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Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:08 pm
by Junglelord
This is a series of Q&A I did as I learned the APM theory for some members of the Electric Universe group. I present it here in hopes it will give some insight into the model and give people an alternative theory to work with. I encourage everyone to consider the information found in the Secrets of the Aether book from Dave Thompson.

I will open with a quote from Dave Thompson
According to the Aether Physics Model, a reciprocal force
(Gforce) splits a singularity to produce charge. The Gforce acts
upon the charge to produce Aether. The Aether encapsulates dark
matter and thus produces visible matter in the form of subatomic
particles. The Gforce then acts upon the dimensions of the
subatomic particles to produce the fundamental forces, which bind
the subatomic particles into atoms and molecules. This is
something that is actually quantified in the theory.

The two time domains are inherent to the Gforce and is part of
the structure of five dimensional Aether. The Aether experiences
both the forward and backward time domains, which means, as you
said, that it has a net ZERO TIME.

It is the nature of dark matter and the way it interacts with
Aether that causes it to spin in only one direction (right or
left) and in one time domain (forward time or backward time).

According to the Aether Physics Model, there should actually be
eight subatomic particles. However, four of the subatomic
particles exist in the backward time domain, which makes them
invisible to us. The other four exist in the forward time
domain. Two are left spin (proton and electron) and two are
right spin (positron and antiproton). The spin directions are
even agreed to by mainstream physicists.

I thought for sure that a mathematically correct Unified Force
Theory would sweep the scientific community. I thought that an
equation that could predict the 1s orbital electron binding
energies for ALL atoms could penetrate the deepest ignorance of
modern thought. You would think that a clear model of how
magnetism is related to gravity would capture someone's interest.

When I had read about the great minds of the past, which were
ignored or attacked for producing new paradigms, I think how
those minds died broken and alone. I also recollect these
visionaries were found to be correct. I think how barbaric our
forefathers were and kid myself that such mistakes wouldn't be
repeated. Surely with more than six billion people on the
planet, and millions of them being qualified scientists, such a
miscarriage of judgment would not be carried out today. But,
again I am wrong. It is not only my work, but the work of dozens
of other scientists that is ignored because those in power are
heavily invested in their own infallible conclusions.

There is no scientific method, only scientific prejudice. We
have gone from tyrannical religions to tyrannical scientists.
The scientific method is just an idealistic fantasy.
Dave Thompson
The main thing to realize is that the Electrostatic field is not quantified in the standard model. There is no unification with the so called electroweak force as the Higgs fudge factor will eventually prove to be as impossible as the so called unification.

The gluon is not going to be found either.

Particle physics and the four force model is at an impass. With no Higgs boson, it is back to the drawing board. Meanwhile Dave Thompson has created a Unified Force Model that is able to predict the electron binding energy of all atomic elements. Lets look at the basics in a nutshell.

First we quantify ES Charge.
The strong force is the result of EM Charge.
The proportional relationship between ES and EM charge is the weak force.
Gravity is the third force.

There are five dimensions.
Spherical Geometry

The aether unit is a two spin rotating magnetic field. This encapsulates primary angular momentum. The primary angular momentum is a circular string that revolves within the ES charged sphere of the aether unit in the luxodrome pattern. The string aquires mass and EM charge as it propagates. EM charge is therefore different for each subatomic unit, and that is why the proton has a different EM charge then the electron while they both share the same ES charge. Quantum spin is an essential factor in matter. We start with this primary angular momentum as the building block of sub atomic units. Since each sub atomic unit has a charge and a quantum spin of 1/2, we must deal with this when we look at the constants of the universe. The constants are the key to the puzzle. The relationship of the constants to the solving of the puzzle is to see them for what they are, fundamental quantum structure limits. The quantum struture of the electron and the proton is that of two distributed charges with specific spheroid and toroid geometry. The structure of the aether unit is derived from Coulombs constant and the angular momentum is derived from the planck constant the compton wavelength and the speed of light and the model evolves in this fashion. Thats it in a nuts shell.

A white paper on APM

APM Webpage

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:09 pm
by Junglelord
APM quiz, SOTA third edition , Chapter 1 / Quantum Structure

1. What is APM?
Answer page 13
APM is a discrete model of quantum structure.

2. What is the major difference between the Standard Model and APM?
Answer page 15
The major difference is the systems used to analyze data.
The Standard Model removes Dimensions from data.
APM data collects in dimensional and geometric form, processes in dimensional and geometric form, which materializes equations in dimensional and geometric form. By keeping dimensional and geometric form with data and equations, old concepts die, for example, the Aether unit and its geometry, will influence the understanding of physics.

3. What is the basic math of APM?
Answer page 15
APM is based on algebra not calculus.

4. What is Real in APM?
Answer page 16
Dimensions and Geometry of the nonmaterial world. The physical world quantifies precisely the underlying dimensions and geometry that make up physical reality, because measurements are Real.

5. What is the scope of APM?
Answer page 16-17
APM is a science that lends itself well to Ontological Philosophy. Ontology of APM reveals absolute knowledge at the quantum level. It shows a logical evolution of nonmaterial but real Dimensions into complex forms of physical existence. The foundation for APM is the same data as the Standard Model. However one must understand APM within its own context.

6. How does APM begin?
Answer page 18
APM begins as an ontological structural model based on empirical data.

7. Where does the ontology of APM begin?
Answer page 18
The ontology of APM begins with a proper understanding of dimensions and measurements, with an understanding that space-time is as important as the matter that resides in it. Space-time is just one aspect of the Aether unit.

8. What quality does the aether give to space-time beyond dimensions of length and time?
Answer page 18
APM includes dimensions of mass, and charge. Charge has solid geometry. Space time is actually a sub set of space resonance.

9. Does APM say subatomic particles are solid?
Answer page 18
No, not solid nor pieces of solid.

10. What is the basic form of physical existence?
Answer page 18
Primary Angular Momentum = Planck constant (mechanical structure)

11. What does APM call a stable form of primary angular momentum? (electron, proton) page 18
Single "onn", plural "onta"

12. What maintains onn spin?
Answer page 18
The Aether. Therefore, the aether maintains the structure of physical matter. Matter is a trace of the Aether. Physical structure comes from nonmaterial aether, it is the inherent property of the aether, not matter.

13. Does matter move in space time?
Answer page 18
No, matter is contained in the aether. Space-time moves relative to itself. Matter is carried through space-time, like dust in the wind or algae in the ocean.

14. What are the characteristics of the aether?
Answer page 18
Aether has a fluid like characteristic.

15. What is the new dimensional analysis of APM?
Answer page 19
Extensive use of Quantum Measurement Analysis in the form of algebra.

16. Is APM fully compatible with classical mechanics and is it inherently discrete?
Answer page 19

17. What does APM offer to better qualify the use of Quantum Measurement Analysis?
Answer page 19
APM offers specific definitions for "unit", "measurement", "dimension", "constant".

18. Name two different uses for the word "unit", common in physics.
Answer page 19
a) Unit of measurement,
b) Unit of dimension.

19. What system of measurement does APM make use of?
Answer page 22
MKS system. Length = meter, Mass = kilogram. Time = second

20. Besides the use of MKS, what system of measurement does APM produce?
Answer page 22
APM system of measurement is devised so that all measurements are based on quantum length, quantum frequency, quantum mass, quantum charge, and the spherical constant.

