Epilogue: The Sound of Time

Use this section for any discussion specifically related to the chapters posted online of the unfolding biography, "Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown
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Post by Langley »

AM wrote:Ion-acoustic waves belong to the ELECTROSTATIC CATEGORY and are LONGITUDINAL in their character. In magnetized plasma they are PARALLEL to the MAGNETIC FIELD.

Langley, Dr. Moray also made experiment with radioactive elements!

Now, you are an expert in this field and I am an outsider. Please give us a little bit of your technical magic here and try to sort the above out. Try to offer an EXPERT's, AN INSIDER's VIEWPOINT!

Im no expert ha, years ago I was a soldier who worked in a place which repaired military radiation detectors. Its not what I knew or know, its what those in charge of me knew. For even though it was in Australia, my superiors were US trained.

So really Im just like kid peering at this stuff from under the bed.

I havent read much at all about Dr Moray, and nothing recently. Will do so.

Having contact with nuclear veterans, I share their utter distrust of experts in the field.
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Re: Trying to Make Sense

Post by natecull »

Paul S. wrote:natecull,

I have just taken the time to read carefully through your "multi-phased" assessment of the actually storylines that have been set for the book. I commend you for taking the time to sort through all the myriad possibilities that the narrative triggers, none of which come to any really fulfillment or conclusion, all of which arrive at an endlessly confusing slate of ... precisely the possibilities you have outlined.
Paul S. wrote: Specifically, I think "spill the beans" may be over-stating the case somewhat. They show you the bag, sure. You can watch them open it and turn it over. But then it turns out to be an "antigravity bean bag." Even completely upside down, the beans don't really spill out.

You just know there are beans in there.
Yes, it's very vexing. It seems to be something about this field: everyone seems to speak in riddles and half-promises. Even the ones who speak somewhat freely don't seem to make total sense (like Stan Deyo: http://www.americanantigravity.com/docu ... y-2005.pdf )

It's almost like some people want to make sure there is a constant flow of interest in the antigravity scene, and the appearance of slow progress, without allowing actual devices to be built and thus gaining mainstream scientific credibility. (I wonder in whose interest that situation would be?) Or is it just that all the people involved are mentally unwell and/or not actually in possession of all the facts, but want to pretend they are? But surely *everyone* interested in antigravity isn't unhinged.

It's all very strange.
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Post by Mikado14 »

AM wrote:Yes! I doubt that Dr. Brown was using the analogy of a sea-submerged glass-globe just for didactical purpose.

Mr. Mikado, let me return to the Coulomb's law and try to be more concise.

The departure is the fact that there is a preponderance of one side which induces a movement in a particular direction.

Under normal circumstances the charges attract eachother equally, but here there is a preponderance in one direction i. e. the negative electrode chases the positive one.

We ascertained that Earth and it's atmosphere (ionosphere) can be envisioned as a big capacitor. The curved ground represents one electrode and the atmosphere (ionosphere) the other. Electrodes are made of conducting materials. Ionosphere is be the virtue of it's plasmatic nature conductive to the frequencies which are above and below the plasma-frequency of it. Plasma-frequency is of essential importance in the OHT-radar.

The ground as the other electrode is also a conductor. The whole Earthly globe is one big conductor.

When building a flying saucer you just have to accomplish that the preponderance will be on the side of saucer vis-a-vis Earth surface. Then the saucer will be the chased electrode - it will be pushed (up)

Earth, planets and space itself can be interpreted along the lines of the Biefel-Brown effect - the "chasing" movement.

Different potential of K and mu in space and vis-a-vis planets induce MIGRATION from low K and mu to high K and mu - this is gravity.

Structure of space:
So it can be interpreted that pure space energy is essentially equivalent to electricity and that extra-galactic space is negatively charged. Any gravitational field will possess an electric field, the direction of which is from negative to positive. In this way, gravitational or space potential is inversely related to electrical potential. A freely insulated body assumes an electric charge which is related to the gravitational potential of the space in which it exists.

As an example, in the solar system, the electrical potential of the planets is of negative sign and that of the sun is positive. The more distant the planets are, the more negative.

In a sense, one may imagine the gravitational potential as inversely related to the electric potential.
You just have to consider everything along the paradigm of the negative electrode "chasing" the positive one.

The chasing is actually a kind of a pressure. The outer space is seen from the electrical point of view charged negatively and therefore it chases, it presses down.

Is space really just a complex structure of interacting high and low K and mu zones?

Time being closely related to gravity is then just the MIGRATION - the MOVEMENT induced by the difference in potential of these zones.

Time and space as just different phases of one of the same thing. Time is then the excited phase.

