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Re: Questions actually answered

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:29 am
by Junglelord
The structure of space can be found in the structure of matter.
I believe is found in Fuller Synergetics and F+V-E=2
Some History on 108 and The Structure of Space.
Right up there with 137 and the Fine Structure Constant.

Gottfried Liebniz, in a flash of insight, understood the message of the secret notebook: F+V-E=2. This was a universal formula deduced from the cryptic series of numbers, 4 6 8 12 20 & 4 8 6 20 12. Aczel, in Descartes' Secret Notebook, explains.

There are five platonic solids: the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. These five platonic solids equate with the five medieval elements: earth (cube), water (icosahedron), air (octahedron), fire (tetrahedron), and aether (dodecahedron). The platonic solids are unified through the formula F+V-E=2. Here is how:

The number of faces of the platonic solids are, respectively, 4 (tetrahedron), 6 (cube), 8 (octahedron), 12 (dodecahedron), and 20 (icosahedron). This matches Descartes' first string of seemingly random numbers.

The number of vertices (corners) of the platonic solids are, respectively, 4 (tetrahedron), 8 (cube), 6 (octahedron), 20 (dodecahedron), and 12 (icosahedron). This matches Descartes' second string of seemingly random numbers.

The number of edges of the platonic solids are 6 (tetrahedron), 12 (cube), 12 (octahedron), 30 (dodecahedron), and 30 (icosahedron), realized Leibniz.

What is universal here is the sum of the faces and the vertices, minus the edges, is always equal to two. This applies not only to the platonic solids. Hence the universal formula, F+V-E=2

Descartes secret formula, decoded by Leibniz, is a topological invariant; it is, writes Aczel, "a property of space itself."

"Scalar waves are produced when two electromagnetic waves of the same frequency are exactly out of phase (opposite to each other) and the amplitudes subtract and cancel or destroy each other. The result is not exactly an annihilation of magnetic fields but a transformation of energy back into a scalar wave. This scalar field has reverted back to a vacuum state of potentiality."

(To understand the secrets of the aether, one must know about scalar waves. Scalar waves are acoustic (pressure) waves. They are also called magnetic flux waves, gravitational waves, torsion waves, or Tom Bearden’s SEP waves.)

"We can see that rotation is a natural phenomenon. The very existence of a longitudinal or transverse wave train gives rise in a natural form to a third vibratory component that easily and effortlessly rotates about and with the longitudinal and transverse wave trains.

Quaternions describe mathematically the structure of Keely's triple streams or concordant flows as he called them when harmoniously balanced thus becoming his Full Harmonic Chord. This triple flow is then an undifferentiated flow as a scalar phenomenon."

I believe the triple helix is the archetype form from the dual oppsite vortex. This is really important to my mind.
The Birkeland Current, DNA, are really triple helix forms with 120 degrees phase apart.
AKA Triple Rotating Magnetic Field. AKA Tesla Triple Phase Motors.
Structure and Function cannot be seperated.

Infact it is a repeatable pattern that will reveal all sources.
May I suggest Harmony Math. Phi, Pi, e.


Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:54 pm
by Mikado14
Ms. Brown,

It appears that your thread is being hijacked.


Re: Questions actually answered

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:18 pm
by Junglelord
How is that?
You asked very good questions. Linda Agreed.
You gave no clues as to the structure of space.
You merely posed the question.
I thought I might give one or two possible directions to look.
Right or wrong, its an answer to your question.

Instead of this constant replies with no alternative, I ask you.
What is the Structure of Space,
What is the B/B Effect?

After all the title of the thread is
Questions Actually Answered.
Not Asked and Left Open!

Am I wrong to have a concept of space supported by SI units via quantum constants?

Get it right

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:37 pm
by Mikado14
Junglelord wrote:You gave no clues as to the structure of space.
You merely posed the question.
I thought I might give one or two possible directions to look.
Right or wrong, its an answer to your question.
Here is what I asked in regards to the Structure of Space:

3. Has anyone ever attempted to verify by experiment any of the postulations set forth in "The Structure of Space"?

4. Did Dr. Brown ever verify via experimentation any postulations set forth in his own "The Structure of Space"?

The operative word in those questions is "experiment" or a derivative of.

