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Re: Brain Prints, P300, Where is Brown's work in all this?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:51 pm
by ETernalightwithin
LongboardLOVELY wrote: So what does this mean? Well, recent research into BCI (Brain-Computer Interfacing) has used the P300 to start "mapping" the brain. Altruistically, one could feasibly create an entire human brain on the computer. This could help people create cures for brain cancer, study the effects of aging, and eradicate traumatic brain injury....
Or download your consciousness into a computer brain matrix after your body's death. Niven, I believe. ;)


Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:35 am
by Gewis
Actually, I just saw a colloquium on Wednesday where the presenter (from NIST) said that, for a quantum computer of 32 qubits, you could store extremely massive amounts of information... more bits than there are particles in the universe. I didn't take notes and may have gotten that off. However, somebody else mentioned the Matrix, and I leaned over and said, "If it's possible to do, odds are we're already in it."

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 10:13 pm
by flowperson
Gewis...I learned from my experiences in licensing technologies out of a large research university that a major rule of thumb in the trade was that anything appearing on the public scene had likely been explored and utilized in the military and intelligence realms at least 20 years earlier. That would mostly apply to major discoveries and not just logical improvements upon existing stuff.

Quantum computing hardware and techniques have probably been extensively utilized by NSA for some time now. The first mentions of rudimentary usage in the public sector began to appear about 8-10 years ago.

flow.... :wink:

lead times

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:58 am
by twigsnapper
Lead times of at LEAST twenty-five years. And then the information just SEEMS to " bubble to the surface" (as Elizabeth knows I am parttial to saying.)

If someone happens to be there when that happens then it get noted. If not then it is just a technology that is not noticed at all for even more years. Amazing how that can happen, but it seems to. Fifty years later someone "rediscovers" what was there all the time. Maybe thats what was getting ready to happen to Townsend Browns work. A concern for all of us who admired him so much. But I think that fear has been put aside now thanks to Pauls efforts and all of you. There are too many people now watching for that bubble to break the surface.

We talked about this exact topic once, Dr. Brown and I. I expressed my concern about the fact that there SEEMED to be a military movement to "suck back down" all of the information that as far as they were concerned would even prove that he had ever been there. He just smiled and we talked about how information was like those bubbles and how it was natural and unavoidable that such bubbles would someday rise to the surface. I said " But what if no one notices when they get to the surface" and he just smiled and said something that perhaps you all will think is funny and strange. He said " Well I guess that the whale just had better make sure its in the right place at the right time" After that he and I refferred to information destined for the surface as simply " Whale farts" and actually I still use that phrase and can almost see him smiling when I do. twigsnapper

Lead Times and Whale Farts

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:07 am
by LongboardLOVELY
flowperson wrote:Gewis...I learned from my experiences in licensing technologies out of a large research university that a major rule of thumb in the trade was that anything appearing on the public scene had likely been explored and utilized in the military and intelligence realms at least 20 years earlier. That would mostly apply to major discoveries and not just logical improvements upon existing stuff.

Quantum computing hardware and techniques have probably been extensively utilized by NSA for some time now. The first mentions of rudimentary usage in the public sector began to appear about 8-10 years ago.

flow.... :wink:

I absolutely agree with you. Andy and I are always talking about how certain things seem to appear, disappear, and then re-appear as "new discoveries" when in actuality they are not new.

I remember back about ten years ago GE was introducing voice-recognition to activate control of your home or car. But my father, who was working for a military contract company at that time said that this technology wasn't new at that time.

And Mr. Twigsnapper, I really liked that Whale Farts reference. I had heard that before a long time ago, but it makes me think of Nemo's dad not believing that Dory can speak whale :)

Andy and I are going to be posting here soon, about a thought I had for a link between BCI and Electrogravitics, but he says it better than I do. We are still working on the wording. Got to get it right.


right wording?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:13 am
by ladygrady

You have me wondering what could be so important perhaps for you to worry about getting the wording right? Count on me waiting!

A link up between "brain prints" and Dr. Browns electrogravitics?

Definitely waiting for this bubble!

And you said that you had heard that " whale farts" reference before? Would that have been from Linda Brown herself? Or someone else in Browns circle of influence.? I love it myself and plan to hone my internal radar and sonar for " whale farts". It takes a certain calibration I figure. grady

Re: Lead Times and Whale Farts

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:32 pm
by ETernalightwithin
LongboardLOVELY wrote: Andy and I are going to be posting here soon, about a thought I had for a link between BCI and Electrogravitics, but he says it better than I do. We are still working on the wording. Got to get it right.
I'm sure you'll hit it right on.

in line too

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 10:49 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake

My, this is going to be an exciting week! Hopefully Paul will have another chapter ready for us AND we have this interesting post linking electrogravitics and some sort of brain wave work. Now thats pretty impressive! So count me in! The line waiting for this material forms on the right!


Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:34 pm
by flowperson

Yeah...I was involved for some time in the licensing and development of the original plasma display patent in the early 80's. The patent owner and the first licensee company allowed things to lapse in their period of original exclusion rights , the inventor moved on to another university, and we have giant screen plasma display TV's coming out of the woodwork; and, the original university holder of the first and original patent on the principles ends up getting zippo.

