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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 2:50 pm
by Langley
Junglelord wrote:Hi Linda and everyone!
APM is built from quantum constants that turn into quantum measurements, that build into quantum units.

Sadly, try as I might, Im too programmed to take in the fine detail and concepts. However, the fact that the apparent material realm as we sense it grossly is obviously a resultant. Something underlies it. It is a manifestation of something other than itself. That is in my bones. Ill just keep trying.

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:12 pm
by Junglelord
Hi Langley!
Think Structure and Function. Realize we have a gryoscopic electric motor.
Lets identify the parts.
Visualize first the vortex within a sphere, this vortex within the sphere traces out a toroid as it moves.
Thats it in a nutshell. That is the geometry of charge. Angular momentum is the gryoscopic vortex rotor.
In APM it is a 2-D circular string of Mass scanning an area. This creates the EM charge toroid geometry particular to the Mass of the string. In APM EM charge is different for the three subatomic unit due to the different Mass.
In reality there are only electrons and protons. Neutrons are one of each and a neutrino of angular momentum folded in the middle of two aether units. Neutrinos and their angular momentum exist outside the aether unit, because they have no charge.
ES charge is equal in subatomic units as it is a property of the conductance of the aether.
The Electrostatic charged distributed sphere is the stator of our gryoscopic electric motor.
Traveling waves surrounded by standing waves, rotor within stator.
Each standing wave stator emits more traveling waves.
This is the fractal progression. Rotor and stator, traveling wave inside standing wave.
Each standing wave becoming an emitter of more traveling waves.
Each domain builds in this way.

Tensegrity engineering principles turn non material dimensions into matter.
Tensegrity prinicples apply throughout the domians.
Buckminster Fuller pointed out how the spheres (distributed charge) can form the platonic solids.
Another contribution called Synergetics. Blazelabs seized on this in a moment of genius I believe.
Platonic solids form the actual valence shell configuration from those spheres according to Blazelabs.
I love that thought.

Matter is a tensegrity product of 1/4 aether units with a 1/2 quantum spin of 360
Light is a 1/2 aether unit with a 1 quantum spin of 720
This occurs within a 2 spin (1440) whole aether unit of a rotating magnetic field.
Quantum constants break down into little quantum moments driven by a Gforce, kinda Gods Heartbeat.
His mind is the consciousness that makes quantum constants, his heartbeat drives it.
You can take or leave the spiritual interpertations.

These quantum structures are developed from the quantum constants.
The Compton Wavelength, Speed of Light, Coulombs Constant, Gravity Constant, Planks length are all examples of quantum constants. The structural analysis of these constants creates quantum geometry by proper dimensional analysis.

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:52 pm
by twigsnapper
Hello Junglelord,
Welcome to the Forum.
A grand body of information.

Care to discuss how Dr. Brown thoughts might interact with what has been said here?

These quantum structures are developed from the quantum constants.
The Compton Wavelength, Speed of Light, Coulombs Constant, Gravity Constant, Planks length are all examples of quantum constants. .....................................................................
Quantum constants break down into little quantum moments driven by a Gforce, kinda Gods Heartbeat.
His mind is the consciousness that makes quantum constants, his heartbeat drives it.
You can take or leave the spiritual interpertations........................

An enlarging group of thoughts. And I know that it is exciting having all of this "unloaded" in your direction. I would guess that you can handle it. Just a short word of friendly caution. Consider it a verbal rolled magazine, if you want to.

Don't assume that no one here can keep up with you. Even warped out to the max you may still find some ahead patiently waiting for your witts to grow sharper! <g>

I have a little story to tell about a child I once knew. Some educator decided to test this little girls IQ and her comprehension of the grade level. I guess he had worries about her past schooling history. In his interview with her later he mentioned in sort of amazement that her score was " off the chart.!" and hearing this the little kid was puzzled but didn't question him. Later she commented to her father that this school official had said to her that she hadn't "passed the test" and she couldn't understand why... she had answered to the best of her ability.... and she hadn't even "Made the chart". Of course you know that he smiled.


Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:54 pm
by AM2
Mr. Culpepper wrote:And I suppose I should already know what you are talking about. Vague rememberence of Hitlers association with something called the "Golden Dawn" or something related to that. I suppose I will have looked this up by the time someone answers this .... but for now my only response to all of this is a very backward HUH...... spelled backwards and forwards ...... HUH?
Golden Dawn was an organization devoted to study and practice of magic. It was the most prominent group of such kind in U. K. at the end of the 19th century. There is no evidence or reason to believe that Hitler was in any way connected to them although there are rumours that Aleister Crowley, who was one of the members of Golden Dawn before starting his own "career", met Adolf Hitler during the late 1920's or 1930's in Germany. In my opinion this is more of the usual boasting from Crowley's side than anything truly factual.

As far as Hitler's connections to the occult are concerned I recommend the reading of Dr. Nicholas Goodrick-Clark's book "The Occult Roots of Nazism". Dr. Goodrick-Clark speaks fluently German and was able to thoroughly examine the primary sources dealing with the subject. Although I myself do not agree with all of his conclusions, he made a seminal contribution in this respect.

The problem with the occult leanings of Nazis is that most of the literature on the market is written by people who never make the effort to check and study, but are just selling the figments of their imagination in order to make money or prove their own theories.

Speaking of the Nazis, I recently came accross the following fascinating article from the British Telegraph:
Adolf Hitler 'planned propaganda cable TV'

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were working on a Big Brother-style cable television propaganda industry to be broadcast across Germany ... le-TV.html
The Nazis were much more open to this new technology than many people imagine. They aimed at exploiting television for both civilian as well as militay purposes.
Envisioning the Audience: perceptions of early German television's audiences, 1935-1944

William Uricchio

Shortly after Germany's WW2 capitulation, a delegation of visiting allied engineers and military interrogators gathered outside Berlin to watch a demonstration of the German 'Tonne' guided missile. The rocket was of particular interest thanks to its television-controlled guidance system. In a trenchant gesture, the German developers of the rocket targeted its guidance system at the photographic image of a young girl's face so that their interrogators could see, from the point of view of the rocket's television camera, how the missile could be steered. This odd demonstration, flatly described in allied intelligence reports, epitomizes the motives of the NS-Propaganda Ministry in initiating television daily service in Berlin some eleven years earlier (and hyperbolizes the 'bullet-theory' idea of mass media reception held by some within the Frankfurt School). Reich director of broadcasting Eugen Hadamovsky put the task succinctly in his address for the start of regular television service on 22 March 1935: "Now, in this hour, broadcasting is called upon to fulfill its greatest and most sacred mission: to plant the image of the Fuhrer indelibly in all German hearts." German television was conceived with a highly specific sense of reception in mind.

Source: ... EDEN1.html
There is a good German documentary on this topic with the title "Television under the Swastika" ... 9606468647 - with English subtitles

In case Mr. Schatzkin does not notice this post, then plase let somebody draw his attention to it. Due to his involvement with the origins of television he might find interesting.


Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:58 pm
by AM2
As for the military uses of television envisioned by the Nazis some people might recognize the name "Schmetterling" (butterfly).


Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:05 pm
by twigsnapper
Hello AM2. Still just ahead of you by two. <g> twigsnapper

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:11 pm
by AM2
Mr. Twigsnapper wrote:Hello AM2. Still just ahead of you by two.
How could it be otherwise, Sir? As usual I don't stand a chance against you. <g>

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:49 pm
by Junglelord
I am in the right place with intellectual giants. Twigsnapper, I hear you approaching.