If I were to ask you "What your definition of coulombs law is?" What would be your response? In a simple concise answer.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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Post by kevin.b »

" what do you get if you combine all of these"

You may build yourself a coral castle?

By aligning the coral cystalline structure rocks with a lattice crystaline structure, await the alignment of the moon, resonate the rocks to match with the lattice harmonics, and move the rocks with ease, as they will be free of the push of any inward directional flow as it will circulate the vibrating rocks trying to seek its opposite, not its match.

And the walls of jerico tumbled down, as they blew their horns.

I have heard the sounds of universe, my right hand side brain loved it, told the other side to listen to where it came from, it knew universe, we all do, we are it.
fibonacci is king

Post by AM »

The force between the two charges depends on the product of the magnitude of those charges. The bigger the charge, the bigger the product and consequently the force.

If the charges are opposite then this causes attraction - both are EQUALLY attracted, because of their EQUAL mass. The same goes if the charges are the same - EQUALLY repelled, because they are of EQUAL mass.

This force diminishes with the distance between the charges. The greater the distance the smaller the force.

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Post by kevin.b »

And what occurs if one of the points has no mass?
fibonacci is king

Post by AM »

You may build yourself a coral castle?
EXACTLY! And what if it is THE Coral Castle. Leedskalnin, anyone?

Yes, this is it. Lunar positions, lattices etc., the whole gamut.
I have heard the sounds of universe, my right hand side brain loved it, told the other side to listen to where it came from, it knew universe, we all do, we are it.
MUSIC OF THE SPHERES - PYTHAGORAS. How would ion-acoustic waves fit into the whole picture, hm? Like ordinary sound waves they are longitudinal in nature - AND like their cousins who propagate through the air they propagate also through a medium i. e. PLASMA. They also belong in the electrostatic category.

Now, I don't want to say the ion-sound waves are IT. Just playing with thoughts.

One thing though is certain - the spheres sing!

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Post by Mikado14 »

AM wrote:The force between the two charges depends on the product of the magnitude of those charges. The bigger the charge, the bigger the product and consequently the force.

If the charges are opposite then this causes attraction - both are EQUALLY attracted, because of their EQUAL mass. The same goes if the charges are the same - EQUALLY repelled, because they are of EQUAL mass.

This force diminishes with the distance between the charges. The greater the distance the smaller the force.

What you said is true but sometimes the simplest is best.

Coulombs law - Like charges repel, unlike charges attract

Bielfeld-Brown effect - negative charge chases the positive.

That is the deviation that Dr Brown referred to in it's simplest form. From there, it is a whole new ball game.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy

Post by AM »

Then let us continue the ball game.
And what occurs if one of the points has no mass?
Well, Dr. Brown and the ionosphere come to mind.

Dr. Brown states in connection with ceramic capacitors (barium titanate) as artificial gravitoelectric sensors the following:

- high K is the electrical aspect
- high mass/density of a material is the gravitational aspect.

Earth is denser and more massive than the ionosphere. Due to the fact that the composition of Earth is much more complex and is not made EXCLUSIVELY out of conducting materials, it can be safely assumed that the resistance to the formation of an electrical field in it is greater than in the ionosphere which is highly conductive and therefore the electrical field in it is easily formed.


Earth - high density/mass + high K
Ionosphere - low density/mass + low K

What has lower mu (permeability) - Earth or the ionosphere?

In case it is the ionosphere, then the picture is perfect, because GRAVITY is the MIGRATION from low K and mu to high K and mu!

Besides Dr. Brown's says in his Journal No. 2:
I doubt if a K wave can exist without its counterpart, the mu wave. Both are probably effective together. Both probably increase and decrease in phase. Otherwise, tank circuits would show frequency variations and this, to my knowledge, has never been noted. Space vehicles have traveled to Mars, sending back telemetric signals which are accurately monitored. No shift in frequency has ever been noted, at least to the extent I would expect if K and mu varied independently.
Last edited by AM on Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by AM »

Let us harmonize the above high K and mu vs. low K and mu = gravity notion with the mehanics of the Biefeld-Brown effect.

The smaller or sharper electrode - air becomes ionized near sharp edges or points ----> corona discharge. The virtue of the corona discharge is the stability of the gradient i. e. the gradient does not increase progresively to a point of no return. If it does the dielectric (air) breaks down and a discharge occurs. From the Wikipedia:
If the geometry and gradient are such that the ionized region continues to grow instead of stopping at a certain radius, a completely conductive path may be formed, resulting in a momentary spark, or a continuous arc.
Now the Earth. The ionosphere serves as that sharper or smaller electrode due the fact that it is nothing but plasma, which in turn is ionized air.

