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"Thermo" & Fusion

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:55 pm
by Paul S.
FM No Static At All wrote: It is argued that the sun not a nuclear fusion reaction but rather an electrodynamic one. Hence the surface temperature of 6000 deg. instead of the millions required for nuclear fusion. Farnsworth's fusor was such a solar fusion-like device. Great call, Mr KB!
You know, I always thought the Fusor was a "thermonuclear" device, but I was recently corrected on that score.

If by "thermo" we mean reaching the incredibly high temperatures -- millions of degrees -- believed to be found in the core of the sun (or, I guess, within a hydrogen bomb at the instant of detonation), then the Fusor is NOT a thermonuclear device.

By virtue of its internal, electrostatic dynamics, a Fusor manages to fuse ions withOUT the necessity of generating such high temperatures. High temperatures may result from the reactions, but the high temperatures are not a prerequisite, as is the case in "hot" fusion reactors, i.e. the magnetic confinement devices, the giant tokamaks.

Tokamaks produce fusion -- in the words of Townsend Brown -- by "brute force." Like rocketry.

A fusor is something considerably more elegant -- and efficient.


Re: A Wiki? Hmmmm...

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:23 pm
by Paul S.
natecull wrote: A hosted wiki might be a quick way to get started, or you could install a wiki engine on a website you control. If you do, I'd recommend, it's a simple little wiki that doesn't need a database, just a file system, so should be dead easy to install. It can be locked down with passwords or left wide open.
Well, maybe somebody could install a wiki engine, but I don't think it would be me.

I'm still reeling from the vicious e-mails I got over the weekend from some clown who got all bent out of shape when his non-activated registration was purged from the member roles. He resented being "purged" and assured me me repeatedly and in no uncertain terms how "stupid" it is that he would actually have to follow the procedures that all the rest of you have followed to get signed on here. It was an oddly debilitating exchange, I just had to keep considering the source. In any event, we won't be hearing from that joker again.

No, what I'm wondering nate is how a Wiki would work from the user's point of view... how, assuming you got the "engine" in place, it would be used, how it would be organized, toward what end, etc.

It does seem to me, as I'm sure it does to others, that we are dealing with a spasmodically enormous universe of material here, and if there's some way a platform could be devised so that this information could "self organize itself," well, that would be a proposition worth at least looking into.


wrong way beans

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:08 pm
by Linda Brown
Paul, what you said here was great.

"That's the passage that spurred me to comment. Because I think you over estimate the extent to which "the Carolines" have been willing to reveal themselves.

Specifically, I think "spill the beans" may be over-stating the case somewhat. They show you the bag, sure. You can watch them open it and turn it over. But then it turns out to be an "antigravity bean bag." Even completely upside down, the beans don't really spill out.

You just know there are beans in there.

And so it goes. "

Thats a great way of looking at this whole problem and the only thing that I thought of was the other phrase that we keep using here on the forum ... that information sort of " bubbles up"

And strange as it seems your antigravity beans makes all the sense. But they don't spill out of the bag the way normal beans would .... because they want to be those bubbles that broach the surface. You can't as much pick them up and hoard them in other bags .... they are bound , like air bubbles to reach the surface .... and to be dispensed. So this whole bean bag deal just doesn't work by the normal rules.

I made no sense just then except maybe to myself. Sorry.

I loved the antigravity beanbag vision though. All gathered up... open at the bottom ..... won't spill out ..... so what do you have to do? Just open a hole in the top. Linda

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:27 pm
by AM
I loved the antigravity beanbag vision though. All gathered up... open at the bottom ..... won't spill out ..... so what do you have to do? Just open a hole in the top.

Can I have some of these?

A flying saucer: 50 million $

A levitating bean: PRICELESS.


P. S. What happens if you feed a raccoon with these beans? You get a flying raccoon!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:42 pm
by kevin.b
Paul S,

With regards to the sun.

I consider that we are fooled, and mainly fooled by our inadequate detection systems built around sight.

All our scientific devices are built here upon the surface of this planet and are a consequence of the condition upon this planets surface, nobody has been out in space, or anywhere near the sun.

When in space , they are still inside materials composed of the condition here on this planet, we are thus fooled into assigning all laws of physics here on this planet, and transferring them out of this condition and arrogantly concluding that everywhere else will conform.

I cannot understand why it is so ridiculous to suggest that there may be life upon the surface of the sun?

What if the sun is a mere huge planet, a vastly larger planet that thus creates a vastly larger condition about itself which to our senses and detectors looks like its a molten mass.

what we observe and detect may be an occurance thousands of miles off the surface of the sun, and that occurance may be electrical caused by the vast resistance to the freeflow of space through the sun.

