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Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:34 pm
by kevin.b
Imagine yourself as an engine, with a dodgy part, a self fixing engine, if supplied with enough potential. ... nation.pdf
Its life Trickfox, but not how we know it, Osirion at Abydos.
An oversize joe=cell utilising very subtle signals?
Life could be sent across space, any distance, especially into water, we all live in a yellow submarine.
And our friends are all aboard, good.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:44 pm
by flowperson
Hi Guys...Tried to download the pdf from both of your links, but when I opened each try all I got was gibberish. Pretty pictures though.

flow.... :oops:

It's About Time

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:19 pm
by Trickfox
Finally our communications project will be viable. The trickfox has been waiting for a long time for this good news.... :lol:
February 1, 2008
Open Wireless Network Looms on Horizon
By Caron Carlson

Thanks to an unidentified bidder in the FCC's closely watched wireless spectrum auction, it's now all but guaranteed that an open wireless network will emerge in the United States.

The Federal Communications Commission, which is not revealing bidders' identifies, on Thursday said it had received a $4.7 billion offer for a block of frequencies in the 700MHz band.

In an effort to stimulate competition in broadband delivery and innovation in the wireless industry, the FCC decided last year that the winner of one subset of 700MHz frequencies -- known as the C Block -- must allow any devices and any applications on the network.


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:32 pm
by Trickfox
Hi Flow...
Are you sure that you recieving nothing more than distortion???

Must be because it comes from the soul.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:20 am
by flowperson
Hi Trickfox...Wasn't "Soul Distortion" an 80's band ? Still getting gibberish (lots of "B's" and lines) gibberish. The pictures are still pretty though.

flow.... :roll:

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:18 pm
by Mikado14
In regard to the Joe Cell and the afforded explanation of the internal working relation of the engine to the Cell, the advanced timing would have to be at the bottom of the stroke when the intake is open and the cylinder is not on a compression stroke. When it came to explaining the inner functions of the internal combustion engine I found the writer to be lacking. That would raise a question in my mind as to everything else they wrote. I do not doubt the claims of the writer just their interpretation of the operation. An implosion taking place in the cylinder, as the writer says, would be the logical answer but they mention "thrust" with implosion, thrust is normally interpreted as a "push" and previous to this explanation the writer mentions the "Biefeld-Brown" effect as to what is happening. If an implosion is taking place, a "negative" thrust or a "pull" would be necessary to bring the piston to top dead center.

This needs a little more analysis.


Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:03 pm
by kevin.b
Mikado 14,
What have you got in space?
A vacuum.
If a lot of something compress's into a vortex and changes state, it may leave a vacuum?
The internal combustion engine is easily adaptable to pull rather than push, though tolerances due to cold running would have to be considered, and a heavy duty alternater/big batteries, required for cold climate heating of interior of car.
I envisage a change of state, as per steam engines, where steam condenses to water, thus creating a vacuum, and the piston is pulled.
Therefore the joe-cell must act as an accumulator, as we do.

It is what I percieve as driving the planet, if you think of millions of points of implosion occuring , with a similer number of explosive point all occuring in a sequence that is driven by the flow of space relative to the suns field, this will cause a spin to occur, if this delicate field interaction is altered, I can percieve of the spin stopping, and then starting in the opposite direction, the tsunamis will be enormous as the fluid will slush back and forth, then the sun will rise from where it set.
There are lots of ancient texts about such an occurance happening before, high ground would be advisable.

Because we have little written evidence of such occurances, you must assume vast extinctions follow, but the strange thing is I am loosing any fear of such a time, I now am of the opinion that nothing dies, just changes state.
A higher harmonic frequency may be the result of such an occurance where most of life will ascend to, the ones who tunnel into rabbit holes , and stay here, may have to exist down there for a huge length of time, and the frequency left at the surface may reduce them to tiny little grey figures.
If there is a method of skipping about in time, the different descendants of such a catastrophe will need to ensure that what occured did occur, or they will not exist, the ones who comprehend all of this may die as we know it, but they will be born again in a higher frequency.
Not many people will be able to comprehend that there is life after death, and will therefore ridicule such talk, but then again, a few KNOW.
Kevin, rambling hobbit

