
A place to engage extended discussions of things that come up on the website. Anything goes here, as long as it's somehow pertinent to the subject(s) at hand.
Linda Brown
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Re: Downloads

Post by Linda Brown »


Precisely what will happen. Information will bubble forth. Those who have it right now ... (those who have carefully maintained it, to those who have carefully collected it)) will someday let go of it and it will go upward, as bubbles always do.

An excellent set of remembrances from the forum. Still doing absolutely ONE of the things that you do the best! Thank you for that.

Where did I read it first? Can't remember. Did I get the quote right? Now thats amazing.

My favorite saying though had something to do with the Horsetrader from the North. Found that yet? If not.... it will probably find you!

Your message to Mr. Trickfox was an appropriate and I thank you for giving him that seed of information. You and I both know that at some time he will get that Kitselman material because he is meant to have it. Thankyou for letting him know that some of ,at least, is in your hands.

Raymond. I told you that you had friends. Its up to ,at some point in the future, to recognize who they are.

But thats not a decision that has to happen right now. Your health means more to us at the moment than a pile of papers.

Best to both of you. Linda
Mark Culpepper
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Re: Downloads

Post by Mark Culpepper »


Its from " Kim" by Kipling .... right Linda??????

"Kim, fending the lama between excited men and excited beasts, sidled along the cloisters to the far end, nearest the -railway station, where Mahbub Ali, the horse-trader, lived when he came in from that mysterious land beyond the Passes of the North.

Kim had had many dealings with Mahbub in his little life, especially between his tenth and his thirteenth year - and the big burly Afghan, his beard dyed scarlet with lime (for he was elderly and did not wish his grey hairs to show), knew the boy's value as a gossip. Sometimes he would tell Kim to watch a man who had nothing whatever to do with horses: to follow him for one whole day and report every soul with whom he talked. Kim would deliver himself of his tale at evening, and Mahbub would listen without a word or gesture. It was intrigue of some kind, Kim knew; but its worth lay in saying nothing whatever to anyone except Mahbub, who gave him beautiful meals all hot from the cookshop at the head of the serai, and once as much as eight annas in money.

'He is here,' said Kim, hitting a bad-tempered camel on the nose. 'Ohe. Mahbub Ali!' He halted at a dark arch and slipped behind the bewildered lama.

AM I RIGHT? You have mentioned the " Horsetrader from the North" before Linda and I didn't get it then but now.... it is a cosmic haha indeed. MarkC
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Re: Downloads

Post by AM2 »

Ms. Brown wrote:Precisely what will happen. Information will bubble forth. Those who have it right now ... (those who have carefully maintained it, to those who have carefully collected it)) will someday let go of it and it will go upward, as bubbles always do.
Yes, I fully agree - but with the caveat that this will happen only when adequate incentives will be made available and in the proper circumstances. For example: if Ms. Kitselman would expect a kind of recompensation for sharing the material she inherited, then I would perfectly understand this. Now, recompensations can be material or of other kinds.
Ms. Brown wrote:My favorite saying though had something to do with the Horsetrader from the North. Found that yet? If not.... it will probably find you!
Unfortunately it did not yet cross my path, but then I have never been that interested in horse smugglers.

Last edited by AM2 on Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Downloads

Post by AM2 »

Just as I was about to make my post, Mr. Culpepper made his. Well, I guess here is the correct answer.

Linda Brown
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Re: Downloads

Post by Linda Brown »


You tread a very dangerous path.

