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China Psi

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:09 am
by Griffin

In your first link there's an interesting citation of Chinese research in the PRC on subjects with special psi abilities. Incredible as it seems, I'm convinced that these abilities do exist, based on my study of parapsychology and from my own experience. This is something that I have a particular interest in, since these special abilities are part of what I call the "root" chi gong/qigong tradition, which traces back through an ancient lineage under various names. I believe the chi/qi energy is interdimensional in certain respects which will eventually be understood by science. My qigong master has developed these special abilities and has grapically demonstrated one of them via Kirlian type photography. I'm involved in this myself without the aid of technology, but I'm interested in how technology can enhance or mirror the effects of this all pervasive energy and apply it in various beneficial ways. As I said before, the Falun Gong issue in China has complicated research in this area, but I hope this situation will soon improve. It's somewhat reminiscent of what has happened with Townsend Brown's research in the past. Imagine if truly enlightened technology could help humanity realize its innate positive potential here on earth -- and in other spaces besides! It's happening, but it has to be freed and magnified.



Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:31 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Langley and Griffin. You both are magnificent!

Langley , its wonderful that you found the Mead connection. What is even more wonderful as we go further is that you are ( as well as the rest of us) getting the opportunity to see perhaps WHY Dr. Brown didn't follow through with what was reported during the fifties.

Times are changing ..... and the bubbles are reaching the surface. Major changes ..... big bubbles in all kinds of directions. More power to the people who pick up his work and can see those bubbles. See what they will mean for the future. Continue and improve those discoveries! There is so much that needs to be done now but I see it beginning to happen here on this very forum.

And Griffin , since you already believe that such things do exist perhaps you have had much the same experience that James Barrett mentioned in Hawaii. He apparently met an old lady there who left her handprint in a rock he had given her. You and he probably share the same conviction now that these psi abilities certainly exist in all their wild forms. Sometimes I guess it helps when you just have to have something solid like that. Of course, even with that rock in your hand ... no one would believe you! Elizabeth

Re: magnificent

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:32 am
by Langley
Elizabeth Helen Drake wrote:Langley and Griffin. You both are magnificent!.....

(I'll truncate the quote there so my head still fits through my front door!)

It was a chance find. I had previously put links up to Mead's work, but before I came here, hadnt heard of him. Seems a direct bead from Brown to him.

Im very glad to read Griffin had already been aware. Bummer you cant find the TV program mate.

But Elizabeth I have a nasty feeling. It seems to me - from my limited perspective - (finding links using Google, gathering key words as you go doesnt take much skill) that all this technology could have been released years, decades, ago.

And I think you can reduce it down to the basic split which exists within every government in every nation - that between the hawks and the doves.

I think the technology itself is geo political strategic weapon. Its release being timed to coincide with a specific set of world conditions. And its release to the world will not be without conditionalities.

And that gets back to what Griffin noted about China.

If anyone had access to a route to this technology independently (from philosophy to science to product) they will be suppressed. For the release of the technology will render the existing economic base obsolete overnight.

And so along with the "new" technology will have to come a new economy and a new set of alliances between nations.

From what I have seen in those links, the technology has been perfected and is hidden within a morass of complication. Blinders.

One problem is that this technology is essentially de centralising. At the moment energy required large centralised facilitaties and command and control. This subordinates the individual. Somehow, the technology must be adapted to the requirement (from the point of view of the power elite) of centralised control.

But Im not an optimist, maybe Im wrong.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:27 pm
by flowperson
Langley, Grifffin, Elizabeth...

Your expositions are all enlightening. Langley, you are not wrong in tempering your optomism. To those who rule, the internet was a great shock because it began the process of the societal decentralization of information. What we see happening in this forum. simply through the open sharing of previously inaccessable and hidden information among interested and curious individuals, is a nightmare for those who would retain and fortify traditional systems of command and control.

IMHO this is the reason for the huge increase in this decade of secrecy among the higher echelons in governance. This has also spurred the increased need to spy and snoop upon the affairs of ordinary citizens in many nations. Most of these nations' constitutional and legal frameworks were originally designed and implimented to foster open publication of novel ideas and the ensuing innovatve developments which all might eventually share and use in a decentralized manner.

In my opinion that is the true nature of the changes which will accelerate and build in the future. Hang on indeed everyone. One might even call it a revolution of stupendous proportions and importance. Mr. Dylan's biblical lyric regarding the first and last continue to echo in my head.

flow.... 8)

optimism and the future

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:56 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Langley ..... You said......"I think the technology itself is geo political strategic weapon. Its release being timed to coincide with a specific set of world conditions. And its release to the world will not be without conditionalities."

