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Post by htmagic »


I have not been very active lately as I am enjoying some time in Williamsburg, VA. We're doing the Historic Triangle thing: Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown.

But Rose's post was a good one and I've heard of Stan Deyo as well. Langely, the site you gave me had another link to Stan's theological musings and there I found this: wrote:
A Book That Convincingly Solves the Most Ancient of Mysteries

In 1989, I wrote a second book entitled, The Vindicator Scrolls, as a sequel to The Cosmic Conspiracy.

In this book I discussed some extraordinary discoveries in archeology and in physics. I told how, through a very long chain of unusual events, I was led to discover the actual site of the ancient Garden of Eden. My findings have since been ratified by the Jerusalem Temple Foundation in Israel.


In the second part of this book, there is yet another fantastic find. Quite unexpectedly, I was led to discover the location of the mythical, "Atlantis." In spite of the fact that some 2,000 other books and papers have been lodged over the last century claiming to have located "Atlantis", I submit my proofs to you in a most convincing manner. There are photographs and maps of the region (some in 3D) which make the re-construction quite simple to visualize.

The map at the left is one which was produced to reveal the sub-oceanic topography of the Earth. The ridges in the sea beds show where India used to be connected to North Africa - less than 5,000 years ago in my opinion.


My wife at that time, Louise, and I traveled all over Israel on our 1989 visit to discover numerous clues from the Egyptian, Greek and Roman occupations of such sites as Bet She'an ("ancient "Scythopolis"). We were intrigued by being able to stand in the middle of streets which had not seen the light of day in over 3,000 years.

The past seems somehow like it was only a few years ago when you reach down into the dirt and pick-up fragments of jewelry and pottery that still look fresh. We were amazed to find the Romans had used red clay sewer pipes just like the ones we use today to drain the refuse from their main shopping complex.

While in Jerusalem, we found a locked tunnel underneath the old Temple foundations behind the "Wailing Wall". Upon subsequent investigation, we discovered that the tunnel had apparently been closed at the request of a man named Nimrod Novik who was a key figure in Shimon Peres' advisory team on the mid-east peace negotiations at the time.

Apparently, he did so to thwart an investigation headed by Dr. Lambert T. Dolphin (Stanford Research International) who had tried to apply a type of stone penetrating "radar" to image a portion of the foundation in search of the lost "Ark of the Covenant."

Elsewhere in the book, I discuss Townsend T. Brown's work - making electrostatic flying disks and I illustrate it with color photos taken from the only existing 16mm film taken inside Brown's Lab at the Bahnson Co. in Salem, N. Carolina. (I have all the surviving film from Brown's Lab).

Although it has not seen the typical push that attends book launches by large publishing houses, it IS the definitive work on Atlantis and Eden (Aden). There were 5,000 numbered copies released in 1989. All subsequent printings were sans numbering. -Stan Deyo

Well, there you go. Now you know who has some of the Bahnson film that we've seen on the Internet. Now he says he has all the surviving film from Brown's lab. Now what might that be? And this begs the question, does Mr. Deyo know of any film that didn't survive?

Linda, I do not believe you were in Bahnson's lab, were you? Which leads me to where did Stan Deyo get this film? Did he have any direct connection to Thomas Townsend Brown? Or did he get it from Bahnson or one of his associates? I would suspect that Mr. Deyo did not have a direct connection to TT Brown as he could not even get his first and middle names right (they're backwards).

I did note that he does believe in the Sabbath on Saturday (when I checked out his source code for the URL above). I did read a little more about Mr. Deyo here: wrote:Currently Stan is working on a Tesla-based energy system and several propulsion projects, is giving radio interviews, is an active partner in Deyo Enterprises LLC and is the CEO of HALO Orbital Technologies LLC.

In 1969, Stan experienced an NDE which only strengthened his Faith, though at the time, he was not a Believer. We have met with Hopi Indian elders in Arizona twice by invitation to discuss prophecy. We have visited the restricted access FNMOC at the US Navy base in Monterey to share Stan's method of earthquake prediction. (It's based on sea surface temperature fluctuations - something Stan formulated from the Navy's own data but they had not seen this use for it.) At Air Force Space Command in Colorado Springs (now headquartered in Omaha), we met with Major Green, affectionately known as "Major Meteor" by his colleagues, to discuss the probability of meteors impacting Earth. Stan has packed more into 62 years than most folks do in two lifetimes!

Stan's scientific approach is backed by extensive research. He is not motivated to make a "quick buck", nor is he trying to sell anything other than his books that are treasured by those who have them. He feels obliged to let the public know both what he sees from a scientific perspective as well as from Biblical research.

As strange as this might sound, on occasion, Stan has what he calls dream/visions. They do not happen often, maybe one every few years and initially, they only involved him or the immediate family. Now his dream/visions are becoming more frequent and involve other folks, other countries. My first "proof" of his abilities was his dream/vision where he "saw" me as his wife, his partner in life, and exactly where I lived several months before we'd even met!