21. What is the measurement of those constants?
Answer page 22
a) quantum length equal to Compton wavelength, = 2.426310238 x 10^-12 m^19
notated as lambda sub in SOTA (in this document as Lq)
b) quantum frequency equal to speed of light divided by the quantum length = c / Lq = 1.23558998 x 10^20 Hz
c) quantum mass is equal to the mass of one electron = 9.1093826 x 10^-31 kg
notated as m(e)
d) quantum charge = Electrostatic charge = 2.566969633 x 10^-38 Coul squared
notated as e^2
Electromagnetic Charge = angular momentum x conductance of the aether,
notated as e emax^2

22. How do the unit of dimensions notate in APM?
Answer page 23
As four letter variables that suggests the unit function.
For example current notates as I in the Maxwell equation. In APM current is notated as curr, potential is notated as potn, resistance is notated as resn.

23. What is ohms law in APM?
Answer page 23
potn = curr x resn (eq. 1.1)

24. What is the difference between APM "constants" and other systems?
Answer page 23
In APM quantum measurements and quantum units also serve as quantum constants. Other systems have constants but not quantum constants.

25. Name two common constants that become quantum constants in APM.
Answer page 23
a) quantum velocity is equal to speed of light notated as c
b) quantum angular momentum is equal to Planck's constant notated as h.

26. How do the units of dimensions build from quantum measurements?
Answer page 23
A unit of potential is a unit of dimension made of quantum measurement.
potn = m(e) x Lq^2 x Fq^2 / e emax^2 (eq. 1.2)

m(e) = mass @ electron,
Lq = quantum length,
Fq = quantum frequency,
e emax<2> = EM charge @ electron

but in the case of velc = Lq x Fq = c (eq 1.3)
we can substitute c

27. Are there any other exceptions to the four letter rule other than c, in APM?
Answer page 23
The quantum unit for energy in APM is the Tibetan word "tshankha". Tshankha means energy with force and power. Tshankha represents energy in APM, as energy of a stable onta is sacred.
enrg = m(e) x Lq squared x Fq squared = tshankhas (eq. 1.4)

28. Does E = mc squared qualify in APM?
Answer page 24

29. Why does E = mc squared, not qualify in APM?
Answer page 24
Because the variables have dimensions but no value. Therefore it is not a true equation, rather an expression or formula.
If E and m had inherent value, as does the constant c then E = 1 unit and m = 1 unit
therefore E does not equal mc squared because there is no true equality!

30. What replaces E = mc squared in APM?
Answer page 24
enrg = m(e) x Lq squared x Fq squared
In APM all the quantum units have a quantum measurement.

31. Quantum measurements and quantum units are quantum constants in APM. Many essential constants already existent classic physics. What existing constants does APM recognize?
Answer page 25
Coulombs constant, gravitational constant, the speed of light, permeability of free space, permittivity of free space, Planck's constant, fine structure constant of the electron and the Compton wavelength retain the same values, dimensions and nomenclature as in the Standard Model.

32. What new constants and quantum units appear in APM?
Answer page 25
Conductance of the aether, which is essential for calculating and understanding the nature of strong charge. APM also produces the Aether constant, which is Au or rmfd. The aether constant is equal to K(c) x 16pi^2. The Gforce is also a new constant, which might be mentioned at this time.

End of Quiz, SOTA, Chapter One / Quantum Structure

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:10 pm
by Junglelord
Chapter 2, SOTA third edition, Ontological Foundation, Aether Physics Model
Nonmaterial Aether

1. What is a quantum constant of the aether unit?
Answer Page 31
A non material aether unit is a two spin rotating magnetic field (rmfd). A quantum aether unit has a percise value equal to coulombs constant times 16pi^2
Au = rmfd = k C x 16pi^2

2. Is the rotating magnetic field concept of the aether presented in the Aether Physics Model similar to any other aether concepts?
Answer Page 31
John Bernoulli's Whirlpool Aether. All space, is permeated by a fluid Aether, containing an immense number of excessively small whirlpools. The elasticity which the aether appears to possess and in virtue of which it is able to transmit vibrations, is really due to the presence of these whirlpools. Due to centrifugal force, each whirlpool is continually striving to dilate, and so presses against the neighboring whirlpools.

3. Is there a simple experiment, one can do to prove the existence of the aether?
Answer Page 31
The first experiment requires a magnet and a cathode ray tube. The cathode ray tube could be your computer monitor, TV or oscilloscope screen. Make sure your cathode ray tube has a degaussing feature before doing this experiment, or you may permanently disfigure your viewing screen. Place the magnetic against the cathode ray tube with the North or South Pole facing the screen. You will notice a pattern seemingly caused by the magnetic flux of the magnetic as it reorganizes the electron beams. With the magnet flush against the screen, twisted back and forth. You will notice the pattern on the screen does not change. Had the magnet been the source of the magnetic flux, the pattern would have changed since the magnetic flux would link to the molecules and atoms of the magnet. However, the magnetic flux arises from the aether and thus exist relative to the aether. Twisting the magnet will not affect the magnetic flux of the aether. The same experiment works with ferrofluid.

4. Does aether move freely through matter?
Answer Page 32
Aether gives form to matter, but matter also occupies the aether and manipulates it. Aether can only move through matter that is not dense. Frame dragging is another euphemism of the standard model and tended to acknowledge the properties of aether, but without calling it Aether. The frame dragging of general relativity theory is tantamount to the notion of aether moving with matter.

5. Did Einstein write any papers dedicated to the aether?
Answer Page 33
Concerning the Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields.
It states the magnetic flux is a potential state of the aether. It is a passive resistance to electric current that produces the magnetic field.

6. What is Dynamic Space in APM?
Answer Page 34-35
In APM space and time are united in such a way that the two are inseparable, producing a single unit called double cardioid (dcrd). We need a coordinate system that includes both space and time. The perception of space time through our bodies, gives us the appearance of just one dimension of linear time, just one linear time is an illusion. In reality, the time dimensions of aether are actually frequency dimensions, and there are two of them. Together these two dimensions of frequency produce a spherical unit of resonance. In reality, the quantum universe has the qualities of space-resonance, we perceive the physical, macro universe with the qualities of space-time. Space and resonance integrate through a shared geometry. In other words, space and resonance are the same entity, but viewed from two perspectives, which are orthogonal to each other.

7. What is the Geometric Structure of Aether?
Answer Page 35
The geometrical constant of the aether induces to be 16pi^2
This translates to a geometrical shape of a tubular loxodrome distributed over two adjacent spheres. Further induced is that the spheres have electrostatic polarity, the whole structure has magnetic polarity, and the spin directions has gravitational polarity. One fourth of the total loxodrome surrounding both spheres is a tube with the surface constant of 4pi^2, the toroid constant. Because toroids have two radii, the small radius and a large radius, they can have varying radii lengths but still have the same surface area. This is why all onta share the same quantum surface area as the Compton wavelength squared. It is because all onta have the same surface area that we can graphically represent them as twin tubular loxodromes while making use of the quantum distance squared as their surface area. The perfectly symmetrical representation only applies to the surface areas and to the electrostatic charges.

8. What constants are not symmetrical in APM?
Answer Page 36
Mass, distributed frequency, and strong charge dimensions are not symmetrical in a given aether unit. The unequal distributions of quantum distributed frequency effect the general form of the physical universe and give us shapes like flowers, butterflies, tree branching, leaf patterns, snail shells, skeletal structures, body organ composition, and every other pattern that arises from growth processes. The unequal mass division reflects in the observed difference between electron and proton masses in the proportional strong charges.