It has a stable gradient. SOmetimes though due to atmospheric circumstances the gradient progresivelly increases and then causes a breakdown in the air, which is nothing else, but a DIELECTRIC. A LIGHTNING OCCURS.



Post by AM »

Third and this is a speculation.

The vehicle:

Made out of a material that is of higher K (does this automatically also mean high mu - high K and mu proportionally coupled to eachother?) and mass/density than the Earth.

Engulf it in a BALL LIGHTNING (which is nothing but an EM wave where the electrical and magnetic lines form a loop - there is a closed flux and this energy-configuration then harmonizes the plasma into a certain structure). Ball lightning is also plasma. It has to be less dense and of lesser K than the ionosphere.

Earth vis-a-vis the material structure of the saucer: in relation to the saucer the material in Earth has lower K (mu?) and density ---> migration from lower K and mu to higher K and mu = GRAVITY ----> IT PUSHES THE SAUCER UPWARD.

Ionosphere and ambient air vis-a-vis the ball lightning (special plasma bubble) in which the saucer is completely engulfed:

The bubble has a lesser K (mu?) and density vis-a-vis the ionosphere and ambient medium. The MIGRATION occurs towards the ionosphere. The ionosphere YANKS it up. Pulls it up.



CAN PLASMA AS A FLUID BE COMPARED TO WATER i. e. in the sense that water is more electrically conductive than air (plasma being more conductive than air)? Dr. Brown's system from 1930 comes to mind.
A magnetic field generated inside of and carried with the ship is arranged to fan out into the sea water. An electric current is passed through the water in the region of greatest magnetic flux between suitable electrodes attached to the hull and crossed the magnetic lines at right angles. A mechanical force is thereby created which throws the water in one direction and reacts to move the ship in the opposite direction, the amount of force depending on the magnetic flux and the electric current passing through the seawater.
Ok, I must be careful. Now I am already waffling too much.
Last edited by AM on Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Navigator
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Post by kevin.b »

" Let us continue the ball game "

Was it the maya who played this game?

The moon is a ball, and its the clue.
It alters the relative balance between the earth/sun, more noticably than other more distant balls.
Especially at quadreture, which Leerskin left in stone.

Timing is paramount, with the sun/moon, but not directly aligned, its when they are at ninty degrees, thats when its most evident.

Which is also evident in 2d, always a predominant cross surrounded by a circulation ( celtic cross )
The circulation forms around a point (centre of planet ) a cross formation is evident, N.S.E.W.

Points are evident upon the circulation, and fibonnaci spirals lead to the centre point from each of these , and lead outwards in the opposite direction from the centre point back out to the points on the circulation ( rose window )

The gothic topped window design is vesica pisces where two of these circulations overlap, thus DNA design spiral circulations occur where opposite spin charges coalesce and creation occurs.

Viktor Schauberger stayed awake to view this alteration in streams in his woods, he noticed stones suddenly floating to the top of the water, as the oppositely charged water suddenly bubbled up out of the earth.
And up from the ground came a bubbling crude, hobbit gold, positive charged water.
fibonacci is king

Post by AM »

P. S. Because the plasma-bubble/ball lightning surrounding the high K (automatically high mu?), high density material there will be a local migration from low K (mu?), low dense plasma-area (the ball lightning) towards the high K (mu?), high density material of which the saucer is made.

Now this MIGRATION is a force that will engulf the whole object. Vis-a-vis Earth's gravity this could be interpreted as a similar charge - similar charges repel (+ and +, - and -). The local force engulfing the object vs. Earth's force - interpreted as similar charges?

Might all this complex interaction really produce antigravity?



Post by AM »

P. P. S. Add an outer rotating (electro-)magnetic field of high-density and run the ball lightning (which engulfes the object and is nothing but a spherical wave, because all lines form a closed loop) through it.

The ball lightning/wave-sphere progresivelly transforms into a gravitational bubble. And gravitational waves wiggle through the wrapped planes of the universe, which touch eachother. THE TIME MACHINE CUM TELEPORTATION DEVICE.

Depends on what you add or leave out it can be an antigravity saucer or the FTM.



If we consider Dr. Brown's special diode we see two aspects:

- communication
- travel (through time and space)
Last edited by AM on Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mr. Nice Guy
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Post by Mikado14 »

I see the name Coulomb bantered about quite a bit. I see an amount of mixing between Coulomb's Law and Coulomb.

Coulomb's Law I have condensed to it's simpliest.

Coulomb is a unit of charge that can be expressed in terms of Voltage and Capacitance.

What do you want to talk about?

It is almost as if the definition of magnetism has been looked up and in 50 words or less it is defined. The mere act of reading the definition and understanding it doesn't mean you understand it.

Just a word of caution.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy