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Chapter 2 "No moving Parts"

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:48 pm
by Mark Culpepper
Its interesting, after re reading this chapter I have come to realize just how much ground Paul has covered since he wrote this early chapter.((Posted November 8th , 2005) I can remember asking myself "What does this little side story about Morgan have to do with the life history of Townsend Brown?

But now I realize that it is an ingrained and impossible to leave out glimpse. Morgans first visit with Dr. Brown, his first emotions concerning Linda, all of it really interesting because I can tell now that Paul is quoting Morgan himself. The personal style and insight is wonderful.

And other than being a little tightened up its a pretty good chapter. One paragragh is just floating around out there, saying the same thing that an earlier paragragh said but I am not nitpicking and I am sure that you have noticed it. I am working from a printed out copy that I made myself when it was hot off the presses so you might have even changed that section. Don't know, not important.

I liked that last sentence and I think that all of us would agree that you were being oddly prophetic " " Morgan was hardly the first to fall under the magic spell of Townsend Brown and his family, and he certainly would not be the last." Mark C.

where is it?

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:53 am
by James Barrett
A really interesting Chapter Paul. The second one ... and I have a few questions

That fan/ loudspeaker that Morgan first saw there at " Ashlawn". Where is that thing now? Does the family still have it? Someone else? I just thought it would be wonderful to know where it was now because once this book is published I imagine people will wonder about it, just as I am.

Obviously Morgan had his head all primed for his version of what he thought intelligence work was. Thinking James Bond. How close did he eventually get to that vision for himself I wonder?

And his relationship with Linda. Tough player?

" Overwhelmed by the feeling that this relationship was rare and valuable and that my responsibility was to guard and protect it .... not exploit it"

Its like a foregone conclusion. So..... do you think he still feels that way about her? JDB


Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:35 am
by twigsnapper
It might be of interest historically for some to note that the large fan/loudspeaker (which was shown to Morgan at Ashlawn) was last seen by the outside public when it was left behind at the Rand Building after the demonstration that Paul mentioned in his Chapter " How Many Generals Does It Take?"

After this one particular demonstration Dr. Brown told Linda and her assistant to take the other units back to GTI in Santa Monica, but he stayed behind with that larger unit. It never came home with him.

I don't know what his instructions regarding the unit were but some six months later Northrop was running high level tests and I believe that this fan/loudspeaker was part of that test series. Sadly after that it may have been destroyed per Dr. Browns instruction.

I say "may have" because I am aware that occasionally there are those in certain positions that believe such units to be historically valuable. Perhaps following that concept, it may have been saved for the future. My guess. twigsnapper