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Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:29 pm
by kevin.b
I would rather we all avoid the distraction of war.
Think of where stones are found vitrified, not by heat, not by nuclear but by stuff.
In Scotland many hill fort walls have vitrified sections, and it is only sections.
Before a hill fort was such a thing, imo, it will have been an embankment and ditch around one or several points, the dual spin flows would have been enticed onto the embankment and down into the ditch, always positioned where geometrically the flows would naturally go towards, but the chirality of the materials employed, mainly limestone/chalk will absord the flows and keep them from dispersing.
Then the gained up potential of the flows would have been enticed into barrows, these were built into the ground with huge stone as walls and even bigger stones over the top, usually around five ton apiece.
Then the barrow was covered in alternating layers of organic and inorganic layers , maybe ten of each, thus insulating the barrow, the floor of the barrow would also have been insulated except for specific points where detectable spiral pathways end.
The people entering the barrow will have raised a harmonic frequency to match the materials utilised, and the inflowing stuff will have created exactly what you are leading up to.
Then for some reason/, skip thousands of years and imagine you find these places as an invading army, a natural area to defend, thus build stone walls on the embankments, but they are still operating as design.
At specific alignments of celestial blobs of mass, the potential is even more amplified by the stone walls on top of the embankments, they overload and alter the structure of the stone into a glass like substance, probably scared the invaders to death.
Now everyone just scratches their heads and tries to work out how the required temperatures needed heat wise to cause vitrification could ever have been achieved, instead of thinking of the invisable.

I consider that the system must fluctuate over huge time spans, then it becomes evident and obvious, but after periods of hundreds of years of a lower potential, it is all forgotten about, and the lower potential times may also be times of hunger and starvation as everything on the planet suffers from the lower potential.
We have possibly been in a high potential zone for the past several hundred years, and raising constantly to a climax, possibly 2012?
As the potential raises , the hobbits appear out of a hole in the ground.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:47 pm
by AM
YES! I liked your post very much - I mean the line of thinking. It's brilliant, very original. I am still learning how to make baby-steps and chew on the material. AND I HAVE A LOT TO LEARN. Please give me time to contemplate it deeper.

Yes, I have seen the photos of these fortresses and the molten material. Especially in Scotland. And your explanation has up till now been the only one that I have heard of making DEEP sense.

2012 - oh, I wrote some thoughts down. And Solar Radiation - solar cycles. We have entered now the 24th solar cycle which will be one of the most intensive. IT WILL REACH IT's PEAK IN 2012.



You mentioned the Pole-shift. I read an interesting article about this possibility explained through the paradigm of the ELECTRICAL UNIVERSE. Cannot find it now though. What do you think?
Then the barrow was covered in alternating layers of organic and inorganic layers , maybe ten of each, thus insulating the barrow, the floor of the barrow would also have been insulated except for specific points where detectable spiral pathways end.
It's probably not the same and I really should be careful when drawing parallels like this, but you know what I was thinking about when reading this - REICH's ORGON ACCUMULATOR. All the layers!

Mr. Natecull - do you remember the Correa-material you mentioned? I mean, perhaps a lot of disinfo mixed inside, but still. Einstein and Reich met! And Einstein even did the temperature-experiment with the accumulator.

Enough for today.

P. S. Look, I know how this velocity is dangerous, but a bad habit is difficult to shed. And I always keep reminding myself that I perhaps I have just seen a glimmer. Will try to not play it so loose.

And I bet that the there still so many big holes that you can drive a whole of fleet through.

"I have often regretted my speech, never my silence."
- Xenocrates (396-314 B.C.)

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:47 pm
by FM No Static At All
kevin.b wrote: Now everyone just scratches their heads and tries to work out how the required temperatures needed heat wise to cause vitrification could ever have been achieved, instead of thinking of the invisable.

It is argued that the sun not a nuclear fusion reaction but rather an electrodynamic one. Hence the surface temperature of 6000 deg. instead of the millions required for nuclear fusion. Farnsworth's fusor was such a solar fusion-like device. Great call, Mr KB!


Oh let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dream
I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been
To sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen
They talk of days for which they sit and wait and all will be revealed

- Kashmir – Led Zeppelin

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:52 pm
by AM
Yes, agree! A very good point.

Try also to consider the Sun as an unipolar inductor - a conductor (Sun is nothing but a big ball of plasma - I know I am simplifying, but just for the sake of the argument ---> plasma is highly conductive) spinning inside a magnetic field. It generates electricity.

Might there be some strange interaction of these principles with the Farnsworth paradigm? The containment of that big ball of plasma through the natural magnetic field in which it is spinning?

Anyway, seen from an electrodynamic viewpoint, what does keep the whole big ball of plasma that is our Sun together?


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:18 pm
by kevin.b
Wilhelm Reich is one of my heroes, though the name orgone grates.
I sense, I feel instinctively that stuff is all that has ever been, is or will ever be, and it is alive, maybe not as we know life Jim, but life.

