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Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:43 am
Basically I just want to go beyond the present lifter design.
As far as developing this into a large size saucer, I don't see that in my plans.
Excuse me if I don't reveal what is in my head for further down the line.
Things have a habit of changing in life, so I just go where the road leads.
As far as the future in pursuing this.
It is just a goal of me contributing what I believe is capable of being done.
What happens later only GOD knows.


Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:00 am
by Martin Calloway
I understand perfectly MarkM your reluctance to outline your plans.

Some things are better left close to your chest and heart , if they manifest themselves in the future it will be a wonderful thing. A dream come true.

I am not asking you to share what your plans are , but I am going to ask you to spend great amounts of time focusing on them carefully. It has been my experience that you have to see every little detail strongly in your mind before your plans become a reality. If that vision remains hazy then the resultant product drawn from that vision is also hazy ... and I would not wish that for you.



Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:10 am
Good reply, glad you understand.
I've always wondered why, with so many lifter duplications in the world, why hasn't anyone else asked like thinkers to progress to another level.
Trust me when I say, that no matter how hard I try to think other thoughts, this idea keeps returning like a pesky fly!
You ever "see" things sometimes and just know that it can be or will be?
That's what I see.


Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:32 am
by Martin Calloway
Me too! <g> Its like that pile of mashed potatoes on your plate! <g> Martin


Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 11:35 pm
I am happy to report that I have found a reference to a website that Iost awhile back.
This makes for interesting reading dealing with charging high-k dielectrics.
Visit this website:www.the
I am sure everyone will be impressed.
The actual site I was looking for appears to have been taken off the web.
The original website was the Mcmaster Gravity Research Foundation.
Just another step to completing Pegasus!


Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:13 am
This week I will be ordering my power supply !
I have been thinking alot on different experiments, and I am sure progress will be made!


Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:58 am
by greggvizza
What power supply are you thinking of purchasing?



Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:02 am
I was thinking of the 50kv@5ma supply from Information Unlimited.
But I also noticed a 50kv@40ma on Ebay.
Email me at my regular email address and tell me what you think.


Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:38 pm
by Mikado14
Didn't know where else to put this. I might be a way to fund a project:

From: Mrs. Susan Jones.
7 Old Church Street,
Chelsea, SW3 5LT,
London, England.

Dear Friend,

My name is Mrs. Susan Jones from United Kingdom, wife of late Dr. Greg Jones who died December 2nd 2006, 'May his soul rest in peace'. My late husband was into private practice all his life before his death. Our life together as husband and wife lasted for years without a child. He died after a protracted illness, but before his death we vowed to start Charity Project to uplift the downtrodden and the less-privileged individuals, as he had passion for persons who cannot help themselves due to physical disability or financial predicament. I can adduce this to the fact that we needed a child from this relationship, which never come till his death.
Before his death, he deposited the sum of 5,000,000.00GBP (Five Million Great Britain Pounds Sterling) to his local bank account here in UK with the good heart of using it for the Charity Project and till now the money is still with the Bank. After series of medical test on me last week, my Doctor has told me that I have limited days to live due to Cancerous illness known as Leukemia, which has affected my heart system. Though what bothers me most is the stroke that I have in addition to this cancer. With this hard reality that has befallen me, I have decided to give you this money and I want you to use this gift which come from my late husband effort to assist the upkeep of widows, widowers, orphans, destitute, the down-trodden, physically challenged children, barren-women and persons who prove to be genuinely handicapped financially as planned with my late husband before his sudden death.
For accepting to help me receive this money in your local bank account and also to invest it on Charity Project, you would take 10% of the 5 Million Great Britain Pounds for your personal use and all your expenses during the charity project after receiving the money will be deducted from the huge sum. As soon as I receive your reply through this my confidential email address

[email protected]

Be assured that I will sign the necessary Probate Document to make you my Next of Kin, hence empower you as the Original Beneficiary of the money and I will also give you the bank contact where the money was deposited in UK to avoid delay in transferring the money to you. I will expect your positive response with urgency as you would be bless for your humanity. God bless you and members of your family.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Susan Jones

The grammar is atrocious, I'm betting it is real (<G>). I get one of these a day, sometimes two.

Anyone know how the hell to stop this?



Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:41 pm
by greggvizza
It seems like the ones coming out of Nigeria. I would bet that's it's origin. Different story but the same exact style.


Re: sorting it out

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:26 pm
by FM No Static At All
Mikado14 wrote: All I can say is - what? And what is my desire? The only item I can agree with is what does it have to do with Lifters?

I give up. You win. This obfuscation must stop.

I'd like to take a stab at this using Ralph Ring who claimed to have been aboard a disc he helped design with Otis Carr a protege of Tesla's. Ralph Ring claimed that when they were instructed to focus on a particular "something" they were some how transported about 10 miles from their original point, but no one could remember the journey. They were then instructed to reach into their pockets where they discovered grass, dirt, pebbles that they had picked up when they got to the destination 10 miles from their origin, after some period of time each started remembering what had transpired. The explanation given was that the human mind initially was unable to grasp or understand what had happened. So yes, it does seem to have a psychoactive connection.

There is another phenomena that took place prior to the "launch" which bears recollection here as well. When high voltage was applied to the disk, a noticeable vibration was detected when Mr. Ring placed his hand on the outer surface. When the frequency was increased, the metal shell seemed to feel "spongy". And when the frequency was increased further, at some point his hand went through the disk and he could feel the cooler air inside.

This sounds very similar to what was described to have taken place aboard the USS Eldridge during the experiments in invisibility to radar as part of Project rainbow. But they used very high voltages and high frequency which also when it reached a certain point, exhibited similar effects to what Ralph Ring alleged took place in the California countryside.