Where in your post have you answered question 2?

Where in your post have you answered question 4?

I didn't realize that when asking a question that the inquirer should give a clue to the answer....if so, then why ask a question? Further, as I stated above, your directions do not even go anywhere near to Dr. Brown and any experiments he or others may have performed. Therefore, I suppose you gave an answer that is wrong for you have failed to mention any experiments.

Furthermore, no where did you mention Dr. Brown's "Structure of Space". It is apparent that you are on this forum and you don't even know that in 1943 while at Vega, he finished writing his "treatise". Therefore, did you even read my questions? Where you aware of his unpublished book titled "Structure of Space". The answer is emphatically NO. Instead you commandeered the thread as a pulpit for you to give your postulations.....again.

Oh, what am I thinking, you appear to not know the word "experiment". Sorry for wasting your time.


Re: Questions actually answered

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:41 pm
by AM2
Ms. Brown wrote:Oh, and this is for AM2 ... You might remember that I have no contract with you. Written or implied. I never told you that what you sent to me would be considered confidential. And whatever feelings of companionship and protection that you might have enjoyed with me dissapated with your attacks and childish behavior toward Mr. Twigsnapper. And also. Don't you think you are being behind the times thinking that ANYTHING keyed up on any computer anywhere is in fact confidential? silly boy.
Ms. Brown, what you say is of course true - there is no contract written or implied between us. You will then agree with me that I am also in no way obliged to keep what you said to me in private confidental.

Does this then allow me to disclose the name that the Horsetrader from the North used a long time ago and which you by "mistake" shared with me? Am I then allowed to disclose the gentleman with the chestnut hair's date of birth? NO, MADAM, I AM NOT. Why? Because it is against my conscience, it is against my personal code of honour. You trusted me with something valuable (at least in my eyes), therefore it is of utmost importace that I protect it.

I was not aware of the fact that trust is purely a matter of contracts. But you do as you see fit - I anyway cannot do anything against it.

Yes, my behaviour was indeed more often than not childish and the attacks against Mr. Twigsnapper were insolent. Not that this would justify them in any way, but have you ever asked yourself what the reason was?

The unanswered questions, not addressing certain subjects, etc. have nothing to do with it. I know that certain things cannot be talked about and I can work with hints. I respect that.

What is intolerable are these attempts of trying to play with me and manipulate me. First, I was being urged to co-operate with Mr. R., because it could be of "historic significance". I was never given the reason, it was never explained to me why this is so important. I was simply expected to shut up and listen and hand over the material that I received via downloads.

Then, I was exhorted to write. When I politely asked for suggestions and what I should write about, I was again stonewalled with: "Oh, just do it, only you know what to do." Do you know how exasperating all this is? Do you know how insulting this is in my eyes?

You and Mr. Twigsnapper never truly treated me as a human being - I was always an asset, a useful factor in the overall scheme of things.

Do you know that until the Bergier/Cornillon affair I shared all my "downloads" without exemption with Mr. Twigsnapper? Everything. I do admit that communication with Mr. Twigsnapper went to my head. Why do you think that I was strouting around like a peacock? Because, the man who was a vital part of the WWII effort, the man who had the bravery to put his life at stake to help sink the Tirpitz answered me. And not only this - he thought that some of the things I said were interesting.

Have you ever asked yourself why I first contacted Mr. Twigsnapper and not you? As I said, I was at first just a reader of this forum. The only posts that interested me were those of Mr. Twigsnapper and Mr. Vizza.

I was really furious when the truth about the Bergier/Cornillon affair transpired. I do understand the need for a noble manipulation, but this is an entirely different case. Wasn't the Dr. Brown-story supposed to finally tell the truth and present a factual account? Now, this doesn't mean to disclose everything - just telling the truth about those things that can be talked about. And then inspite of all these high-sounding phrases and condemnation of William L. Moore's work we suddenly find ourselves face to face with the same old methods - disinformation.

By the way, will the final draft of Dr. Brown's biography include a note, where this incident will be critically evaluated and where it will be admitted that there was temporarily some "noble manipulation" via disinformation used on the author by his "informed sources"?

Exactly this was the moment when I stopped sharing everything I had with Mr. Twigsnapper and started to resist.