So I never ever forget the ultimate respect due to stuff, the ultimate respect.
When I almost become at one with it, I do sense a smile, its really bizzare.

So keep in mind who are now part of that stuff, for me, my mother and father, my little lovely daugter, my grandparents, and oh so many more I have known.
Would I dream of seeing stuff used as a weapon, not in a million years, especially when I consider I was that stuff, I am that stuff, I will be that stuff again.
We have to break the mind set of war, bring on the women, we men can play at building things then, stuff will provide whatever we need, just ask.

Re: The Supergraviton

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:36 pm
by FM No Static At All
Mikado14 wrote:
Fred, I must say that you have lost me. You mention two cylindrical surfaces which in my mind reminds me of a Joe Cell but then you throw in an inductor which now totally changes any circuit parameters for it is no longer just a capacitor. When you mention "current capacity" being calculated by the voltage and dielectric I must say that you have thrown me again or my brain is in neutral. You seem to be missing something from the equation there. As to a Compton constant, you have me again. I know about a "Compton wavelength" (???I think that is what I remember) but I have to say, you got me stumped.
FM No Static At All wrote: it is possible to achieve over unity gain at a significant rate as demonstrated by several patents, the earliest that I found is that of Daniel McFarland Cook using two coils wrapped inside one another with a dielectric material between each.

I looked it up for I did not recognize the name but I have seen it before and it was here on the forum but I just can't remember who linked it. Here is the link I found.

Are you referring to the Kraft paper as a dielectric? And if so, how is it affecting/aiding the action as described?

Sometimes I get so excited by the discovery, I fail to engage the brain before typing. My professional experience has been in horse and computer systems, and not physics. I am a student here not a teacher.

Here is a link that can explain the dual concentric capacitor thingy better than I.

Our Energy Future by Harold Aspden

Does anyone know of this guy other than I? I have only been reading his papers for about a year and a half, but I have yet to find anyone that has read him (I am referring mainly to the colleges nearby). Or is what he is saying "dangerous" to those that would actually understand it?

Sidereal (relating to stars) was used extensively by Dr. Brown, but is it only a synonym for something more obvious?


Re: why not pounding?

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:42 pm
by Trickfox
Elizabeth Helen Drake wrote:WHY INDEED IF WE HAVE SUCH A TECHNOLOGY ISN'T IT POUNDING THE IRAQI INSURGENCY INTO ASH? Double dog dare many of you to weigh in on that one!
There is no military action which could destroy the will of suicidal solders. it's a tactic that Tsun Soo knew all too well.

You cannot fight this war with armament.... you have to change the philosophy of hate. You have to illiminate the religious zealots who preach intolerance, repetitive trance-like devotion, and suicidal sacrifice.
For the new members who may not have seen this.


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:25 pm
by AM
Fred, I think you are right as far as Dr. Aspden is concerned. Perhaps we should take a closer look - at least I should. It seems to be very interesting. I have just skimmed through the article you quoted. And you surely did not dissapoint me. What an interesting reference to the Sun. Yet another angle of the electrical universe! By the way, Dr. Aspden qualifications are very impressive.

I have to read it properly tomorrow.

Would I dream of seeing stuff used as a weapon, not in a million years, especially when I consider I was that stuff, I am that stuff, I will be that stuff again. We have to break the mind set of war, bring on the women, we men can play at building things then, stuff will provide whatever we need, just ask.
Thank you for addressing the tacit concerns that many of us have. This is perhaps one of the best answers - bringing people on board. And it seems that this is what this forum is about. Obviously I have not appreciated this point enough.


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:33 pm
by kevin.b
You or somebody dealing with this coulombs law showed a picture of two points with circles around them.
The two circles overlapped each other thus formng a vesica pisces shape, start thinking creation.
I do not just detect a point, but countless points, they often occur near to each other, and are always measurable distance apart in divisions of inchs matching fibonnaci, ie;-55 inchs, 89 inchs,144 inchs etc,etc.
Annoyingly they are not exactly to inchs, it only shows up over longer distances , and took me months of frustrating measuring to realise.
I will device the exact unit of a new inch and call it a finch ( fibonnaci inch )
I was thinking of Hinch, hobbit inch , but that would be really confusing as it sounds the same, words are crap.
Anyway, where you have two points at 89 inchs apart, they will have 89 lines through the two points, 34 through one, 55 through the other.
Those liners will be the centre lines of nine lines of parallel lines to each line, the geometry is stunning, and always different
Hence my interest in crop circles, as the geometry shows up in many of them.
Mr Twigsnapper started the thread about crop circles, not me.

