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Opinions of Bill McDonald's books

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:12 am
by Trickfox
I wonder if anyone in the forum has read any books By Bill McDonald.
There may be several Authors named Bill McDonald, and there appears to be at least one very good illustrator that I appreciate for his interesting "out of this world" style.

In any case I'm interested in any opinion about any Author or illustrator named Bill McDonald who's father was "William Louis McDonald Sr".



Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:46 am
by twigsnapper

The order to not allow a "valuable asset" fall into enemy hands was issued in the South Pacific and was also given to me regarding Dr. Brown.

And he knew.

As I said, he was a brave man.


Re: orders

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 9:09 am
by Trickfox
twigsnapper wrote: And he knew.
I suppose I was afraid to broach the subject. I sometimes have to face up to this issue myself.


regarding, he knew ...

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:00 pm
by Victoria Steele
Trickfox and Mr. Twigsnapper.

Cold chill ran down my spine because when I read those words I realized that we are talking about the real thing here aren't we? This was no script for a movie . This was real ... and Townsend Brown KNEW that he had on his right side, an individual that was there for his protection .... but also his executioner if "things went wrong." He KNEW folks.

How do you relate to a person like that? How can you guard and think about killing, the same man. Was "Charles" the same deal?

How does a man like that relate to the family that he is guarding, knowing all the time what his role might be if "things went wrong". Its a terrible, terrible two edged sword and maybe the reason these guys were known not to smile very much, maybe thats just a reflection of the kind of strain they were under.

Truely, I believe that Twigsnapper admired the man he "guarded". How hard would it have been to follow through those orders if he had been placed in that position? Its ..... a horrendous thought...... Victoria

Did Josephine know?

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 12:39 am
by Mark Culpepper
Mr. Twigsnapper,

Would Mrs. Brown have known the full extent of the situation regarding your relationship with Dr. Brown? Would she have known about that "order"? Did she ever meet you? Or have any idea about what your orders were? Surely thats almost too much for anyone to know in that situation.

And heres the toughest part. When was it that Linda learned all of this? I know that you wouldn't have mentioned it to us on the forum without her knowing it first. So .... did you tell her yourself? Or did Dr. Brown ever tell her that he was under that kind of "protective? custody? And did the other people involved with the Brown family have the same "order"? Charles? (for others who have not read the chapter that mentions Charles, try "Closing Ashlawn"

I am still feeling very fortunate that you have been able to share so much with me. I really needed to know that, and it was a need that I hadn't known about until you started telling that rather detailed information. No one else knew about that knife except my brother and sister. For you to ask about it took all of back a few yards!

And Paul was right, this is a story about sons and daughters learning more about their fathers ...... and you have helped me enormously.
Thankyou from the three of us. Mark C.

more about the writer

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:18 am
by Mark Culpepper

I am interested in your comment about that writer. What is it about him that you find interesting? and what books has he written so far? Can you tell me more? Mark C

about Bill

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 3:00 am
by Trickfox
Well Mark, I was hoping someone would ask. I have not had a chance to read his books yet. I plan to soon however because he seems to remind me of someone I recently began to communicate with. His father's life was like that of an adventurer, and in some ways I think he would relate well to the subjects in this forum. I specially like the man's illustrations and art, and I planned to send him an e-mail complimenting him on this. His book on Sir Stephenson is the one I'm looking forward to read. He's a teacher too, so I like him allready. I dunno, I think I mentioned him because I felt his presence nearby and I thought that perhaps we know each other on a deeper level.¸ :roll:


Re: about Bill

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:07 am
by Paul S.
Trickfox wrote: His book on Sir Stephenson is the one I'm looking forward to read.
Is that "The True Intrepid" ? That's the book my wife (Ann) has been reading on this trip. Some interesting names and associations have been coming up.


Interesting character this Bill McDonald

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 8:02 am
by Trickfox
Hi everyone.
It turns out that there are two Bill McDonalds that wrote books. One of them is credited for ilustrations in a UFO book, and Another McDonald wrote the Book Paul's wife is reading. They are not the same persons, even though Bill McDonald the forensic artist and Illustrator also has an opinion regarding James Jesus Angleton and claims to have a lot of "information" regarding former spies and flying saucers. He does not appear to be the Author of "The Real Intrepid". So I guess I understand how Names can get pretty confusing when the reputations also feathers together.

There seems to be a recuring theme in the forum with respects to famillies who are finally finding out what loved ones have been carefully hiding from them. I guess I half expected to meet someone who had allready posted in this forum, but it turns out that bill McDonald "forensic artist" has never been here. He's going to look up the website now, and I hope he will join us with more comments.



Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 2:48 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Thank you Trickfox for contacting the artist that you mentioned. Is this the same fellow who did a piece of work where the subject was "The Eldridge"? ... I think I happened across that once in my various travels.It would be interesting to see what his "take" is on the forum comments.

And this is also an invitation to others who have been quietly out there, reading how this story has been unfolding ....( but not responding because they thought maybe that they had nothing important to add.) JUMP ON IN HERE!!!! THE WATERS FINE!!!!!

Please, please .... do not censor that little "whim" you might have to speak up and add something to these forums. Thats why these various "pools" were provided ..... so that different "bright colored fish" could splash in with observations of their own.

Andrew Bolland once responded to a question on the original Townsend Brown Family site to a thought that was something like this ... paraphrasing here ....."Did Townsend Brown believe in extraterrestrials"?