We did, in fact, meet as a result of one of Stan's early appearances on Art Bell's radio program Coast To Coast AM. If you knew our details and the fact that we were living 12,000 miles apart, you'd appreciate the near-impossibility of this, but it DID come true. When Stan tells me he's "had a dream", I hold my breath, because his dream/visions have never NOT come.
And that was coming from his wife! :lol:

Curiouser and curiouser...

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Post by Langley »

htmagic wrote:Folks,

Well, there you go. Now you know who has some of the Bahnson film that we've seen on the Internet. Now he says he has all the surviving film from Brown's lab. Now what might that be? And this begs the question, does Mr. Deyo know of any film that didn't survive?

Linda, I do not believe you were in Bahnson's lab, were you? Which leads me to where did Stan Deyo get this film? Did he have any direct connection to Thomas Townsend Brown? Or did he get it from Bahnson or one of his associates? I would suspect that Mr. Deyo did not have a direct connection to TT Brown as he could not even get his first and middle names right (they're backwards).
Curiouser and curiouser...

I have the Vindicator Scrolls around here somewhere, there are a number of stills from the Bahnson film in it. I'll venture into the garage and dig it out. If I can find my way back out, I will be back shortly.
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Post by Chris Knight »

I visited Mihael Bahnson a number of years ago when he was living in Virginia, I believe, and he gave a friend and I a copy of the videos he had taken while in his father's lab during that time.

Looking around here, I can't seem to locate the original video, but I do have the footage that Paul sent to me, and the video from Integrety Research (Valone). I'll keep looking. I'm curious to see how they differ from the original he had.

Come to think of it, though, I think he mentioned that his copy have been cut as well, but I can't remember by whom. Yost, perhaps ?

Edit: It was Michael's sister that shot the video. Also, we think maybe it was Deyo who got the first copy.
Qualight Environmental

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Post by Linda Brown »


I was just twelve when those tapes were taken ( at least some of them) so you are right, I have no first hand knowledge of the situation.

I am under the impression that there must have been several different " filming" situations. One is a highly personal and amateur rendition of a " day at the lab" ... Michael is featured as a kid sort of clowning about. When you see that section you can be sure it is from the tape that his sister made and took home. She entitled it simply " Daddys Lab" and I have my thoughts that the reason it " leaked" out was that no one really paid any attention to her, seriously.

Then there are other film sections that show a calendar being marked off ... with some of the various tests taking prominence ... and the oddest part, Dad adjusting the short wave radio that he " happened" to have with him/

I would expect that there are other videos somewhere. The work that they were doing was very important and when you have a technology like that to record the various results, you certainly would use it.

Remembering Stan Deyos " The Cosmic Conspiracy" video ... parts of certain videos were shown in that. I would imagine that he got those straight from Michael but I have no absolute proof of that.

I believe that Michael learned soon to be a little guarded with information. When I reached out to talk to him years ago he very particularly ran me through a series of questions about the pets I had when I lived there in North Carolina in `1958. I guess he knew that only I would be able to name the ducks that used to walk up for their breakfast, a couple of hampsters, two cats , three parakeets, a fine hunting dog and a black horse. He wasn't really sure that he was talking to Linda Brown until I had named them all. Apparently on one of his rare visits with his Dad to our cabin in the hills he was most impressed with my personal zoo! Even the fish in the pond near the house had names as far as I was concerned.

So, getting back to the videos. I expect there are several sets of them. I would not know where the originals are but I suppose that the Bahnson family should have them, Noticing from experience though.... I believe that Stan Deyo had one copy which he edited into that " Conspiracy" tape. And once its out like that ( like my Dads first couple of lab books) they end up everywhere. Linda
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Post by Langley »

Found it. The Vindicator Scrolls was actually in the bedroom not the garage. Phew.

On page 202, the section of the book called "The Mystery Scrolls" starts. Stan asks us to "read them with patience....You may not get another chance to save yourself from eternal oblivion." Now, not being a communist, I don't mind Stan expressing himself. But the confusion of theology with a specific science is a bit risky. I may or may not believe what he goes on to talk about, but I don't believe people get through the Pearly Gates based on our scientific acumen. Either according to Stan or anybody else. Anyhow....

