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something big

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:57 pm
by twigsnapper

It is rather amazing how large oaks from little acorns grow. Its always been my concern then to protect those acorns and their planting spots. Turns me into that little creature in the ICE AGE movies sometimes, with eyes just as large.

Trying to protect Dr. Brown was a challenge sometimes and I think that he and you have much in common. Dr. Brown found the most wonderful isolated spring in Southern California right outside Palm Springs. It was on private property. Not another building or sign of civilization for a mile at least but he went there to think ......( Just a side thought, looking back to that experience, but sometimes his daughter went with him and she cut one hell of a fine figure in this yellow bikini ..... ah! ......... no wonder Morgan thought that she was a gift from the sea .... a vision straight from Dr. No ).... but getting back.......... ( I may be older but certainly my memories are not dead)

You must understand what a difficulty that trait sometimes presented for folks whose job it was to protect certain individuals. Its hard to disguise, maybe, twelve individuals, in an isolated area. See what I mean? Better to have crowds .... so though I know that your heart is in that quiet spring hidden away . Note the difficulties. twigsnapper

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:26 pm
by kevin.b
Just in the name of research, some visual of Dr No.

why is it

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:39 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
You guys.

Why is it that Sean Connery has gotten even more handsome in his older age and the girl on the beach has just gotten .... older .....? The world is not fair sometimes. Elizabeth

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:19 pm
by kevin.b
Having trouble posting a link to madron well,
It say, "Walking into the well area was like entering a portal through the fabric of time"
I am POSITIVE of this.

People leave offerings of clotties, small strips of coloured fabric, and throw copper coins into the water.
cornwall is where lots of copper is mined, out of the quartz.
Dr Brown would have loved it in Cornwall, lots of places to think.

Cataline island reminds me of Cornwall, a positive place upon the surface of a sphere, where ancient people will have been in touch, with past , present and future.

Doubling back on the trail

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:45 pm
by Trickfox
Mr. T.

Have you ever notice how quickly a fox can double up on his trail and change direction when he thinks that he's being followed around by a predator.
Not to worry,... a fox's heart and wits follows the trickfox wherever it goes. If that little fox gets any ideas which makes a fox nervous then he can change his path very quickly, especially just before getting somewhere where the predators could be waiting.
Best thing to do is "outfox em". Staying non-determinant and careful at every little step....

Then there is the fox that hides in the center of the sheep herd. The sheep are use to him so they never pay much attention to the sly little fox that snakes past them right through the center of the sheep herd. Even the sheppard seems to know the cute little fox, and he smiles and waves at the little fox who stops and looks up at him for a few seconds before continuing his lazy walk through the herd.


Re: why is it

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:21 am
by Langley
Elizabeth Helen Drake wrote:You guys.

Why is it that Sean Connery has gotten even more handsome in his older age and the girl on the beach has just gotten .... older .....? Elis.zabeth
His plastic surgeon brings advanced techniques back from the future.


Project Grasp
Boeing Phantom Works

Im drawing blanks trying to find connections between Penney and gravity effects of nuclear weapons. I have long believed that emp is a manifestation of it, but that is a belief.

The old issue of gravity acting instantly implying a connection between all mass mediated by "something". (Commonly illustrated with spheres resting on a sheet of clear plastic, saying gravity was the dips forms in the plastic caused by the weights of the balls and saying that gravity was the distension of time/space represented by the plastic. But that isnt it.

Mass ceases to be mass in a nuclear reaction. Mass becomes energy. Energy doesnt result in gravity. Hence as mass converts to energy according to E = MCsquared, gravity snaps off for that mass. This results in a negative impulse. And this manifests as emp as a result of a harmonic of the gravity pulse. There are difficulties in that, because if gravity can pulse it means gravity waves exist - as a mode of transmission. And therefore gravity isnt transmitted instantly. However there may be more than one mode of transmission.