Andrews response was that Dr. Brown felt the whole subject was more complicated than others had previously believed .... and then he restated the story that Dr. Brown had told his daughter .... something about a bunch of "bright colored reef fish" seeing a hull above them. And that regarding UFOs humans at that point were a little bit like those fish ... some would scatter in fright, some wouldn't even notice ..... and some would linger ..... and look ..... and maybe even investigate. Well, folks .....

I don't mind being a bright colored reef fish! Actually I think its sort of neat! And I don't know what that thing is up there that maybe some other intelligences would call a HULL. I don't know what all that means or represents (because you see, I am just a bright colored reef fish!) ...... but when something comes past me that I don't recognize .... I might even pause to have my picture taken .... and I might wonder about that experience .....

My roundabout point is this. We all have something to add to this story. We don't have to know the complete answer to the mysteries of the Universe or the Mysteries of what was happening in Townsend Browns life. But we can recognize that SOMETHING IS THERE. And we can choose to respond to that something IN OUR OWN UNIQUE WAY. And maybe thats what this whole exercise is all about? ......

So to other bright reef fish out there .... come look at this .... whatever it is ..... with me. Maybe that intelligence will interact with us!



Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 2:59 pm
by Chris Knight
Hi All,

Sorry to come in so late - I missed this thread. I'm going to make some observations, which may or may not have anything to do with the photo.

The antenna in the photo is rather unusual, but looks to be some type of NORD antenna at first glance. It seems to be lifted off the ground in a counterpoise configuration used when access below the antenna is required, or when the ground below the antenna is not a good conductor. Typically radiating wires come off of the antenna where the three legs are attached here, and are used to reduce ground losses by providing a good conducting ground.

Typically there are three loading wires coming off the top of the antenna at 120 degree intervals to three towers 1/3 of the height of the main antenna, but I can't see the top of the antenna in the photo, so there's no way for me to be sure.

In any case, the NORD antenna is a Goliath-type antenna originally discovered by the Germans in WWII to communicate with submarines. Prior to the development of the Goliath antennas. submarines typically would have to come to shallow waters or surface to receive transmissions. With Goliath, however, the German submarines were on a receiving time schedule and would be monitoring and at the correct depth at those times. Using Goliath antennas allowed the submarines to receive at depths of up to 25-meters below the surface.

The Goliath-type antennas used VLF, and in the case of the NORD antenna, LF.

If this photo were from the 1950's it would have been during the Cold War (he is wearing a jacket afterall...), which would have made England an appropriate place to be. That's before my time, though, so someone else will have to delve into that part of history. Someone who remembers how to "duck and cover."



Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 10:28 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Paul and Andrew and everybody ........

I know nothing about signal antennas at all. At all. So until I have gotten a chance to dig into it I will rely on you guys to tell me whats up here.

Paul, on one hand ...... You seem to have information that leads to the conclusion that this must be an intelligence tower (probably run by the MI5 in England.) Thats what your source suggests.

On the other hand ... we have Andrew, who seems to be suggesting that it is possibly a LF station ... used in contacting or tracking submarines .

Could both of you be right somehow? Or maybe you are both wrong? Have I covered the bases well enough boss? Welcome to another week on the farm! Elizabeth

Yes Elizabeth I believe you hit it right on the head

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 1:31 am
by Trickfox
They are probably both right but they don't have their secret decoder rings yet. Neither do I. I know about the "unknown unknown" but to me it's still unknown, -but very knowable.

So where is all that Kitselman wisdom anyway?


Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 1:29 pm
by Chris Knight
What I forgot to put in was a quote that is floating around the net:

"A German antenna was erected during the Second World War called Goliath. It was quite efficient but was limited both in power and efficiency by the wartime lack of copper and other suitable materials. It was used for submarine communications. After the war, the then Soviet Union seized the Goliath antenna, packed up its massive cables and towers, and assembled it inside the Soviet Union near Gorky. (I’m not sure where we learned about the design of the Goliath. I wonder if it was from captured German plans?)"

So if the Russians did take and were using Goliath to communicate with their submarine fleet, then it would make sense for Townsend to be working with one for intelligence gathering during the cold war in England.

All suppositions, though, in the absence of confirmations.


other direction

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 3:03 pm
by Mark Culpepper
Thanks Andrew for that bit of information. Something more to look at.

And I'll tell you. There is ALOT to look at.

None of it we have seen before when we looked at the name "Townsend Brown" Before, All I knew was that he was somehow mixed up with "Flying Saucers" and "Anti-gravity" and now I learn from people who seem to know .... Like Andrew and Paul, and Mr. Twigsnapper, of course, that the man never used the phrase "anti-gravity" to start with . And he wasn't all that interested in going out into space. Thats just what others said of him WHO DIDN'T KNOW HIM.

But now we are seeing a picture of a highly secretive man who somehow got himself into a world of those secrets because thats what was happening and he seemed to be in the right place at the right time ...... and none of us even paid attention? Or when we did take note of his name ... we looked in the wrong direction?

And you know when you finally WAKE UP .... you want to know more, and thats just where I am. So Paul .... along with my daughter now .... we want to know more about what Dr. Brown was up to. Will we get another chapter this next week? Standing behind Victoria here because I know that she is first in line. This Morgan attraction you know.

How is it .... that a man old enough maybe , to be her father? ....(the protective Dad here Victoria) can hold such an allure?. Whatever it is, I want some of the stuff. <g> Mark C.