9. What does that toroid constant represent?
Answer Page 36-37
4pi^2 represents the surface geometry of 1/2 spin onta. The electron and the proton are examples of 1/2 spin onta. Half of the double loxodrome is a geometrical constant of 8pi^2, and is either the loxodrome around a single sphere or half a loxodrome around two spheres. A full loxodrome represents 1 spin, such as the photon posesses. The full loxodrome around both spheres represents 2 spin, such as the aether unit and supposed “graviton” possess. 16pi^2 is the square of 4pi, which is the spherical constant. The 4pi, spherical constant is also related to the speed of light squared constant and describes the geometrical qualities. All physical existence ultimately derives its geometry from the aether. The geometry represents the available spin positions for the angular momentum to reside in the aether unit. Aether images do not represent some kind of a particle are otherwise solid entity. The color coding is intended to show that each spin possession is a unique pathway, the blue path is for the electron, gold is for the positron, aqua is for the antiproton, and red is for the proton. The tubular loxodrome's are accurate only in relation to the surface constant. The surface area of each half spin loxodrome is always equal to the Compton wavelength squared. However, the small and large electron and proton radii vary in length, and therefore so do the sphere radii. The aether, being a two spin rotating magnetic field, is flexible in this regard, and allows for the centrifugal expansion as envisioned by Bernoulli. The aether unit is thus a field in which subatomic particles can exist. It is because of this geometry of aether that it is possible to model the structures of electrons, photons, protons, neutrons and their interactions. Further, the aether includes the dimension of mass and charge. An enormous force the Gforce is emanating from a nonmaterial source acts upon the strong charge dimension is giving rise to the aether.

The Physical Universe
10. What is at the core of the aether physics model?
Answer Page 37
At the core of the APM is a mathematically correct Unified Force Theory, the first such theory to exist in modern science. The Unified Force Theory develops from the concept of distributed charge and fine structures of the onta (fine structures are proportions of spherical elementary charge to equalivalent spherical strong charge). The strong force is mathematically and experimentally proven to have a charge that compliments, but is different from, elementary charge. They Casimir equation is proof that the electron has a strong charge and that it obeys a strong force law. The theory and experiments to prove the existence of electron strong force were not seen for what they were because of the investment and that pi meson (pion). When examining the Newton gravitational law, coulombs electrostatic law, and the strong force law, what seemed to be four distinct forces demonstrate to be three different manifestations of the Gforce with three different dimension's.

11. What is the Gforce comparable to?
Answer Page 38
The Gforce is comparable to the Sun and the three aspects of onto, (electrostatic charge, electromagnetic charge, and mass), are comparable to three different colors of glass. We see three different forces in the physical world, but they are all manifestations of one Gforce, as three different colors of light emanates from three different colored panes of glass, even though they are manifestations of one light source. This is an example of how force evolves into complexity similar to the way subatomic particles bind to become Atoms. The so called a weak force is really a proportion of electrostatic charge to electromagnetic charge.

12. What does Primary Angular Momentum explain?
Answer Page 38
Primary angular momentum explains the structure behind all matter and light interactions, thereby eliminating the mysterious wave particle duality theory of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Primary angular momentum is the primary form of material existence and explains the photoelectric effect, pair production, and Compton Effect in units that directly relate to the electron and photon.

13. What new equations does APM hypothesize?
Answer Page 38
The nuclear binding forces and electron binding energies of all isotopes. The preliminary steps towards the discovery of an atomic spectral equations, which predicts the spectra of all isotopes and their ions. The electron and nuclear binding energy equations and atomic spectra equations are destined to be the new holy grail of physics. We have already had significant success with the electron binding energy equation. From these three equations, we will likely develop molecular equations, which can predict the properties of any substance before it is known to exist.

Unified Force Theory
14. What is the foundation of the Aether Physics Model?
Answer. Page38
The Unified Force Theory is the foundation upon which the Aether Physics Model rests. The standard model of physics recognizes only one type of charge the elementary charge, which has a single dimension of charge. In APM we notate all charges as distributed. Charge is not a point, and we ignore structural characteristics that result from treating it as a point. Charge always appears over the surface of an object, even if the object is a single electron. Therefore the correct dimensions of charge are charge squared. Instead of presenting elementary charge as e, elementary charge the present as e squared (e^2).
e = 1.602 x 10^-19 coul
e^2 = 2.567 x 10^-38 coul^2

15. What replaces the gluons in APM?
Answer Page 39
According to the standard model gluons carry the strong force in quarks, and pions carry the strong force in nuclei. In APM, the strong force carries by strong charge. Strong charge is related to elementary charge, but it has a different geometry, spin and magnitude. Strong charge notates as e emax for the electron, e pmax for the proton, and e nmax for the neutron. But as in the case of elementary charge, Strong charge is always distributed. So for example, electron strong charge would notate as e emax^2

16. What is the weak interaction in APM?
Answer. Page 39
The weak interaction is the proportion of the elementary charge to the strong charge. The weak interaction is equal to 8pi times the fine structure of the onn. The relationship of the elementary charge, strong charge, and weak interaction for each onn appears as follows where * (alpha), p, n are the fine structures of the electron, proton and neutron respectively.
Electron onn = e^2/e emax^2 = 8pi *
Proton onn = e^2/e pmax^2 = 8pi p
Neutron onn = e^2/e nmax^2 = 8pi n

Primary Angular Momentum
17. How can we best describe subatomic particles and Atoms?
Answer Page 40
Atoms are more like multilayered, discrete, shimmering clouds. Each layer contains proportionally enormous amounts of energy and shimmers at a different and precise electromagnetic frequency. Only when atoms interact with one another in large numbers do they behave as expected in their classical state, what scientists call the visible world. In APM these multilayered clouds are the angular momentum of individual onta. Since these onta are the smallest stable form of material existence, it is proper to the view the onta as primary angular momentum. When we take the literal dimension of primary angular momentum we find that there is a mass dimension, they are two length dimensions, and there is a frequency dimension. Expressed in terms of quantum measurements angular momentum is
h = m(e) x Lq^2 x Fq

18. What is a good way to visualize primary angular momentum?
Answer Page 40-41
One way to visualize this is to see a line of mass moving perpendicular at a velocity. Take a straight object, like a pencil and hold it in front of you. The pencil represents a mass times length. In one quick motion move the pencil at a velocity perpendicular to its length across a table. The blurred image you see graphically represents the nature of primary angular momentum. Of course, an electron is not literally a straight line moving sideways. We must take into account the curvature of the Aether double loxodrome structure. Since the onn mass has to fit in the small circumference of the loxodrome tube, the line of mass would appear as a circle. Ligamen circulatus (LC) names this line of mass. The perpendicular path of the line of mass as it moves sideways also traces out a circular path. The resulting geometry is toroidal. The toroid, however, traces on as a sphere and from pole to pole, when viewed in space-resonance coordinates. When viewed in space-time coordinates as with human perception, the shape is actually that of a cardioid. The Aether imparts, and thus accounts for, the spin in the loxodrome structure of the onn. APM full equations for the toroid like geometry of primary angular momentum and its relationship to spin will be examined later.

19. What are the general characteristics of primary angular momentum?
Answer Page 41
Primary angular momentum is a circumferential line (ligament circulatus) moving sideways, the onto have only two dimension of length. The curvature of Aether acts as a mold and imparts geometry to the onta. The ligament circulators moves in time, which means that the onn exist as a function of time between one moment and the next moment. Time is consequently, a component of onta. We could not perceive time and space with our bodies if our senses were not composed of primary angular momentum. Primary angular momentum is the first cause of physical perception, intimately related to the distributed frequency or resonance of the Aether. Because the ligament circulators moves perpendicular to its circumference, in order to scan an area (strong charge), the onta are not solid. They more closely resemble a cloud, as does the scanned area of a pencil moving back and forth in our vision. It is the scanning of primary angular momentum, which gives onta the appearances of a wave and a particle. Primary angular momentum explains why onta can appear as particles when we look at their strong charge, and can appear as waves when we look at the moving LC. Yet these are only appearances. The particulate and wave nature of primary angular momentum are illusions, having meaning only from our macro perspective. The reality of the onn structure is primary angular momentum and nothing else. Interestingly, photons can also appear as primary angular momentum, except that they are also exploding outward at the speed of light.

