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Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:29 pm
by Bulwark
Thank You for your post Griffin. I don't post too often but keep up on what others are saying. My post was actually intended to poke a little fun. I was introduced to what you are preaching a few years back when I was in prison. It was a turning point in my life, however, to me, IMO, you take yourself way to seriously and on the surface you appear as if you are looking for converts to your philosophy of life. You remind me of the missionaries that came to America to convert the heathens. After reading your posts for the past few months you associate the qi to all that Townsend Brown has done, at least on the surface.

I have found out the hard way not to be to preachy or pushy and have alienated friends but when the soul is ready, the student will seek it.

Forgive my candor on the above, however, are you the Griffin that wrote the book on twelve steps?


so maybe

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:27 pm
by Victoria Steele
I know that this might seem way out on a limb here but this is a question for Griffin. Given what you have experienced and are coming to see do you think that the "Morgan" in Pauls book was able to develop these special abilities which you have mentioned?

I can't help thinking that Townsend Brown recognized him right away as someone who was going to be important in the future and I highly doubt that the red headed kid continued into manhood in an ordinary career after meeting such men as Sir William Stephenson and Townsend Brown. So here is the upfront question. Through Pauls book ... are we learning about the experiences of a " dimension jumper?"

Remember Paul saying that at one point he asked Morgan if ( after he was finished with this biography that he might be interested in telling his own story? )Morgans response was something like " You already are." I think . So take a hard look. Are we actually seeing that?

Paul? Are you going to be able to tell us more about Morgan soon? Victoria

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:57 pm
by kevin.b
Though I understand your post to griffin, I never myself find his posts at all preachy .
I am trying myself to restrain my own posts, I can go off at one hell of a pace given the chance.
it is not preaching , it is a desire to share and communicate an understanding that is very different.
I do have myself the problem you raise with many who start to talk of the godhead and christ conciousness, I just shut down when all those type of words are employed.
Because I can find no evidence at all for any super deity, it grates with me when it is offered as fact.
I simply find a system where everything is from one source, and if there is any god, I will lay odds of a thousand to one of it been a woman, not a man.
But balance is best, a blend of the best, of which is a dual system.

I hope all upon here air their feelings more often as you did, it is the best way, as I am from Yorkshire, we react best when people just say what they feel and consider, warts and all.
Is it cold up in Alaska , at the moment, we have had the most bizzare spring like past few days, daffodils are out, and the birds are very flirty.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:08 pm
by kevin.b
Victoria Steele,
I can't remember where?, but I seem to recall somewhere where a man just appeared out of the shadows, 2nd Ww time?
We may have to wonder about many people in our history, I have always suspected on here about Quetzalcoatl, I was going to post about such things a while ago, but a certain phrase of mr Twigsnappers kept holding me back, something about restraining the run away horse.
I guess things have their correct time and place, there is a program tonight about gravity, hopefully the time is right to face what gravity is, and that may not be what we have assumed, I will give a link if they say what I hope they will.
Don't forget about the count as well, forgotten his name just now, they always seem to be able to talk many languages and appear almost super human, maybe they are.?

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:08 pm
by flowperson
Hi Kevin...Actually the image you're referring to was conjured as early as the late 1800's when Monet painted some views of men dressed in black and wearing top hats. They were depicted in some of his paintings as magically appearing out of coal smoke and steam at the Gare St. Lazare, or maybe it was the Gare Du Nord.. I'm sure that here are similar depictions available from other eras, but that is the one which came to my mind because when I realized what it likely represented, some strange and negative things happened in my life.

Of all the impressionists, Monet was one of the best at imparting a sense of the mystic and otherworldly to the viewers of his art. His "Haystacks "series is another example. Some of his depictions of cathedrals also equally so.


no problem

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:01 pm
by Griffin

No problem.

No, I’m not the Griffin that wrote the book on twelve steps. But I am aware of how many people have been helped through that program. The concept of connecting with a higher power or source is certainly open-ended. It could even be considered as your higher Self.

Remember that I said, “Just consider the following and see if it somehow fits in at some point.” I don’t want to seem preachy but, on the other hand, I’ll state some of what I know with enthusiasm. I’m interested in seeing Townsend Brown’s work rediscovered, brought out into the light, and widely applied because I believe it will benefit humanity and the earth. I think this is a potentially crucial mission, which Paul’s book is spearheading, considering our planetary problems which are becoming increasingly apparent. So I’m not blasé about the state of things and the need for some improvement. I do believe that an involvement in a practice like qigong, yoga, huna or the like would benefit anyone and could even open up some experiences of higher dimensions. Apparently, from what you said, something similar helped you while in prison. But I’m not trying to personally start a movement or convert anyone. I haven’t attempted yet to learn dowsing on the basis of Kevin’s posts, but I may well do that at some point and I appreciate him sharing his experiences. All of our potentially relevant experiences and insights are grist for the mill. Kevin equates his experiences to some of Townsend Brown’s work too, and I believe he’s right. Your comparison of my sharing of experiences with “the missionaries that came to America to convert the heathens” couldn’t be farther off, IMO. On a literal level, I occasionally interact with Native Americans in their ceremonies and I’m there to learn and co-experience and certainly not to preach. They have their own standards which you accept to participate in their ceremonies.

My inclusion of comments on dietary practices probably does sound rather preachy. It may have been better to have left that out. I’m not criticizing anyone’s dietary habits. That could start a real tussle. It was simply a comment on some extended considerations of the term qi. But it can’t hurt and it might help to be aware of the acidic/alkalinity side of food. I believe that bigu diet is relatively rare in qigong practice, but it was part of a “lightening” of the body process with some adepts. Might this, too, relate to interdimensionality? Perhaps, but it’s only information to be considered.

