Epilogue: The Sound of Time

Use this section for any discussion specifically related to the chapters posted online of the unfolding biography, "Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown
Victoria Steele
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welcome AM

Post by Victoria Steele »

Welcome AM! These discussions are great and seem to be weaving threads that we have all noticed in the path into some sort of cloth. Fascinating.

Of course having Linda Brown point us in that direction with her mention that her Dad was "aware of the work at SRI" . That always makes me wonder if he was simply " aware" of it .... or perhaps at the root of it? That wind again you know, blowing windchimes.

Lets see. Linda and Morgan say goodbye September 1967. Does he then return to that big chair in that study. Where does he go then? I am not sure that we will ever know. So maybe we need to pay real attention to what Dr. Brown was doing during the next few years, because I have a feeling where one was ..... the other was in some sort of communication.

Worth a few looks. Victoria
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India-China & Beyond

Post by Griffin »


It’s good to have an Indologist-Sinologist on board with us. Interesting, too, that these two great civilizations have transmitted essentially intact yogic transformative and transcendental systems utilizing the elemental energy of prana/qi to engage higher dimensions of experience. Pardon my redundancy, but this is my own particular interest in these traditions.

As you know, the primal Om symbol incorporates the bija seed dropping into the cosmic womb to generate all origination and dissolution in ripples/waves of going forth from the primal sound vibration. Past, present, future and beyond-time are all implicated. The bija of supreme density might sound a bit like the density dot which supposedly “exploded” in the Big Bang.

I only spent one day, from morning through late afternoon, with Townsend Brown. But our conversation was non-stop and followed the agenda that he had set forth. I had arrived with my own interview agenda but gladly abandoned it as he revealed his much wiser approach. He confirmed various things to me which I had already brought up in our preceding communications. Those things I am sure of; the other areas of discussion I have to carefully recollect and interpret. With regard to Nikola Tesla, I can only say that I believe that – whether he ever physically met him or not – Townsend Brown was quite familiar with his theories and his work. Why do I believe this? Simply put, because in our wide-ranging yet focused conversation there was nothing brought up or touched upon that he didn’t seem to thoroughly know about. But there were some areas which he wouldn’t or couldn’t discuss in detail and there was little discussion of persons except for a few.

I would suggest a fourth addition to your list of three. Another important area of research at SRI was the bio-mediated manipulation of objects, including what I’ll refer to as the softening, “jiggling” and molding of solid matter. Uri Geller was a stellar research subject in this area. Townsend Brown had an interest in this area as well and SRI was mentioned in our conversation.

As ever,

Mark Culpepper
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another thread picked up

Post by Mark Culpepper »

You are right of course Griffin. The SRI project was incorporating other interests besides just " remote viewing". So which one was Dr. Brown most interested in? Not either/or I have to remind myself ... perhaps BOTH.OR EVERYTHING.

And I have to think that Morgan must have been his star student. Wouldn't you all agree? I am just trying to figure out what his primary role was. Oh I know they called him a " security agent" when they offered him the position on that sailboat on the Bay in Florida. But as he matured I figured that more and more situations were laid in his direction and I am sure that he picked them up. So might he have been involved in this SRI thing?

But Linda was there too. So what does that mean? Their paths would not have been allowed to cross from what Morgan himself said. When he tried to " see her with his minds eye" all he got was some sort of smooth wall. So what does that mean folks, other than the only thing that I can think of which is that someone ... perhaps Dr. Brown himself ... knew how to block this kids sharpened perceptions .... down to nothing ... when his daughter was on the other side.

And what was Linda doing? There are two elements here. Morgan on one side and Linda on the other so...... maybe I should ask...NOW THAT THE CHANNEL IS OPEN????

." Linda .... can you talk about SRI? Were you with your Dad during his "adventures"?"there? Like that period of nine years when "no notes were taken" I just KNOW that there is much more to this story than has been told so far.

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Post by kevin.b »

Now that the book is ended, which I doubt somehow, perhaps it's TIME to allow the knowledge of Tesla,Russell and Dr Brown, and others to bubble upwards?
Einstein to me encapsulates a shroud placed around humanity, trapping ourselves into a condition relative to the surface of this planet.
Secretly and outside of all governments etc, the knowledge has been forwarded and kept tightly locked in isolation.
Einsteins theories are treated as godlike, if you dare to question them with many believers, you feel as though they are prepared to kill you in the defence of god einstein.
The ever so ,ever so, clever trick was for him to be correct relative to here, then anyone suggesting anything outside of this could be ridiculed and squashed.
Almost if not certainly too clever for einstein to have put this system in place?
I consider that the power of all powers is involved, and that it was deemed to be needed.
Through deep respect I have actually been very reserved in what I have posted upon here, I felt compelled to be thus, it's hard to describe, almost like a big hand is pushing me in certain directions, sometimes just as I was about to post something , an unexpected event or reason not to has diverted me, I have learn't to follow this sort of advice.

