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Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:34 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
As I said earlier, so much material here and so little time.

Lets start with a follow up on what Martin just said. You can tell that he keeps up on this type of thing and I am ready to totally accept the things that he mentioned because I too have seen that story in print. I will find you guys an appropriate URL so you will know that he is not speaking out of turn.

Never thought that I would be investigating Northrop but I was not there first. Apparently Nick Cook, with his expertise in that area felt the need to write this: (page 128 of his book ..... buy the book "The Hunt for Zero Point" folks because its a great book and ALSO it is an enormous help in following Townsend Browns tracks, hidden as they were. I doubt that Mr. Cook had that in mind but I thank him anyway!

He wrote this " To people in the business, Northrops winning of the $40 billion (thats illion with a B) STEALTH BOMBER COMPETITION against Lockheed in 1981 had long been something of a mystery. It was, after all, Lockheed that had made the breakthrough in mathematically computing stealth in 1975. But then, F-117A composed of its mass of angled flat panels was "first generation stealth"............. then a whole page later there is this interesting continuation ....Like antigravity itself the whole notion of USING ELECTRICITY FIELDS TO REDUCE AIRCRAFT DRAG WAS HERESY, it was, according to traditionalists, just smoke and mirrors. BUT HERE IN SCOTTS ARTICLE WAS A REFERENCE TO NORTHROP HAVING CONDUCTED HIGH GRADE RESEARCH IN 1968 ON JUST SUCH A PHENOMENON. THE CREATION OF ELECTRICAL FORCES TO CONDITION THE AIR FLOWING AROUND AN AIRCRAFT AT SUPERSONIC SPEEDS. Furthermore the California based aircraft company had supposedly submitted a paper on the subject to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics that same year."

Townsend Brown and his daughter demonstrated the "fan" to Rand in November of 1967. You might want to become more familiar with the stance of Rand in the military and especially the Air Forces world at the time. And you also might look again at which General it was that was standing on a lab stool, changing a light bulb for Linda. The circle is drawing closer. Elizabeth

and on the next page...

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:02 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
On the next page Nick Cook continues his thought. Which just shows me that he had "inspiration" knocking HARD on him, but ats he admitted at the end of the page, for all of his studying "nothing jumped out at me."

I say that the reason he didn't see the connection, though he certainly felt it, was that he wasn't the right person for this story. The man who had spent so many years carefully writing the Farnsworth story was the right man.

Both of them had to look the myth of the Philadelphia Experiment dead on and then decide what he was being called to do.

On page 130 .... and his words are strangely familiar aren't they? Nick Cook writes " I rubbed my eyes. In two days I was due to attend an aerospace convention in Las Vegas and I wasn't any closer to solving the puzzle. Or was I?
During the Second World War I remembered Thomas Townsend Brown had been involved in experiments that sought to show how you could make a ship dissappear on a radar screen by pumping it with large dosee of electricity. Between 1941 and 1943 Brown had supposedly been involved in tests, I SAW NOW, that were identicle in principle to the methodology THAT NORTHROP SEEMED TO HAVE APPLIED to the B-2 to make it the ultimate word in stealth."

Yes. IDENTICAL IN METHODLOLGY because it WAS TOWNSEND BROWNS WORK and now you all can see exactly the course of events, black or not, that led in that direction.

Thanks so much everybody. More comments? Please! Elizabeth

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:49 pm
by Chris Knight
Hopefully I have all the dates correct. The aerospace industry is really a small world when you think about it.

Around 1926-29, John K. Northrop convinces Allan Loughead (of Loughead Aircraft Manufacturing Company) to establish Lockheed Aircraft Company to build his new "Vega" design.

In 1929, Detroit Aircraft Company, a holding company, buys Lockheed Aircraft Company.

In 1931, Detroit Aircraft goes into receivership and investors buy Lockheed's assets forming Lockheed Aircraft Corporation.

In 1932, Mr. Northrop partners with Donald Douglas to form Northrop Corporation, which is dissolved in 1937.

In 1939, Mr. Northrop forms Northrop Aircraft in Hawthorne, California.

In 1942, Townsend begins working at Vega Aircraft Corporation in Burbank, California (Skunkworks) within two weeks after his nervous collapse. Vega was a subsidiary of Lockheed Aircraft Company (originally of Loughead Aircraft Manufacturing Company).

In 1943, Vega merges back into Lockheed.

In 1946, first flight of the XB-35 flying wing. Mr. Northrop develops both the B-35 and jet-engined B-49 (ancestors of the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber).

In 1959 Northrop Aircraft changes its name to Northrop Corporation.