"Yes, I fully agree - but with the caveat that this will happen only when adequate incentives will be made available and in the proper circumstances. For example: if Ms. Kitselman would expect a kind of recompensation for sharing the material she inherited, then I would perfectly understand this. Now, recompensations can be material or of other kinds"

Ms. Kitselman alone knows what her price will be. But I would caution that she had dealings with others already and she herself admits that there are most likely (because of her marriage connections) " files on various desks in Washington" that are an inch thick. You want to be included in that? Or perhaps ... it is already too late? Linda
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Re: Downloads

Post by AM2 »

Ms. Brown wrote:You want to be included in that? Or perhaps ... it is already too late?
Certainly not.
Linda Brown
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Re: Downloads

Post by Linda Brown »

ah, nice to hear.
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Re: Downloads

Post by Mikado14 »

AM2 wrote: When I will be presented with a sufficiently appealing incentive to reveal Dr. Kitselman's material in my possession and discuss the connections I was able to establish, then I will gladly do so. We all are after all operating from agenda-driven positions and carefully crafted calculations, as Mr. Morgan or Mr. Twigsnapper would say. On the other hand though, the information may simply bubble up one day.

Mr. AM - you have pulled me from my cave. I see you are quoting me about trust. I do hope you do not mind my addtion to it.

Trust I find to be an elusive commodity - at times. I was just hit by the IRS due to a trust I had in the son of a friend that I did trust (Trust in a friend does not follow to family members). I have no choice but to pay with money that says "In God We Trust". Do I now sue him or do I simply put the energy of such into another area? The dilemma of misplaced trust. Yet there is the antithesis to that, I opened a bank account, jointly, with someone recently with full ability for access with nothing more than a look in the eye. Again, the seed has been planted but I doubt, no, I highly doubt that it will ever germinate. Every time I turn on my computer I trust that no one will "bot" their way into it. Well, my computer was accessed without even being turned on Tuesday afternoon. I feel raped, certain files were accessed but whoever, they are not smart and only perhaps curious. I do not keep the really good stuff on a stupid machine that can be accessed without even being turned on. I do not "trust" the Internet.....and never will. I trust journals and caves to hide things in until the time arrives.

You speak of "incentives". I am not sure how to interpret your statement. Do you mean renumeration or position? or? Your words - "We all are after all operating from agenda-driven positions and carefully crafted calculations," I do hope that I am not included in the "We". I do not look upon myself as being sitting in the "crafty calculation" pew. In some manner I suppose that I have an agenda but it is driven purely by the addiction of the narcotic of the quest. But I do expect renumeration when I am done. Notoriety? Don't want that in "no" way, I want to walk down the street without anyone following and most especially those that can roll up newspapers..<g> So, as far as "incentives" go, I have covered money, position and notoriety. What's your poison?

Don't be so quick to assume that what you have is not already known or done. Why would anyone wish to give an incentive for the plans to a Model T? The reality that has hit me in the past few days is that it is already done. Now, all you "download" prone individuals can chew on that.

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Re: Downloads

Post by kevin.b »

Mark culpepper,
I did post this the other day, saying that the coincidences will not be lost on some.
fibonacci is king
Linda Brown
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Re: Downloads

Post by Linda Brown »

No, Navigator ... your comments are never lost on me. speaking for myself. It just sometimes takes awhile! Linda
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Post by Griffin »


Thank you for the link revealing the beautiful image of the gold lozenge, also known as a diamond -- aka a pyramid, or in this case perhaps a Ziggurat. Four levels can be seen in a step design, with a rectangular shape on top reminiscent of the “house” of God at the top of the classic Ziggurats where the priestess and priest observed the cosmos and communed with the divine presence(s).

What’s that around the edge? Looks like a zig-zag energy line and a row of pyramids.

What were these folks thinking? A lot was happening on a wide playing field during the bronze age -- wanting to get back to the gold standard.

As ever, musing along,

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Re: Downloads

Post by Griffin »

Unfortunately it did not yet cross my path, but then I have never been that interested in horse smugglers.
Mahbub Ali was known as the horse-trader, not the horse smuggler. You may be thinking of the old Asian story of the mule smuggler. That story involves a man who kept criss-crossing a border with a pack mule. Suspected of smuggling, he and his pack were always given a thorough frisk. But he always came up clean. But, as the story turned out, he was smuggling -- mules!

Sometimes we do need to note what is passing right under our noses.

