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Re: oh, I get it?

Post by Paul S. »

Victoria Steele wrote:Not far from Hershey? But you are in California? Oh, I think I get it. Chocolate.

Hey, works for me too. Anybody else? Victoria
I vote for San Francisco.

Closer to Ghiradelli.

But, then, in the vernacular of the day, I tend to be a bit of an "elitist" where chocolate is concerned.

Paul Schatzkin
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Re: thats the thing

Post by htmagic »

James Barrett wrote:MagicBill,

A couple of things that I consider regarding this sort of conference.
One thought is. Whose agenda is this filling? And is that agenda positive or negative?

I do not know what you mean by whose agenda is this filling. The reason I would attend such a conference would be to learn more about Dr. Brown and his work. From what I read (thanks to Paul S.), Dr. Brown was a fascinating man. I would also like to meet some of the people on this forum as I believe they are from varied backgrounds and fascinating in their own right. I believe I could learn a lot and do some "hanger flying" with them. As for the agenda, I look for the positive so the positive will come to me. Look for the negative and it will come. Some say this is the Law of Attraction.

The conference that is put on by Ryan Wood for example probably serves so many different agendas I can not even count them on one hand. Of course the promoters ( at the core of it, I would hope) are looking for the " truth" of all of these stories about UFOs. But then under that are all of the subagendas.

I imagine that the organization and production of these "Conferences" is a pretty good business. Otherwise, why would they go through all of the trouble that they go through to put it on if year after year it is a failure? The mysteries surrounding UFOs are big business.

I don't know. I've never been to one before.

And of course being a speaker at these things gives individuals a platform to reach a wider audience than his own backyard.

And then of course there are the hawkers in the side rooms promoting their goods and ware. Some with tin foil and some without.

And I may be there visiting them and buying some of their wares...

And the thing that I perhaps worry about TOO much is that the entire affair turns into a ..... whats the word that was used before here on the forum? A " wateringhole" for that exchange of ideas . AND a way for other organizations to keep track of old prey and identify new ones.

In Vegas Paul made that crack about how many alphabet soup organizations were there in the audience. Anybody want to hazard a guess at how many representatives of that " intelligence community" might show up through the doors of a " Townsend Brown Conference"?

I like the idea MagicBill ... of everybody getting together. In fact would look forward to it but ALSO the whole time there I would probably be hearing the words that were used earlier in this forum too ...." Danger Will Robinson! Danger!" James

I like the idea where we could congregate but I do not like the idea that I would be "prey". If it was a "small" event, I'm sure if the "powers that be" wanted to infiltrate they would even in that type of setting. There is safety in numbers and even the herds know this. When the antelope bolts from the herd, that is when the lions get them...

I understand what you're saying and if we did have a conference, I would keep these words in the back of my mind. I'm sure we all would. But even then, I'd still like to meet the folks on this forum that I have been communicating with. Even though some don't use their real" name, some have websites and we know what you look like. But just because you have a website doesn't mean that one can interact as easily as a get together.

By the way, the poll is now up to 10 votes with 6 for Philadelphia and 4 for Las Vegas. Las Vegas is catching up! The reason I like Philadelphia is because of the connections to Dr. Brown and his family and I would like to see the Drake hotel, the former Decker site, the lions in the park, and some of the other things mentioned in the story...

So to sum this all up, James, I hear what you're saying but right now it is just talk. I haven't heard any dates or even an agenda for the conference. If if it was a "formal" conference, someone would have to pull it all together and that would be a big job. That person that would have to pull it all together would have to be a saint because this would be like a full-time job. And with everyone's hectic schedule and time being so short, I believe right now it is just talk. It would be easier for an informal get together and everyone responsible for their own transportation and lodging and it would still be nice to meet y'all, but a formal conference would present more information in a structured manner. A small conference may "fly under the radar" as far as the spooks are concerned. But maybe not. They are already probably reading this forum. So I can see pros and cons out of both events.


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Good thoughts!

Post by JZimmer »

Hi all,

This again gives me the opportunity to chime in on this topic. I have been thinking about this as well, and think that a conference would be nice, but I agree that the agenda is what would be in question.