But there may have been some residual recognition by the TV developers to the owner of the first patent such as flowing back grants and contracts to the institution. Universities aren't business enterprises yet, but some are closing in on it. This is how the game is played and the wheels are greased in that research world.

flow.... :wink:

Brain printing and ambient gravitational fields

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:08 pm
by Chris Knight
A week ago, LongboardLOVELY woke me up at midnight to discuss a thought she had on the theory of the structure of space as related to brain printing. Her idea stemmed from the book, "A Wrinkle in Time," and we had a discussion of tesseract, or folding of the fabric of space to permit the travel through space instantaneously. It got me thinking, and I wanted to throw out a hypothetical situation to chew on, which was a bit clearer when I ended up awake the rest of that night mulling different possibilities over.

Let me set up a few parameters and situations first, and you all can poke holes in it as you see fit. Keep in mind that some of the assumptions are based on current understandings of time, space, linearity, etc.

1) Townsend Brown's interaction with Morgan in Chapter 32: Reflections on Biscayne Bay…

[quote] “He (Brown) said, ‘if it turned out that it would be possible to travel in time, what would you chose to do?’â€

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:28 pm
by Gewis
Douglas Adams said that if you went back in time and married your grandma, it wouldn't change anything. Your grandpa, it would turn out, is just an old you. Of course, that's Douglas Adams, and he was mostly just trying to be funny.

But he had a good point. The past has already happened. If you go back in time and observe some events, learn some things, then you haven't changed what happened. You were already in the past, observing those things, and whatever contribution or impact you made to that time has already been made and is already part of our universe.

In a sense, the future is already written, except all things being equally unknown, it's just as good as not being written. Choice and morality still matter. :)

So, what I want to know, if you can go back and forth through time, and Morgan has done it, what's it like in the 22nd century? :)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:34 pm
by Paul S.
Gewis wrote:So, what I want to know, if you can go back and forth through time, and Morgan has done it, what's it like in the 22nd century? Smile
He says it's hot and muggy in January, but there are great deals on beach front property in Pennsylvania and Nevada.


Seriously <g>

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:02 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Seriously Gewis

You said:
" If you go back in time and observe some events, then you haven';t changed what happened. You were already in the past, observing those things, and whatever contribution or impact that you made to that time has already been made and is already part of our universe."

But lets look at one persons perspective here. Lets pick Linda Brown.

She certainly was operating with her immediate senses in the sixties, but now in the year 2007 (or maybe even in the year 2010?) she certainly might know MORE about what was going on around her during that time ( for instance her time at Ashlawn in 1964. Much we have found out was deliberately withheld from this young girl. Her father at one time told Morgan that she “ Needed not to knowâ€

all able?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:00 am
by grinder
Thats an interesting thought. That we might ALL be able to interact with our past selves? How do you go about doing that? Well, first of all I guess that you have to understand that such a thing might be possible. But you know Elizabeth. 80% of us out here are just concerned with getting from point A to point B in our lives. Most of us don't even begin to think about this kind of stuff. But IF you could somehow inform yourself of things that you had discovered in the future, WHO WOULD EVER BELIEVE YOU? Is this the sort of thing all of these gifted people have had to deal with through the centuries. KNOWING but of course never being able to prove anything. And I think it would take a VERY RARE individual to understand that he/she was the source of this information and that the universe is made so that kind of crossover would be possible. Not a different PLACE in that other "dimension" but a different TIME. Wonderful thoughts!

You could travel then in a flash because its all just a matter of understanding and that occurs instantly. Interesting.

There is something that you are saying that makes some sense to me. Maybe because I have had those odd feelings that I could only attribute to some sort of supernatural experience. But maybe that is the wiser me in the future reaching back somehow to guide my path. Sort of an interesting closed loop if you ask me.

And it seems to me that the way it stands now only people who are genetically prone to this sort of " understanding" could even have half a chance to experience it. Could this sort of thing be genetically linked. Some sort of a DNA thing. I am no Biologist but I would sure like to hear more about what you guys might have to add to this discussion. I'm tapped out mentally, I think! grinder

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:15 am
by Gewis
I don't suppose that visions of the future, waking or dreaming, necessarily have any sort of technological link. Now, given how little we know, I won't rule that out. However, given the sorts of fulfilled prophecies, dreams of future events, and related things that happened historically long before such technologies were developed (if they've been developed), I'm disinclined to believe Linda's premonitions were because of some external technological apparatus. Hmm... but perhaps the mind can reach back in time and touch itself by virtue of its own psychic make-up? I couldn't tell you a mechanism by which that would happen.

We have so many vague things, so many riddles around here, adding another vastly speculative idea to the mix without a real foundation seems counter-productive. That's not even following a scent in a hunt. It's imagining a scent could possibly be here and then asking, "If so, what would it smell like?" So, I'll just stick with: premonitions and precognition exist, and we've all seen enough of those sorts of things to know it. Brainprints, mind (or psychic) signatures, exist. Space-time can be manipulated. And according to Morgan, time travel can occur. Beyond these, new questions like, "Can it occur?" are best answered by asking, "If it could occur, how would it?"