Page 11 of 15

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:25 pm
by kevin.b
Tell Andynmonk, kevin says Hello.
Elizabeth you may recognise the single petal you appreciated the nuns wearing? one petal.
0'1'1'2'3'5'8'13'21'34'55'89'144 and into infinity.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:36 pm
by flowperson
Hi Kevin...I'll be sure to, but Andy really does not post there very much.

I'm sure you noticed in your link that all roads of this discussion lead back to the "other" Italian Leonardo...Leonardo Pisano (Fibonacci). A very busy guy.

Wonder of he made lasagna with wavy noodles or sometimes threw pasta against the wall to see if it would stick?

flow.... :wink:

sub water

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:52 pm
by Griffin
Like the Salton Sea hub area in the southern California desert, there has also been subterranean water beneath the desert sands of the Giza plateau in Egypt and the area is said to be literally honeycombed with ancient water courses. There has been concern about damage to the Sphinx from underground water.


Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:58 pm
by kevin.b
Fibonacci is holding up the leaning tower.
The point where the spiral ends, is where the tower should be.
If a tree finds itself not quite on the spot, it will go to all manner of lengths to obtain that magic spot.
scroll down on the left hand and go to Cambodia, then click on ta phrom temple, see the lengths the trees will go to, to be spot on.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:54 pm
by flowperson
Thanks Kevin...I'd not heard of "strangling fig trees".

Up until about 8,000 years ago, practically all of the Sahara desert was savannah and lakes country filled with fauna.

So yes Griffin, it is very possible that the pyramid and temple complexes featured extensive water features. Besides that anything near the Nile had access to water since the Egyptians were experts at channelization in support of their irrigation practices.

As an aside, the temple mount in Jerusalem is also honey combed with ancient water tunnels.

flow.... :wink:

Re: a gentle meeting

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:18 am
by Bulwark
twigsnapper wrote:Remember what Dr. Brown was fond of saying, what can go one way also goes the other easily. And remember that time has no latch on this situation. And the " Caroline influence is not just in one subject.

Perhaps you will remember that one of the greatest influence on Morgans life, positive influences was his Grandmother .... from Russia .... with love..... and as a horseman might tell you, bloodlines show. twigsnapper
I read this and felt the need to say the following. Wasn't it in 1985 or so that Morgan died in a motorcycle crash and then it was supposed that he went deep undercover into Russia and doesn't anyone find it odd that in a mere 6 or 7 years the Soviet state collapses? Does anyone else feel as if someone knew or had an inkling of what was to come?

Just a wind out of the north,


(Linda B, I haven't seen you posting.)

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:10 pm
by Langley
kevin.b wrote:Langley,
The pyramid will have been TIPPED with a gold/silver alloy pyramid.
What else is missing is water, the carrier, that the boats sail on.

Water is the method of accumulating the life force, aether.
The chambers in the pyramid are full of singing sand from Mt Sinai, at precise alignment with the matrix that everything is created upon.

Everything is geometricaly created, therefore it will resonate with the same tune as its self.
Space is flowing along lines, musical lines.
Kevin, IMHO, in my hobbit opinion

The Sphinx apparently is much much older than the Giza Pyramids, whose alignments match the star map 10,500 years ago. But they are not that old.
Edgar Cayce predicted that a lost library of an advanced ancient global system will be found in the vicinity of the Sphinz and that the capstone of the Great Pyramid is buried.

Oh, I gotta add this link. I met this guy a few years back. Its a good book.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:53 pm
by Bulwark
Mikado14 wrote: I too have difficulty with "things", however, if I have seen things properly, the pyramid itself is only a part of the "machine". An integral part is missing and has been missing for a very long time but the farther one goes back the harder to see.


ps: you like analogies Langley, imagine if a group of individuals found an automobile without an engine.....
Then by your analogy are you saying that an engine is missing or a device to provide power? And what is considered a very long time?


Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:00 pm
by Chris Knight
Just a comment on water and the Great Pyramid in Egypt. From a archeological viewpoint, the age of the adjacent Great Sphinx has been hotly contested over the years.

From a geological standpoint (at odds with the mainstream viewpoint until the past few years) is that the erosion of the rock comprising the Sphinx was caused by water erosion rather than wind erosion. Any decent geologist without preconceived ideas would spot the inconsistency immediately.

In any case, what that means is that it was carved (in part) in a time when there was significant rainfall - an estimate of at least 12,000 BC. Much older than generally believed.