For once a group that is ahead of me. I will try to keep up.
Care to discuss how Dr. Brown thoughts might interact with what has been said here?
I believe that gravity is electrogravitic. I believe that there is a blantent surpression of Aether theory and Electric Universe Theory. I believe there is blantent surpression of TT Brown and Nikola Tesla and anyone that understands the truth like Mr Newman.

Having said that, I believe that the knowledge of charge geometry and double layers and plasma Physics will marry into top secret technology quite effeciently. The vital secret that the North pole is stronger then the South pole, which is the key, would marry to these principles into many different technologies and applications. Gryoscopic precession of the nucleus along with the electrons could counter the gravity Scalar. I believe the ideas are close to being correct. Nanotechnology is all about geometry. Why does graphite from your pencil in the form of cubes at the atomic level write on paper and is an insulator yet laided down one by one these same atoms will self assemble in hexagons (graphine). Now it is a superconductor and stronger then steel. Same material. A more integrative Structure and function relationship of the rotor to the stator is I believe the reason for the change in material properties. If we could take the next step and create geometric atomic structures that would phase translate coherently (solid, liquid, gas, plasma, vacuum) imagine the possibilties with such a material?

TT Brown speaks of gravity being due to radient pressure. He is quoted as stating that the two constants of the vacuum, permittivity (K) and permeability (u), and radient pressure difference would account for gravity. This is important to me as these two constants are involved in APM's conclusion that the aether unit has a conductance constant that is derived in part from these two constants of the vacuum. TT Brown deduced his idea from the "structure of space". APM is about quantum structure. Structure and function are inseperable and both ideas complement perfectly between TT Brown and Dave Thompson. With this information I think I have the ability to conceptualize how to create a functional UFO.
In an unpublished document, "Part II, Structure of Space," dated 1942, Townsend Brown outlines a theory of the structure of space (hence the name) representing an interpretation of experimental observations. Townsend Brown theorizes gravity as a fundamental effect caused by variations in the permittivity (K) and permeability (u) in space - a theory based on a foundation of electromagnetic properties.

The author of "Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown,", Paul Schatzkin, provides his interpretation of the "Structure of Space:"

"In 'Structure of Space,' Brown is contemplating fluctuations in these electrical properties of space, and imagining how those electrical variations might explain the presence of what we call gravity:

Electromagnetic theory assigns real values of K and u to 'free space.' For the sake of simplicity, the 'aether' may be imagined to represent merely these "real values." It follows logically that space may not be uniform and that variations will occur in K and u.

It is logical, also, to assume that space is 'distorted' by the presence of matter and that this distortion actually may be a variation of K and u...

Then, allowing for the deflection of light rays as they pass a massive body in space (like a star), Brown concludes:

...the values of K and u near a massive body are greater. As a matter of fact the gravitational 'field' may be visualized as an area or region of higher K and u. The force of gravitation would then be the tendency to migrate to the higher K and .

As Brown sees it, the presence of 'massive bodies' causes variations in the electromagnetic properties of space, producing areas of 'low pressure' associated with high K and u values, and areas of 'high pressure' associated with low K and u values; An area of 'low pressure' (high K and u) would have a stronger ability to support electromagnetic lines of force than an area of 'high pressure' (low K and u).

Brown then suggests that the force of gravitation is results from these electrical 'pressure' differentials, causing matter to literally 'gravitate' from the areas of 'high pressure' (low K and u ) to the areas of 'low pressure' (high and u)."

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:59 pm
by kevin.b
Good to see You back, I enjoyed the television link, I wonder how many are watching ,come dancing around the world?, I rarely watch the BBC ,british brainwashing controller box, but the FEAR been pushed today was something to behold, the pied piper?

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:12 pm
by Rose
How are the lines winding today, Kevin? Are they raising or lowering?


Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:20 pm
by Junglelord
My quest to identify geometry of nature and to relate structure and function with a proper understanding of natural process and fractal relationships is missing something in modern math. APM showed me what I had been looking for since about the year 2000, a quantum structure system based on pi and phi by re-organizing the dimensional analysis of quantum constants. I found this Harmony Mathematics to be a natural extension of that thought process as it gives us a proper re-organization of mathematics as a whole based on my intuitive feelings starting in 1996 when I saw that sacred geometry was involved with tensegrity and the cytoskeleton of the cell. I had never studied sacred geometry before that point. It was syncronis that it all happened at the same time. I was hooked. There was a string binding nature, the Fibonacci series, the Golden Mean Ratio, and cellular geometry, viral geometry, bacterial geometry. I later discovered and pointed out to Dave Thompson that he had a Tensegrity model and that in fact tensegrity was the relationship that turned non material into material. At the time I had only experience in biological tensegrity principles. I never knew that Buckminster Fuller said that all levels or domains are goverened by tensegrity principles. Turns out I was right. Dave Thompson had never heard of tensegrity and was glad to see the relationship as described by Buckminster Fuller, which I saw in APM, as being more validation of his concepts. I then contacted the three world leaders on biotensegrity about my discoveries. They had no idea how to marry biotensegrity with quantum structure, but one leading authority did fill me in on the fact that Bucky had said that all along and so it would stand to reason that it must be right. I may be the first person to point that out after Bucky.

Concept of the Harmony Mathematics
The golden ratio along with the numbers of pi and e have to occupy the prominent place in mathematics.
Thus, the neglect of the golden section and the harmony idea is one more strategic mistake not only mathematics but also theoretical physics. This mistake originated a number of other strategic mistakes in the mathematics development.
Concept of the Harmony Mathematics

The humanity became aware of a long time that it is the participant and the witness of huge number of different "worlds" surrounding it. And their own laws act in every from the "worlds". First of all there are the "mechanical world" and the "astronomical world" where "Newton's gravitation laws" act, the "electromagnetic world" where "Maxwell' equations" act, the world of "living nature", the world of "information", the world of "business", the "social world", the world of the "Art" and so on.

And the human science created the corresponding mathematical theories adapted very well to modeling of processes flowing in that or another "world". And this was the answer of mathematics to the "social need". The calculus created for modeling the "movement processes" and "gravitation laws" of mechanical objects was the brightest example of this. The electromagnetic theory created by Maxwell for modeling of the electromagnetic processes is the other brightest example.

We have described in our Museum a big number of examples where Fibonacci numbers and golden section play an important role. And the botanic phenomenon of phyllotaxis is the brightest example of this. And there arises a question: possibly there exist some "Fibonacci's world" subjected to Fibonacci numbers and golden section? Most likely the world of plants, animals and the man as the biological object is "Fibonacci's one". Recently the Ukrainian architect Oleg Bodnar showed that the geometry of living nature is the hyperbolic one. At that the growth processes are subjected to the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions (we will tell about Bodnar' discovery more in detail). But possibly is the "world of business" the "Fibonacci world" too? And the highly unusual investigations of the American scientist Ralf Elliott ("Elliott's Waves") confirms this.

And like to the fact that the investigation of the "movement problem" brought into creation of the calculus, the most important mathematical apparatus of modern mathematics, and the investigation of the electromagnetic phenomena brought into the "Maxwell's equations", the modern scientific discoveries based on Fibonacci numbers and golden section demand on development of the corresponding mathematical apparatus adequate to the studying physical phenomena.

We showed in our Museum that the Fibonacci numbers theory was supplemented recently by some new mathematical results (the generalized Fibonacci numbers following from Pascal Triangle, the generalized golden ratios, the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions being the extension of Binet's formulas to continues domain and so on). The algorithmic measurement theory being the generalization of Fibonacci "weighing problem" and also Bergman's number system and its generalization, "Codes of Golden Proportion", which, in essence, is the new number definition, play a special role in Fibonacci's field. These new mathematical results extend the topic of Fibonacci numbers theory and demand on systematisation of these new Fibonacci directions in the framework of some general idea. And just such attempt to systematize the different "Fibonacci's theories" was made by Prof. Stakhov in his lecture "The Golden Section and Modern Harmony Mathematics" delivered by him at the Seventh International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications (Austria, Graz, July 1996).

The hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions are the heart of the new phyllotaxis geometry (Bodnar's geometry), which presents by itself the brilliant confirmation of the effectiveness of the Fibonacci and Lucas hyperbolic functions for simulation of biological processes.

Thus it follows from this consideration at least two important modern applications of the Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio theory namely:

Simulation of biological processes (Bodnar's geometry).
New computer theory (Fibonacci and "golden" computers).

As is well known the classical mathematical analysis based on the pi- and e-numbers was developed as the mathematical theory for simulation of mechanical processes (Newton's theory of gravitation). From comparison of the classical mathematical analysis with the Harmony Mathematics it follows that the latter, based on the golden ratio, is the interesting complementary to the classical mathematical analysis, its extension for simulation of biological and informational processes. Thanks to this approach the golden ratio along with the numbers of pi and e have to occupy the prominent place in mathematics.

Applications of the golden section in the Art are widely known. The Harmony Mathematics generates the new geometric proportions (the golden pi-ratios), which will be quite applicable to the art works. One may assume that the progress of the Harmony Mathematics will be able to influence to the progress of modern art.

Table 1.

Foundation of the "Classical Mathematics"
1. Euclidean number definition, natural numbers, number theory
2. Classical measurement theory, irrational numbers
3. Fundamental mathematical constants, the pi and e-numbers, elementary functions

Foundation of the "Harmony Mathematics"
1. New number definition based on generalized golden sections, generalized Fibonacci numbers, Fibonacci numbers theory
2. Algorithmic measurement theory, new number series following from the algorithmic measurement theory
3. Golden section, generalized golden sections, hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions

The main mathematical ideas and theories that underly the Harmony Mathematics:

1. Investigating the diagonal sums of Pascal triangle, the author came to the generalized Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci p-numbers (ð = 0, 1, 2, 3,...), generalized the well-known Golden Section problem and developed the concept of the Generalized Golden Sections or the Golden ð-Sections (ð = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...) [2]. The author formulated a new scientific principle, the Generalized Principle of the Golden Section. This one includes in itself as special cases the "Dichotomy Principle" (ð = 0) and the classical "Golden Section Principle" (ð = 1) that came to us from the ancient science [3]. The Generalized Principle of the Golden Section underlies the following mathematical theories, which form in total the "Harmony Mathematics":

2. Algorithmic Measurement Theory [4] is a new direction in the mathematical measurement theory. In its origin this theory goes back to the problem of the best weights system choice (Fibonacci, 13th century). Its basic result is an infinite number of new, unknown until now measurement algorithms and new positional methods of number representations. They have practical and theoretical interest for modern computer and measuring systems. Fibonacci measurement algorithms based on the Fibonacci p-numbers, Fibonacci codes and Fibonacci arithmetic are one of the unexpected scientific results of the algorithmic measurement theory.

3. Theory of number systems with irrational radices is stated in author's book "Codes of the Golden Proportion" (1984) [5]. These number systems are a principally new class of the positional number systems that changes a correlation between rational and irrational numbers and concern to foundation of number theory [3]. New theory of number systems has fundamental interest computer science and can be used for creation of new computer projects. The ternary mirror-symmetric arithmetics [6] that is a synthesis of the classical ternary notation and Bergman's notation is one of the new results in this field.

4. Hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions [7-9] are a new class of hyperbolic functions. The Golden Section is the base of these functions. These functions have a "strategic" interest for theoretical physics if we take into consideration a role of the hyperbolic functions in Lobachevsky's geometry and Minkovsky's geometry (hyperbolic interpretation of special theory of relativity).