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Re: Downloads

Post by AM2 »

Mr. Mikado wrote:Every time I turn on my computer I trust that no one will "bot" their way into it. Well, my computer was accessed without even being turned on Tuesday afternoon. I feel raped, certain files were accessed but whoever, they are not smart and only perhaps curious. I do not keep the really good stuff on a stupid machine that can be accessed without even being turned on. I do not "trust" the Internet.....and never will. I trust journals and caves to hide things in until the time arrives.
I am sorry to hear that. It would be interesting to see who did that to you and if it is in any way connected with your interest in Dr. Brown's work.

I also think that the internet should not be trusted. But then just remember who gave birth to the internet. According to some speculations the whole edifice is the biggest honeypot in history. Just look at the social network websites like Facebook, etc. Pure honeypot. Make people volunteer their private information and record their lives online.

Who needs the Stasi or Gestapo, if you have Facebook?

This is also the reason why I still believe that the forum in which we participate has additional "functions" besides a simple exchange of thoughts.

As for stupid machines, I think you already know my position. I oppose vehemently the blind worship of scientism and technology, the fusion of man and machine, etc. The masses of sheeple who stand in line for 20 hours just to get their newest iPhone do not have even the faintest idea what kind of a dehumanizing effect technology has on them.
Mr. Mikado wrote:You speak of "incentives". I am not sure how to interpret your statement. Do you mean renumeration or position? or? Your words - "We all are after all operating from agenda-driven positions and carefully crafted calculations," I do hope that I am not included in the "We". I do not look upon myself as being sitting in the "crafty calculation" pew. In some manner I suppose that I have an agenda but it is driven purely by the addiction of the narcotic of the quest. But I do expect renumeration when I am done. Notoriety? Don't want that in "no" way, I want to walk down the street without anyone following and most especially those that can roll up newspapers..<g> So, as far as "incentives" go, I have covered money, position and notoriety. What's your poison?
It was not me who started with constantly emphasizing how everyone has an agenda and is in essence a dirty, scheming crook. I believe this was a different gentleman.

When I actively joined this forum end of February I did so with the idea of sincerly engaging in a stimulating exchange of information. I offer something that may help others and others offer something that can throw light on a subject I am interested in, but do not know enough about. Until the Cornillon/Bergier fiasco, I sent all of my "downloads" over to Mr. Twigsnapper, because I had only respect and admiration for this man. Then though I became much more selective of what I shared even in private, because I discovered that this little community also has it shady aspects. Even if I admit that Mr. Twigsnapper lied, because of a higher goal and we were dealing with the case of "noble manipulation", I simply cannot get rid of the feeling that if he lied once in connection with Dr. Brown's story, then there is really no guarantee that he did not lie in other instances and that he will not lie again. If you offer such a man your hand in respect, then how do you know that he won't stab you in the back after you turn around?

Since my sincerity was not good enough, then I too decided to start speaking in the language that most people at this forum seem comfortable with - that of agenda-driven positions.

I came here, because of a genuine respect for Dr. Brown and his work. This is like friendship or good marriage. You are friend with somebody not, because he has something that you want, but because you like that person. Similarly you love your wife not, because of the satisfaction that she gives you (physically, emotionally, intellectually or even culinarily <g>), but because of who she is.

As for the case of adequate incentives, it is very simple. I am not interested in money or fame. I earn my money honestly and do not have to get it handed over by persons of questionable character in exchange for information that is anyway in the public domain. The funniest part of my interest in Dr. Kitselman is that all the texts in my possession are without exemption in the public domain. I obtained them from antiquarian booksellers and through interlibrary loans. Even the gentleman who knew Dr. Kitselman and with whome I was in contact can be identified by any of the participants of the forum.

The things is: I made the effort, because I was interested in Dr. Kitselman's work and life in a genuine manner and others did not. I made a little sacrifice in time and money and got the information, while others were wringing their hands on how they would like to know more, but were just waiting for a free treat, while lying to my face after I approached them with respect.

In Sanskrit there is a saying: "Creatures of the forrest do not enter the mouth of a sleeping predator, even if he be the mighty lion".