I reckon that perhaps AM has been similarilly restrained until the correct TIME?
I also consider that Mr Twigsnappers prospective agent antennaes are twitching about AM?

I do not find any movement what so ever in the matrix system I detect, except for the constant movement upon that system, thinking this out as far as I can, I can envisage a matrix of universal nature where Walter Russel type vortice points connect parallel universes , the points where those vortices meet, will be where any connecting devices are situated, the apparent movement witnessed from our observers perspective is an illusion , instead of looking at the formed mass, it is the aether that we need to study, it is what is moving constantly and altering constantly, there is no zero point, the points are where transfer occurs into opposite spin, I can follow this everywhere, it has measure, again that measure I have been persuaded as yet to conceal, I have learn't how to even conceal it from myself, but know how to find it again instantly, the pyramids display it well.
fibonacci is king

Post by AM »

Griffin, thank you for the insightful post. Forgive me if I didn't pay attention in the past, but I was quite surprised to hear that you met Dr. Brown personally and had a conversation with him. If you feel comfortable and if it is possible, could you please share something more with us? In case you already did, would you mind referring me to the post were this was covered?

Like you, I am very interested in the realms of sacred knowledge as cultivated in India and China. But sacred knowledge is always hidden from us and eagerly awaits those interested in it to prove ourselves worthy and then again one more layer will be lifted.

You were mentioning the concept of Bija. This is also a very important notion in traditional Tantric teachings. Surprisingly even Sanskrit grammar is in a certain sense imbued with these sacred notions. It is said that the vowels of Sanskrit are like the spirit or the soul, while the consonants are like empty bodies. Isn't this wonderful? Please also don't forget that in Hebrew originally vowels were not written down, just the consonants - later they developped a system with which to mark vowels, but ONLY MARK.

As far as SRI is concerned it is very good that you added the telekinetic manipulation of matter to the list.

Another question for you my friends - what frequency do thoughts have and how could this be measured? Are there materials which conduct thoughts and those that isolate them?

Last edited by AM on Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Trickfox perspective

Post by Trickfox »

It occurs to me that people who is aware of exactly how time travel CAN occur,.. -are saying nothing about how it actually does.

We can assume that such a DEVICE or PROCUDURE has two destinctive sides; the entrance, and the exit.

The posibility that the device still has not been actually built is very real.

This would also justify the secrecy of it's existence, for those who live under the terms of such born classified knowledge, live under it's rules and conditions and are in no position to change or challenge the status quo.

My point is this:

The physics and math says IT IS POSSIBLE. THAT's all I need.

Now I'm telling you..... IT WILL EXIST in "Technological Singularity".

Until then the rest of us who live in liberty and are not forcibly muzzled to prevent us from changing what MUST BE shall pursue that thin crust between those who HAVE the knowledge, and those who are AQUIRING the knowledge under the converging timeline theorem discussed by Kerr and others.

I have a lot more to write about but it will have to pursue specific steps of attenuation in all this NOISE. Yes, I knew all about Corum!!! I have copies of his white papers already, but you see this whole process has an order.

People who cannot speak KNOW what that order is. People who can speak are discovering the order, and the rest of the universe IS the order for each of us SUBJECTIVELY.

I can demonstrate the use of a time machine by taking some of you BACK through time to the beginning posts in these 12000 + posts over the past two years.

Those people who are reading these post for the very first time as of Today are going to be stuck in a timeline which is wholely different that those of us who actually participated in posting these events back then.


In the end , HOW IS ANYONE GOING TO BE ABLE TO DISTINGUISH IF we created the time machine already, or maybe just made it look like we did.

Try it.

Go back on any specific thread from the beginning. You might find a jumping trickfox going back and forth learning how to change the future by making the past appear to change just enough so that it DOES change what must be.

Right Victoria?

What I have discovered (probably re-discovered) is extremely important, however I find it hard to express the first order logic of it all.

It has been done by Russell and Whitehead under the lofty name of: "the Prolegomena to Cardinal Arithmetic".

Yes there are rules.

The first one is: which side of the door (looking glass) are you on Alice?

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Post by Griffin »


More, not Moore.

Yes, I want to share my experience of my fortuitous meeting with Townsend Brown and I am writing it up to be posted on my blog/website, to be developed. It's taking much longer than expected, but it's moving along as time melts away. It has its own timing, and I feel it's good to have the perspective of Paul's completed online book and certain other recent developments.

In the traditional Asian martial arts and related practices, a distinction can be made between more external students and internal, in-house, closed door students, so to speak. Morgan was surely Townsend Brown's prized external student, but he also had an especially prized in-house student as well.

I will post more when I return from Hawaii in a few weeks.