The problem also consists of this. E = MCsquared .
M = E/C squared .
C is a very big number. It takes an awful lot of energy to make a little mass therefore. It takes a little mass to make a lot of energy.
One would think therefore that the emp from a nuclear explosion would be very little. But it is very powerful. The fuel for a fission bomb might weigh 4 kg. The vast bulk of it remains as mass after detonation. Only a small fraction has been converted to Energy according to E=MCsquared.

The emp is a wave. Im sure Penney was into it, but the search is complicated by his study of gravity waves - that is, the study of waves affected by gravity. The term gravity wave also refers to the waves which transmit gravity - and that is a long term search in progress by some scientists. The confusion of the two activities having the same name makes a net search quite tedious.

It seems to me that conventionally the only practical uses of
E = MCsquared (and its obverse) acknowledged by science are nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors. It seems to me one could briefly define suppressed science as "that which puts forward new practical applications of mass/energy conversions anticipated by Einstein".

Of course though, if gravity was resultant from a singularity underlying "time-space" then gravity would be everywhere at once. And so the emp of a nuclear blast could be seen as a manifestation of a disturbance, an oscillation in time-space as result of its relationship to the underlying singularity.

I have a headache. I can find nothing re Penney and emp. But he was a "wave" man. And we know emp exists. Could it possibly be that the conversion equation for gravity and electro magnestim is an obverse analog of the conversion equation for mass energy?

Brown's effects manifest beyond a certain voltage threshold? An analog of the critical mass needed for mass/energy conversions?

If everything is made the same "stuff", manifesting either as mass or energy; or ; gravity or electromagnetism, then what is the proper word for "stuff"?

does electromagnetism of certain parameters manifest as gravity in the presence of mass? So humans belief gravity is the result of mass rather than as the result of a relativistic conversion equation where mass becomes the constant in place of the speed of light thus:

G = em M where G is gravity and em = electromagnetism and M = mass constant.

Resulting in the transposition: em = G/M

And M is the determining constant describing the relationship between gravity and the universal electromagnetic field.

if mass and energy are the same stuff in different relational states, then is the relationship between gravity and em is of the same relationship?

This would tend to explain the huge emp emitted by a nuclear device even though the conversion of mass to energy is so little (quite minute really in fission) in such a device.

IF conventional science first saw this in the era of 39 - 45, then the secrecy surrounding those events provides the cover. And if its a cover, if the science is in the black, then was Brown seen as a threat to it?

Twigsnapper presents information which leads to the conclusion that Penney was deliberately delayed in his arrival at the Nagasaki blast until such time as the blast had passed. The physical effects of this blast Penney could predict mathematically. Was he delayed until the emp had passed?

emp is now a weaponised effect of these weapons (Princeton University site, Glasstone, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, etc)

emp is a wave. Penney was a wave expert so highly regarded he was awarded the US Medal of Freedom, even though he was not American.

Yet I can find no hits when I search for William Penney and elecromagnetic pulse. yet, being a component of the destructive suite of nuclear weapons effects, this is one area I would have expected a wave expert to have contributed.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:32 pm
by Mikado14
Damn Langley.....<g>

I hate head hurts....<g>

Good Work, good ideas and I have no idea why but your postulations seen plausible.


Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:21 pm
by Langley
Thanks Mikado. Trying to conceptualise it is hard. Just thinking about what Twigsnapper wrote re delaying Penney over Nagasaki. What was it he wasn't to witness? Would he twig if the plane's electrics blipped with the pulse? Ive never read any reference to the emp from the Hiroshima or Nagasaki bombs. Of course this was pre transistors. So things were less likely to fail, but they might have blipped or flared.

If emp was the thing, that leads to speculation as to what that indicates as to Nature applied to Brown, the technology and applications of that.

Relating it to time-space is beyond me, but an attempt to relate it to gravity is possible. Though its as rough as bags. Im probably off beam.

keep digging

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 5:58 pm
by Victoria Steele
Keep digging Langley. You know as well as I do, if you stop and think a moment that if you can make a connection with gravity ... you are making a connection here with the time-space situation.

Meanwhile in this same thread I find it interesting that Trickfox is talking about foxes and I am having fun ( real fun !... with Harley at the " Frou- Frous Boutique.) Take a look at these lovely little faces! And Andrea the owner is pretty too! Ya gotta watch out for the redheads!

But back to the BBC article about Boeings developments and Project Grasp. What if they are looking right at something and not seeing it. What if ( taking on Dr. Browns eyes) this quote might make additional sense?

" The scientist says he found that objects above a superconducting ceramic disc roatating over powerful electromagenets lost weight"

Of course the words " superconducting ceramic disc" fairly leap out at me. Somebodys thoughts on that? Andrew?

Oh, one more note for those ladies in the Palm Springs area that might take note of the above website about the doggies. Andrea has moved into a new storefront on El Paseo which is a WONDERFUL shopping street filled with diamond stores and art galleries. Talk about cosmic hahas !Elizabeth .... I walked into one gallery with Dr. Browns work very much on my mind and here was this ENORMOUS PAINTING ( NO KIDDING) of a red 49 Chevy pick up ... you can't see the driver but on the passenger side there is the muzzle of a dog taking in the air. It stopped me in my tracks because of your truck too Paul .... and then ... brace yourself .... the artists signature across the right hand side "TOWNSEND". Match that for a cosmic connection! All I could think to say was .... VERY FUNNY DR. BROWN. Victoria

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:53 pm
by flowperson
Hi...Re: Andrea and her doggy domain...WOOF !

flow.... :wink:

affirmative woof

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:11 pm
by twigsnapper
I guess thats an affirmative woof. I can't see the tail wagging <g>
Always appreciative of your impressions Flow and look forward to sharing more. twigsnapper

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:58 pm
by flowperson
Hi Mr. T....I'm just panting and drooling whilst moving my entire back quarters from side to side, including my tail. Just a natural and involuntary reaction on my part, but then I am half Italian. Kind of like your relating to the lioness at the Dublin Zoo I believe.

flow.... :wink:


Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:30 pm
by twigsnapper
Ah, I understand. twigsnapper

actresses and puppies

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:39 pm
by ladygrady
Well at least this very pretty woman seems to really care about her " Frou Frou" and it looks like she also is a screenwriter and actress as well. ( I googled Andrea Santean. Very interesting and looks like she has alot of stuff on her plate. Crystals?

Gee, Mr. Twigsnapper. Do you have other interests and uses for sheets of paper besides beating up on a junior intelligence officer? or the model for a certain scene in a Bourne movie? You know I can just see you tending to a piddling puppy! <g>.

I imagine that, as Flow mentioned ... the roar of the lion might be pretty loud in this ladies company!

Just having a bit of fun with you sir. And it feels just wonderful! grady

interesting comments

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:45 am
by James Barrett

Do you remember writing this? You were addressing Paul in the " "Sprawling Epic" thread

"I think you may go down in history as the person that started the interactive book craze. I am not going to be able to just read a book and be satisfied anymore. I will always want to participate in the plot. This is such a totally immersive experience and I don’t see how we will ever be able to go back to the old way of reading ever agin. We have all been spoiled."

AND BOY THATS THE TRUTH. Here we all are . Waiting. Wondering whats going to happen next. Whats the greatest Paul is that you are so humble about what you know and so perplexed by what you don't know! Its a great kinship with all of us. We seem almost to be in the same boat. Its great. Even Linda Brown with all of her knowledge of this story seems to be learning along with us things that were with held from her for so many years. We all want to learn so much more!

And while we wait for the next chapter there is this really wonderful interaction between the forum members. Talk of crystal wands, foxes and puppies, atomic bombs and flying saucers, Visitors and the CIA ..... spymasters retiring in Jamaica and Ursula Andress stepping out of the sea. Lions at the Dublin zoo and Italian cooking. How can you match the reaction to this book? JDB