My speculation is that the effects of gravity were nulled first by making the craft lighter and then as the frequency increased, cause the gravitational bounds to loosen withing the mass itself. Its structural integrity was disrupted by the high voltage/high frequency surrounding the mass of the craft. In regards to Beifeld-Brown effect, we are talking about thrust, propulsion, or the electrogravitic effect that as Brown stated, was different that the Coulomb effect because of the asymmetry of th electrodes and not the equality of force. In the capacitive circuit. In the case of a flying disk that utilizes electrostatics ionization of the air molecules, lift is achieved by classical physical law.

Re: sorting it out

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:03 pm
by Mikado14
FM No Static At All wrote:
Mikado14 wrote: All I can say is - what? And what is my desire? The only item I can agree with is what does it have to do with Lifters?

I give up. You win. This obfuscation must stop.

I'd like to take a stab at this using Ralph Ring who claimed to have been aboard a disc he helped design with Otis Carr a protege of Tesla's. Ralph Ring claimed that when they were instructed to focus on a particular "something" they were some how transported about 10 miles from their original point, but no one could remember the journey. They were then instructed to reach into their pockets where they discovered grass, dirt, pebbles that they had picked up when they got to the destination 10 miles from their origin, after some period of time each started remembering what had transpired. The explanation given was that the human mind initially was unable to grasp or understand what had happened. So yes, it does seem to have a psychoactive connection.

There is another phenomena that took place prior to the "launch" which bears recollection here as well. When high voltage was applied to the disk, a noticeable vibration was detected when Mr. Ring placed his hand on the outer surface. When the frequency was increased, the metal shell seemed to feel "spongy". And when the frequency was increased further, at some point his hand went through the disk and he could feel the cooler air inside.

This sounds very similar to what was described to have taken place aboard the USS Eldridge during the experiments in invisibility to radar as part of Project rainbow. But they used very high voltages and high frequency which also when it reached a certain point, exhibited similar effects to what Ralph Ring alleged took place in the California countryside.

My speculation is that the effects of gravity were nulled first by making the craft lighter and then as the frequency increased, cause the gravitational bounds to loosen withing the mass itself. Its structural integrity was disrupted by the high voltage/high frequency surrounding the mass of the craft. In regards to Beifeld-Brown effect, we are talking about thrust, propulsion, or the electrogravitic effect that as Brown stated, was different that the Coulomb effect because of the asymmetry of th electrodes and not the equality of force. In the capacitive circuit. In the case of a flying disk that utilizes electrostatics ionization of the air molecules, lift is achieved by classical physical law.
Mr. FM,

You took a piece of a quote from me and I had no idea what I was talking about so I had to go back and find the source of the quote. The discussion started out in regard to an electrophorectic response possibility of a biological entity that would be riding a craft being subjected to the magnetic field.

However, from my own work, I believe you need to reevaluate certain facts you have in regard to the Biefeld-Brown effect. Thrust is an effect of a cause, in other words, it is a result of an action.


Reduced Binding

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:09 pm
by Griffin

The reduced binding effect was discussed by Wilbert Smith, as I believe you know, as an explanation for some accidents and disappearances in various geographic areas. It has also been considered as the cause of crashes of jet fighters during the period when the U.S. Air Force was authorizing aggressive pursuit of some UFOs with alleged "Shoot Them Down" orders.

An interesting thought -- Why didn't the craft you're describing, as well as other candidates, fall apart too? The facile answer is, of course: "Because they never existed." But what if they did, and do?


Re: sorting it out

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:10 pm
by FM No Static At All
Mikado14 wrote: Mr. FM,

You took a piece of a quote from me and I had no idea what I was talking about so I had to go back and find the source of the quote. The discussion started out in regard to an electrophorectic response possibility of a biological entity that would be riding a craft being subjected to the magnetic field.

However, from my own work, I believe you need to reevaluate certain facts you have in regard to the Biefeld-Brown effect. Thrust is an effect of a cause, in other words, it is a result of an action.

Yes sir, I believe the cause can be found in dielectrophoresis. Thank you! It was the "desire" question that I was addressing, and drawing attention to a link between thought and how the device worked.
Griffin wrote:he reduced binding effect was discussed by Wilbert Smith, as I believe you know, as an explanation for some accidents and disappearances in various geographic areas. It has also been considered as the cause of crashes of jet fighters during the period when the U.S. Air Force was authorizing aggressive pursuit of some UFOs with alleged "Shoot Them Down" orders.
There has to be two effects that emanate from the same "cause" depending on the strength of that cause. In reading the cause of gravitation by Aspden, it would seem that there are two distinct gravitation relationships.
1. The gravitational properties that bind matter itself
2. The gravity of Newtonian physics that makes the apple fall down and not up
In essence it would seem that the stronger of the two is the latter as it would seem that gravity between masses can be overcome before either was will lose structural integrity. Yes?
Griffin wrote:Why didn't the craft you're describing, as well as other candidates, fall apart too? The facile answer is, of course: "Because they never existed." But what if they did, and do?
Well now if jets crash while chasing them, it does seem they do exist. And if they do, then they would be subject to the gravity forces as described above.


Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:15 am
by Rose
My web wanderings tonight brought me to a place holder page for Halo Orbital Technologies, which states:

HALO Orbital Technologies will activate this site in 2008 when we are ready to share our new propulsion technologies with the public. Mark this URL for changes so you will know when we begin releasing information. It is so radical that you will be forced to re-think what you thought you knew about propulsion.

Another Copernican revolution in thought is about to occur in your lifetime.

Clue #1: The speed of light will no longer be a barrier or a limit.

A who-is search brings up Stan Deyo as the owner of record. I'm just posting this here, so we can recheck the link from time to time, unless someone knows him and has any more information about this new propulstion technology??