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:16 pm
by Mikado14
kevin.b wrote: Mikado 14,
What have you got in space?
A vacuum.
If a lot of something compress's into a vortex and changes state, it may leave a vacuum? and it may not.
The internal combustion engine is easily adaptable to pull rather than push, though tolerances due to cold running would have to be considered, not necessarily so, due to newer metallurgy of components prone to expansion..i.e. rings for starters and a heavy duty alternater/big batteries, required for cold climate heating of interior of car. irrelevant, this is in a vein of worrying about the stereo and the engine isn't even in the car, let's get the engine in first.
I envisage a change of state, as per steam engines, where steam condenses to water, thus creating a vacuum, and the piston is pulled.
Therefore the joe-cell must act as an accumulator, as we do. No where in the reading did I read a reference to a change in state of matter, if that is what you are referring to. Further, what is your definition of a vacuum? From my experience with steam boilers, I have never seen or experienced a vacuum, again, further, an accumulator "accumulates" something and a vacuum is a vacuum. You can accumulate a vacuum but when a vacuum is achieved that is it, it is not considered an accumulator, do you mean negative pressure where there is not a total vacuum? need to explain further and for future reference, in a steam locomotive the pistons are never pulled, they are pushed from expanding steam.

It is what I percieve as driving the planet, if you think of millions of points of implosion occuring , with a similer number of explosive point all occuring in a sequence that is driven by the flow of space relative to the suns field, this will cause a spin to occur, if this delicate field interaction is altered, I can percieve of the spin stopping, and then starting in the opposite direction, the tsunamis will be enormous as the fluid will slush back and forth, then the sun will rise from where it set.
There are lots of ancient texts about such an occurance happening before, high ground would be advisable. I cannot comment on your perception but I do find it interesting.

kevin.b wrote: Because we have little written evidence of such occurances, you must assume vast extinctions follow, but the strange thing is I am loosing any fear of such a time, I now am of the opinion that nothing dies, just changes state.
A higher harmonic frequency may be the result of such an occurance where most of life will ascend to, the ones who tunnel into rabbit holes , and stay here, may have to exist down there for a huge length of time, and the frequency left at the surface may reduce them to tiny little grey figures.
If there is a method of skipping about in time, the different descendants of such a catastrophe will need to ensure that what occured did occur, or they will not exist, the ones who comprehend all of this may die as we know it, but they will be born again in a higher frequency.
Not many people will be able to comprehend that there is life after death, and will therefore ridicule such talk, but then again, a few KNOW.
Kevin, rambling hobbit
What does this have to do with the Joe Cell and the internal combustion engine....I'm lost.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:54 pm
by flowperson
I believe that all of us may speculate at length on the "Nature of matter" and the "Matter of Nature". I have always held that if one had a powerful enough quantum computer, one could make nature, in some limited sense, "do" anything one wanted to. That's the future we're all pursuing IMHO. That would also probably define quite well what/who G-d is. Right now we're all just playing tiddly winks with this stuff, and nobody's successfully "winked" a "tiddly" into the cup yet... except, of course, G-d.

Getting to the root of all this, the film that's coming out about this phenomenon and what it might do to reality, Jumpers, is going to be looked back upon, unless I miss my guess, as a cultural landmark of rather large proportions. It won't be recognized as such at first, but like Blade Runner, the collective astonishment at the vision will grow through the years.

If Robert Beckwith is still around I'll bet that he'd be able to comment on this set of issues better than any collection of MIT Physics Professors. Mechanical Engineering Professors, however, would be an entirely different and more knowledgeable kettle of fish IMHO. Come to think of it some of both probably worked on aspects of all this under compartmentalized research contracts under ONR funding. The basic research on these matters were probably plotted and assembled back in the 70's and early 80's, way before the Marconi boxes were installed on those bird-named Navy ships.

Paul, what you are doing is a very important piece of the puzzle to prepare the public for what is to come.

flow.... 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:08 pm
by kevin.b
Mikado 14, ... um_engines
Modern high temperature steam engines are not how they started out, utilising high pressure allows the boiling point to be raised, and thus the pressure employed.
There are engines that utilise both pressure and vacuum, the vacuum is created when a change of state occurs, as steam condenses back to water.
Thinking along those lines, imagine space condensing into mass.

Space is everything, everything that has ever been , or ever will be, there is no-thing, just space, space in differing states, all vibrating differently, these vibrations are frequencies, with frequencies yet to be realised.

It is full of space

I consider life operates as per the joe-cell, as does the planet, the universe, and whatever else there is.
I consider that the joe-cell will implode the space, not any material, which is already space imploded.

taking notes

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:24 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
As I said kevin. I hope that you are keeping notes on yourself and the others who respond to you.

"Space is everything, everything that has ever been , or ever will be, there is no-thing, just space, space in differing states, all vibrating differently, these vibrations are frequencies, with frequencies yet to be realised."