Just my opinion, but I think that a gathering of the members of this forum in an informal setting would accomplish a lot more at this point. The agenda that we pursue could include a discussion about the merits of a TT Brown conference, which would be much more productive.

I for one, at this point, am more interested in meeting and talking to you all than seeing someone I do not know speak on a topic that while interesting may not be what we need to address. It would seem to me that we could accomplish a lot by getting to know one another on a personal basis and discussing in detail where we are going and what we want to accomplish as a group.

Besides, informal gathering are just more fun and allow us to let the time flow in directions that as a group we feel are useful, as it has always been with this group.

Everyone have a great day!


P.S. I'm with Paul on the California thought!
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Post by Mikado14 »

I have one question, if any one wishes to answer or if all wish to respond.

As to a conference, count me out. I don't do well with crowds.

As to a casual get together, perhaps. But even if there is a casual get together, as Morgan would say, there would be an agenda. Therefore, what would the purpose be?

Just curious

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Re: thats the thing

Post by Mikado14 »

Hello Mr. Barrett,
James Barrett wrote: And the thing that I perhaps worry about TOO much is that the entire affair turns into a ..... whats the word that was used before here on the forum? A " wateringhole" for that exchange of ideas . AND a way for other organizations to keep track of old prey and identify new ones.

I really must point out that that is what this forum is, a great big watering hole. Say the wrong thing and your IP is attacked or infiltrated and "they" (whoever they are) know every move you make to include any Internet banking you do. I believe it was FM who made the statement, "Exactly what is it that you are pretending not to know". I suspect that there are a few here that fit that bill quite nicely.

James Barrett wrote:In Vegas Paul made that crack about how many alphabet soup organizations were there in the audience. Anybody want to hazard a guess at how many representatives of that " intelligence community" might show up through the doors of a " Townsend Brown Conference"?
Wonder how many Alphabet soup minions are in the guest totals led here by certain "key words".

James Barrett wrote:I like the idea MagicBill ... of everybody getting together. In fact would look forward to it but ALSO the whole time there I would probably be hearing the words that were used earlier in this forum too ...." Danger Will Robinson! Danger!" James
Getting together would be reckless and careless without some very careful planning. I don't know who you are, I don't know who Magic Bill is or for that matter anyone else in this forum. Paranoia? yep....with plenty of reason to be that way, actually more like a vigilant and stalwart awareness of my surroundings with a healthy amount of cynicism thrown in for flavor. As the old saying goes, once burnt, twice learnt.

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Re: thats the thing

Post by htmagic »

Mikado14 wrote:I really must point out that that is what this forum is, a great big watering hole. Say the wrong thing and your IP is attacked or infiltrated and "they" (whoever they are) know every move you make to include any Internet banking you do. I believe it was FM who made the statement, "Exactly what is it that you are pretending not to know". I suspect that there are a few here that fit that bill quite nicely.

Wonder how many Alphabet soup minions are in the guest totals led here by certain "key words".
Getting together would be reckless and careless without some very careful planning. I don't know who you are, I don't know who Magic Bill is or for that matter anyone else in this forum. Paranoia? yep....with plenty of reason to be that way, actually more like a vigilant and stalwart awareness of my surroundings with a healthy amount of cynicism thrown in for flavor. As the old saying goes, once burnt, twice learnt.


I can share your concerns. I would not want anyone messing with me or my family. Do you think that someone would go to that extreme to mess with someone else on this group? If they did, one could just post here and alert the rest of the group. I think the Internet made it so that communications can be instant now and messages can spread like wildfire. Once the genie is out of the bottle, it's hard to put the genie back in...

If one discovered a new energy source or a piece of research data that could put the oil companies out of business, would you? The trouble is, if someone did find a solution, I don't believe they could ever make money off of it and it would have to be released in the public domain for a paradigm shift to occur. Those that think they will "get rich" from this invention would probably be stopped. Those that provide this technology freely through public domain probably couldn't be stopped.

Tesla, Moray, and Dr. Brown didn't have the luxury of instant communications via the Internet. I believe if they found a discovery and had the Internet, they would make copies and distribute it to their close associates. In the event of their demise, they would have those people flood the Internet with their plans and give it to all the world for free.