After explaining the Rapture, Stan moves on to page 212 and "UFO Situation: Update UFOs- the Majestic Twelve Document" Sub heading on P 216 is The UFO Intelligence Games. He cites three sources for his knowledge. The third source is "some information contained in the personal papers, 16 mm films and effects of the late Agnew H. Bahnson; who was the foresighted inventor, writer, industrialist and dreamer that financed electro-gravitic research projects in North Carolina during 1957-62, including those of the well-remembered Thomas Townsend Brown. I have visited the storage facility which now houses the laboratory which Bahnson established for Brown's research; and inside this underground area sealed by concrete and steel doors, I have held many of the objects - some of which are shown in the 16 mm movie film prints in MSP-1 and MSP-2. " The actual stills reproduced in the book on pages 220 and 221 are captioned " recently restored 16mm film from the lab of T. Townsend Brown at the Bahnson Company in 1958". There are 16 stills in the book. They are entitled:
Toroidal Coil Test.
Disk in Vacuum Test
Saucer lift off (Version 1)
Suspended Saucer Test
Saucer Lift Off (Version 2) Note: High Voltage Arc
Six foot Diameter Saucer Note: High Voltage arc
Twin Saucer Vacuum Test
Saucer Variant with Plastic Shields
T. Townsend Brown (left) and Agnew H. Bahnson
Bahnson (left) and Brown with Bell jar
"Man in Black" next to Toroidal Coil test rig
J. Frank King at Controls of "Beta" High Voltage Unit
Bahnson behind Radiation Warning Shield in Lab
Bahnson's Tesla Coil
Adamski's Saucer on Brown's blackboard at Bahnson's Lab
"Toroidal Rig in Vacuum Chamber (Bruce Cathie's antenna?)"

On page 22 Stan cites his contact with Dr James Maxfield "who was a close associate of Dr Edward Teller. ...I was summoned attend a meeting ...Dr Maxfield...(said) Dr Edward Teller had "overseen" some fifty or more projects which had been designing "flying saucer" type craft since the early fifties. (Maxfield) and Dr Teller had been on excursions to the South Pole including a sub polar jaunt by submarine; and he showed me photographs to prove the point."

Maxwell then points out to Stan that "the place for a young man like myself ...was Australia. There, I could finish off my work unhampered."

Someone needed a Wounded Pairie chicken routine perfomed Down Under?

Once Stan had done his thing - writing in Nexus magazine, going on the radio, after his first book sold well, he went back the USA. If he "finished his work", well, the only levitating lawn mowers we have are Flymos, not TT Brownian ones. So I guess he returned to work "Hampered in the USA".

On page 231 : "In the Cosmic Conspiracy, I discussed, in great detail, the reasons behind the conspiracy which has kept the truth about the UFO situation from us; however I only covered the human UFO programs."

The propulsion system for UFOs is, it seems to me, the seminal point. If science is suppressed, the manifestations of it appear as magic to the uninformed when products and methods based upon are revealed without explanation. To the extent that human activity adds to the current environmental and resource crisis, the suppression of the technology (should that be the case) has been used to create that crisis. In order to facilitate the imposition of a solution which would not be tolerated but for the crisis. ... _dialectic

If there is no suppression, if there are no operational applications, the whole construct fails.

The apparently inevitable introduction of the spiritual/metphysical into the discussion of the technology ensures its "suppression". Im pretty sure no up and coming GM technician ever tossed a copy of the Deyo books onto the table during a product design meeting. Shame really.
Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »


You are again a wonderful work of nature and human spirit.

"The apparently inevitable introduction of the spiritual/metphysical into the discussion of the technology ensures its "suppression". Im pretty sure no up and coming GM technician ever tossed a copy of the Deyo books onto the table during a product design meeting. Shame really"

Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps there was a reason of timing.

Just as Dad went into his "wounded prairie chicken routine" which color public impression of his work for the remainder of his life, I sense too that there is much that Mr. Deyo has carefully covered by his zeal for the religious side of things here ..... knowing full well that it creates a cloak past which not many will critically look for the information that is lodged there. To see what was going on with him ..... you have to be able to see what was going on with Townsend Brown too . And until recently ..... that was impossible.

Its easy to get worried about the way that Mr. Deyo winds his religious message with the scientific. But this is a good crew here I suspect, able to sail its way through any carefully generated fog. So proud of all of you. Linda
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Post by Mark Culpepper »

A "pulling together of the information? In one place, at one time? Townsend Brown in one direction, Stan Deyo in another, Tesla work in another, Teller and his buddies in another, ... BABEL.

After all of these years? After all of the REAL suppression? And I am talking here of the Caroline Group. I begin to see what is happening here Linda. Am I the only one? I can't POSSIBLY be the first of this group to get it. I think we have all known it, just not the particulars. This is all part of it isn't it and we are standing on the wildest threshold ever known by man. And for once it is all coming slowly together!

And I have said entirely enough. MarkC
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Post by Rose »

After all of the REAL suppression? And I am talking here of the Caroline Group

Is there a typo in there?

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Mark Culpepper
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Post by Mark Culpepper »

What I meant Rose was this. Its becoming obvious to me, ( maybe just me?) that the Caroline Group itself has been responsible for delaying many things that COULD have come to the surface ahead of their time. But maybe would have been a dangerous development if allowed to do that. With me?