End of Chapter 2 Ontological Foundation SOTA third edition

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:11 pm
by Junglelord
Chapter 3 SOTA third edition, Gforce

1. What is the quantum constant of the Gforce?
Answer Page 44
1.21 x 10^44 Newton is the quantum constant of the Gforce. Generally, we think of force as pressure exerted over an area. The pressure can be either positive or negative (vacuum). Force applies to either pushing or pulling something. The Gforce operates in the same way. The Gforce both pushes and pulls masses together or apart and pushes or pulls charge together or apart. Oddly, these are the only two manifestations of force in the universe. The only manifestation of force is either push or pull, relative to mass or charge. It is truly the only force in the universe, and it acts directly through the primary angular momentum and charge of each onn. Primary angular momentum is the physical description of the electron, photon, proton, and neutron. Physical strong charge is the result of primary angular momentum spinning with in the Aether unit. Essentially, primary angular momentum and physical strong charge describe the same onn, but from orthogonal perspectives. Every individual quantum of Aether has the full effect of the Gforce acting through it. This Gforce acts upon the three physical qualities of onta, angular momentum, strong charge, and electrostatic charge. Thus, the quantum Aether units and onta can perform individually or collectively as fields and matter. The results of these interactions are a dynamic universe.

2. What new properties of the universe are explored with the Gforce?
Answer Page 44
The properties of reciprocal mass. The inertial mass of the Aether exist reciprocal to the dimension of mass we familiarly apply to visible matter. Reciprocal mass is a relatively unexplored concept in physics and has different properties from familiar mass, just as frequency has different properties from time. In addition to being a more primary order of reality, the nonmaterial nature of the Gforce likely relates to the Aether's reciprocal inertial mass.

3. What is the Gforce derived from?
Answer Page 45
The Gforce constant can be extracted from both Isaac Newton's constant of universal gravitation and the coulomb constant of electrostatic attraction-repulsion. It is also derived from the newly defined Aether unit constant also known as a rotating magnetic field unit of measurement or the Aether electromagnetic constant. The three manifestations of Gforce directly relate to the three force carriers, electrostatic charge, electromagnetic charge, and the mass within primary angular momentum. The coulomb electrostatic constant is the interaction constant of the Gforce with electrostatic charge. The unit of rotating magnetic field is the interaction constant of Gforce with the electromagnetic charge. And the Newton gravitational constant is the interaction constant of the Gforce with mass.

Quantum Measurements
4. What are the quantum constants of length and frequency in APM?
Answer page 46-47
Quantum length equals compton wavelength.
Quantum frequency equals speed of light divided by quantum length.
The reciprocal of quantum frequency will give quantum time.
The Aether unit in the quantum universe represents a specific space that oscillates at a specific rate between forward and backward time. The specific space produces the volume of Compton wavelength cubed. While the structure of the Aether unit is not a cube, it has the same effect as a cube for mathematical purposes. Aether resolves to cubic appearance due to the 4pi^2 constant. The speed of light is explained simply in the Aether physics model as the quantum distance time to quantum frequency. Since Aether encapsulates onta, the quantum parameters of Aether limit the speed of onta. The maximum speed at which any onn can move is one quantum distance times to quantum frequency. But for the onta to move, the encapsulating Aether must displaces surrounding Aether. This does not mean higher frequencies or shorter lengths cannot exist in the universe. Wave interference patterns can appear as shorter lengths or higher frequencies. However, the production of such apparent lengths and frequencies would require the interference of two or more sources. The limitation imposed by the speed of light does not apply to the movement of Aether units amongst themselves if the Aether units vibrate. Therefore it is quite possible to send faster than light communications by directly modulating Aether units, rather than sending photons through space or electrons through conductors. The Aether units can modulate via the strong force by magnetic pulses. Almost all units in the Aether physics model express in terms of frequency rather than time. In each quantum movement an Aether unit is actually moving in the forward time direction and and then in the backward time direction, oscillating a full cycle at the quantum frequency. For whatever reason, onta only exist in the forward time direction. Onta do not experience the backward time direction, therefore the larger structures made from onta do not experience the backward time direction because onta do not experience a backward time direction they appear to have a property called ½ spin. Time is a series of forward time half-cycles. To our perception, however, forward time appears to be uniformly linear.

Electromagnetic Structure
5. Why is the Gforce essential?
Answer page 48
the Gforce is essential to the construction of a quantum Aether unit, which is also the electromagnetic constant. The Gforce acting on toroidal electromagnetic charge produces the constant rmfd, or rotating magnetic field, and it has the geometric constant of 16pi^2. Rmfd manifests as a double loxodrome. In terms of quantum measurement, rmfd notates as
rmfd = m(e) x Lq^3 x Fq^2 / e emax^2

Note that the quantum measurement making up the rotating magnetic field unit can factor as a mass to strong charge ratio and a space-resonance constant. The mass to strong charge ratio is the same for all onta and Aether, and the space-resonance constant names “double cardioid” because from the perspective of space-time, the space-resonance constant looks like two adjacent cardioids.

6. What Is the Mass to Strong Charge ratio?
Answer page 48-49
The mass to strong charge ratio for all onta and the Aether is
mchg = 6.508 x 10^6 (kg/coul^2)

m(e) /e emax^2 = 6.508 x 10^6 (kg/coul^2)

m(p) / e pmax^2 = 6.508 x 10^6 (kg/coul^2)

m(n) / enmax^2 = 6.508 x 10^6 (kg/coul^2)

m(a) / e(a)^2 = 6.508 x 10^6 (kg/coul^2)

Therefore, the rmfd also notate as
rmfd = m(a) x Lq^3 x Fq^2 / e(a)^2

7. How does the full Aether unit assist us when working with binding force equations?
Answer page 49
Since matter and anti--matter, cannot co-exist as separate onta, and because we see from half-spin perspective, the full Aether unit appears to us only in one-fourth its full form. It is essential to understand the double cardioid geometry of Aether units when working with binding force equations.

8. What is the best way to visualize and understand the ligamen circulatus?
Answer page 50
Looking at the Aether unit from space-resonance, the electromagnetic charge dipole is above and below the cardioid shape. What this means is that if you wrap a wire around a nail and place a current through the wire, the magnetic poles will be at the head and tip of the nail. This also means electrons travel through wire sideways, offering significant insight as to how electrons behave in a wire coil and other electrical structures. Keep in mind that at the quantum level, onta are only two-dimensional. There is a surface area, but there is no “thing” underneath the surface. There is no solid matter at the quantum level, just cardioid rings of strong charge. It is through these cardioid rings of strong charge the Gforce acts when producing physical strong force.

The cardioid shapes of the quantum Aether unit impart the spin path and structure of the ligamen circulates must take. That area scanned is real, as is the strong charge it produces. However, as far as the string of mass goes, it distributes through the cardioid at different times. It is similar to the pencil moving back and forth in front of our eyes. We perceive the pencil as existing in several places at once, although we know better. Yet, there is only one quantum moment for the ligamen circulatus to spin from pole to pole. In one quantum moment, the ligamen circulatus scans a full spin position of the Aether unit.

9. How does the quantum Aether unit quantify?
Answer page 50
Thus the quantum Aether unit quantifies as
Strk(a) = Lq^2 / e(a)^2
Thus the quantum Aether unit quantifies as
rmfd = strk(a) x Gforce

The Gforce pulses in forward and backward time, driving the ligamen circulatus into a spin. The stroke has toroidal geometry since the strong charge has steradian solid angle, therefore the Gforce must have toroidal geometry.

