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Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:09 am
by htmagic
Mighty Mouse?


Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:05 am
by Rose
No, Minnie Mouse:
The mouse is the totem of the south according to the tribal tradition in which my husband is a pipe carrier.

The mouse is small and humble and pays attention to details, to that which is in front of its nose. The mouse always knows when to cheezit.



Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:32 am
by AM2
Mr. Mikado wrote:AM, I didn't think I was that bad...<g>..was I really that hard on you or did it just seem that way at the time?
No, not at all. As said, if this would be a race then you would be one of those on which I would first put my bet.
Ms. Brown wrote:Why do you assume that others have not already read Beau Kitselmans words and that you are the only one who has had those texts made available to them?

Perhaps you were meant to spend your own money .... spend your own time ... because that excercise will make you better at what you are meant to do in the future.

Do you think that Paul has been financed through his six year project? I can assure you that he has not! Do you even dare to think that the answers have just been handed off to him? He has spent his own money and his own time .... who else would then deserve his position as the PRIMARY AND MOST AUTHENTIC Biographer of Townsend Brown. No one has put this sort of time and effort in and it shows in his work.
You made some good points here, Ms. Brown. You see, I acquired the few texts of Dr. Kitselman not, because I wanted to write something - this was the last thought that would enter my mind - but, because I was interested in who he was and what he thought and how this interacted with Dr. Brown. I wanted to go deeper and know more, see the truth.

As I said (and I really never tire to repeat this), it is like with good friends. You are not a friend with somebody, because that person has something that you want or because you can get something from him. You are a friend with somebody, because you enjoy his or her company and because there is a mutual understanding.

Similarly with Dr. Brown and Dr. Kitselman - I became interested in them, because I enjoyed the company of their thoughts and insights. Writting something and getting it published is the last thing I had in mind when joining this forum. It was actually Mr. Twigsnapper who first made the suggestion to write.

I like to savour things in silence and marvel in twilight. I am not sorry for spending my money and time for the Kitselman-material, because I did it out of affection for his work and not with the aim of doing something profitable with it.
Ms. Brown wrote:because that excercise will make you better at what you are meant to do in the future.
And what am I meant to do in the future <g>? Always speaking in riddles, Lady of the Lake, aren't you? I bet the answer will be: "Ah, only you know what you are meant to do."

First you ask me how do I know that we never met and now this <g>.



The following text is about India, but not directly connected with what we are talking about: ... crops.html#.

Above you can see how helpful the "marvels" of science can be when used undiscriminately and motivated by greed. I remain highly skeptical of the blind (emphasis on blind) belief in science and technology and in the faith that all it takes to solve our problems is a techno-nirvana of the so-called singularity - ideas peddled by the likes of Ray Kurzweil.
David Lindsay - A Voyage to Arcturus

Chapter 3


"That is a fascinating story," remarked Maskull. "Now I begin to know my way around better. But one thing puzzles me."

"What's that?"

"How it happens that men here are ignorant of tools and arts, and have no civilisation, and yet contrive to be social in their habits and wise in their thoughts."

"Do you imagine, then, that love and wisdom spring from tools? But I see how it arises. In your world you have fewer sense organs, and to make up for the deficiency you have been obliged to call in the assistance of stones and metals. That's by no means a sign of superiority."

"No, I suppose not," said Maskull, "but I see I have a great deal to unlearn."


Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:59 pm
by Linda Brown
I think that everyone who is on this forum has already proven that they are not here as an extension of greed. All of you have volunteered your time and efforts to help Paul here bring these bubbles to the surface.Making money has not been at the top of any ones list. If so ... well, this wandering road would not have held your attention.

That being said ..... there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking what you have learned and benefiting from it in a financial way. Thats not what drew you ... the love of money ... but also ... it is an element which is required in this world to be able to make a mark. My Dad never gave a flip about money personally BUT it costs to do what he was able to do and those funds found him in different ways.

I know that you never considered writing. (At least thats what you admit now) spent so much time in that library when you were younger ... all those wonderful friends on those shelves ... and honestly the idea that you might add to that bank of knowledge did not strike you?

Writing words that stand the test of time .... opening doors for other minds ? Simply " connecting dots"?

And as far as " races" go .... My Father told me when I was a horse crazy kid that the " Creator" had many fine thoroughbreds in his stable. <g> and when the old Horsetrader from the North happens to find one ... he does not give up easily. Linda


Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:09 pm
by Griffin

Linda's words are wise.

Why would you -- who love research and learning via the written word -- appear to be hostile to writing as such and assume it would be done only to make money? Whether you ever write anything besides your informative and helpful postings here on this Flow Forum or not is, of course, up to you.