I believe others talked about this already and some said they would lock up this technology "tighter than a crab's ass" and I can understand where they're coming from. If I spent a lot of time and money to discover a solution for the world's problems, I would wish to be compensated too. But I believe we'll never really have a solution until the plans are "out in the open" and in public domain. If you try to patent it, "they" could take it away under the guise of "national security". I believe someone already mentioned this. If you don't comply, you might have an "accident."

So this is really complicated and I can see why there is no solution for these problems. We need a paradigm shift before anything happens. Nothing will happen until someone does something. They need to build a device and start using it. Some may have done that already and are running off free power, quietly using it for their own good. But this does not help their fellow man. But then they and their family are not being threatened. So there are two edges to this sword...

I would still go and attend a conference or get together. I don't know you Mikado, but I know enough from reading your posts that you are an intelligent man and that you probably would not harm me or my family. And so with (most) of the others I've been in communication with. I have to believe as Dr. Brown did that "Everything will be all right, Sweetie." I wish to look for the positive. But I would also keep the corners of my eyes open and be aware of my surroundings...

BTW, the poll is still open. Go and vote at:

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Linda Brown
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not voting

Post by Linda Brown »

I love the idea of this Poll and I am curious, given enough time, what the general sway of things will be. I am not going to vote. My heart is in all of the places actually. San Francisco would certainly be nice too, I agree.

And I appreciate the conversations about the possibilities involved in holding a "meeting" of some kind. Right now, true, its just talk but its very interesting talk and thats usually what comes first.

As far as the dangers involved. Well, you all have choices too I guess.

Everyone who knows me knows that I am an extremely private person so even attending a meeting of any sort would be a major challenge for me. I guess we each have our own concerns but I do believe that an eventual meeting of the people who feel the excitement here in this forum could evolve into an important event especially with the exchanges of ideas that I am sure would occur.

And of course I would lean toward a much smaller meeting. ( meetings?) Linda

Post by AM »

Mr. Mikado wrote:I have one question, if any one wishes to answer or if all wish to respond.

As to a conference, count me out. I don't do well with crowds.

As to a casual get together, perhaps. But even if there is a casual get together, as Morgan would say, there would be an agenda. Therefore, what would the purpose be?
DITTTO! Couldn't agree more with you, Mr. Mikado. These issues should really be addressed.
Ms. Brown wrote:And of course I would lean toward a much smaller meeting.
I would also be more comfortable attending a smaller meeting.


Post by AM »

Mr. Mikado and Mr. Magic, both of your posts are perfectly valid and I can identify with them completely, even if they seem to be on the opposite ends of the spectrum.

Mr. Mikado expressed some very valid concerns
Mr. Mikado wrote:I really must point out that that is what this forum is, a great big watering hole. Say the wrong thing and your IP is attacked or infiltrated and "they" (whoever they are) know every move you make to include any Internet banking you do. I believe it was FM who made the statement, "Exactly what is it that you are pretending not to know". I suspect that there are a few here that fit that bill quite nicely.

Wonder how many Alphabet soup minions are in the guest totals led here by certain "key words".

Getting together would be reckless and careless without some very careful planning. I don't know who you are, I don't know who Magic Bill is or for that matter anyone else in this forum. Paranoia? yep....with plenty of reason to be that way, actually more like a vigilant and stalwart awareness of my surroundings with a healthy amount of cynicism thrown in for flavor. As the old saying goes, once burnt, twice learnt.

I know that Mr. Twigsnapper is not yet quite well, but if and when possible I think he should address the above questions in detail and directly. I know that Mr. Twigsnapper likes to take a winding road on more than one occassion, but the above calls for a DIRECT and CLEAR response.

Finally the question remains. WHAT TO DO AND ABOVE ALL HOW TO DO IT?

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what to do and how to do it.

Post by twigsnapper »

First suggestion. If any idea of a meeting somewhere makes you uncomfortable and your " gut" tells you not to involve yourself. Then don't.

If you still have the feeling that you need to interact with the people who have expressed similar interests here then I would agree with the thought that the idea of one big conference might indeed be terribly offsetting to some people. Myself probably included. I am good in crowds, but I have never particularly liked them.

