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By the way

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:05 am
by Trickfox
So David

Who is Steve in Okanogan? Jim said something about this. I don't see too much about him in your forum.


Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:05 am
by wdavidb
I'm afraid I may have already strayed off topic here, so I apologize.

The point I was trying to make is that there is much more involved in respect to what Dr. Brown had to keep under his hat, in that he was expected to put a good face forward, fair weather or not.

No one of good character can live that life and not feel the inner pain that comes with the territory. Obviously he thought what he was doing was worth putting up with a bit of personal pain and he made the best of it. He put his best face forward and put his shoulder to the wheel. But at the same time there had to be a personal conflict of one sort or another.

There is also a certain strain attached to keeping your work secret, as he was not free to speak openly and engage in serious public discussion.

As Elizabeth pointed out, if the secrecy of his work could not be controlled he was to be eliminated.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:13 am
by wdavidb
Steve is in the process of building a small model of Unity for us. No Steve is pretty much in the background, mostly due to his busy schedule.

He is a great guy and full of enthusiasm.........and being in the radio business a good speaker, as is Jim.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:19 am
by wdavidb
Steve is also extremely resourceful and knows many people who can be of assistance at different times. He has already done a model of the disc operation and photographed it for us. So we will have both a full view model and a detailed model of the disc operation.

thats what makes the book

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:22 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
David and Trickfox,

You see, thats whats going to make the book that Paul is writing so fascinating, Paul will add to this I am sure but for me, watching this all unfold I have been struck by the fact that Townsend Brown DID face all of those stresses and perhaps pain with such an amazing amount of, how did Paul put it? "A gracious and resolute way?"

especially this part:

Defying Gravity will portray the gracious and resolute way Brown faced the obstacles that challenged him, shed light on the way some truly groundbreaking discoveries get absorbed into the "black world" of classified military research, and in the process encounter some of the ancient puzzles of life on this planet.

So you are right David. the man did face much pain with a resounding trust and hope for the future .... and his story is going to be told properly. Elizabeth

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:27 am
by wdavidb
I'm sorry Trickfox I don't follow you........could you explain this for me.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:30 am
by wdavidb
Thank you Elizabeth........I hope as time goes on we can continue with this journey and bring ever more light to the table to make visible the feast spread before us.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:35 am
by Trickfox
wdavidb wrote:
There is also a certain strain attached to keeping your work secret, as he was not free to speak openly and engage in serious public discussion.

As Elizabeth pointed out, if the secrecy of his work could not be controlled he was to be eliminated.
Well now that depends on whom you call "The public". I'm sure Beau Kitselmen and others may not fit the description of "the public", but why not? Remember that Dr. Brown had plenty of scientist friends with whom he shared certain amounts of his work.

At some point the complexity of a project becomes too boring for the majority of people to follow, so they say "Skip to the important points" or "I'm not technical so please explain that in english"...... THAT is when it gets to the "NEED TO KNOW" part.

Regarding your second point. I originally brought up this point in the exchange I had with another member of this forum. Its this issue of knowing that a "red laser dot" is on you all the time. Perhaps once you understand the universe, you also understand that there is nothing you can do to eliminate the red laser dot on your forehead so why worry about it.

So far,.. I haven't seen anyone cured from "death by old age". Maybe the day is comming where it will be possible and I do believe in transhumanism because I'm just an eternal optimist.


initial inspiration

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:54 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake

I haven't had a chance to read all of your papers yet, but I was struck by your ability to go to the core of Townsend Browns research. A difficult thing to try to put into words. I believe you have a rare ability. I simply wanted to ask you if you remembered when that odd idea struck you that you wanted to involve yourself in the subject which led you to be interested in his work? Was this a slow " drawing in by related subjects ... or did it happen differently? Was it “ flying saucer propulsion systems first? The idea of “antigravity?â€

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:26 am
by wdavidb

Yes, that was a long time ago..........I wanted to be a scientist when I was 7 and expressed my desire to work in a lab, but at that age mistakenly interjected the word lavatory for laboratory, got a lot of laughs but it was very embarassing for me.

I remember like it was yesterday, I was 13, the teacher was explaining the structure of the atom and the solar system. It struck me to ask what prevented it all from folding on itself? Unfortunately I was given a severe reprimand and lucky not to be expelled. So school was not fun for me. But it was that one question that turned the tide and I kept after it for many years.