I mean, look at what Dr. Brown did for most of his life. Things (outstanding things) seem to have been developed with the Caroline Groups help and support but then oddly nothing ever breaks the surface. I have to believe that if they had WANTED that technology to break into the open then certainly it would have. It maybe was even harder to keep it surpressed. And also you have to have those who see the entire picture well enough to go along with the program. Which I am beginning to see might even involve putting yourself through some real hardships and stepping away from any public acclaim for the work that you KNOW is valid. How hard was that I wonder. To me its obvious thats what Dr. Brown was intentionally doing.

If my thoughts are on target then is it wrong of me to hope now that we are seeing a subtle change in that " hold back" policy? Dr. Browns efforts are beginning to be recognized and appreciated and maybe a whole slewful of others too ... its as if someone has said .... "OK Boys .... lift the curtain.... slowly now, slowly".

And thats what I meant. All those different things are coming together again after being almost terminally scrambled. Like Babel/ Anybody know the story? Maybe we are recovering from being " scrambled apart" and now things will begin to make more and more sense to us.

Lets see, did I answer your question. typo? I dunno, is there one? MarkC
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Post by Langley »

Linda Brown wrote:Langley,

Just as Dad went into his "wounded prairie chicken routine" which color public impression of his work for the remainder of his life, I sense too that there is much that Mr. Deyo has carefully covered by his zeal for the religious side of things here ..... knowing full well that it creates a cloak past which not many will critically look for the information that is lodged there. To see what was going on with him ..... you have to be able to see what was going on with Townsend Brown too . And until recently ..... that was impossible.

Its easy to get worried about the way that Mr. Deyo winds his religious message with the scientific. But this is a good crew here I suspect, able to sail its way through any carefully generated fog. So proud of all of you. Linda
One view of events down here Linda is that after Stan's persistent warnings (ie submit to his view of salvation and so avoid the catastrophe which he became increasingly strident about) i he was run out of town. He states in his books he came to Australia to complete his work on the technology. That was in 1978. Its now 2008 and his Halo site is proclaiming he is about to release the technology. Again. He sold his first book from 1978. A cynic might say Stan is about to large a new book on the 30th anniversary of his first. The Halo effect, sell a product one lot of people are interested in, and then flog em something else as well.

If Ralph Sarich had acted in a manner remotely similar well, no one would have taken his orbital engine seriously.

Stan's inexcusible behaviour includes constant promises that he is on the verge of releasing Telsa/Brown technology in the form of working full scale products and that he discerns the end of days through his view of the suppression of the technology. The problem that leaps out from that is, The Stan who has perfected the technology fulfills the requirements laid down by The Stan who states that around the time the technology is released the end of days will occur.

He scares a lot of people in order to sell books in my opinion. He takes a fundamental Christian position (ie the conflict between the ways of the world and the ways of God).

If GM took up Stan's viewpoints and actually worked on the technology, Stan, in my view, could be predicted to accuse GM (or Ford or Lockheed etc) of being a part of the conspiracy.

As far as I can see conspiracies do sometimes exist. eg Rudolph Diesel
"The diesel engine has the benefit of running more fuel-efficiently than gasoline engines. Diesel was especially interested in using coal dust or vegetable oil as fuel, and his engine in fact ran on peanut oil. Although these fuels were not immediately popular, recent rises in fuel prices coupled with concerns about oil reserves have led to more widespread use of vegetable oil and biodiesel. The primary source of fuel remains what became known as Diesel fuel, an oil byproduct derived from refinement of petroleum."

Diesel's death is suspicous.

During his attempts to achieve success with his engine, Diesel differed from Stan in ways which include:
He didnt constantly claim over decades that he was on the verge of a major breakthrough.
(He just did it and then announced it. It actually existed.)
He didnt use the technology as a basis for an exclusive brand of escatology. He didnt use his understanding in one area to justify his statements in another.

There came a time very early on when GM technicians pored over Diesel's technology. ie as soon as they could. A person's religious beliefs are no barrier to the purchase of a diesel vehicle.
Even a person with no beliefs might seriously consider buying one. As illusionary as the material world is, it still beats stuff that isnt there at all.

As diesel engines were critical in the development of the long range submarine, perhaps the suppression of the technology would have saved thousands of lives in WW 1 and 2.

Still, all's fair in the consumer market. Stan calls it Babylon the Great. ... an-deyo-0/
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Post by Rose »

OK. I'm with you now, Mark

I thought you were referring to the Deyo-conspiracy line of thought

A: valuable technology has been suppressed along with the knowledge that we are entering into a natural climate cycle that is only slightly exacerbated by our petroleum guzzling ways.

B. As the planet nears the tipping point, our "rescue" will appear in the form of men in ET clothing in possession of magical technology that will solve all of our problems

C. The objective of all of this deception being to obtain complete control over the human race through technology-based shock and awe

If these postulates were true, then the Carolines are the anti-suppressors in a sense. Meaning that they have knowledge of these nefarious schemes, and have been lying low until the endgame begins in order to checkmate this final move.