I told you that I consciosly chose to be an "honest fool" when it comes to Dr. Brown's work. Why? Because I admire the man.
In other matters I am much more practical and do not shy away of using "unconventional" means to achieve my goals.

I never asked for these "downloads" - they came to me. Nobody asked me if I wanted them, informing me that I might not handle them well. And even when I consciously and forcefully choose to ignore them they somehow insinuate themselves back into my life.

Do you know how strong these things can be? I am sometimes standing in my local university library and then I just have to close my eyes, formulate a thought on what material I need in my head and then I am led to it - no matter where it is. This though is done in a very relaxed and playful manner.

The posts that I deleted and all other material I still keep stored. Once I wanted to destroy everything in order to have peace of mind. I even wanted to burn the Kitselman-material. In the end I simply could not do it. Some data was lost, but then I managed to restore it. My notes have swelled already to roughly 300 A4 pages.

I cannot destroy this material, therefore it is shelved somewhere safe. I cannot destroy it. It may sound silly, but these thoughts are in a way my children. On the other hand I will not share this material freely. So much time and effort went into it. I will not give it freely away just like that. But then it may just be bullshit that I am talking about, as you said.

I have to impose a curfew on myself as far as reading of this forum is concerned. I shouldn't even visit this site anymore, because it immediately sucks me back.

Finally I find these repeated comparisons between humans and horses offensive. This is the basis of eugenics. Horses and bloodlines. As if a human can be reduced solely to his genes. Blood is important, but it is not the sole determining factor.

Do you know where Heinrich Himmler, the Reichsfuehrer of the SS found insipiration for his twisted experiments in eugenics? In horse breeding. He was especially fascinated with the old German stock of Hannoveranian stallions and mares being breeded back in their pristine purity through various procedures. Then he speculated that the same could be done with humans.

Such thinking is disgusting and so anti-humane that it couldn't be more.

As said I should impose a curfew on myself as far as visiting this site is concerned.

Despite all your abilities you really know nothing about me - especially not about that what motivates me.


Re: Questions actually answered

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:22 pm
by Linda Brown
Oh boy, do we know how to get off subject, or what?

AM2 ..... You certainly enjoy going where angels sometimes fear to tread. A birthday? What? Christmas day? A name? What? One of several? I can not " mistakenly give you Mr. Twigsnappers real name ... I have never known his birthname. I know alot of others ....He likes names. Remember too that he came by " Twigsnapper " probably quite honestly. You are way in over your head here.

I encouraged you. Shoot me. Twigsnapper offered the idea of writing a book? Gee. How terrible of him. We are a subversive force.

And now you reach back into your handy little bag of Nazi references and pull out something that equates horse breeding with Himmler. I think perhaps only you would have the mentality for that and perhaps thats been the problem all along.

Decide someday which side of the fence you want to play on. Come back or not. If not .... you will probably run into us again, one way or another. Sort of like the sword swinging over your head... which way will it be used? Linda

Re: Questions actually answered

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:25 pm
by AM2
Ms. Brown wrote:Decide someday which side of the fence you want to play on. Come back or not. If not .... you will probably run into us again, one way or another. Sort of like the sword swinging over your head... which way will it be used? Linda
The more I try to untangle everything, the more enmeshed I get. As for the sword, I'd just like to use it to cut through this web of illusions.

Unfortunately there was no disclaimer about everything that can happen when all these things (downloads, dream, etc.) started.

Coming back or not, perhaps the first step in the right direction for me would be finally to stop acting like an idiot. Anyway, let me just have some rest and attend to my duties and then perhaps a way will present itself on how to solve all this mess.


Re: Questions actually answered

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:24 pm
by skyfish
Just a thought...
It seems to me that if you try to repress the information that is coming to you,
then you are just putting a lid on something that is attempting to rise to the
surface, and the more you resist it, the more it will persist. Maybe the reason
it keeps coming back to you is because it is supposed to. It is not something foreign
to you, or something that is totally outside of you consciousness, or seperate from
your connection to the illumination. Put aside the reservations, put aside the fear
and let it flow. Maybe when you have released some of it, you will find
a little breathing room.
I cannot explain what has drawn us all here, but it may be the
right the right time.