I can understand that certain information cannot be disclosed and a lot of questions have the remain unanswered. But then this should be stated clearly and no silly games should be played or peoples' time wasted.

What would be a suitable incentive for me? To discuss in an open and frank manner face to face and exchange information that can be shared in a sincere manner, even if very limited. I want to have a meaningful and critical discussion. Not dancing around the pole like a stripper. Until there is sincerity, I will not provide information and conclusions I have in respect to Dr. Kitselman.

Besides the problem is that people do not read and analyze. This is what irritates me the most. After receiving any of Mr. Twigsnapper's or other people's messages in private I read them carefully and responded to them in an analytical, point by point fashion. This is also how I ask questions: systematically and point by point.

Another example how people do not read, Mr. Mikado. Recently I ran across your old posts about "Hilaren". Nobody, but really nobody responded to your queries in a meaningful fashion in two whole years! The following two details made me think that you might be referring to Hilarion, an ascended Master playing an important part in Madame Blavatsky's Theosophy:
starting off the weekend
by Mikado14 on Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:09 am


To you Mr. Twigsnapper, another question, simple yes or no:

Do you know the name HILAREN (spelling?)?


Mikado14 on Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:25 am


I will give an answer to a name I asked Mr Twigsnapper of a while back. Hilaren is the keeper of technology in the library.

The fact that you were not certain if Hilaren is the correct spelling prompted me to look into the direction of Hilarion. In the Theosophy he is Chohan of the Fifth Ray and patron of sciences, healing arts, engineering etc., which corresponds to your above statement as "Hilaren" being the keeper of technology in the library.

I myself do not have a high opinion of Theosophy and consider Madame Blavatsky a fat Russian opium-smoker and occassional fraud, although at times a genuine and powerful medium. She simply mixed things too much and was not self-critical enough. Some of her channelled information though is interesting.

Hilarion has also an additional significance i. e. he was channeled by a Canadian named Maurice B. Cook, who among other received some interesting information on the technological applications of inert gases from Hilarion. Mr. Cook's work was later continued by Jon C. Fox.

Anyone, but anyone at this forum could find this information. But people do not read carefully and they do not analyze in a critical fashion - they prefer to dance.

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Re: Downloads

Post by Rose »

Code: Select all

 everyone has an agenda and is in essence a dirty, scheming crook.
link to "dirty scheming crook"? Or is that only your interpretation of the meaning of the word agenda, when even you admit to having come to the forum with one of your own?

As for Mikado's question to Mr. T....I read carefully enough to know that Mikado was asking Mr. T for a reason of his own and that reason had nothing to do with what I might or might not already know.

But thank you for sharing your high opinion of all of us here. I'm touched.
Strange travel suggestions are dancing lessons from god.
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Re: Downloads

Post by Griffin »


Well, at least dancing is better than marching. And exchanges sometimes verging on the hilarious can be okay too, since we can use a sense of humor at times.

But I also see this as serious business.

We have to be careful of judging without complete information. Things are seldom starkly either/or, as that's not the truest way of nature. Remember, too, that the Socratic guardians could be fierce warriors when required (as could Socrates himself, although he never wanted to harm a soul). As you know, even Dharmaraja in the Mahabharata war "stretches" the truth by using the name of a dead elephant that had the same name as a man. The Socratic guardians did have restraint, instilled by respect for the wise philosopher kings and the virtue that they served. The best of the Kshatriya and even Samurai -- especially some Ronin -- were like that.

I have complete respect for the heart of the martial arts, but real life-or-death combat can be a nasty, bloody experience that is best avoided at almost any cost as the Dao De Jing and other wise sources advise. Sometimes it is necessary though, to serve and preserve dharma, but it needs wise oversight.

You might do well to consider that you could be misjudging Mr. Twigsnapper. What's in a name? Things aren't always what may seem obvious, without more comprehensive knowledge -- which is what we're trying to get at.

Last edited by Griffin on Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.