Dr. Brown is a fairly recent experience in my life, so you must excuse me if I do not know as much as I might of his life and work. But I'm catching on.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:34 am
by wdavidb
I get your point Trickfox, but I would suspect you have not been through the drill.........but we wont go into that.

To say you simply accept that is hard for me, I am not the guy who accepts killing as a means to an end. Once you've experienced the reality you can never go back to where you were before. It changes you in a very deep place and makes you more determined than ever to carry on, if for no other reason than to honor the fact that life is a precious gift.

No there is no way to avoid the red dot, and I seldom worry about it, that would be a waste of time, but it does not mean I have to like it or agree with it. In fact I don't even have to acknowledge it. I have no respect for the likes of black ops. You on other hand have a respectable job, they don't.

little redhead

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:20 pm
by Victoria Steele
Jeeze Luise you guys! Look what I have been missing! Its as if all of you waited for red head (who used to be the trouble maker) to go on vacation and Teacher Paul to step out of the room for a moment and all hell broke loose!

Lets see, scribbling joyfully on the blackboards, throwing spit balls, moving desks around, and I wasn’t even here to help out with all that mental good stuff! And soon Teacher Paul is going to come walking back in and the first thing he is going to say is “ Now where were we?â€

What is in a job?

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:57 pm
by Mikado14
Trickfox wrote: I mean...I'm just an underpayed Janitor right now, but if I had to pick my own job I would love to be that "Area 51 scientist" in the movie "Independance day"(Dr. Brackish Okun). You know the one who says "Sorry...they don't let us out very often" (played by Brent Spinner)

I mean wouln't it be totally cool to be working on the most important technology on earth?


You know you can really exasperate me at times with some of the things you come out with, and perhaps I reciprocate as well.

I sense something in your post, "underpayed janitor". My friend, and I do mean that, it is not the job but the man who denigrates it.

Currently, I work a split shift in an equipment repair shop which means semi's, trucks, specialized equipment etc. Everything is electronic anymore, contolled by computers, elecronically fired diesel injectors, crap in my opinion (I wouldn't take a Ford Powerstroke uh Poorstroke, if you gave it to me) but do you know how many mechanics understand theory let alone can perform it? I come home greasy every night but I am well paid for it and the best thing is.....I am content.

There was a time I would have wanted that (work in a lab with exotic technology and the freedom of a blank check to let my imagination unfold, it is expensive on your own), I might be enticed into it even now, but I have answers and that can be satisfying enough. Man is not ready for certain things yet, his spiritual side of understanding the universe needs to catch up to However, it is catching up. I hope I can be here to see it start.

Someday we will meet, probably before I get that chess game with Mr. Twigsnapper.



we are all learning

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:10 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
I think the thing that I am noticing most is that we all seem to be learning from each other. Its as if we are all a single piece of a puzzle with edges that are calling out for other edges. Its an interesting process to watch, even when I am not wise enough to see where it is all going.

But perhaps the getting to the end result isn't the goal here. Perhaps it is just the learning experience that is going on that is the most important.

I value each and every one of your posts. Delight in them actually! We have such character here! Such a variety of human experiences! How could you miss uncovering wondrous things because under all those different viewpoints there seems to be a golden thread that vibrates for all of us. Just fun to watch how we all respond in different ways!

And you know something else REALLY impresses me about the people who have taken the time to correspond here on the forum? We all seem to respect each other. And with that kind of attitude .... (its actually out of the box thinking in todays world!) we will find ourselves in fresh territorywith eyes that finally can see.
Just my prediction as I put my coffee money down. Elizabeth

Yeah... what SHE said...

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:55 pm
by Paul S.
I guess I'll jump in here... or, at least, put my toe back in the water...
Victoria Steele wrote: Jeeze Luise you guys! Look what I have been missing! Its as if all of you waited for red head (who used to be the trouble maker) to go on vacation and Teacher Paul to step out of the room for a moment and all hell broke loose!
No shit, Shirlock... <g> I take one day "out of pocket" and look at all I missed. God, it's always something...

This time, I had somehow, inadvertently clicked the "stop monitoring this forum" link at the bottom of these pages, and I didn't even get the usual notifications about all this discussion on my Treo. I had to "come back into the room" as Victoria puts it this morning and boy, do I have some catching up to do.

And, meanwhile, there's Victoria pointing at a calendar and reminding me how close Thursday is...!
And soon Teacher Paul is going to come walking back in and the first thing he is going to say is “ Now where were we?â€