As ever,

Mr. Nice Guy
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Re: Trickfox perspective

Post by Mikado14 »

Trickfox wrote:It occurs to me that people who is aware of exactly how time travel CAN occur,.. -are saying nothing about how it actually does.
Since you have said it, give me one good reason why anyone would tell another how to do it? Give me one good reason? Would you give a child a loaded gun?

Trickfox wrote:The posibility that the device still has not been actually built is very real.
I would venture to say that you are correct.

Trickfox wrote:The physics and math says IT IS POSSIBLE. THAT's all I need.
What if it existed in another way? Does it have to be corporeal?
Trickfox wrote:I have a lot more to write about but it will have to pursue specific steps of attenuation in all this NOISE. Yes, I knew all about Corum!!! I have copies of his white papers already, but you see this whole process has an order.

People who cannot speak KNOW what that order is. People who can speak are discovering the order, and the rest of the universe IS the order for each of us SUBJECTIVELY..
My dear friend, people need to speak up and ask but you must understand something, just because a post is made asking why a certain individual has not been mentioned or discussed in the forum does not mean that others are not aware of the individuals mentioned. There are topics, names etc that I haven't mentioned and I am sure there are others in the same situation. Perhaps they have chosen to just sit by and watch what happens.

I had a conversation with someone who is becoming a dear friend today. We discussed many things and had a few laughs with a bit of soul baring. One item mentioned was that what we see is not always what things are or appear to be. However, as the old saying goes, every journey begins with a first step. I hope to be taking those first steps soon, others have, it is time to get the wagon loaded...and fast....I think the mule is getting blind..<g>

There are no hard physical time machines yet but there are time machines, it depends on your description of machine. Oh, and a set of coordinates.

Right Mr. Twigsnapper?

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
The Magician
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Re: Trickfox perspective

Post by Trickfox »

Mikado14 wrote:[
What if it existed in another way? Does it have to be corporeal?
Define your "corporeal spacial area" in terms of energy and particle superposition in a Quantum Chromodynamics,

We are at the point of seperation between "objective" and "subjective" reality as defined in common-sensical terms.... Can we agree?

I don't care if it exists in any other way you describe.
I am focused on future acheivement, rather than historical accuracy.

Like I said, I may be onto something!
Mr. Nice Guy
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Re: Trickfox perspective

Post by Mikado14 »

Trickfox wrote:
Mikado14 wrote: What if it existed in another way? Does it have to be corporeal?
Define your "corporeal spacial area" in terms of energy and particle superposition in a Quantum Chromodynamics,
What is it you wish, the colors of the particles or the anti-colors? Asymptotic freedom? Gluons etal?

What I mean is the teleportation through time of the corporeal (physical) body.
Trickfox wrote:[We are at the point of seperation between "objective" and "subjective" reality as defined in common-sensical terms.... Can we agree?
Agree on what? Objective vs Subjective?
Trickfox wrote:I don't care if it exists in any other way you describe.
I am focused on future acheivement, rather than historical accuracy.
I am glad you are so focused. However, don't be so focused in a forward view and miss seeing the train coming from the side.
Trickfox wrote:Like I said, I may be onto something!
Of that my good friend, I haven't a doubt....not a one.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
The Magician
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Where are the train track?

Post by Trickfox »

You say there is a train..... then where are the train tracks that i'm supposed to be standing on? Show me and I will step aside and let the train pass me.

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Re: Where are the train track?

Post by Mikado14 »

Trickfox wrote:You say there is a train..... then where are the train tracks that i'm supposed to be standing on? Show me and I will step aside and let the train pass me.

Did I mention tracks? Do wagon trains have tracks? Do mule trains have tracks?

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
The Magician
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Why do you ask?

Post by Trickfox »

Why do you ask if I can just step away from either train so easilly. Perhaps you are not being specific enough about your concern and your justication for this concern. You speak as if to say that I know not what your secret is! That there is hidden danger in focus. But what if your focus is the detection of such danger?

You are correct, this is a "Security issue". Your consensual participation is needed in a REAL and CORPOREAL objectivity.

I will never give up my dreams of creating that objective reality to a level of acceptance that we can appreciate as Art.

Victoria Steele
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in the dirt again

Post by Victoria Steele »

I luv ya Trickfox but you aree leaving me in the dirt again! Can we switch to something my poor brain can get a handle on? Victoria
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Post by Mikado14 »

Mr. Trickfox,

There is no danger, there is no secret.

I was speaking metaphorically in that you are very focused and sometimes, mind you, just sometimes you need to step back and look around.

To put it point blank and bluntly....

I was talking about the mind and soul, you speak of the body, mind and soul. The switch to throw for either is different...entirely different.

If I am wrong in assuming such, then I am wrong and will stick to the dense physical only.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy