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Chapter 6 "The Second Edison"

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:21 pm
by Martin Calloway
Well, I might as well set this one up.

Its interesting too. Paul, do you have the original article that you quoted from here? I am amazed at what thy say about a " wireless telephone"

"You wrote " A sub-head to the story dubs young Master Brown "Zanesvilles Second Edison andf goes on to describe another of the boys prized "gadgets" ....."a wireless telephone over his ear. Members of the family are able to call him wherever they want to merely speaking into the wireless transmitter in the huse and he can hear them perfectly.

What year was this??????? We are not talking a string and a can here people! They use the word "transmitter" in the house. And he can hear them perfectly????? What year is this?????? How can this be???? and its documented in print of the day??????? HUH? Another version of "Can you hear me now?????

And what happens? The local Post office shuts him down because they are afraid that some bad guys could use his instruments to send messages to germany. Sheeze. Martin

I just wondered

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:49 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
I just wondered if this new paper clipping might have been the thing that made other "Caroline operatives" at the time sit up and take the first notice of this young "master Brown" I wonder if someone read the article or how he came to the initial attention of this group. Because his trail in the Navy certainly looks " guided." Elizabeth

That, or...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:08 am
by Radomir
That, or the later article on "How I control gravity" certainly would have got folks attention!


on that title

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:39 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Hello Radomir,

Yes, I agree with you. Certainly that title would have raised some eyebrows somewhere.

The funny thing is, thats what it was MEANT to do. Townsend Brown did not name his paper " How I control Gravity." That is the name that the publisher put on it to garner more interest in the piece. And as you said , that probably did just that. Townsend Brown had called it ..... don't remember the exact title but it had something to do with " Stress in Dielectrics" which obviously is not going to make much of an impact on the reading public. But that was sort of typical of Dr. Brown. He avoided using the term " Anti-gravity" .

The reason I have the theory that Townsend Brown was "picked up" by the Caroline "early radar" was the way that he was treated while in the early part of his Naval career. Once in the radio school in San Diego he proposes that the Naval Research Lab pick up on the work that he had been doing. He offered the equipment that he already had in his lab and he wanted to continue his work while in the Navy. WITHIN A MONTH he and his equipment were reporting in Washington DC at the NRL.

Others on the forum have wondered how this could have possibly happened. I contend that it was the first fingerprint of the Caroline Group in action. Just look for things that are ODD. In his career.

Study what happened when he was assigned to the submarine . The S48. And then note how, within 6 months he is assigned to the Johnson-Smithsonian Deep Sea Expedition. Count the oddities. I would be interested to see what you think. Is it just me? Elizabeth

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:44 am
by LongboardLOVELY
Elizabeth Helen Drake wrote:Hello Radomir,

Yes, I agree with you. Certainly that title would have raised some eyebrows somewhere.

The funny thing is, thats what it was MEANT to do. .... Count the oddities. I would be interested to see what you think. Is it just me? Elizabeth
Elizabeth, I'd even go further and ask, How did He feel about all these things happening to him in such a fashion? I am curious. Did any of his journals note how (or if) he felt any strangeness at this sudden "guidedness" (for lack of a better word)? I know that when Andy first started telling me about what happened in Brown's formative research years I always wondered how one or the other thing happened to come about. But as we have hindsite, we can tell how things came about. But when he (Brown) was living in the moment, how do you think he felt?
I'm just curious. :O

Linda B.

a really good question

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:32 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Thats a really good question LindaB. " Restating the question " How do you think Dr. Brown felt about this " guidedness" that he experienced.

As you know during the last four years while doing this research I have been trying very hard to learn as much as I possibly could about Dr. Brown, of course wanting to be some help on my end of things here.

I have come away with the feeling that Dr. Brown believed that there was a force, sometimes not recognnized, that had the ability to "line things up" and he seemed to have a unique understanding and recognition of the "feel" of that when it was happening and a profound appreciation for the process.

I know that this might seem an odd observation but I don't believe that he associated that feeling of guidence particularly with a religious experience.

Dr. Brown did not attend nor subscribed to any organized religion.

His parents were active in the Methodist Church in Zanesville but Dr. Brown was never attended just one church or to my knowledge ever was a member of any one particular congregation. He and Josephine chose not to be married inside a church but in a forest glade.

He wrote to Mrs Brown once stating that he had found a attractive church down the street and very much enjoyed going to the services on Sundays ... I have often wondered what her initial reaction to that letter was ....???? ... until of course he added that "they had a wondrous organ." He plainly appreciated whatever sermon was being offered but to be honest, I believe that he went to that particular church in Florida because of the music.

What did he think the " guiding force" was? To be honest, I don't think I know yet. I have asked myself many times how he would have described his feelings as these odd things happened around him. I am still working on that!

I think that the answer to that question might be as different as each person reading about his experiences. And that might be the only real answer. It will be waht each one of us sees it as. Elizabeth