But I see now that you were going in a different direction. Taking Morgan at his word, yes we know that the Carolines took possession of an extremely valuable, but potentially very destructive technoology decades ago.

If Dr. Brown recognized the potential of his discovery/ies he was, quite possibly, relieved to place it/them under the protection of a responsible group.

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Post by natecull »

Thanks for mentioning The Vindicator Scrolls, Langley. I read Cosmic Conspiracy in the 80s and Vindicator when it first came out (1988 maybe? Early 1989 at the latest) and I'm often a little confused as to what was mentioned in which book. Deyo fascinates me because his descriptions of propulsion technology, while a bit fractured, seem to be much in the same ballpark as Townsend Brown. Constant reference to MHD, fluid flow, gyroscopic effects. Almost as if he stumbled on some of this material but without a lot of context to put it all together.

Now this jumped out at me:
Langley wrote: On page 22 Stan cites his contact with Dr James Maxfield "who was a close associate of Dr Edward Teller. ...I was summoned attend a meeting ...Dr Maxfield...(said) Dr Edward Teller had "overseen" some fifty or more projects which had been designing "flying saucer" type craft since the early fifties. (Maxfield) and Dr Teller had been on excursions to the South Pole including a sub polar jaunt by submarine; and he showed me photographs to prove the point."

Maxwell then points out to Stan that "the place for a young man like myself ...was Australia. There, I could finish off my work unhampered."

It's interesting to compare this story circa 1988 with his original story in Cosmic Conspiracy circa 1978.
The Sun had just appeared over the horizon, as I sat down to my first cuppa Java for the day. My eyes caught the calendar on the wall.. "October 23, 1978".
My thoughts drifted back to my own training at the U.S. Air Force Academy sixteen years before. I remembered its rigid discipline and the beautiful, snow-covered landscapes that surrounded those of us who had lived there 7,000 feet up the slopes of the Rockies overlooking the world below. It was there that our fertile, young minds had been impregnated with post-hypnotic suggestions and crammed with subliminal data banks at speeds of up to 200 pages per second. When the 186 of us who had been 'programmed' by mind-control experts were prematurely released - ostensibly for cheating on our final exams - everyone had believed it. In my case, I had been lucky... because, for some reason, one of my instructors had 're-programmed' my mind just before I had left the Academy. I was reasonably certain that he had been a man of good report... a Christian, now, according to 'old friends'. It was partially his interference in my conditioning that had allowed me to eventually remember things that had been locked-away in my sub-conscious mind - without knowing the proper key sequence.

It had been quite spooky at first when I started having those incredible dreams. Three years had passed since I left the Academy; and I had not immediately associated my newly-found 'dream library' of science with the previous subliminal training. 'Visions' of new types of circular-shaped aircraft and spacecraft along with their associated technology had paraded through many of my early-morning 'dream times'.

As I sat and pondered the weight of the years of discovery and understanding that had led me to that moment there in the study, I suddenly felt very tired... very old for my age of thirty-three.
A bird flew past the study window and, briefly, I wished I could fly again... "Those were the days.." My favourite instructor pilot (I could never forget his name) had been Captain Miracle... I had really loved those hours in the sky - soaring and sailing in that tiny silver speck of a T-33 jet... It had seemed like being in another world. Up there, the scene had always been crystalline - especially above cloud level. My gaze fell upon the telephone scratch pad; and my thoughts returned to the conspiracy.

I remembered how word had passed down the FBI ranks to me and my ilk who had acted as patriotic informers on various international companies' unconstitutional activities in Middle-East-related affairs. "There's an intelligence war going on between Hoover and the CIA. You guys had better make tracks and wait till you're called back..." I had then been sent to Australia to 'keep a low profile' until Hoover recalled us. My last instructions had been : "stay put;... but if Hoover, himself, is either replaced by the president or dies suddenly, you will be on your own from that time forward until the 'victors' find you." The rest had become history.
The letters from Dr. James R. Maxfield arrived in Melbourne on the fifteenth of May 1972. They had been dictated six days earlier in Dr. Maxfield's radiation research clinic in Dallas, Texas. One of the letters instructed the recipient - to have a visit with Sir John Williams. Apparently, Dr. Maxfield had previously contacted Sir John about this author's coming to Australia... (see copies of this letter and the other as Appendix-4). The same letter also stated that the Chief Superintendent of the Aeronautical Research Lab. at Melbourne would be contacted by both Sir John and Dr. Maxfield on this author's behalf (so that he might seek employment there to continue his research into 'anti-gravity'). Dr. Maxfield's letter went on to say that he and Dr. Edward Teller were planning to come to Australia in October and hoped they might 'get together' with this author at that time.