"Jack Northrop's dream of a flying wing resurfaced in the late 1970s when Northrop began work on a proposal for a new plane with stealth technology. In 1980, when company designers had drawn the new plane, the Air Force brought the ailing Jack Northrop, confined to a wheelchair, to see the drawings of the secret "stealth" bomber, which strongly resembled his B-35 flying wing of the early 1940s, perhaps vindicating his vision. In October 1981, Northrop received the contract for the Advanced Technology Bomber, a long-range heavy bomber with low-observable technology, beating out a design submitted by Lockheed. For the next seven years, the project remained shrouded in secrecy while work continued amid cost overruns and delays. Not until April 20, 1988 did the U.S. Air Force release a painting of the B-2 bomber. A few months later, on November 22, 1988, the first B-2 was rolled out at Palmdale, California. Its first flight occurred in 1989" - Judy Rumerman

In 1994, Northrop Corporation acquires the aerospace firm Grumman Corporation, forming Northrop Grumman Corporation.

In 1995, Lockeed merges in 1995 with Martin Marietta to become Lockheed Martin.


Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:31 am
by Trickfox
Gee I thought Foley was a bombshell, now it turns out so is Thomas Townsend Brown folks. The whole darned stealth aviation industry, and that is just for starters, Time travel, Alien contact, and modern stealth technology....
And when you start to see how it's been directed and manipulated to allow us all to grow up and start to accept basic values.
Well it's just so fantastic to solve a few riddles.

the demise of the flying wing

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:53 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Here is more in particular information on the "demise" of Northrops "Flying wing". Not that I had any doubt about what Martin had to say but here is a little more substance for all of us to stand alongside him.

Especially note this comment about how that all happened.

In 1980, Jack Northrop finally told his side of the story to the press. He claimed that the YB-49 program had been cancelled by the Air Force not because of any insoluble technical problems but because he refused to obey an order to merge Northrop with Convair. He said that he had kept quiet all these years because he feared that the Pentagon would boycott his company if he disclosed the story to the public. He claimed that Air Force Secretary Stuart Symington had issued the merger order slightly after Northrop had won the RB-49 contract in June of 1948. Symington claimed at that time that the Air Force could not afford to support any new aircraft companies on its declining post-war budget, and that unless Northrop agreed to the merger, the flying wing bomber would not be built at all. Jack Northrop did meet with Floyd Odlum, head of Atlas Corporation, a Wall Street holding company for Convair, to discuss a possible merger, but the talks went nowhere. Jack Northrop said later that he had built up his company over the years and owed a debt of loyalty to his employees and was not about to have his flying wing built by anyone other than his people working at the Northrop factory in Hawthorne, California. Shortly thereafter, Secretary Symington abruptly ordered that the flying wing program be cancelled. As part of the cancellation order, the Air Force ordered that seven of the Flying Wings then under conversion be destroyed."

Its a sad story actually but Martin said that later Jack Northrop and Odlum "made up" and I don't doubt that they did.


murky but clearing

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:32 am
by grinder
I have a feeling that as murky as all of this information seems right now, its alot better material than all the garbage about a destroyer somehow mysteriously disappearing and reappearing with sailors stuck in the hull. (Speaking of the Philadelphia Experiment lore that has been making the rounds for years and years. Up til now when you said "Townsend Brown" people usually linked him immediately with "The Philadelphia Experiment.

No one ever mentioned that he knew Floyd Odlum well. I looked that Dude up and while Dr. Brown was on the Caroline cruise Floyd Odlum was one of the 10 richest men in America.

He owned a holding Company called ATLAS. ( The logo was the famous ATLAS holding up the world .... thats odd, considering the topics of our conversations lately. Odlum owned RKO studios, NorthEast Airlines, trailways Buslines (I think) Bonwitt Teller (which was a department store} but his main interest was anything in or about aviation. His second wife was Jackie Cochran the famous aviatrix and quite a character and businesswoman herself. (credited with starting the Womens Air Corps)

He took over Convair and under his leadership apparently established some leadership in delta wing designs.

So, while all of this was going on, What was Townsend Brown doing? Where was he? Vassilatos says that he was living quietly in Hawaii but somehow I seriously doubt that. So Paul, are you going to be able to tell us more about what he was doing? This is alot meatier and much more interesting than that flimsy Philadelphia myth! grinder

information on Odlum

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:50 am
by Victoria Steele
Hey,look at this. I should probably put this on its own post and maybe I will but look at this on Odlum ... lgrims.htm

especially this:

Floyd Bostwick Odlum (born 1892; The Pilgrims, 1969, information not found anywhere else) was a billionaire, possibly several times over. (The list does not state in which year members were admitted; many are probably admitted by mid-40’s and most by age 50). The 1952 Who’s Who, page 1832, had Odlum in the Piping Rock Club; the New York Yacht Club; and the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club and the Metropolitan---high powered clubs interlocked with The Pilgrims and with most significant “globalistâ€