. So it's swings and roundabouts. It's never a good time to put one's head into the conspiracy world, but, it's also a great time right now because of a new-found readiness to talk in the retired-military scene, and a more relaxed and adult perspective from some of the almost-retired long-term civilian researchers in the field.

Regards, Nate
Last edited by natecull on Tue Nov 22, 2022 6:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Umm...

Post by natecull »

I would be very happy to see no more aliases and sockpuppets.

After Epic Fail, I was a member of Linda's several follow-on boards (Lights On The Runway, The Quonset Hut, and The Cosmic Token) up until she just stopped posting and vanished, sometime in the Trump era. I wrote some research on the wider circles around Townsend, which I felt received a warm but largely uninterested response from the other members, but I have archived the material. Since then I've been in extremely intermittent contact with "Rose" (was she in your circle or Linda's, and is she okay with her real name being known?) who told me a year ago that Linda was alive and well, but I've not heard from her since.

There was much interpersonal drama, almost all of which was entirely above my head, and I have many questions. Were "O'Reilly" and "Twigsnapper" real, or were they sockpuppets? What was with "Chris Knight" and "Mikado"? After having been long-term posters, they suddenly seemed to become *extremely* angry, and I was not a fan of being in the same thread as them.

In my opinion "Rose" is kind and honest, one of the rare ones and could be a helpful collaborator, if you feel you want one, and if there's not too much bad blood between you.

Were you around for the Project Montgolfier document dump, or had you checked out by then? That was quietly interesting.

Regards, Nate
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Paul Schatzkin
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Re: Umm...

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

natecull wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 2:47 am
This is the thread where I dropped your name, which led to me Googling and discovering you'd reopened the project. ... prevalent/
"ragequit," eh?

I guess I deserve that.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: Umm...

Post by natecull »

"ragequit," eh?

I guess I deserve that.
Sorry! But, um.... Well. It's a technical Internet / videogames term us Internet kids [1] today use but yeah.

It's okay? The UFO scene is particularly susceptible to this. Just ask William Moore. At least you didn't completely burn/classify all the files, like so many before you, and you kept the forum at least readable.

[1] I keep forgetting that GenX aren't actually the kids we were in the 1990s and to GenZ we're all just "Boomers", but no, I at least am not a Boomer. Rubik's Cube, Commodore 64, Doom and HTML, not the Beatles.

Regards, Nate
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Re: Umm...

Post by Jess Fritch »

Hi Paul!

I don’t know if you know who I am yet but I’m a very close friend of Linda’s and you and I have communicated with each other by phone when you are writing the book. Linda is not dead, but she has suffered a very serious personal family problem. I will not go into it I will leave that up to her if she ever decides to want to let others know about it. It is not a health problem I will tell you that! She has not communicated with me for a very long time also.

As Nate has said here that he hopes that a lot of the documents will become available. I have told him this in other forums on the Internet. I have made available via a Google disk page and have supplied the links to each of the folders on that drive. Here are the links so that you can get to them, all documents and patents are in PDF format please just follow my instructions.

Google Drive: There are three folders. To gain access to each of them just click on the link. You will be able to then select and download any of the files. Always files are meant to be acquired for free and not to be sold. Please abide by this ruling. Thank you.


Eletrogravitics PDF Files

Browns Patents

Jess Fritch
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Paul Schatzkin
The White Rabbit
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Re: Umm...

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Hi Jess,

I do remember you, glad to hear you're still interested in the subject.

And thanks for the update on Linda, however limited.

Can you please check the links in your post above, I couldn't get any of them to work. It might be a limitation of the forum configuration, I dunno, but please see if you can get the to work. As this crazy business unfolds over the months to come the material could prove valuable.

Thanks for checking in.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: Umm...

Post by Jess Fritch »

Hi Paul, it was good of you to respond here but I think you didn’t quite read everything I posted in particularly the post hi I’m Jess. It says quite a bit about my past history, I did not want to make it sound like I was bragging. As I said there, I’ve known about the technology since May 1971. I have now studied and researched it for more than 30 years and have become possibly one of the leading experts in the field. As for Linda I do know where she is and who she is with, but I feel it is for her to be the one to let everyone know how she is doing. It is not my place to do so!
I hope that you’re wanting to be open and truthful in what we are posting here that you might be able to settle as to what happened at the end with the book. I have heard what Linda has said but I really would like to hear from you for it looked like something upset you and she was forced to make you stay with the contract to produce the book. A book which has typos in it and other mistakes saying that it was not proofread. So, if you can help there it would be great to hear your side of the story. Thank you!

Patents ... share_link

Eletrogravitics PDF Files ... share_link

Pictures ... share_link

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Re: Umm...

Post by natecull »

>Can you please check the links in your post above, I couldn't get any of them to work.

Hi Paul. Yep those links don't render for me either. Jess's page with the links is here: ... rive-files

and the links themselves are:

Pictures: ... sp=sharing

PDF Files: ... sp=sharing

Patents: ... sp=sharing

Regards, Nate
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Jess Fritch
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Re: Umm...

Post by Jess Fritch »

Nate they worked for me. Try them again.

Jess Fritch
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