You may be totally correct Langley but here is another question for you. A geo-political weapon ... controlled by whom? The powers that THINK that they are currently in control? " Its release to the world will not be without conditionalities" . You may be entirely right there too .... but you also may be looking at this whole situation through a narrow focus of what you EXPECT. Watch for the unexpected. My humble opinion

you also said ( picking out your quotes here!)
"But Elizabeth I have a nasty feeling. It seems to me - from my limited perspective - (finding links using Google, gathering key words as you go doesnt take much skill) that all this technology could have been released years, decades, ago. "

First of all I have to take exception to this statement..." gathering key words as you go doesn't take much skill". You really think that? I don't think you really do. Its probably not skill when you equate skill with a completely rational framework .... but when you are " freelancing" (as I know that you do )the words that " come to be noticed" are gifts that only an advancing mind will recognize.

And now that you are geting to know the story of Townsend Brown better and better you may be able to see how things were held behind for another age. The question of WHY is still out there. We all have to see the HOW before we can even approach the issue of WHY.

But you and I are now using the one tool that was not available to the public in Dr. Browns time. This exchange that we are having right now would not have been possible then. The general public, worldwide would not have been able to freely learn this new information, which is just now " bubbling to the surface" It would have been captured and hidden and used ( as some of it I am sure was) only by those in political and military power. The public then would never have seen it....

but this is a different age. The only thing holding all of us back now is our own blindness. But, as Dr. Brown once said of puppies .... Once their eyes are open .... watch out. I am fully convinced that you will see in watching his actions that Dr. Brown was staging what might be called a " delaying action" until all the chess pieces were properly in place so that when the heart of his work became known it would be known in a blink of an eye, around the world and there would be no way to compartmentalize it or hide it or control it. My humble opinion again. Sorry for the long post. Sunday morning ramble.


for those who have seen the movie

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:46 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
I just want to share an observation with those of you who have already seen the " Golden Compass". As you will recall each human in the story had his accompanying " daemon" with him/her and usually carried on an active conversation with it.... (Sam Elliot and his Jackrabbit daemon was my favorite ).... (And of course ice bears don't have daemons, their armor is their spirituality ... I think I already know some of those military types)

did you notice (as Andrew recently pointed out to )that Nicole Kidmans daemon, the golden monkey ... never spoke a word? Did you notice too when she slapped it ..... ( didn't feel the pain herself) and then made up to it? There is a really strange separation going on here with that character. The dameon is not speaking with her ...It is there ... but uneasily .... quite frankly .... I was waiting for it to sink its teeth into her neck as she comforted it after slapping it to the floor. Another scene maybe! There will be a trilogy I hope. I know ... That was irritating to be left like it was .... but sometimes stories are just too big, with too much to say in one pass. Comments? Elizabeth

same thought

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:22 pm
by Mark Culpepper
Funny Elizabeth, I had the same thought when Mrs Colter (?) picked that little animal up after slapping it so hard. She cuddled it against her neck and I was just waiting for that flash in its eyes that said ..." I am going to BITE her." But it is so cowered that it will probably pick its moment at a later date. And I wondered if there are those of us who do that to ourselves, to our own creative spirit. Cower it so far down that it doesn 't even want to speak with us anymore?

And I wondered if I was the only one that picked up on that or if I was just playing games in my own head.

Lisa loved the bear, of course. And understood him. And wanted to ride him across the snow drifts too! I loved the Foley mixing, the heaviy thuds as he moved across the snow and I wondered how they did that.

And I think that you might be right Elizabeth. Men of war seem to divorce themselves from their own daemons because they can only afford to have their armor and their tactics speaking to them. I was sort of reminded of Patton there. He was what he was . Over and over and over. And I liked that phrase " I have a contract with the child" because I thought of Mr. Twigsnapper and the little girl in the pink dress that he found in the mud. He has, I believe " had a contract with the child" too and knows what that entails. What did the bear say " Until I am dead or you are victorious!"

I liked the flying ships ... cigar shaped, strange huh. Paul, what did you think of it. I wondered about the cannesters of Blue Tesla like discharges which were on the ships. It seemed a pleasant form of transportation and I remembered somewhere someone saying that those big black Triangles could be " observation platforms" or even the same things as blimps using the propulsion system to just silently push them along. Like an elegant 1890s English version of that if our dimension had picked up on that technology when Tesla was there to see it. MarkC

Raising spirits

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:35 pm
by Radomir
Have been reading through some previous threads, and came across this one by EHD from last November (this thread):
I think that we are being given opportunities here to step up to the plate in this game. We have to learn to save ourselves from ourselves but also we need to understand that there are other beings here who are counting on us. We know about most of them .... the animals that count on us being thoughtful and caring ..even the plants that look to us ..What we don't know right now is that we are also being given an opportunity to show what our character honestly is to another lifeform that lives here along with us. Not a Visitant. A home grown entity beyond our current understanding. We are slowly learning what it is to be responsible for the animals in our care ...... but this other is going to require much more from us and much more is at stake. I believe that the animals and plants in our care cannot by themselves " pull the plug on us" where ..... this other entity could possibly have that power.