Electrostatic Structure
10. What is the electrostatic constant in APM?
Answer page 50
the electrostatic constant is widely known is coulombs constant, which is equal to
Kc = 8.988 x 10^9 (kg xm^3 / sec^2 x coul^2)

And can represent as a force acting through surface per charge.
Kc = 8.988 x 10^9 (m^2 / coul^2)Newton

Which in turn is equal to equation (3.17).
Kc = strk(a) x Gforce / 16pi^2

Note that the geometrical constant divides out the double loxodrome constant of the Gforce time stroke, giving it a solid angle of 1. The solid angle of 1 is spherical, that is coulombs constant mediates the forces with regard to spherical electrostatic charge. The electrostatic charge dipoles of the Aether unit are within the sphere around which the electromagnetic charge exists. Onto which exist within the Aether unit, pick up the donated electrostatic charge. The electron and anti--proton pick up the negative electrostatic charge, and the proton and positron pickup a positive electrostatic charge.

Distributed frequency is the unit of resonance, which the Gforce causes by reciprocating its inertia back and forth in time. The quantum frequency is the oscillation rate. Thus electrostatic charge, resonance, time and the curved geometry of the Aether are likely related.

Gravitational Structure
11. Can the dipole structures of electromagnetic and electrostatic charge caused by the Gforce show us how the Gforce creates a dipole of a gravitational nature?
Answer page 51.
The Gforce pushes the ligamen circulatus of matter through the Aether unit in one direction, and pushes the ligamen circulatus of antimatter in the opposite direction around the spherical resonance. Therefore left hand spins attract, and right hand spins attract, but left and right hand spins repel.

The mechanics of gravity are therefore depended upon spin parity. Whether onta will attract or repel gravitationally depends upon whether they matter or antimatter. Both the electron and proton spin in the same direction to the left, and the antiproton and positron spin in the opposite direction to the right.

12. What is the gravitational constant?
Answer page 52.
G = 6.672X10^-11 (m^3 / kg x sec^2)
it can also be represented as
G = 6.672X10^-11 (m^2 / kg^2) Newton
Once again, we see that force exerts from a surface. This time the surface is a surface of area per distributed mass. Mass is a linear dimension, as opposed to the distributed dimension of charge. Nonetheless, the Gforce still pulses its own reciprocal ligamen circulatus to create the Aether unit causing its mass dimension to scan an area.

13. What is the mass associated with the Gforce?
Answer page 52
The mass associated with the Gforce is
m(a) = 3.268 X 10^15kg
Since mass is linear, it can only extend a push or a pull, but not both such as charge does. We can call this extension of push or pull “reach”.

14. What is the Reach constant equal to?
Answer page 52.
Rch = Lq^2 / m(a)^2
Rch = 5.513 X 10^-55 (m^2 / kg^2)
Therefore, the gravitational constant of the Aether expresses as
G = Rch X Gforce

The Gforce acts on surface per distributed mass to produce the Newton gravitational constant, which has been determined to a high degree of accuracy. The precise symmetry of the electromagnetic constant, Coulomb’s constant and Newton’s gravitational constant is astonishing. All base on the same, exact quantum Length dimension and the Gforce. The Gforce itself is quantum in that it also expresses in quantum measurements.
G = m(a) X Lq X Fq^2

15. What is the cause of existence?
The Gforce is the cause of Newton's gravitational constant, Coulombs constant, and the electromagnetic constant, not by chance, it is a matter of grand design. The fact that a very specific Gforce exists not only in the two previously known “constants of proportionality”, but also in the third constant of proportionality proposed in this treatise to govern the strong force law, is substantial evidence in favor of a higher universal order. The apparent pulsing nature of the Gforce, as evident by the spherical resonance producing the electrostatic charge, is reminiscent of a heartbeat. The Gforce is self-dynamic, it gives rise to the fabric of space-resonance, and gives existence to and maintains visible matter.

End of Chapter 3, Gforce, SOTA third edition

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:13 pm
by Junglelord
Chapter 5, SOTA, third edition

From the dimensions of length, frequency, mass, charge, and spherical geometry come Aether, primary angular momentum, and all other units of dimensions. According to the Aether Physics Model, the dimensions of discrete natural units (quanta) are length, frequency, mass, charge and spherical geometry. Dimension is the fundamental attribute of measurement, but is not itself measurable. Absolute dimension is a quality of reality, seemingly arising from the ultimate Source of all existence. When quantity is associated with dimension, then the two together form a measurement.

Through the lack of coherent understanding of dimensions and units, it has become standard practice to view measurements as units. For example, the kilogram defines a unit of mass. It would be far more coherent if the kilogram defined a measurement of mass, with the definition of “unit” reserved for compound dimensions. The concepts of measurement and units are quite different from one another. Using the same word to define two different concepts easily leads to confusion.

1. What has more dimensions the quantum level or the macro world?
Page 93
The quantum level, has five dimensions, length, frequency, mass, charge, spherical geometry. Dimensions increase in complexity as the orders of reality become more complex. The key to understanding the quantum level of existence lies in more precise and simple definitions of the terms “dimension”, “measurement” and “unit”. There are four fundamental dimensions in the MKS system of measurement: mass, charge, length and frequency. This very example of mismatching terms shows the classical mess of modern theory.

It is from the fundamental dimensions that units are constructed. The unit of area is equel to length dimension squared. The unit of volume is equal to length dimension cube. A unit of volume therefore has three dimensions of length.
Lq^3 = volm
However, there are also three dimensions in a unit of momentum. Mass times length times frequency.
m(e) X Lq X Fq = momt
So it is more accurate to call “3-D” objects Volumetric than three dimensional. Technically, an object with three dimensions of length, is three dimensional, but three dimensions need not mean three dimensions of length.

2. What is mass?
Page 93
Mass is merely a dimension. Of itself, it has no material existence, although it is one of the defining qualities of the material objects. In a weightless environment mass does not change to zero. When mass is a near large planet, it does not become greater. When an object with mass is accelerated to near the speed of light, it does not increase mass. There is mass in resistance, there is mass in potential, there is mass in energy, there is mass in angular momentum. It is all the same mass, but manifested differently. It might help to realize that there is time in units too. There is time in resistance, there is time in potential, there is time in energy, and there is time in angular momentum. You can perceive time as change, but you cannot isolate time from a unit. You can perceive mass as inertia and length as distance, but you cannot separate the dimensions of mass and length from units. In the same way, you cannot remove the bricks from a brick building without also removing the building.

Once we stop thinking of mass as equal to matter, and realize that mass is neither physical nor is it something convertible, then it becomes easier to see what mass really is and how mass behaves. You cannot truly weigh mass, but you can weigh something that has mass. You cannot make mass turn into energy. The whole issue about converting energy from mass clearly reveals itself when we realize the indestructible and unchangeable nature of dimensions. You cannot convert mass, length, time, or charge. They are absolutes. Mass is always mass. Mass is only a dimension.

Energy is a unit, mass is a dimension
E is composed of the dimensions of mass, length, frequency.
E = M X L^2 X F^2

When it comes down to the truth to the truth of it, mass is a dimension while energy is a unit made up of three dimensions.

In SR, mass converts to energy as an object approaches the speed of light. If this were true, then instead of having an infinite mass as the theory proposes a spaceship should be mass-less at the speed of light. However, if the spaceship were mass-less at the speed of light, then it would have no energy because the mass is zero. No double the die hard relativists will come forth with arguments that there is relativistic mass, which is different from rest mass.