You stated:
I like to savour things in silence and marvel in twilight. I am not sorry for spending my money and time for the Kitselman-material, because I did it out of affection for his work and not with the aim of doing something profitable with it.
How about doing something that can prove "profitable" to others besides yourself?

Do you think Beau Kitselman wrote what you read only for money? However, he did state that the concept that scientists should have no concern with money per se was mistaken. I agree, and this applies outside of science as well. "Right livelihood" -- remember the second word in this coupling.

I agree with your assessment of a certain approach to science. At least there is a growing "Village Seva" movement taking place in India to help compassionately and appropriately in all areas of need.

As ever,



Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:49 pm
by arc
How good are your powers of observation..?

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a
camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of
wine, they lay down for the night and went to
sleep. Some hours later, Holmes awoke and
nudged his faithful friend.

"Watson, look up and tell me what you see.

" Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars."

"What does that tell you?," Holmes asked.

Watson pondered for a minute.
"Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.
Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.
Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.
Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant.
Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.

Why, what does it tell YOU?"

Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke.
"Watson, you idiot. Some jerk has stolen our tent.”


Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:38 pm
by Linda Brown
Oh! I can barely stop laughing! Thank you arc so much for that! Kisses all over your face.

I needed that. For some reason after casting my vote I was nearly overcome with the idea that ... today ... the di will really be cast for this country.... one way or another ....its nearly an overwhelming thought.

And I have another for you .... concerning dealing with people who absolutely cannot be reasoned with at all. Once their minds are made up ... well, you have seen pleanty of them and if I am repeating something that someone here has already posted ... well, maybe it bears the repeat.

Its another cowboy story. Cowboy was out riding the range and he happened upon a lady hunter. After quite a long and heated confrontation he finally gave up ... saying ..." Its all right Lady! its all right! I agree with you! I agree with you! Its YOUR deer! .... Its YOUR deer! .... Just let me get my flippin saddle off of it!"

Sometimes you just have to retreat gracefully! Linda


Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:20 pm
by kevin.b
Two Irish men talking,
The first one says"Guess how many coins i have in my pocket"
the second one ask's "If I guess right can I have one of the coins?"
The first one replies "If You guess right ,you can have both of them"

Duck's out of the newspapers direction.

Two cow's talking in a field,
One say's to the other"Are you afraid of mad cow's disease"
The other replies,"Why would it bother Me, I'm a horse"


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:44 am
by AM2
Ms. Brown wrote:I think that everyone who is on this forum has already proven that they are not here as an extension of greed. All of you have volunteered your time and efforts to help Paul here bring these bubbles to the surface.Making money has not been at the top of any ones list. If so ... well, this wandering road would not have held your attention.

That being said ..... there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking what you have learned and benefiting from it in a financial way. Thats not what drew you ... the love of money ... but also ... it is an element which is required in this world to be able to make a mark. My Dad never gave a flip about money personally BUT it costs to do what he was able to do and those funds found him in different ways.

I know that you never considered writing. (At least thats what you admit now) spent so much time in that library when you were younger ... all those wonderful friends on those shelves ... and honestly the idea that you might add to that bank of knowledge did not strike you?

Writing words that stand the test of time .... opening doors for other minds ? Simply " connecting dots"?

And as far as " races" go .... My Father told me when I was a horse crazy kid that the " Creator" had many fine thoroughbreds in his stable. <g> and when the old Horsetrader from the North happens to find one ... he does not give up easily.
Do you really think that my affinity for Dr. Brown's person and his work comes from a casual browsing on the internet?

Things are more complex than you think. Once Elizabeth Helen Drake asked what motivates me.

When I was 8 years old a schoolmate gave me Charles Berlitz's book "The Bermuda Triangle" to read. I became madly fascinated with the ideas elaborated there. I still remember how I was sitting together with my godfather, his wife and my grandmother and how I argued with him about the nature of UFOs. He told me: "The UFOs could be man-made." And I argued how this is not likely. My grandmother was quite embarassed and tried to stop me with the following words: "AM, do not argue so much."

My godfather was a lawyer and a good friend of my grandfather. At that time we were travelling to the small estate that his family has been having in the mountains for a generation or two.

Later when I was about 12 or 13 I managed to get my hands on the infamous "Philadelphia Experiment" authored by William Moore and Charles Berlitz. I was looking for the book in a nearby town. I silently hoped to find the book, but actually thought it would be impossible. I went to almost every bookstore (large and small) in the town, albeit without any success. When I was on the verge of giving up completely, I said to myself: "OK, let me enter into one more bookstore and look. Then I'm done."