5. Fibonacci Matrices [10] that are based on the generalized Fibonacci numbers and the "Golden" matrices that are based on the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions are a new class of the square matrices that have theoretical interest for modern matrix theory.

The "Golden" Projects:
1. New coding theory [11] that are based on the Fibonacci and "Golden" matrices can become the basis of new information technologies.
2. New theory of computers [4, 5, 6, 12] that is based on the Fibonacci codes and Codes of the Golden Proportion.
3. New theory of metrology and measurement systems [4, 5] that are based on the "golden" resistor dividers.
4. A reform of mathematical education based on the Golden Section.
5. Museum of Harmony and the Golden Section [13] ( as unique collection of all Nature, Science and Art works based on the Golden Section.

Concepts of Harmony Mathematics

"Harmony Mathematics and its Application in Modern Science"

Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Professor
Gennady Shypov (Moscow):

In 1996 the author delivered the lecture "The Golden Section and Modern Harmony Mathematics" [1] on the 7th International Conference "Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications" (Austria, Graz, 1996). This lecture was repeated by the author at the meeting of the Ukrainian Mathematical Society (Kiev, 1998) and then at the seminar "Geometry and Physics" of the Theoretical Physics Department of the Moscow University (Moscow, 2003).

Prof. Stakhov's lecture is irreproachable both under the form, and under the contents, that is, satisfies completely to the "Golden Section Principle". The most impression is the fact that such serious mathematical research is executed by one person. Results of Prof. Stakhov's researches have fundamental importance for development of mathematics and a computer science. Prof. Stakhov work is executed at so high level, that quite deserves its promotion on the Nobel Prize.

Professor Alan Rogerson,
the scientific supervisor of the International Project
"Mathematical Education of the 21-th century"

Museum of Harmony and the Golden Section

Mathematical Models of the Hyperbolic Worlds

Knots and Everything ... /index.htm

From Euclid to Contemporary Mathematics and Computer Science

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:55 pm
by kevin.b
"The lines"
They never move, full stop.
That which travels on the lines is variable, it is altering as I type, it is going back to it's normal flow direction, and that will be a return to normal field patterns that have just been interferred with by the field of the moon.

That which travels on the lines ( which is a poor word, sheets is better)
Is I consider the aether, i simply carve through the geometry at the surface, and that geometry will be infinite in its complexity in scale.

because I find the aether flowing, I try to think it outwards, and inwards, and then contemplate all created as been nothing but a temporary formation that is maintained by these flows, and as long as a balance of opposites is available, then the reset condition is almost identical to the off position.
by that I don't think anything exists except for a tiny fraction of a fraction of a second.
Thus the whole of everything is a field of this aether, and that aether has cyclic tides of movement.

i don't have the words of Paul to express that correctly, but i hope I am getting there?
Basically I would swear we are in a matrix, a fixed matrix where the alterations are due to the movement of the aether, whatever that is, and the apparent movement of mass, is an illusion, and thats where time and travelling about in time exists, and it would be better in a submarine as the water is more fluid, in rocks you could reset inside a rock, but in water it allows freedom.
thats why I kept going on about a yellow submarine.
If nothing actually moves, then it would be far more reliable to be suspended in a deep water area, if you were attempting to reset in another condition in the same spot?

Oh F@#k, Here We Go Again...

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:42 pm
by Paul S.
twigsnapper wrote:Care to discuss how Dr. Brown thoughts might interact with what has been said here?
I have my finger hovering over the "lock thread" button....

Junglelord, I know you're new around here, so I guess you haven't really taken the time to look around and get the gist of this particular forum. Nor are you aware of the occasions in the past where new members have opened a fire hose of information on us, copy/pasting vast tracts of complex and esoteric material into our space and onto our servers. At the risk of being blunt and intolerant, I frankly take a dim view of the whole approach.

If you think you have something important to share with us, then your job is to wrap it up in a nice digestible morsel and pass it around the table and give us all a taste -- NOT set a gigantic feast for thousands that will take weeks for even an army to consume.