Mass is ultimately only a dimension. Mass is not equal to matter or energy. Mass does not rest and does not move as an independent entity. There is no such "thing" as mass that can be converted to energy, of which energy is merely a unit

Conductance of the Aether and Strong Charge
The Aether conductance constant (Cd) shows to be a factor of Coulomb’s constant and its relationship to the other known constants of the “vacuum”.
Cd = kc X /c X μ0 Where = Vacuum permittivity, also called permittivity of free space or the electric constant is the ratio D/E in free space.
μ0 is the magnetic constant.

Cd = 2.112 X 10^-4 (sec X coul^2/kg X m2)

scant literature exists describing the conductance of the Aether (vacuum, free space, quantum foam), and modern physics. Conductance is the measure of a materials ability to conduct electric charge. Electrons do conduct through the Aether, as observed when electrons travel in the space between the Sun and the Earth. Electrons also pass through Aether in a vacuum tube. The conductance constant is a specific measure of the Aether's ability to conduct strong charge.

In quantum measurements, the conductance constant notates as
Cd = e emax^2/m(e) X Lq^2 X Fq

Conductance of the Aether is also equal to
Cd = e emax^2/h

The variable h is Planck’s constant and represents the angular momentum of the electron. Planck’s constant generally defines in modern physics as “the constant of proportionality relating the energy of a photon to the frequency of that photon.” The Standard Model has missed the fact that Planck’s constant is actually the quantification of the electron.
h = 6.626 X 10^-34 kg X m^2/sec

Strong charge then calculates as

hXCd = e emax^2
e emax^2 = 1.400 X 10^-37 coul^2

Where e emax^2 is the strong charge. The strong charge, like the electrostatic charge, is distributed. The strong force carrier, in the Aether Physics Model is the electromagnetic charge, or strong charge. The strong charge quantifies as the angular momentum of the onn time to the conductance of the Aether. The angular momentum of the proton in the Aether Physics Model is similar to the angular momentum of the electron, with the exception that it calculates with the mass of the proton. Thus, the strong charge of the proton is equal to
e pmax^2 = h(p) X Cd

The strong force of the proton calculates using the strong force law, which is similar to that of the electrostatic force law and the gravitational law. As in the case of the electrostatic law, the product of two strong charges calculates from a single dimension of each charge. Since the binding force causes the protons and neutrons to have large “small radii” and small “large radii” the on to appear spherical. Thus, the Coulomb constant instead of the Aether unit constant is the force mediator.
kc (e pmax X e pmax/Lq^2) = F

The strong force of the neutron is similarly calculated.
The strong force law for free protons and free neutrons would probably integrate the Aether unit constant with the Coulomb constant. This is because free protons and free neutrons are more toroidal in shape. However, once they bind, there shape becomes spherical.
The total nuclear binding force is the sum of all force acting upon onta in an atomic nucleus. The total force acting upon a single neutron at one quantum length, even though there are no other neutrons and protons nearby is
Au (e nmax^2/Lq^2) = 1.839 X 10^3 forc

Aether conductance is also equal to other expressions of strong charge to primary angular momentum.

Cd = e pmax^2/h(p)
Cd = e a^2/h(a)

Where h(p) and h(a) are the angular momentum of the proton and Aether,
and e pmax^2 and e a^2 are the strong charge of the proton and Aether
This is just one of many demonstrations of the exact mass to strong charge ratio, which is consistent throughout the universe. Were ever strong charge appears, it is always exactly proportional to the mass within the angular momentum that produces it, and therefore it is quantum.

Unlike electrostatic charge, each onn has a strong charge value proportional to its mass. This is because the strong charge depends on the angular momentum of the onn, and the Aether length and frequency dimensions are quantum measurements.
Strong charge, notates as
e emax^2 for the electron
e pmax^2 for the proton
e nmax^2 for the neutron

The Standard Model of particle physics does not recognize conductance as a essential constant. This might prompt want to ask, why bother? As showing in the Aether Physics Model, the conductance constant is essential for understanding the strong charge of the onta. The understanding of strong charge in turn reveals the relationship of the strong nuclear force, Van der Waals force, Casimir force, plasmas, and other phenomena.

An essential use of the conductance constant appears in the strong charge equation.
e emax^2 = h X Cd
The same form of equation holds for any onn with angular momentum. The angular momentum of the proton in the Aether Physics Model is similar to the angular momentum of the electron, with the exception that it calculates with the mass of the proton.

Weak Interaction
The proportion of the electrostatic charge to strong charge, the sequel to 8pi times the fine structure of the onn.

e^2/e emax^2 = 8pi e

The significance of this proportion is that it represents the weak interaction of the onn.
Because each onn has its own strong charge, it will also have its own weak interaction constant.

e^2/e pmax^2 = 8pi p
e^2/e nmax^2 = 8pi n

These equations represent the unified charge equations for each onn. Taken together these equations are the basis for mathematically correct Unified Field Theory. The Aether Physics Model shows that the weak interaction is merely the proportion of the electrostatic force to the strong force. When the relative strengths of distributed charge carriers or analyze, we find electrostatic charge to be 10,000 times weaker than the electromagnetic charge. However, since the Standard Model views charge in single dimension, it appears is only 100 times weaker.

The unified charge equations dictate a general geometry for the onta. Electrostatic charge has a solid angle of 1, while the strong charge has a solid angle of a steradian. The strong charge has a solid angle equal to 1/4pi of the spherical electrostatic charge. What this means is that the distribution of the electrostatic charge is spherical, where is the distribution of the strong charge is 1/4pi of an equivalent strong charge, 1-spin sphere.

Again, the electrostatic charge has 1 spin due to its relation to the Aether spherical distributed frequency. The strong charge has 1/2 spin, due to the 1/2 spin of the angular momentum, so multiplying ½ spin by 2 converts ½ spin to 1 spin. Now multiplying the steradian solid angle of strong charge by 4pi converts the steradian solid angle of the strong charge to a solid angle sphere.

Kaluza - Klein Five Dimensional Model - page 292- 293
In the standard model of particle physics, particles or points, moving through space, tracing out a “World Line”. To take into account the different interactions observed, one has to provide particles with additional degrees of freedom beyond position and velocity, including mass, electric charge, color charge and spin. In string theory, all particle types are replaced by a single fundamental building block called a string.

The goal here is to try to visualize a basic string-like theory as developed by Kaluza - Klein. Kaluza first developed this method in 1919. In his original work it was shown that if we start with a theory of general relativity and five-space time dimension's and then curl up one of the dimension's into a circle we end up with a four dimensional theory of general relativity plus electromagnetism. If we assume that the electron has a degree of freedom corresponding to a point on a circle and that this point is free to very on the circle as we move around in space time, we find that the theory must contain the photon and that the electron obeys the equations of motion of electromagnetism. In 1926 Oskar Klein extended this idea. Instead of assuming total Independence of the extra dimension, he assumed it to be compact. This means the fifth dimension would have the topology of a circle with the radius of the order of the Planck length. The Kaluza Klein mechanism simply gives a geometric explanation for the circle. It comes from an actual fifth dimension that has been curled up.

The object represents a superimposition of three objects if viewed in 3-D slices. A helix in the w-x-z coordinates, a sine wave in the x-y-z coordinates, and a circle in the w-x-y coordinates. Being viewed in these three-dimensional slices the object can be defined as both open and close-ended. We will define the four dimensional object as representing light. Maxwell’s wave theory will be shown to be defined by the sine wave into x-y-z coordinates, while the quantum nature of light will be defined by the helix’s end points rotating on the circle in the w-x-y coordinates.