Imagine a ball of plasma trying to earth, for whatever reason the ball of plasma has formed, it tries to earth.
Imagine every single stalk of a crop field, having its own field, and because they are so closely packed, you end up with a field of fields in a field.
Imagine the ball of plasma heading for these points where the lattice geometry creates the spiral pathways along each line where the negative is constantly attracted to the point where the positive is sited , imagine what may occur in a field of fields as this overload of plasma earths into such a field.
Imagine me wandering about following this occurance and been able to determine the exact geometry around a crop circle, and the crop circle precisely matching this geometry, with the nodal points of the downed crops exploded and burnt, bent at ninty degrees in spiral fashion leading into a point, a point where a spun few strands of crops are left standing

It took me two hours to wander about in this formation last year, it was precisely to the matrix, the matrix is everywhere, but at certain crossing points the matrix is super concentrated, this field in england is such a spot, every other similer area i have found has a cathedral stuck on top of it. ... 007aa.html
look at page two pictures for the spiral nature.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:11 pm
by Langley
Neutrino transmutation inductor circuit.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:24 pm
by AM
Now, Langley, when I saw those four words in your posts I was already dancing and shouting: "This is it - the man has found it!"

Well, you can imagine that I was into quite a surprise.


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:25 pm
by Mikado14
AM wrote:Although I have shaved it does not mean that I am still not hazy in my mind. But since I already played so much racketball with my brain let me finish this game.

Ms. Drake - yes, Dr. Sarbacher. Let us not forget that it was him (along with his Irish co-worker) who fished Miether out of that internment camp.

And of course there is then the trip of those two young man before the Second World War. A trip to Italy. Casa Belluzzo.

Mr. Mikado, let me grab the Coulomb's law by it's horns. There is a truly seminal post that was made by Mr. Schatzkin i. e.
viewtopic.php?p=1699&highlight=coulomb& ... 97ea7#1699. There he explains the whole notion of sidereal radiation in a very coherent and clear fashion. He also cites a letter of Dr. Brown (from 1977):

"It is manifested as a departure from the Coulomb Law of electrostatic attraction, in that the opposite forces are not equal. The negative electrode appears to 'chase' the positive electrode, so that there is a net force of the system (dipole) in the negative-to-positive direction."

Now, please bear with me, because I am a just a student of languages and culture and not a properly technically educated person.

What always attracts my attention are the little footnotes, the brief remarks in brackets. And so it was also here.


DIGRESSION: ...............Text deleted because I am saving bandwidth ..Victoria....................................................., or eight thousand miles! Based on the results of the experiments the inverse square law does not apply to thought. This was the beginning of Marcel’s transformation from being a purely rational scientist to becoming a spiritual or mystical scientist.

Mr. Twigsnapper or anyone who has already figured it out - can you give us a nudge regarding the upstate New York area and THE FOUR POINTS?

THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Do you remember Strabo and all those psychic horses from North Africe, Mr. Twigsnapper? The one's which performed even in dire circumstance of WWII so well - before the gates of Moscow?

I rest my case here. Mr. Natecull an excellent post. One of the most sober analysis of the possible interaction between the Caroline Group, the COMPLEX and Dr. Brown. I would definitely like to respond

But let us also concentrate on Mr. Twigsnapper's answer. Every word is important. He does not speak a lot, but says volumes
AM, I had an answer interspersed between your quotes but then I became so exasperated I deleted it. I asked a simple question about the diversion from Coulombs Law and where it was. What Dr. Brown was referring to was the fact that the Biefeld-Brown did not follow it. How we ended up with crystals and psychic horses.....I am not sure.

I honestly believed my question was concise. I believe what I posted was short and would have given you direction predicated by past posts. I need to find a solid wall to find where the preponderance of attraction will head or the wall.


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:32 pm
by AM
The problem is that I should have made two separate posts. The line was not enough. Actually it should have been two separate or three posts. One of them specifically addressing what you asked i. e. departure from Coulomb's law.

Will try to correct that next time. When I am taking notes for myself I am simply inserting into the text what just comes to my mind. And now I have a big 50 or 60 pages file along the system that you have seen above.

Don't worry it's - your question was perfectly concise, it is just that I have not organized thing properly. About crystals and psychic horses - Mr. Twigsnapper made that important post about upstate New York, limestone and then there was your previous post. It came to my mind and I wrote it down so that people would keep the correlation on their mind. Should have done it in a separate post.


My nominee...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:33 pm
by Paul S.
...for best post ever:
Langley wrote:Im having trouble with the concept of stealth blimps.

Bit like Pamela Anderson putting on a Clingon Cloaking T shirt.

In the rain.
Except I think it's "Klingon," with a "K"


proofreading already

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:24 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
My, my, my .... Mr. Shatzkin is proofreading already but it does concern me just a little bit that his attention is drawn so to Pamela Andersons wet Klingon T shirt. And asking what our dear Victoria plans on wearing when meeting these time travelers! I think maybe hes not really back from vacation yet!

Coulombs Law Mr. Shatzkin. Coulombs Law.

I know, I know! Langley started it! <g> Elizabeth