I understand aversions to preaching and, believe it or not, I have them myself. So does Kevin, as he says. This can particularly be a problem when we’re younger; at least it was for me. When we’re teenagers especially, we tend to think that our parents are preachy (and maybe they truly are), but after the passage of another decade or two we may think: “How did my parents learn so much since my teenage years.” I am serious enough about this subject matter to “proclaim in public” (the literal meaning of preach) what I hope may be furthering in accomplishing something beneficial. Obviously, this may seem preachy to some. So it goes.

I’m also aware that my experiences with viewing scenes from ancient China could have been some kind of memory function instead of a true remote viewing. But even that extends the range of what we ordinarily consider bound by time as we know it. I don’t expect anyone to necessarily credit this, as it is my own subjective experience. But it may relate in some way, and it’s worth at least considering.

I’ve only taken the time to answer your post because I like your candor and your ability to realize and recover from an early mistake. I believe you’re still a relatively young man, at least in comparison to me, who’s interested in expanding your knowledge and horizons as we all are. Preachy is usually considered to mean someone who is dogmatically convinced that they have all the answers and the only answers which must be adopted by everyone. I certainly don’t believe that. I believe in unity in diversity and that we’re all learning. I further believe, however, that we’ll need to (and will) make some rather profound changes in our collective consciousness to deal with problems we ourselves have created, and that Townsend Brown’s story and these forums offer one means for addressing this. I hope I haven’t seemed even more “preachy” – but if I have to you, then that’s just me with no apology.

As ever,


Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:05 pm
by kevin.b
The reference to someone appearing out of a shadow was upon this forum, I think in the chapter where Dr Brown was shot?
I have been strangely pushed towards this subject today, very odd.

This forum is running slow, it may be been diverted through another system?


Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:10 pm
by Griffin

From what we have learned about him, I would be surprised if Morgan has not developed some special abilities of this sort. The intentionality and the context were obviously present.

As ever,


Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:35 pm
by kevin.b
This is the dude,
A traveller in time makes sense, thus aquired knowledge and wisdom would be yours, but he had to have a starting time?from where he could go back and forward?
As soon as Paul posted about this man my hobbit hairs were bristling.
The wizard.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:01 pm
by flowperson
Kevin...The only reference points I can relate to regarding "shadow people" aside from the Monet reference I've already given are first in ancient Egypt. Common belief was that the human person had two accompanying beings always with him/her until death the "ba" and the "ka".

The "ka' was an outward reflection of the person's soul and stayed with the body after life had left it. The practice of leaving food, drink, an a small exit in Egyptian tombs was a result of this sort belief. There is some reason to believe that this practice was cross-cultural and was not restricted to Egypt. Evidence of food and drink buried with dead bodies was a common practice in many ancient cultures.

The "ba" was known as "the shadow" and it disappeared forever when a person died. It continued to exist, however, close by in an unseen and unreachable place. At least that's what the legends related. There was some belief in this sort of happenstance among the Serbian and Croatian cultures, and I'm sure it is still extant somewhere back in the hills. Serbian families often build their vacation cottages in the cemetaries of their ancestors. In fact the "black hand', the idea of an anthropomorphic being reaching out from unseen places to inflict harm upon the living is popularly attached to lore connected with the Italian Mafia. However, scholars accept the conclusion that the concept was Serbian in origin early in the 20th century..

The second employment of this device of belief that I can relate to was in the Oliver Stone film, The Doors. There were at least two scenes in the film where Jim Morrison interacts with other realities and a grey-clad figure is seen coming out of walls and reentering them after performing certain tasks in our reality. The most prominent scene showing this is at the end of the film when Morrison dies of a drug overdose in his bathtub in Paris. Concentric circles are used to depict entry and exit portals into and out of the walls. Jim morrison was a memorable poet and was considered to have been a shaman by his contemporaries.

I'm in agreement with you re: St. Germain.

flow.... 8)

Re: and then I awoke and saw where I was not

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:33 pm
by Gewis
Mikado14 wrote:How about this for an either/or.....perhaps the engineered device only enhances or amplifies the intentionality of the operator. In other words, the "device" gets you to do what you want to do.


In the famous word of Neo:




Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:37 pm
by Griffin

We could also consider that Morgan may well have benefited from some technological enhancement to his special abilities.


Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:36 pm
by kevin.b
At the heart of this chapter is a submarine, the cutlass.
It must have been fitted out with additional devices that gave the navy what they desired, STEALTH.
If Dr Brown did this , it is reasonable to presume that he created a vast enough field to make the sea water flow, thus propelling the sub in the opposite direction , totally noise free.
However he did that , it would have created the field from a specific point on the sub, possibly the radio room, kept locked, those stood there would then have been subjected to the central point of this huge field.

I can only describe what has occured when I have placed myself on the most powerfull of these spots I detect, this is one, in the centre of the tower at the top of this mount. ... mount.html

I felt as though I was ascending off the ground at that spot, and if I had not been disturbed, probably would have gone wherever I desired, whether that is physically , or another part of oneself I am not sure, its very bizzare and difficult to explain.

sub and supra

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:01 am
by Griffin
You could be spot on there, Kevin. In my experience, sea water -- and especially flowing sea water -- is an energy field generator by itself. The radio room of the submarine could be like a private meditation cell in a temple or monastery and if it was aligned as a focal point...



Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:57 am
by Griffin
Another wild thought-

As I do believe there is some relationship between qigong and Townsend Brown's energy and time work, I'll mention something that may have some connection. In qigong training there are benefits from sometimes putting the body under pressure while performing the energy work. This point of the practice is where I begin to go the deepest into the qigong state. Think of the pressure a submarine is under. I really don't know if this is applicable at all -- it's just an odd thought that came to me.