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:43 pm
by Mikado14
Welcome to the forum,

however, you really need to slow down as kevin has advised you. Ideas need to be put forth in a manner that all, or most, can grasp and you are travelling at warp speed.

Just a thought,


Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:16 pm
by Linda Brown

I am delighted with all of this , of course , but I do agree with Mikado .... Please take a deep long breath for a moment and give us a chance to at least chew a little on what you have put out here.

Trickfox? Are you feeling well enough for a couple of comments on some of this.

I plead with you Tarzan. Give us all a chance to rattle some of this around and come up with questions on the bits and parts that we do "get".... otherwise it sits on our conciousness like a two ton brick. Hard to breathe with so much all at once.

Though I understand. When it is there for you the impulse is to get it out there as quickly as possible. Just please do not get impatient with the guys like me who have to be bringing up the rear on this.

There are some of you out there I KNOW who can engage in a good conversation ( and maybe even a debate) over this material if you can find the time and the inclination to step out of the shadows a bit. We all need your input here! Certainly .... here is a challenge for you, thanks to Junglelord. ( still Tarzan to me, sorry. <g> Linda

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:11 am
by Junglelord
Hey guys I totally understand. I promise this is a one time kind of posting. Its meant to be used as a reference not as a sit and read it through once thread. I should have said that, sorry.

I took three months to get comfortable with APM and had some private tutor with the author.

Its only a alternate theory. You can take it as a simple model as in my first post, or let it become deeply engrained by reading the Q&A many times over.

I promise not to go full bore, no one can ever keep up with me anyway.

What I did learn from APM was in the back of my mind for years waiting to be completed.
I will tell you that even in the last week I have had some huge revelations that have some great connections to APM.
So its still coming fast and furious for myself.

I figured that this would stand alone and I could answer questions as they come to forum members.
I am not a champion of any one theory, just so we are all clear on that.
At the same time APM offers some real good clues as to the nature of quantum structure.
Since my motto is you cannot seperate structure from function, then this is very important to my way of thinking.

What I learned in the last week was that my own definitions for even words like Electricity was very poor and contradictory.

I have been watching the MIT lecture series on Electromagnetism. With all my education, experience and extra study, it was still not giving me the mental synesthesia I was looking for. I have used this web page to correct that problem.

I also fall back on APM definitions frequently when listening to others speak from the Standard Model perspective.
APM gives me very clear and concise definitions for Mass, Frequency, Charge that is invaluable. The main goal in all this (you mean he has a goal? :lol: ) is to understand the electric universe properly. :D

It will be my gift to give to the forum all I have been taught to understand why the aether and the universe is electric. The deeper you actually can see and speak about electric phenomanon is going to make the work of TT Brown become very clear. The vortex is very important. The sphere is very important. The double layer is very important. The plasma is very important. The PHI and Fibonacci Series are very important along with the natural logarithm e. The North pole is much stronger then the South pole and this never changes and is the key to UNLIMITED POWER. But you all knew that.

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:39 pm
by Mikado14
Full Moon
Wiki wrote:INFJs are conscientious and value-driven. They seek meaning in relationships, ideas, and events, with an eye toward better understanding themselves and others. Using their intuitive skills, they develop a clear vision, which they then execute decisively to better the lives of others. Like their INTJ counterparts, INFJs regard problems as opportunities to design and implement creative solutions.
Be careful, who decides that your clear vision is correct?

Apparently, INFJ's decide what is best for all

Creative can be good or bad depending upon who receives this creativeness

Hitler began as an INFJ but then changed.


Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:09 pm
by Linda Brown

Still chewing.


27. Are there any other exceptions to the four letter rule other than c, in APM?
Answer page 23
The quantum unit for energy in APM is the Tibetan word "tshankha". Tshankha means energy with force and power. Tshankha represents energy in APM, as energy of a stable onta is sacred.
enrg = m(e) x Lq squared x Fq squared = tshankhas (eq. 1.4)

I have not known about the use of the word "tshankha" and can you explain " energy of a stable onta is sacred" .... and this is an " exception in APM? Trying not to stay too lost.honest..............................

And Mikado. Full moon? . Explains many things perhaps, right. Nice to see you out and about <g>. And the " thinning" happens later.

And in regard to your Hitler statement. My understanding was that he was " reached" early in his career and then took his own dark path. I suppose promise can decay into a deadly mold. When that happens ... what then? Linda

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:34 pm
by Linda Brown
Your comment:Be Careful. who decides that your clear vision is correct?

"Wiki wrote:
INFJs are conscientious and value-driven. They seek meaning in relationships, ideas, and events, with an eye toward better understanding themselves and others. Using their intuitive skills, they develop a clear vision, which they then execute decisively to better the lives of others. Like their INTJ counterparts, INFJs regard problems as opportunities to design and implement creative solutions.

My thought on the lyric of a Jimmy Buffett song. " Who can tell if I am right or if I am wrong? ONLY TIME WILL TELL."

Translating that by what we have seen .... things that are " right" ultimately resurface and resurface and resurface until they maintain a steady hold. Things that are "wrong" get swept away.

I have felt sometimes in my life that the "right" gets "swept away " too but I am discovering that in the very longest of runs ..... right prevails.

An author once called Thomas Jefferson a " Grieving Optimist". Maybe I am one too. Linda

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:48 pm
by Mikado14
Linda Brown wrote:.

My thought on the lyric of a Jimmy Buffett song. " Who can tell if I am right or if I am wrong? ONLY TIME WILL TELL."
My point exactly. However, one must be careful of Full Moons and what "feels" right.
Linda Brown wrote:.Translating that by what we have seen .... things that are " right" ultimately resurface and resurface and resurface until they maintain a steady hold. Things that are "wrong" get swept away.

I have felt sometimes in my life that the "right" gets "swept away " too but I am discovering that in the very longest of runs ..... right prevails.
I don't wish to wait...I am going to build that portal and get outta dodge....<g>
Linda Brown wrote:.An author once called Thomas Jefferson a " Grieving Optimist". Maybe I am one too. Linda
My posts over the years belie what I am. I keep who I am close to my vest, my friends close and my enemies closer. I am neither optimist nor pessimist, I just watch and record. I suppose in some manner, I am the "I" from "INFJ" but then can be the "E" from "ENFJ". hmmmm, who said I was "wishy washy"?


Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:49 pm
by kevin.b
As we all go forward and try to reveal these secrets, I will not be able to help talking about a sign, and hopefully it will be as understood as this man knew it to be.
The coincidence of this is amazing,
I realise the hurt this sign carries, but the good side of it will wash away the bad.

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:54 pm
by Mark Culpepper

I wish that my daughter was here to translate all of this.

Bear with me!
INFJs? And I suppose I should already know what you are talking about. Vague rememberence of Hitlers association with something called the " Golden Dawn" or something related to that. I suppose I will have looked this up by the time someone answers this .... but for now my only response to all of this is a very backward HUH...... spelled backwards and forwards ...... HUH?

Great posts Junglelord. I don't understand a line of it yet... but you sure have put some time and energy into this... deserving of alot of respect!

I can't comment right now because I am not above the idiot question level. Promise though that I will inform myself and be back.. MarkC

Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 2:19 pm
by Junglelord
Hi Linda and everyone!
APM is built from quantum constants that turn into quantum measurements, that build into quantum units.
It takes all the known information and re-organizes it with dimensional analysis. For instance charge is always distributed. Yet in the Standard Model current is derived in linear terms. One should always be aware of the proper dimensional analysis. Charge and all its attributes is only distributed. That is important as this explains that all matter is neither particle nor wave, it is distributed charge. Thats why it can look like either or and both. It is neither.
Coulombs constant derives the distributed geometry, it is a sphere. Electrostatic charge is spherical 4pi. Electromagnetic charge is toroid 4pi^2. This structural analysis is important to understand the world of sub atomic units. The proper structure will reveal the function. Structure and function cannot be seperated at any level. The quicker you can relate structure to function, the quicker you will understand all things.