The second letter was a copy of the one which Dr. Maxfield had sent to the A.R.L. Superintendent. It had told the superintendent that, although this author was then working as a computer systems analyst for a well-known tractor firm in Melbourne that he (Maxfield) hoped the A.R.L. could find a position for him - as this author had been working in a field that he (Maxfield) and Dr. Teller had been 'interested in'. This author knew what that 'field' was...: 'anti-gravity'.

In his last meeting with Dr. Maxfield in America in 1971, this author was told about various other research projects in America which had been or were under the watchful eye of Dr. Edward Teller. It was an incredible moment! It was like meeting the real Santa Claus... finding out that the mysterious 'they' really did have names and faces... and super technology. Dr. Maxfield told the author how he and 'Ed Teller' had 'sponsored other young minds' (like this author's) in the pursuits of the secrets of gravitational energy... It was mind-boggling. He went on to say that there had been over fifty 'antigravity' research projects in the U.S. since 1948!... (Some of the results of these projects and their accompanying contract numbers from the issuing authorities will be discussed in the next chapter).

This author then prepared two preliminary papers on electro-gravitic propulsion for the A.R.L. as per Dr. Maxfield's instructions. After a few weeks had passed, Dr. Tom Keeble - the director of the mechanical engineering division of the A.R.L. - called this author into the facility for a critique of his preliminary papers. Dr. Keeble with two of his research staff attended the closed-door meeting. A short time was spent discussing the papers and some of the somewhat embarrassing mistakes this author had made when preparing the material. After this, Dr. Keeble asked why this author had not stayed in America to finish his research.

This author then related the long story of his FBI involvement, his training at the U.S. Air Force Academy, and his subsequent and somewhat peripheral involvement in the U.S. 'anti-gravity' research program. Dr. Keeble looked as though he wanted to say something which he felt he could not because of certain 'restrictions'. His furrowed brow framed his bushy eyebrows as he finally said, "Look, we know your theory works;... your design is not the best for a fully-operational model;... but it will work... What has puzzled us the most is how you found out about it... about the project..."

He went on to say, something like "We knew that the Yanks - no offence meant - and the Canadians did some mind control or tuning experiments in the early sixties; but we thought they had abandoned it because so many of the test blokes had gone mental or suicided under the subliminal effects of the conditioning - Yet, here you are as living proof that they did succeed."

This author interjected saying, "Yes, that could be quite true; however, if it is then you have apparently made the assumption that I am not one of those who cracked up under the strain... haven't you?"

"Yes," he said as he smiled, "We have made that assumption here. Furthermore, I, personally, feel that your mind is one of those that they tuned to tap into - now, don't laugh - other people's sub-conscious minds."
Dr. Keeble tryed to say something more,... "You see, there's something like a group of us who ...ah..." This author interjected, "By group, do you mean a club or a formal organization?"

"No", he said, "...scientists, engineers around the world... we feel... well.. I..." and his voice trailed off leaving the sentence unfinished as he allowed one of his staff to add further comments on the earlier subject of 'mind training' before he, himself, joined into the same discussion. "...So you see", Dr. Keeble resumed, "your mind can theoretically eavesdrop on the collective knowledge of all those people in the world who study or practice any of the subjects your mind might ever wish to, consciously, address as a means to solving any problem requiring conceptual knowledge which you haven't previously gained by any other scholastic or practical means..."
Huh, I guess his story hasn't actually changed much.

(That last bit, about hypnosis and mind control and psychic dreams, would have really pegged my bullshit-ometer, if it didn't stack up with one of the recurring trends in the 'MKULTRA survivor' literature, which as far as I know only started really hitting the Internets in the 1990s. And, of course, it's the whole theme of the 'Caroline Group' and this forum.)

Anyway, looking at Deyo's claimed timeline:

* 1962 (sixteen years before 1978) - Deyo is in USAF Academy (presumably Colorado Springs) - ... ce_Academy . Sixteen years later he's 33, so he must have been 17 or 18. Fresh out of high school? Must have had pretty good grades? How easy is it to go to the Academy?

* He flew a T-33 jet at the Academy -

* How long does it take to do the Academy? Before the end of his course, he and a group of 186 participates knowingly or unknowingly in a 'mind-control' or hyno-learning experiment. That's a heck of a lot of people. They are all 'failed' from the Academy for cheating on finals, but presumably this is a cover for black projects.