I can think of two opposite senarios that may occur with stars, either they are merely planets that are so big , and continue to grow that they form such a resistance to space and thus appear as they do, or more likely they are planets that have reached such a size , that they go into reverse and start to dissolve back out into space , that which origonally compressed into them.

That last senario may occur as the pressure of the space stuff drops within a galaxy that is devouring so much of it , as mass forms .

Thus it would be akin to a vast tidal situation of ebb and flow, with the pressure dictating conditions upon each formed mass, a constantly fluxing system, over vast time scales.

I do not consider that light comes from the sun, but light occurs in line with facing field conditions aligning as mass turns, ( I don't even consider that , but I sound mad enough already without further complicating the whole situation by suggesting that nothing is moving , just the field conditions are moving upon a fixed lattice )

Thus light is not a linear subject, but a consequence that occurs relevant to differing field positions and circulating strengths, and the exact same for gravity, it is nothing more than a condition focused to the surface of a globe, not focussed to the centre of the globe, only the geometry is focussed there, the condition of light and gravity is to the surface, whereever the surface is, if you dig a hole two miles down, that surface is the surface at that point.

If you are under water , the surface is still the surface of the seabed, the water is attempting to go to that surface and thus the pressure is above the surface at a scale relevant to the distance between the surface and the sea level, I think its half a pound increase per foot.

Space is doing exactly the same, except that the pressure reading is totally in the opposite direction, as the sea of space is around the planet pushing inwards, so the pressure reading decreases as altitude increases, its simple, K.I.S.S


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:03 pm
by AM
Yes! I doubt that Dr. Brown was using the analogy of a sea-submerged glass-globe just for didactical purpose.

Mr. Mikado, let me return to the Coulomb's law and try to be more concise.

The departure is the fact that there is a preponderance of one side which induces a movement in a particular direction.

Under normal circumstances the charges attract eachother equally, but here there is a preponderance in one direction i. e. the negative electrode chases the positive one.

We ascertained that Earth and it's atmosphere (ionosphere) can be envisioned as a big capacitor. The curved ground represents one electrode and the atmosphere (ionosphere) the other. Electrodes are made of conducting materials. Ionosphere is be the virtue of it's plasmatic nature conductive to the frequencies which are above and below the plasma-frequency of it. Plasma-frequency is of essential importance in the OHT-radar.

The ground as the other electrode is also a conductor. The whole Earthly globe is one big conductor.

When building a flying saucer you just have to accomplish that the preponderance will be on the side of saucer vis-a-vis Earth surface. Then the saucer will be the chased electrode - it will be pushed (up)

Earth, planets and space itself can be interpreted along the lines of the Biefel-Brown effect - the "chasing" movement.

Different potential of K and mu in space and vis-a-vis planets induce MIGRATION from low K and mu to high K and mu - this is gravity.

Structure of space:
So it can be interpreted that pure space energy is essentially equivalent to electricity and that extra-galactic space is negatively charged. Any gravitational field will possess an electric field, the direction of which is from negative to positive. In this way, gravitational or space potential is inversely related to electrical potential. A freely insulated body assumes an electric charge which is related to the gravitational potential of the space in which it exists.

As an example, in the solar system, the electrical potential of the planets is of negative sign and that of the sun is positive. The more distant the planets are, the more negative.

In a sense, one may imagine the gravitational potential as inversely related to the electric potential.
You just have to consider everything along the paradigm of the negative electrode "chasing" the positive one.

The chasing is actually a kind of a pressure. The outer space is seen from the electrical point of view charged negatively and therefore it chases, it presses down.

Is space really just a complex structure of interacting high and low K and mu zones?

Time being closely related to gravity is then just the MIGRATION - the MOVEMENT induced by the difference in potential of these zones.

Time and space as just different phases of one of the same thing. Time is then the excited phase.


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:22 pm
by AM
Mr. Schatzkin, let us return to Farnsworth and plasma-containment aspect of his work.

Earth's ionosphere is nothing, but plasma - a cloud of ions and free electrons. The plasmatic condition is caused by the solar radiation of air, which is a mixture of gases.

Since the ionosphere is the inner part of magnetosphere, we can therefore very nicely observe Farnsworth's principle of plasma-containment via magnetic fields.

From the Wikipedia:
In the magnetosphere, a mix of free ions and electrons from both the solar wind and the Earth's ionosphere is confined by magnetic and electric forces that are much stronger than gravity and collisions.
In the nuclear fusion working with the help of magnetism we have the following situation:
The charged ions of fusion fuel follow spiral orbits around magnetic field lines (see Guiding center#Gyration), and the fuel is therefore trapped along the field lines.
The ions in the ionosphere also merely follow the magnetic field lines of the magnetic field which is on the outside (THE OUTER LAYERS OF MAGNETOSPHERE). The magnetic field forces ions into a spherical trajectory.