Still the urge to exchange information here is strong. And unless you are busy looking in your mirror and talking to yourself most of us I think would welcome the chance to see what others here have to say personally. And I think that we all feel that some sort of extra energy and insight would be gained by these meetings. I see a sort of " breaking into study groups" situation developing where some of you will find others who might be helpful for the particular questions and thoughts that you are developing. Who knows what will happen when and if those study groups meet up again in a larger context? .

My suggestion? Split into smaller groups. Keep your meetings informal as if you were keeping your ships small enough so that they could sail into shallow harbors.

A big conference might someday be a wonderful thing to see but it would basically be filled with strangers who would only have a beginners clue.

This particular forum I believe is well beyond that. Those who can meet on a friendly basis with other forum members .. (east coast or west coast or all of those great places in between.) Not forgetting other countries here either. Something truly special happens when people can get away from their keyboards, shake each others hands and be able to sit quietly and just share thoughts or walk and talk together. I know I have enjoyed that on occasion and I hope thats in store for many of you.

Thats what I would do. You asked. Was that an answer to your question? Or were you asking something else? twigsnapper
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Re: thats the thing

Post by Mikado14 »

htmagic wrote: Mikado,

I can share your concerns. I would not want anyone messing with me or my family. Do you think that someone would go to that extreme to mess with someone else on this group? If they did, one could just post here and alert the rest of the group. I think the Internet made it so that communications can be instant now and messages can spread like wildfire. Once the genie is out of the bottle, it's hard to put the genie back in...

If one discovered a new energy source or a piece of research data that could put the oil companies out of business, would you? No The trouble is, if someone did find a solution, I don't believe they could ever make money off of it and it would have to be released in the public domain for a paradigm shift to occur. Those that think they will "get rich" from this invention would probably be stopped. Those that provide this technology freely through public domain probably couldn't be stopped.
Do you realize that there is some very good technology on the public domain but the real problem is like shifting through the pepper to find the fly shit. If "they" can't stop it, then "they" will flood the Internet with all kinds of info, some good, some bad, some with a little good and bad mixed in and some of it is just plain Bull and everyone is telling you that their's can/will change the world. I would give more credit to the "they" out there and there ingenuity and it would be the most effective and the cheapest, one man/woman, one computer setting up various websites.
htmagic wrote: Tesla, Moray, and Dr. Brown didn't have the luxury of instant communications via the Internet. I believe if they found a discovery and had the Internet, they would make copies and distribute it to their close associates. In the event of their demise, they would have those people flood the Internet with their plans and give it to all the world for free.
Tried that one but no good, wanna buy a vowel?

You do have your opinions and that is what is so appealling about this forum and I do enjoy the candid banter. However, with what you have said, I put in a category with the man who wakes up on Monday morning and knows how he would have played the game to win, and he believes himself. The reality of it is that unless you were in the situation, you really only can imagine. I would want just compensation for all the risks. Years ago, there were times my wife and I waited for the kids to finish eating so that we could have the leftovers, my magnanimy will only go so far. The real question is what would be considered "just compensation" and not one individual has broached that. However FM did make a statement.
htmagic wrote:I believe others talked about this already and some said they would lock up this technology "tighter than a crab's ass" and I can understand where they're coming from. If I spent a lot of time and money to discover a solution for the world's problems, I would wish to be compensated too. But I believe we'll never really have a solution until the plans are "out in the open" and in public domain. If you try to patent it, "they" could take it away under the guise of "national security". I believe someone already mentioned this. If you don't comply, you might have an "accident."
First off, I was the one who mentioned the "tighter..." and it is here: ... 4174#14174 and it was only in reference to an FTM. As to new technology, revamped technology for efficiency, etc, and you try to patent it, you will probably succeed. Are you aware of recent patents in the past 10 years that are all but identical to Dr. Brown's? Did you know some of them are by NASA? People don't disappear, not normally but nowaday "they" will make it a financial nightmare for you.
htmagic wrote: Some may have done that already and are running off free power, quietly using it for their own good. But this does not help their fellow man. But then they and their family are not being threatened. So there are two edges to this sword... Agree most emphatically but you better still use some energy so as not to attract attention to yourself. Heard of a man in Chester County Pa who did just that and stopped using current, had PECO out there within several billing cycles and guess what? They have the right to inspect your service which means to enter your domicile without any notice and any search warrant for they are a public utility...for the public good of course. Wanna know what he did? Had a stream on his land and converted to hydro. Next thing you know, under the Clean Streams Act and the DER (DEP now) figure out the mess. Nah, I'll tell you, he lost his home from all the fines, lawyers, etc
htmagic wrote:I would still go and attend a conference or get together. I don't know you Mikado, but I know enough from reading your posts that you are an intelligent man and that you probably would not harm me or my family. Can't be too intelligent for if I were, I could give you an answer to this dilemma that would work And so with (most) of the others I've been in communication with. I have to believe as Dr. Brown did that "Everything will be all right, Sweetie." I wish to look for the positive. But I would also keep the corners of my eyes open and be aware of my surroundings...I always attempt to sit in a public place with my back to the wall, just being careful. As to everything being alright, not so sure but one truth I have learned is that Energy follows thought.
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Post by Mikado14 »