I see an entity that is capable of influencing our minds but intends for us to develop on our own. Giving us every opportunity to see what our reality actually is .... but if we fail and present a threat ..... then they could simply wipe us off the face of the earth and start fresh. ( and they would let us develop and carry out our own destruction, no difficult feat, when you can influence the thinking of humans with their hands over red buttons. ) Its really up to us I believe at this point to notice this influence and be able to counter or join, whichever is right for our futures as full fledged members of this community.

Anyway. My current thinking. Elizabeth
Worth raising that again especially today.


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:47 pm
by kevin.b
"Especially Today"
I nearly fell over when a word sort of hit me,
Please America , Wake up.
Don't just buy a picture because you are TOLD it's real.
The faker's are often more talented than the origonal artists.

They sure are faker's.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:05 pm
by AM
Mr. Radomir, your quote above brings the following words by Ms. Brown to mind.
Ms. Brown wrote:Now do you see the fawn in the woods? Blended there, but there always?

We see, twigsnapper and I, and you see it too. We see it, and it sees us.


THE INTELLIGENCE is a phrase that we have called many things , interpreted many ways. The time is approaching though ... and quickly I feel.... to recognize it, and appreciate what its role has been in our past.... and to realize that we have the capability..( yes WE ... as imperfect as we think that we are) to protect this entity.. and the duty ...actually ... to become in the future ... its loving guardian.

Some of you will recognize what I am saying here. Like a fawn which has lived beside us for our entire existence. It has used its spots to blend in but we have always felt its presence. Now perhaps there is a time coming where we have to learn to step up, recognize that it is there, and be prepared to protect it from harm. But the question is still. Are we the guardian? or will we still be the hunter? Linda
People often speak of how we are not alone in the universe. What about the Earth? Who ELSE apart from humans, animals and plants might be here?

For the past year I have been tirelessly warning people of the impending multiple storms we are facing, but very few persons realize the possible implications that this might have for the future. I myself often fail to grasp the true magnitude of the events that await us, if we do not change. AND WE HAVE TO CHANGE FAST.

Multiple storms:

- global financial crisis

- food crisis (think of riots in Haiti, the Philipines, etc. that occured in the past few weeks)

- enviromental problems i. e. air, water, land

Air pollution. Water pollution and scarcity (China and especially India will have due to overpumping their aqufiers severe problems in the future. The Middle East has them already now. Further think of water scarcity in the U. S. due to droughts the last year i. e. Georgia, etc.). Progressive loss of arable land and the phosphorus-crisis.

- global warning (especially consider the melting ice in the Arctic and Antarctica)

- the 24th solar cycle, which has started just now, will reach it's peak in 2011 or 2012. This maximum might equal or even surpass that of 1958. Can you imagine the influence that such a storm of radiation will have on the satellites and all other technology based on electromagnetic energy?

- the silent and yet relentless march of the surveillance-state in the Western democracies. If the U. S. and Europe fail in the area of citizen and human rights and the words democracy or republic become just empty shells, who will then save the world from a descent into totalitarianism? Do you really think China or Russia will come to help?

As Benjamin Franklin said:

"He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security."

Like the church was divided from the state and the military placed under civilian command, so has the final cut to be made: to break the parasitic grip that the financial elites hold over the political system and the public sphere.

Keep in mind what Thomas Jefferson wrote:
Thomas Jefferson wrote:Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802)

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

Time is a luxury we unfortunately do not have. The problems are real and they will have to be dealt with.


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:46 pm
by greggvizza

That last one is a tough one. John F Kennedy tried it. He actually issued 4 billion dollars into circulation, that belonged to the people, and he was quickly assassinated and the money was immediatly taken back out of circulation.

It is probably wise to just let the money people have their money, they get all fussy when you mess with it.


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:54 pm
by Mikado14
War, a really nasty business. All of my uncles served in the military and I felt the need to do that as well. Especially being 2nd generation Italian, it was always said about this great country and duty to keep it what it is.

Has anyone ever wondered what starts a war? Out of all the reading that I have done, I can only come to two conclusions, of course there are many sub categories but the refinery comes out to two: Those that haven't vs those that do (this is a vice versa and in my book either way constitutes a one), and the banks. Looks at the Rothschilds, they have in their past funded both sides of a conflict and if research goes a little further one will see their fingers into a lot. Of course this is based upon my own reading and I may not know my posterior from that of a horses, but it is my conclusion.