It might take me a very long time but I can fairly well guarantee you that Townsend Brown wrote almost those identical words in one of his journals. Its the " comparing notes" and the "brainstorming" thats going to be important to bring the future around. So please don't lose your notes everybody. Elizabeth

genetic link

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:40 pm
by Victoria Steele
Still absolutely stuck on the concept of " JUMPER"

Hadn't you mentioned this idea already Andrew? It sounds right .... but then not quite.

I am struck by the idea that perhaps after all is said and done the ADVANCED stage of human development will include fellows like this David in the movie , that are genetically enabled to naturally " jump" from one dimension to the next. Is that our future? Is that beginning to happen now? I know that its just a fantasy of mine but I rather fancy Morgan as a " Jumper". I think that the role would fit him. I know, I know, deep end stuff.

I agree with you though Flow when you said ....."Getting to the root of all this, the film that's coming out about this phenomenon and what it might do to reality, Jumpers, is going to be looked back upon, unless I miss my guess, as a cultural landmark of rather large proportions. It won't be recognized as such at first, but like Blade Runner, the collective astonishment at the vision will grow through the years."

Thats what we are up to developing here folks. Make no mistake.

Meanwhile my little Harley ( thats my DOG folks) and I are going to take ourselves to a lovely spot in Palm Springs, relax in what sun had better be there this weekend and visit that doggie store with the crystal wands. Harleys sort of a cammie covert ops sort of dude but who knows . Palm Springs I hear has a strange effect on folks!

And I EXPECT that on Thursday, Friday, sometime before I pack my bags to head home that I will have another chapter to enjoy? Thursday? huh? huh? huh? Victoria

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:44 pm
by kevin.b
Elizabeth Helen Drake,
Thank you, lovely lady.
Mikado 14,
Thank you for duelling, it is needed, no chess game is any good playing yourself, if I am wrong, so what.
It's all about space, and space is everywhere, and everything, not seperate or different, just mixed up and employed differently.
Time is space.
Gravity is space,
heat is space,
Light is space.

Space in a vacuum is what makes mass, mass is space, therefore it reacts and interacts with space, dependant upon its frequency .
Time , all time is here and now.

By experimenting for other things, I suspect Dr Brown found time.

Chapter 77 Update

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:28 pm
by Paul S.
Interesting comments about "Jumper." I've seen the trailer and had a similar reaction...
Victoria Steele wrote: And I EXPECT that on Thursday, Friday, sometime before I pack my bags to head home that I will have another chapter to enjoy? Thursday? huh? huh? huh? Victoria
Yeah, I think so. I have been pushing this next chapter to a reach a certain point, but it has already turned into one of the longest chapters in the whole book despite covering a relatively short time (just about 8 months).

I just now found a better place to end this chapter than the place I had in mind (which is where the next one will end, ohgodIhope...), so I'll be proofing this one on Thursday and probably putting it up on Friday.

I hope it arrives in time for your weekend.


Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:33 pm
by Mikado14
kevin.b wrote:Mikado 14, ... um_engines
Modern high temperature steam engines are not how they started out, utilising high pressure allows the boiling point to be raised, and thus the pressure employed.
There are engines that utilise both pressure and vacuum, the vacuum is created when a change of state occurs, as steam condenses back to water.
Thinking along those lines, imagine space condensing into mass.
Ok kevin, they call it a vacuum engine but for the sake of those that may be reading this forum at some future point it should be made perfectly clear that what you are describing and how these old engines operated, were to utilize a pressure differential and thus the condensing side of the piston did create a vacuum in relation to the pressure side of the piston. This in no means should be interpreted as less than atmospheric for these are sometimes, if memory serves me, called atmospheric engines. How about refrigeration? One side of the compressor is referred to as suction or vacuum only because of the differential pressure of the system, for example: 220 psi on the high with 26 on the low, the high sees the low as a vacuum. This is why I asked you for your definition of vacuum and I hope I am assuming this correctly and that is, that a vacuum is space. Do I have that right?

Just remember, this conversation all started because of the Joe Cell, a link that you posted, being used to supply fuel to an internal combustion engine.

Further, I asked you what you meant by "accumulator" for which I feel that you still have not answered, instead you latched on to the steam comments.

Also, let me bring up another point. The normal internal combustion engine crankshaft is designed to be balanced on a power stroke which is a downward thrust and not an upward pull. I am not saying that it will not work, for obviously it does, I am implying, or where I was headed, was to suggest that perhaps an engine modifyed to operate on this principle could be more efficient.

I am in no way attempting to duel with you kevin, I am only attempting to understand what you say in the forum and how you interpret your posts. No matter what you see or what you sense etc it is useless unless it can be understood by all and utilized by all for the betterment of the human condition. I cannot do so unless I ask questions.