As in Dr. Bussard's patent the containment is INDIRECT - you do not contain plasma with the magnetic field directly, because magnetic field can contain neutral plasma only very poorly. The containment is executed INDIRECTLY via the electrons due to the fact that they are easily contained by the magnetic field, because electrons are very light.

The ionosphere is nothing but a big cloud of plasma with a lot of ions and electrons inside.


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:34 pm
by AM
Kevin said:
I cannot understand why it is so ridiculous to suggest that there may be life upon the surface of the sun?
I PERFECTLY AGREE - AND IT IS NOT RIDICULOUS!. In fact according to certain occult traditions (and NO, I do not mean THEOSOPHY, which is actually quite rightly denigrated by Rene Guenon as THEOSOPHISM) there is indeed life on the Sun.

Another food for thought. Do you really think human bodies were always made of flesh?

When in space , they are still inside materials composed of the condition here on this planet, we are thus fooled into assigning all laws of physics here on this planet, and transferring them out of this condition and arrogantly concluding that everywhere else will conform.


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:47 pm
by kevin.b
I should have said about the ionosphere, I think of that as the surface of space.
We are a consequence of the condition upon the surface of the planet.

The sea of space is upside down to our normal perception of things, we are in the glass bowl Dr Brown talked of.
When I see reports that such as harrp are playing at pushing the ionosphere up , I think of it cracking , and the sea of space flooding in here?
I think of all of the formed spheres of mass as been either positive or negative in relationship with other spheres of mass, and those relationships will change as the geometry of specific points on the spheres surface align across space geometrically.
I see those points as been where such as volcanos are, and when they emitt, it is a time of alignment where opposite charges are firing across space, the molten lava will be a result of those electrical occurances not far under the surface in a localised point of resistance, not any of this molten centre of the planet makes any sense, especially gravity been focussed there, it would implode, its rubbish, solid hydrogen makes more sense.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:53 pm
by AM
I should have said about the ionosphere, I think of that as the surface of space.
We are a consequence of the condition upon the surface of the planet.

The sea of space is upside down to our normal perception of things, we are in the glass bowl Dr Brown talked of.
I was thinking of exactly the same! I mean the glass bowl. We are INSIDE it. Yes. And the notion of ionosphere as the surface of space is highly original. Ionosphere as the outer layer of space that surrounds Earth.

And if the space itself has a negative charge in relation to Earth then it is quite logical that gravity will be that outer pressure (as with the sea and the submerged glass bowl) excercised by the negative charge of space. THE PRESSURE. THE PUSH. THE NEGATIVE CHASING THE POSITIVE.

The following is one of those key pieces of puzzle:
I think of all of the formed spheres of mass as been either positive or negative in relationship with other spheres of mass, and those relationships will change as the geometry of specific points on the spheres surface align across space geometrically.


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:12 pm
by kevin.b
The lattice I detect has a stunning geometry, I simply observe that in 2d.
I can think it outwards and inwards, from infinity to infinity , as big as it goes and as small as it goes.
I consider the last TIME this system was better comprehended was when the Normans invaded England, a certain abott was at the front of all of the comprehension, his name was abbot suger, of St Dennis , paris.
I think they obtained books dating from a long TIME ago, probably sanskrit, those books will still be held in the kings chapel in Paris.
Abbot suger and his merry men produced gothic architecture , this is the lattice turned ninty degrees , he wanted to show his God, he knew how he operated.
He also scoured the globe for certain rocks, especially precious stones, he put coloured glass into the cathedrals and flooded the interior with light, but thats where everyone has made the mistake of only using their limited senses, not the light you see, the system that creates light, that creates everything, it has measure, the cathedrals are to that measure, I check them .
Think of them flooding the interior with coloured parts of the spectrum, then also filling the interior with incenses.
We three kings of orienteering afar, bearing gifts , following yonder star, star of wonder, star of light.
The magi could follow the geometry, so can I.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:34 pm
by AM


a.) The lattice principle of terrestrial lines - the grid.

b.) The crystal nature of this grid

c.) The principles of alignment - alignment in the sense of time cycles and vibration. This causes resonance. Two tuned pitch-forks - hit one and the other will start to vibrate and due to this there will be a transfer of energy between them.

MEASURE. PROPORTION. VIBRATION. ALIGNMENT. What do you get if you utilize all these?

Remember the Freemasons! God as the GRAND ARCHITECT OF THE WORLDS.

If you would know that your civilization will end, how would you convey the knowledge to the entirely ignorant people which will follow you.

Through alphabet and numbers? No, it's too complicated, too human, too relative and dependent on the culture.

YOU TAKE PROPORTIONS. The proportions will remain the same indpendent of the systems. 5 : 10 is always 5 : 10 no matter if expressed through a vigesimal or our decimal system.