This is significant because due to preconceived ideas, researchers (not geologists) were convinced it was built by King Chephren around 2,500 BC in spite of the obvious (geological) evidence to the contrary. Too bad no one thought to ask an expert on rocks before that. Here are two links of interest:

So, could water have been abundant at one time - yes. It's relatively close to the Nile in any time.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:40 pm
by kevin.b
If water was around the base of the sphinx, could gravity have been altered around the base of the sphinx?
Our minds want to level water out, we think of water as flat level, but is it?
If you have a device that alters gravity, you will alter water level.

Dependant upon the field created by your device will determine the uplifted area of water around the device.

The pyramids will have been exact copies to scale the mass of this planet, for very good advanced scientific reason.

Another Forehead Slapper

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:54 pm
by Paul S.
Q: Then why was Dr. Brown interested in sand?

A: Its a fluid of solids with spaces in between and the density is variable?
I love that answer.

Also, while I'm at it:
imagine if a group of individuals found an automobile without an engine.....
Down here in Dixie, that's known as "yard art."


71 Update

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:10 pm
by Paul S.
Hi kids...

Just letting you all know that despite my best intentions -- and even a few prolonged rounds of actual work -- the next installment will probably be Tuesday or Wednesday next week.

I managed to make it through the "NICAP" section today, now I'm going to stop there and figure out what's next. But Ann and I are going to disappear for the weekend -- where we're going, I don't even think we'll have Internet for a few days. Probably a good thing.

Maybe I'll just leave the computer at home.... read a book....

So you guys all have a Happy Thanksgiving weekend, avoid the malls, and we shall reconvene next week.


Re: Another Forehead Slapper

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:21 pm
by Langley
Paul S. wrote:
Q: Then why was Dr. Brown interested in sand?

A: Its a fluid of solids with spaces in between and the density is variable?
I love that answer.

My word! Ill try to tread lightly next time Im down the beach. Does this mean waves crashing on the shore cause a tuning and transmission I wonder. Of what to where?
"The coherer was then ready for the next signal.
The metal filings of certain and exact proportions as found by lengthy experiments (after the method of Professor E. Branly of France) are placed within the evacuated glass tube as shown. This is carried on an ivory rod. Normally, and before the arrival of a wireless impulse from the transmitting station, the filings lie loosely in the tube and the resistance of the coherer is very high, causing the relay to remain neutral. When a wireless signal arrives, the current induced in the antenna passes thru the coherer to earth and causes the minute metal filings (usually a mixture of nickel and silver) to "cohere" or stick together. This has the effect of lowering the resistance of the coherer quite markedly and permits sufficient battery current to pass thru it and thus close the relay armature"

Thats just an analogy.

...---... lap lap lap splash splash splash lap lap lap, but not at rf.

Thanksgiving wherever

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:38 pm
by Griffin
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Even if you're not on these shores -- or dimension for that matter -- you can join us over here in spirit at your main meal tomorrow over there.

As ever, thankful that Townsend Brown has brought us all together in these interesting and undoubtedly productive forums,


Re: Thanksgiving wherever

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:20 am
by Langley
Griffin wrote:Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Even if you're not on these shores -- or dimension for that matter -- you can join us over here in spirit at your main meal tomorrow over there.

As ever, thankful that Townsend Brown has brought us all together in these interesting and undoubtedly productive forums,

Happy Thanksgiving.

resonant frequency of the hydrogen atom = 1,420,405,752 Hz.

Sand. Water. Frequency. Density.

Ultra wide band ion speaker. Captive heavy hydrogen. Not with magnetic bottle, not needed. Speaker output = 1,420,405,752 Hz (ie 21cm wavelength)

Hydrogen in physical containment resonates as single mass and cold fusion commences. Shape of containment - expotential horn type? (concentrator) Non conductive? (beamed resonant frequency acts on wide bottom of container, resonant waves increase in power as they travel up the the narrowing neck of the container, like sea waves travelling into a coastal inlet.) Hydrogen in top narrow part of container becomes dense and highly resonant. It is here reaction starts? Problems with standing waves - container cannot be regular in form. Back wave must be free to travel back down container.

Teller paraphase "I was not initially interested in bombs. I was interested....the vibrations of atoms". (Trinity and Beyond, the Atomic Bomb Movie)

It cant be that simple can it?

But there would have been gamma output as Hydrogen fused to helium. Maybe Compton effect too. Blue light.

Teller visited Brown to talk about fusion?

1,420,405,752 Hz - the microwave band? Radar? Theres something about radar.