Well well well, look at what Wikipedia dredged up:
The first Honor scandal broke in 1965, when a resigning cadet reported knowing of more than 100 cadets who had been involved in a cheating ring. 109 cadets were ultimately expelled. Cheating scandals rocked the Academy again in 1967, 1972, 1984, 2004[38] and 2007.[39] Following each of these events, the Academy thoroughly examined the etiology of the mass cheating in addition to alleged excessive pressures that the academic system at the time placed on cadets and made changes in attempts to reduce the opportunities for future incidents.
And a Time Magazine article from the era: ... 39,00.html

Some apropos quotes:
But another result of the academic and disciplinary pressure is the dropout rate, which is considerably higher than at the other military schools. Two years ago, 93 cadets resigned in a mass protest against certain rules; in 1964, another 90 tried to withdraw for reasons never made public.
Zuckert will not review the cases for another two or three months. Until then, cadets returning home are still considered members of the Air Force; all have been given strict orders not to discuss the scandal, which left parents and friends in doubt over whether they were cheaters or had only tolerated cheating by others. The Air Force labeled the investigation "classified"; students who talked were threatened with dishonor able discharges and denial of the right to transfer their academic credits to an other school. It was, as one cadet parent put it, "a pretty strong weapon"−as well as a good way to guarantee that full details of the scandal will remain hidden for a long time to come.
Classified investigation, hmm? Hmmmmmmm.

So can we assume he 'graduated' in 1965? What about the rest of his 'class'? Is there any way of tracking them down and cross-correlating for mental illness caused by MKULTRA gone wrong?

* Three years after 'graduating' (1968) he starts having saucer dreams and decides he has unauthorised access to his experimental 'hypno-learning' library without the code phrase. Presumably this is where he believes his Townsend Brown et al material comes from.

* Deyo claims to have had 'FBI involvement' at some time. Presumably after the USAF Academy, since being an FBI officer at age 17 would seem to be hard. Doesn't seem like he stuck with it for long.

* Claims to have had 'somewhat peripheral involvement in the U.S. 'anti-gravity' research program' at this time. That could perhaps mean anything from 'was employed by a research group' to 'was completely on the outside but interested in it'.

* In 1971 he meets James Maxfield in America (in Dallas, Texas perhaps, where Maxfield has a radiation laboratory?) and told about 'fifty other gravity projects' under the control of Teller and Maxfield

* While in the FBI, his activities are somehow related to an intelligence war between J Edgar Hoover (who died in May 1972 ... _and_death) and the CIA (fronted at this time by Richard Helms who is the only DCI to be convicted of lying to Congress over CIA activities.) Before Hoover's death, he is told to go to Australia to 'lie low' and enters Australia by a 'very quiet manner'.

* In 1972 Deyo is in Australia working as a systems analyst for a tractor company and is introduced via letter from Maxfield to Dr Tom Keeble at the Aeronautical Research Lab in Melbourne. He submits some antigravity vehicle designs to the ARL. Keeble claims that the RAAF have libraries of saucer footage.

* Meanwhile, in 1972 or 1973, Helms destroys the MKULTRA records -

* Watergate scandal begins with the hotel break-in on June 17, 1972 and ends with resignation of Nixon on August 9, 1974

* After contacting Dr Allan Hynek, Deyo is visited by ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, ... ganisation) and ASDL (Australian Defence Standards Laboratory, now ... ganisation ) staff.

* This spooks him so that he 'goes bush' for a year or two and resurfaces in Perth.

* In 1977 he watches the TV documentary 'UFOs Are Here' which he tapes and now has up on Youtube

* This spurs him into writing the first edition of Cosmic Conspiracy

Any interesting leads here?
Going on a journey, somewhere far out east
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Post by natecull »

Oh, and this (from Conspiracy) is right out of Otis Carr's sort of playbook. I've never been able to make head nor tail of it and it might be a complete red herring.
This book which you now hold is the first fruit of that incredible adventure. It is written in three levels of understanding or codification. Kabbalistic gematria and symbolism have been used to veil certain messages from some while enlightening others. I am sure the reasons for this will become most obvious as the world events of the next eighteen months unfold. Let us begin with a 'precise mechanism':

Interested, I looked upon that sculptured place...
Challenged to find the one piece missing:
Hailed the topmost third - that capstone grace.
This I knew: it was not lost.
Hark: soon returns the Word,...and Order.
Until that hour, this is my chair:
Service to some degree like : Commander Noah.
Going on a journey, somewhere far out east
We'll find the time to show you, wonders never cease
Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »

In as ladylike manner as I can pull toether in one place at one time .... my immediate response to all the above regarding Deyo is do you spell it?

GRAUGHHHHH.... As I run screaming off into the woods,

Still I have a tendency to slowly circle back asking myself ,,,, why, why, why ,,, when I pull on this golden thread , does that one way over there wiggle, Linda
Keeper of the Flame
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Joined: Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:35 am
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Post by natecull »

Linda Brown wrote:In as ladylike manner as I can pull toether in one place at one time .... my immediate response to all the above regarding Deyo is do you spell it?

GRAUGHHHHH.... As I run screaming off into the woods,
Sorry! Is that a good 'GRAUGHHHHH' or a bad 'GRAUGHHHHH'? Lots of threads to this whole ball of... waxy yarn.