Remember it took me three months and I had tutor lessons from the author.

When Dave Thompson points out that mass and energy are not equal, I think thats the biggest thing I learned.
Linda askes about energy. Energy is a sum. It is not elemental as we are taught, ie E=mc^2.
There is no equality in that "formula". Mass is a non material dimension in APM.
Energy is not fundamental, as we are taught. Mass never turns into energy. Mass never changes.
The most important idea is that we can visualize Mass as a nonmaterial dimensional construct and is fundamental while energy is a sum of five dimensions and is not elemental.

Since energy is a product of quantum constants, then it is always related to its individual elements.
This is what I think Dave means about the energy of a onta (atom) being sacred.
Angular momentum, charge, mass, are all constants, this is what I think he means by sacred.
They never change from subatomic unit to subatomic unit. Each electron is equal, always.
The electron mass, angular momentum, charge, never varies and does not wear down.
Thats kinda sacred.

At the end of the day, please remember this is just one of several alternative ways to re-organize the information.
I think we have most the clues, we just need to re-organize the information. APM is one of those ways, not the only way.

Proper Dimensional analysis re-organization also came up with this theory from Blazelabs. Blazelabs takes a different stab at it, but for the same reasons. APM uses the SI units and quantum constants to build its model. Blazelabs leaves the SI units behind in favour of a Space/Time method. The main point being that the Standard Model is chock full of improper dimensional analysis. Attempts to correct that always arrive at some truly informative views.
One of the most powerful mathematical tools in science is dimensional analysis. Dimensional analysis is often applied in different scientific fields to simplify a problem by reducing the number of variables to the smallest number of "essential" parameters. Systems which share these parameters are called similar and do not have to be studied separately. Most often then not, two apparently different systems are shown to obey the same laws and one of them can be considered to be analogous to the other.

The dimension of a physical quantity is the type of unit needed to express it. For instance, the dimension of a speed is distance/time and the dimension of a force is mass×distance/time². Conventionally, we know that in mechanics, every physical quantity can be expressed in terms of MLT dimensions, namely mass, length and time or alternatively in terms of MLF dimensions, namely mass, length and force. Depending on the problem, it may be advantageous to choose one or the other set of fundamental units. Every unit is a product of (possibly fractional) powers of the fundamental units, and the units form a group under multiplication.

In the most primitive form, dimensional analysis is used to check the correctness of algebraic derivations: in every physically meaningful expression, only quantities of the same dimension can be added or subtracted. The two sides of any equation must have the same dimensions. Furthermore, the arguments to exponential, trigonometric and logarithmic functions must be dimensionless numbers, which is often achieved by multiplying a certain physical quantity by a suitable constant of the inverse dimension.

The Buckingham p theorem is a key theorem in dimensional analysis. The theorem states that the functional dependence between a certain number n of variables can be reduced to the number of k independent dimensions occurring in those variables to give a set of p = n - k independent, dimensionless numbers. A dimensionless number is a quantity which describes a certain physical system and which is a pure number without any physical units. Such a number is typically defined as a product or ratio of quantities which DO have units, in such a way that all units cancel. A system of fundamental units (or sometimes fundamental dimensions) is such that every other unit can be generated from them. The kilogram, metre, second, ampere, Kelvin, mole and candela are supposed to be the seven fundamental units, termed SI base units; other units such as the newton, joule, and volt can all be derived from the SI base units and are therefore termed SI derived units. The choice of dimensionless units is not unique: Buckingham's theorem only provides a way of generating sets of dimensionless parameters, and will not choose the most 'physically meaningful'.

Why not choose SI ?

We know that measurements are the backbone of science. A lot of work has been done to get the present self-coherent SI system of physical parameters, so why not choose SI as the foundation of a unifying theory? Because if the present science is not leading to unification, it means that something in its foundations is really wrong, and where else to start searching if not in its measuring units. The present SI system of units have been laid out over the past couple of centuries while the same knowledge that generated them in the first place have changed, making the SI system more or less a database of historical units. The major fault in the SI system can be easily seen in the relation diagram shown here, officially issued by BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures). We just added the 3 green arrows for the Kelvin unit. One would expect to see the seven base units totally isolated, with arrows pointing radially outwards towards derived units, instead, what we get is a totally different picture. Here we see that the seven SI base units are not even independent, but totally interdependent like a web, and so do not even strictly qualify as fundamental dimensions. If for instance, one had to change the definition of the Kg unit, we see that the fundamental units candela, mole, Amp and Kelvin would change as well. In the original diagram issued by BIPM, the Kelvin was the only isolated unit, but as I will describe shortly, it should be well interconnected as shown by the additional green arrows. So one cannot say there are seven fundamental SI units if these units are not independent of each other. The other big fault is the obvious redundancy of units. Although not very well known to all of us, at least two of the seven base units of the SI system are officially known to be redundant, namely the mole and the candela. These two units have been dragging along, ending up in the SI system for no reason other than historic ones.

The mole is merely a certain number of atoms or molecules, in the same sense that a dozen is a number; there is no need to designate this number as a unit.

The candela is an old photometric unit which can easily be derived from radiometric units (radiated power in Watts) by multiplying it by a function to describe the optical response of the human eye. The candela unit, together with its derived units as lux and foot-candelas serve no purpose that is not served equally well by watt per steradian and its derivatives.
Temperature, is yet another base unit that can be made redundant by adopting new definitions for its unit. Temperature could be measured in energy units because, according to the equipartition theorem, temperature is proportional to the energy per degree of freedom. It is also known that for a monatomic ideal gas the temperature is related to the translational motion or average speed of the atoms. The kinetic theory of gases uses statistical mechanics to relate this motion to the average kinetic energy of atoms and molecules in the system. For this case 11605 degrees Kelvin corresponds to an average kinetic energy of one electronvolt, equivalent to 1.602E-19Joules. Hence the Kelvin could also be defined as a derived unit, equivalent to 1.3806E-23Joule per degree of freedom, having the same dimensions of energy. Every temperature T has associated with it a characteristic amount of energy kT which is present in surroundings with that temperature at the quantum and molecular levels. At any given temperature the characteristic energy E is given by kT, where k (=1.3806E-23m2kg/sec2/K) is Boltzmann constant which is nothing more than a conversion factor between characteristic energy and temperature. Temperature can be seen as an alternative scale for measuring that characteristic energy. The Joule is equivalent to Kg/m2/sec2, so for the Kelvin unit we had to add the three green arrows pointing from Kg, metres and seconds which are the SI units defining energy. Furthermore, the definitions of the supplementary units, radian and steradian, are gratuitous. These definitions properly belong in the province of mathematics and there is no need to include them in a system of physical units. So what are we left with? How many dimensions can the SI system be reduced to? Looking again at the SI relations diagram, let us see which units DO NOT depend on others, that is which are those having only outgoing arrows and no incoming arrows. We see that in the SI system, only the units Seconds and Kg are independent. So, this means that the SI system can be reduced to no more than two dimensions, without loosing any of its physical significance of all the involved units. But we know that there are a lot of other combinations that can lead to the same number of fundamental dimensions, and that Kg and Seconds might not be the most physically meaningful independent dimensions. Strictly speaking only Space and Time are fundamental dimensions .... so what are the rest? Just patches in physics covering our ignorance, our inability to accept that point particles, with the fictitious Kg dimension, do not exist.