I encourage you to take Mr. Twigsnappers observation to heart: tell us, SUCCINCTLY: How does ANY of what you've presented here dovetail with the story of Townsend Brown? Absent that connection, then you're using up my storage and bandwidth to lead us down yet another rabbit hole.

That said, I suspect that there IS a connection, and that the whole idea of an "Aether Physics Model" may be at the heart of it. Also, I note your opening the reference to the "Electric Universe" forums because that subject came up in the context of a chapter I wrote describing Dr. Brown's essay re: "The Structure of Space" in 1943.

I don't doubt the merit of what you are driving at, but I have, frankly, lost patience with long-winded, rambling and marginally coherent threads of dense verbiage that bury useful pins in a haystack of word-salad.

So I've got a suggestion: Start this thread over. I'll leave it unlocked for now, but start a new thread, "Aether Physics Model, Take 2," and start it with a post of, say, less that 1,200 words. If you need to reference outside sources then either quote pertinent sections or use hyperlinks. Don't pour everything that's ever been written on the topic into this forum.

If you can't tell us what your point is in that amount of space, then I don't think you know WTF you're trying to tell us. And I for one don't have the time to figure it out.

Make sense, or make tracks.


Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 12:36 am
by Junglelord
I did my dear Paul. I believe that the structure of the vacuum and the aether is quantifiable.
That is the sole purpose.
If this is a wonderful enough place to consider ideas without proof, that helps.
Its only a theory of viewing the information in a re-organized fashion.
I am interested in re-organizing the data to make more sense of it to myself.
I then share this with others. Some have a more esoteric approach, some more book based.
Not sure who I am talking to and what standards of practice they work with.
I can swing with your flow. Sorry this post caused such a fuss.
Its really simple. I have made it in my own words in several post.
They can relate that back to the official wording if they wish, or take my nutshell approach.
If one understands the structure of the vacuum and the aether, one will surely have a handle on where to go next.
Thats all my good man.

PS sorry to hear about the previous spammers. I am not a spammer and I hope you understand, while i have read through some threads, I am not aware of the personalities and board edicate 100%. However since your so upset maybe this is not the place for me. I am not sure why your so unpolite. I don't like people being rude. I can make tracks. thanks.

You can clean out all my post if you want.

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 2:06 am
by Mikado14
Junglelord wrote:I believe that gravity is electrogravitic. I believe that there is a blantent surpression of Aether theory and Electric Universe Theory. I believe there is blantent surpression of TT Brown and Nikola Tesla and anyone that understands the truth like Mr Newman.
I have had the "honor" of checking out Mr. Newman's machine that someone had in Philadelphia. It is not over unity, if you think it is, then build one and check it yourself. I am not saying that an anomaly doesn't exist but don't expect it to be some elevating piece of technology. There are more eloguent ways to extract energy from the aether.

Mr. Junglelord,

I of all people here appreciate the math you have included as almost anyone here will attest. However, most on here are not engineers or physicists although they are bright and I have no doubt of anyone being left behind in the dust, you must realize that the volume of information you are throwing down on the table is comparable to the beginning of a text book or thesis. There are those here that could probably clarify some of what your talking about and not from a text book but from practice.

If you so choose to leave, then go in peace. I have left and only started posting again when I felt the need but felt that I needed to post this. You must further understand that this is not the usual forum. You will find no ads here to help defray the cost of a server. Paul has ponied up the entire expense and all he has ever asked is to please try to be succinct in our posts and to use hyperlinks whenever possible to keep bandwidth down. If you found that request to be too much for you than as I said, go in peace. But if you rethink this and in keeping with a true INFJ then you will have the desire to give your knowledge for all, so as they may understand more and we can move in a positive direction.

The choice is yours, and now, I must retire...the portal is about to close...<g>...hold the door...hold the door...