And the book was there! An old, worn copy of the "Philadelphia Experiment". The only one in the whole town. I literally swallowed the book in 2 or 3 days. This was the first time I heard of your Father.

The things that most fascinated me in the book was Dr. Jessup's strange death, the true identity of Dr. Rinehart, your Father's work and Einstein's unfinished Unified Field Theory. I wondered how to get in touch with Charles Berlitz or even Carlos Miguel Allende to know more. Never made it though. I even wrote a letter to the ONR when I was 14, ha, ha.

Later I bought Charles Berlitz's book "Without a Trace" just because it contained the death-certificate of Dr. Jessup.

Now when I look back I always have to chuckle about my wide-eyed enthusiasm.

One of the first things that happened when I got the "internets" was to stumble accross the old Soteria-website on Dr. Brown.

It was such a beautiful website. Most of the documents neatly collected in pdf-format and then all the photos of Dr. Brown. And of course the whole design of the website - the black colour, the strange portal with flying saucer flying out of or into it, etc.

I hope that Mr. Bolland will take no offense, but the new Qualight-website is for my taste quite ugly. A far cry from the excellent Soteria-website. How dissapointed I was when I realized that it was down for good.

I still remember how I thought of writting an e-mail to the owner of the Soteria-site. I do not recall if I actually ever did so. In any case I didn't receive anykind of a reply.

There is more to this story. Things connected to the Third Reich. I tried to discuss it with Mr. Twigsnapper in my first private message to him. He promised to address my query, but then of course never did.

But you see, I did all these things, because I wanted to know the truth. I wanted to see what really happened. Or do you really think that I planned to write a book about God-knows-what when I was 12?

A year or two ago I then came accross Dr. Brown's online biography. I have been randomly reading this forum and end of February this year I became so much irritated by the fact that Mr. Vizza's post on Dr. Beckwith was being stonewalled and how nobody made the effort to examine what Dr. Corum and Gabriel Kron wrote about that I joined. We joined the forum on the same day, Ms. Brown.

This is the real reason why I decided to take part in the discussion. And up till now nobody really addressed the queries from my first post. I then contacted Mr. Twigsnapper. Why you will ask? Because I was so fascinated with his remarks and person. Before joining this forum I actually didn't pay any real attention to other posts except his.

Three days after joining this forum in February then came that strange dream with Dr. Brown which triggered the downpour of downloads.

Why I was so keen on communicating with Mr. Twigsnapper? Because I knew this is the one man who has the ability to truly understand. And I enjoyed our correspondence immensely.

Do you really think, Ms. Brown that all this was, because I was constantly having at the back of my mind the idea of writting a book and simply wanted to attract your and Mr. Twigsnapper's attention with my thoughts in the hope that you will propose something to me?

If you think like this, then you are very mistaken. All this was done, because I wanted to know the Truth. Love of Truth, because of the Truth itself.

All the other things which manifested along the way i. e. seeking Mr. Mikado's expert advice on certain practical matters, etc. were secondary and completely corollary. Only once I truly asked Mr. Twigsnapper for tangible help. He did not understand and was dancing around in the hope that I will reveal more. Later I came to the conclusion that it was not for Mr. Twigsnapper to offer me that help. And all this was not in any way connected with writting books or Dr. Brown.

As for money, Lady of the Lake, I make money with mundane things and not the sacred. Money has to be made now and not in 7 years. And if you think than I am some naive, wide-eyed kid, then you are very mistaken. I choose to be a naive idealist when it comes to Dr. Brown. But in other areas I am emminently practical and will do whatever it takes to achieve what I want.

I am playing many chess games simultaneously and spinning a number of plates at the same time. At this stage my task is to maximize my maneuvering space and accumulate sufficient force and momentum. I play to win, but also for the sake of the game itself.

If I hastily consent to write a book I could be tied down for the next 6 years or more with something that will require my full attention. And as I said it is entirely foreign to me to expose myself and step into the limelight.

Deng Xiaoping said: "Keep a cool head and maintain a low profile. Never take the lead - but aim to do something big."

Perhaps a suitable mode of operation can be found and the book can be written, without me compromising my moral principles and other interests. What I would not like to do is to drop the manuscript like a hot potato and leave everyone in the lurch, when discovering that I found myself in a situation in which against my better judgement I should not have walked in. And you can believe me Madam, I will not hesitate even for a moment to do something like this, if the other chess games will be threatened. It would pain me very much, but I would do it without even batting an eyelid. Never walk into places from which you cannot walk out safely.

Finally, I still do not know what to write about. What should I write about? Dr. Kitselman? Dr. Sarbacher?

Jesus coming in his mighty antigravity vehicle in 2012 to take us to Venus? Just in-time when my book comes out at the "Mad Tinfoil Press"?

These are serious matters and if I put my name on something, then it has to be water-tight. In the first place there needs to be a coherent story which can be supported by solid arguments.

With a biography it is easier, because you have the life of a person as the focusing point. Otherwise there are so many tangents.

Or should I write about the "coming changes"? So many people are doing this already - including David Wilcock. *sarcasm on* And he has the advantage of being Edgar Cayce reincarnated! How can I compare to that? *sarcasm off*.



Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:46 pm
by Linda Brown
Oh, I think that I have been skipping threads. Sorry!
First this response to you kevin...

"Two cow's talking in a field,
One say's to the other"Are you afraid of mad cow's disease"
The other replies,"Why would it bother Me, I'm a horse"

Oh I did love that. Now for Morgans favorite joke ( which might have been on him and his position with the " crew" that he gathered about him ... ( all which would have put their lives down for him ... all Full blood Apache warriors ... the best ever born I think ... anyway ... Morgans favorite little story was that of the Lone Ranger who says to Tonto .... " This is probably the end Tonto!!!! The savages have us surrounded!!!! and Tontos reply? " What do you mean US White man?????" Linda


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:00 pm
by Linda Brown
" My grandmother was quite embarassed and tried to stop me with the following words: "AM, do not argue so much." Maybe, AM, its time to start listening to her. <g>

"There is more to this story. Things connected to the Third Reich. I tried to discuss it with Mr. Twigsnapper in my first private message to him. He promised to address my query, but then of course never did." Never did? Wait for it.

"One of the first things that happened when I got the "internets" was to stumble accross the old Soteria-website on Dr. Brown. Right. Just " stumbled right over that material.... <g> Just the way that Andrew himself " stumbled " on the book as he was waiting for a plane. (To the Bahamas... thats another cosmic haha)

"But you see, I did all these things, because I wanted to know the truth. I wanted to see what really happened. Or do you really think that I planned to write a book about God-knows-what when I was 12?" You want my honest answer to that? You did know when you were twelve.

"A year or two ago I then came accross Dr. Brown's online biography. I have been randomly reading this forum and end of February this year I became so much irritated by the fact that Mr. Vizza's post on Dr. Beckwith was being stonewalled and how nobody made the effort to examine what Dr. Corum and Gabriel Kron wrote about that I joined. We joined the forum on the same day, Ms. Brown."

Now here is a good one. Was the fact that you and I joined on the same day .... just another cosmic haha? Did you join because I did ... or was it the other way around? <g> Linda


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:32 pm
by AM2
Ms. Brown wrote:Maybe, AM, its time to start listening to her. <g>
Yes, perhaps. I think I am many years overdue already<g>
Ms. Brown wrote:You want my honest answer to that? You did know when you were twelve.
Getting to know the full Truth about everything that was written regarding the events and ideas described in "The Bermuda Triangle" and "The Philadelphia Experiment". And then? Travel through time, ha, ha.
Now here is a good one. Was the fact that you and I joined on the same day .... just another cosmic haha? Did you join because I did ... or was it the other way around? <g> Linda
Which way, indeed! <g> Only a few weeks after joining the forum I noticed that the dates were the same. How many such cosmic ha has are there? What do you think?



Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:57 pm
by Linda Brown
Now thats an interesting idea AM.

How many Cosmic hahas have been described in this forum? Perhaps if we listed the ones that we have noticed so far .... a pattern might emmerge.
Yes! I think that is an excellent idea. Coming soon. The " Cosmic HaHa thread where each of you reading this will be asked to contribute some " oddity" which has happened which you think can be called what we have dubbed a " cosmic haha". Then someday after all of the points of different colors are applied to the canvas perhaps we will be able to take a few steps back wards and enjoy the sight of the painting that we can't see at the moment! Linda


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:17 pm
by kevin.b
Linda Brown,
Your mention of "Full blown Apache warriors"
took me back to my family ties with buffalo bills circus, and what my grandfather may have learn't from those of that troupe.
I never seemed to be without my Davy crockett hat, almost surgically attached it seemed.
bizzarely i came upon Tom Brown jr, and a native indian that took him under his wing,
And this bit in particuler caught my attention, ... days_2.htm

Then I found a wall, a far far far too long a wall,
Thats a ten minute memorial film to the 9th cavalary apache warriors, too long a wall?


Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:56 am
by skyfish
Just dreaming...

Nice dreams...