P. S. SHAPE, SUBSTANCE AND SPATIO-TEMPORAL ALIGNMENT (with the rythms of time and positions in space) - the Gothic cathedral, the Pyramids, etc. If you know how to combine these, then you have a lot.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:34 pm
by Langley
AM wrote:
If the Caroline Group arent dissenters, well Im not interested.
At this stage in the proceedings, Im having trouble with the technicalities.

So Ive defaulted to my ideological position, and in that, I concure with your earlier statements of concern of an economic nature.

Money is means by which the masses transact with the powers that be.

And in that there is always a conflict or tension between those who value the individual and those who would put the collective first.

And so there is a group who would release this technology and a group who would continue to conceal it.

As for my theory re the transmutation of neutrinos. Well it makes sense to me. Am still looking. If it can be shown that certain circuits result in neutrinos being pushed into them and transmuted into electrons in such a way as to do work within that circuit in can be shown that over unity devices are not really that. A clue is that the Gunn diode circuit shows a pause and then a period of oscillation and a pause and so on.

As if that which is being fed in depletes, and then builds back up and so on.

In my search for a neutrino transmutation circuit I came across that Martian character and thought, oh yeah, a beta ray gun. Never runs out of ammo. Whimsy.

Conventionally the solar fusion reaction is put down to gravity as the main thing.

A hydrogen bomb is put down to implosion forces of the fission trigger.

The fundamental thing is to enable nuclear forces to work and that is a proximity thing. It doesnt matter how it is done, the two protons have get close enough to overcome their electrical repulsion. Passed that threshold, the nuclear force is invoked.

Is there a way of overcoming the electrical repulsion of two protons and in so doing invoking the nuclear force which does not involve the application of "brute force"?

Most of our discussions have electrons as the primary focus. ie negative ions.

fusion is the result of the interaction of protons. ie positive ions.

It is I think quite easy to accelerate negative ions. It is harder to accelerate positive ions.

However, there may be some mechanism whereby the movement of negative ions through a positive ion field would induce fusion adjacent to the track of the negative ions.

This might occur by means of lateral vectors at 90 degrees to the electron primary vector.

As an example imagine a TV tube containing a positive ion plasma. Turn the TV on. The track of the electron beam issued by the electron gun would be truncated by the electron capture of the positive ions. But prior to that, there would be distance travelled by the high speed electrons into the plasma.

The positive ions move rapidly toward the track, having been attracted by the strongly negative passage of the electrons. But they miss. They are moving towards the track from 360 degrees around the track. So there is a fair number of disturbed positive ions - protons. Instead of picking up the electron, they miss, and collide with each other. If the combined velocity is high enough, electrical repulsion is overcome, invoking the nuclear force, fusion in a tv tube.


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:48 pm
by AM
Langley, what you say is very impressive. THREE KEYS - 1 social and 2 technological.

And in that there is always a conflict or tension between those who value the individual and those who would put the collective first.

And so there is a group who would release this technology and a group who would continue to conceal it.
This is an essential difference between totalitarian systems like fascism, nazism, communism and a Western democratic republic (RES PUBLICA - a public affair, thing). The collective vs. the individual.


As for my theory re the transmutation of neutrinos. Well it makes sense to me. Am still looking. If it can be shown that certain circuits result in neutrinos being pushed into them and transmuted into electrons in such a way as to do work within that circuit in can be shown that over unity devices are not really that. A clue is that the Gunn diode circuit shows a pause and then a period of oscillation and a pause and so on.

Is there a way of overcoming the electrical repulsion of two protons and in so doing invoking the nuclear force which does not involve the application of "brute force"?
Think of T. H. Moray and his oscillating circuits. His apparatus for transforming the radiant energy into electricity worked on the principle of oscillating circuits and capacitors ALIGNED and CONNECTED in a special way. THE KEY WAS RESONANCE.

Oscillating electrical circuits – coupled plasma-amplifiers in form of tubes – antenna – grounding.

Principle: Resonance harmony of the plasma in the tubes by which it was possible to take absorb the radiant energy. Plasma (ionized gas) + electrical charge. You must excite the atoms of the gas into a specifically active phase i. e. ions.

Plasma, ions and ion-acoustic waves might perhaps serve as a kind of an INTERMEDIARY between NEUTRINOS and ELECTRONS and HELPING WITH THE TRANSFORMATION.

Again, playing it fast and loose here. I have to be more careful.


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:52 pm
by AM
Ion-acoustic waves belong to the ELECTROSTATIC CATEGORY and are LONGITUDINAL in their character. In magnetized plasma they are PARALLEL to the MAGNETIC FIELD.

Langley, Dr. Moray also made experiment with radioactive elements!

Now, you are an expert in this field and I am an outsider. Please give us a little bit of your technical magic here and try to sort the above out. Try to offer an EXPERT's, AN INSIDER's VIEWPOINT!