If I am correct even one small iota, and we have discussed this vein and that is, those that have it want to keep it and then keep yours. Look at the oil companies, look at the percentage of oil being brought into the US by US owned oil companies versus Middle East oil, you would be surprised. Last time I checked, the US companies bottom line expenses were around $20/barrell. $113 over $20, pretty good return on their investment. But is oil the reason for war? No, it is not. Look at the drug trade in the Mideast.

Sorry for the rant, I know I have done this before......see what you did AM? Give me a few more days and you will get a good write up...know what I mean?


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:05 am
by Trickfox
AM wrote: For the past year I have been tirelessly warning people of the impending multiple storms we are facing, but very few persons realize the possible implications that this might have for the future. I myself often fail to grasp the true magnitude of the events that await us, if we do not change. AND WE HAVE TO CHANGE FAST.
You are preaching to the choir AM....
But if you want my opinion regarding "what to do about it".....well.....

Try this:
Actually this one is much better:
He's a bit weird but he has talent, I guess he a bit like Marilyn Manson that way. But then ....who am I to say they are weird.....I'm the weird one.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:25 am
by AM
Mr. Mikado, thank you for reminding me of energy resources. Let me add the following perfect storms to my above list:

- natural resources scarcity (metals, minerals, etc.)

Please take a look at today's story about a copper crime-wave in the U.S. It's on Yahoo.

- energy resources depletion.

Just take for instance oil. Peak oil DOES NOT mean that we will run out of oil! It simply means that the production capacity will not be able to meet the increasing demand. A gap will or already has ensued that will grow larger and larger by day.

- overpopulation.

The time to act is now. We need solutions and we need them NOW.


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:32 am
by AM
READ CAREFULLY. wrote:Japan's hunger becomes a dire warning for other nations

...Last week, as the prices of wheat and barley continued their relentless climb, the Japanese Government discovered it had exhausted its ¥230 billion ($A2.37 billion) budget for the grains with two months remaining. It was forced to call on an emergency ¥55 billion reserve to ensure it could continue feeding the nation.

"This was the first time the Government has had to take such drastic action since the war," said Akio Shibata, an expert on food imports, who warned the Agriculture Ministry two years ago that Japan would have to cut back drastically on its sophisticated diet if it did not become more self-sufficient.

In the wake of the decision this week by Kazakhstan, the world's fifth biggest wheat exporter, to join Russia, Ukraine and Argentina in stopping exports to satisfy domestic demand, the situation in Japan is expected to worsen...
This is the same reason why rice prices went up like a rocket. The major rice-exporters Thailand, India, China, Vietnam, etc. limited or even totally stopped rice-exports, because they have to secure their domestic supplies. Now the same is happening with wheat. Then count in the ominous wheat rust ug99 that is now spreading through the Middle East towards the breadbasket of SE Asia i. e. India and then you can see that you will soon have a lot of trouble on your hands. wrote:Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World
By JOSH GERSTEIN, Staff Reporter of the Sun | April 21, 2008

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Many parts of America, long considered the breadbasket of the world, are now confronting a once unthinkable phenomenon: food rationing. Major retailers in New York, in areas of New England, and on the West Coast are limiting purchases of flour, rice, and cooking oil as demand outstrips supply. There are also anecdotal reports that some consumers are hoarding grain stocks...
*A similar story as the above one was today reported on CNN.

UPDATE: This is from Wall Street Journal. Yes, from the Wall Street Journal itself. AND I DO NOT RECALL THE WALL STREET JOURNAL BEING SOME CONSPIRACY-NUTCASE TINFOIL RAG.

Have fun ... while you still can. wrote:Load Up the Pantry
April 21, 2008 6:47 p.m.

I don't want to alarm anybody, but maybe it's time for Americans to start stockpiling food.

No, this is not a drill.

You've seen the TV footage of food riots in parts of the developing world. Yes, they're a long way away from the U.S. But most foodstuffs operate in a global market. When the cost of wheat soars in Asia, it will do the same here.

Reality: Food prices are already rising here much faster than the returns you are likely to get from keeping your money in a bank or money-market fund. And there are very good reasons to believe prices on the shelves are about to start rising a lot faster.

"Load up the pantry," says Manu Daftary, one of Wall Street's top investors and the manager of the Quaker Strategic Growth mutual fund. "I think prices are going higher. People are too complacent. They think it isn't going to happen here. But I don't know how the food companies can absorb higher costs."
Mr. Twigsnapper, you are one of the better informed readers on this forum. What do you say about all this?

When you have all these multiple perfect storms and mounting instabilities coming together it will be more and more difficult to IMPLEMENT solutions on a wide scale.

But first you have to have a working prototype. Now, do we have one (this is a rhetorical question)?