The Maxfield clan of Texas seem to have been in the nuclear medicine biz a while. Two James R Maxfields, a Jack and a William:
Short Biography
William S. Maxfield,
M.D., F.A.C.N.M.
Dr. Maxfield’s father James R. Maxfield Sr. M.D., in 1903, had the first x-ray unit in Texas for his practice of family and industrial medicine in Grand Saline, Texas. This was only seven years after Roentgen discovered the x-ray. His brothers, James R. Maxfield Jr., M.D. and Jack G.S. Maxfield M.D., were pioneers in the fields of nuclear medicine, radiation oncology, and clinical hyperbaric medicine.

The Maxfield Clinic-Hospital in Dallas, Texas was one of the first institutions licensed by the Atomic Energy Commission to use radioactive isotopes in clinical medicine and research. In 1955, the Maxfield Clinic-Hospital installed the third cobalt treatment unit in the USA. Dr. Maxfield and his brothers developed the techniques of treating bone metastasis with radioactive Phosphorus (P32) plus testosterone. They were also co-developers of the technique of implanting radioactive seeds encased in nylon tubes, a technique which is used increasingly today to treat various types of cancer. In 1978 a clinical hyperbaric oxygen therapy program was started at the Maxfield Clinic-Hospital.

Dr. Maxfield and his brothers were founders of the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine and the American Board of Hyperbaric Medicine. Previously they founded the American College of Nuclear Medicine and were charter members and co-founders of the Southwestern Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine. After serving as President of the American College of Nuclear Medicine, Dr. Maxfield was elected a Fellow of the American College of Nuclear Medicine.

Dr. Maxfield started his medical career as a nuclear medicine technician at the Maxfield Clinic-Hospital in Dallas, Texas after completing training at the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies in 1948 (5th year of the slow neutron). After graduating from Baylor University College of Medicine in 1954, he completed his internship in San Francisco, California, at the Southern Pacific Clinical Hospital in 1955. Dr. Maxfield then returned to Dallas to work with his brothers and father at the Maxfield Clinic-Hospital. When he entered active duty with the US Navy in August 1956, he was assigned to the US Navy Hospital, Chelsea, Massachusetts to establish the hospital’s nuclear medicine laboratory because of his experience in nuclear medicine and radiology. He was then transferred to the US Navy Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland where he was chief of the Nuclear Medicine Section of the Department of Radiology and Instructor in Nuclear Medicine at the US Navy Medical School. While at Bethesda Navy Hospital, Dr. Maxfield was part of the USA delegation to the Second International Atoms for Peace Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. At the meeting, the Navy team demonstrated the production and utilization of short half-life radioactive isotopes

During his service with the navy, Dr. Maxfield worked on the development of many nuclear medicine procedures that are routine today, including more than 1,000 positron brain scans. As a member of the Plutonium Decontamination Team, Dr. Maxfield was introduced to hyperbaric chambers and the field of hyperbaric medicine.

Upon completion of his active duty with the U.S. Navy in 1959, he went to The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore Maryland, to finish his radiology residency. During the last year of his residency, he was a National Institute of Health Fellow in Cancer which included several months at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in radiological pathology. When his residency was completed, Dr. Maxfield joined the staff of The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Medical School as Instructor in the Radiation Therapy Section of the Department of Radiology. He then became Chief of the Radiation Therapy Section. Upon becoming board certified by the American Board of Radiology in December 1961 with a medallion in Nuclear Medicine, he was promoted to Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins.
A couple of things go 'bleep' at me. Positron brain scans, hmm? A recurring legend in the 'MKULTRA survivor mythos' on the Internet is that early PET scan technology was somehow involved in MKULTRA studies. I'll dig up some refs if anyone is interested, but that's an even deeper rabbit hole (tied up with ritual abuse and recovered memories, not pretty reading and of dubious evidential value) and possibly best left to one side lest it make this whole waxy thing even slipperier.

But still. Intriguing connections here. All Navy people. Deep atomic links. I suppose hyperbarics and radiology would make sense for nuclear submarine work.

Teller would probably be involved if there were nukes, but hasn't it been established elsewhere that Teller's fusion guys and the Navy atomic propulsion program were at odds? And how does a Navy doctor cross-connect with a covert USAF Academy program? Again, wouldn't we be looking at a turf war there, like that between Hoover's FBI and Helms' CIA?

And Texas seems to be the nexus of a lot of black stuff, both military and political, if you look at the Nixon-to-Bush crowd. Somehow, though, even though Clinton was a bit of an outsider and stirred a few feathers in 1992, he didn't seem to stir the pot *that* much in eight years. Shut down funding for Star Wars, decommissioned a few nukes, but all of the really black stuff seemed to emerge from his presidency intact. Was it a matter of 'he needs not to know', or was he briefed and smart enough to know what he couldn't talk about?

Is Obama likely to put a few pigeons among the cats?
Going on a journey, somewhere far out east
We'll find the time to show you, wonders never cease