I see numerous posts about releasing new technology. Here is a question for you, what are the top five applications of anything new that anyone here feels would be the best and list them in the order of magnitude with one (1) being the highest. For example, a substitute fuel for gas to use in existing vehicles is not enough. Utilizing and developing Puharich's resonant hydrogen seperator to provide a substitute fuel for vehicles would be.

I am asking a direct question, if anyone so chooses to answer. Am I fishing? maybe, but remember what you post for you might just have to defend your choices I posted a long time ago, it is a matter of convictions.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy

Post by AM »

Thats what I would do. You asked. Was that an answer to your question? Or were you asking something else? twigsnapper
Thank you for the exhaustive and candid reply. You only seldom take a straight road (how Chinese!) and therefore the direct tone is even more appreciated.

My question though on what to do and how to do it was not merely linked to the conference, but had wider implications.

Often it is not so much what you say, but how you say it. The appropriate strategy is extremely important. There were countless people in the first half of the 20th century who wanted to unite China and yet only one man was able to do it - Mao Zedong. Why? Because he found the correct way. He discovered the way HOW to do it.

It's like making a cake. Is it really enough if somebody dumps a sack of flour, a bunch of eggs, sugar, etc. before you and says: "Here, make a cake"? Even if you have a recipe it might not be as easy as it seems.

The correct combination, the correct timing and applying the appropriate amounts of energy at each stage are crucial.

To be more specific and we have already talked about this. When the technology that can provide clean, free energy is available, then how to deploy it in such a way that it will spread most efficiently? Etc.

There are many other aspects. You cannot simply dump technology and new ideas on people. You have to present them in a proper way so that people will be able to identify with these new concepts, which will trigger a change in them.

Just look at the following article, which is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT in my opinion. It is seemingly not connected in any way to what we discusss here. In fact though such things are a crucial component of the new worldview.

"The Gospel of Consumption" ... ticle/2962

Another important part of the equation is the following one: like Mr. Mikado said, most people do not know or are not even interested how the technical appliances they use actually function.

What does the man on the street need? What is he interested in? What does he want? Food on the table. A decent job. An education for his children that will not drive him bankrupt. And affordable healthcare system. Clean air and water. A life worth living - a life worth of a human being.

Free energy is very important, but electricity won't feed the starving man in India or Haiti. Driving a car without going to the gas-station once, will be of little use to the Indian farmer who has thoroughly exhausted his aquifers, has no water, but a lot of debt and the local chapter of an international agribussiness corporation shoving gene-modified seeds down his throat.

A comprehensive strategy is needed. A couple of posts ago I suggested the possible uses of Dr. Brown's discoveries in agriculture and ecology.

Perhaps we could also start a discussion on this subject. All I am saying that in the chase for free energy, transportation and other technological solutions we should not forget to keep the wider picture in mind.

Linda Brown
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I wondered what he meant

Post by Linda Brown »


I think that you and Mr. Twigsnapper are on much the same level of thought here and maybe he has already answered your concerns. Small boats. Shallow draft. Manueverable. Able to go everywhere. Places that perhaps don't have big port cities nor freighters to reach them.

Paul and I have had a long running discussion about this " technology" being sort of a " boat on the horizon" heading in our direction ... filled to the brim with what this world needs to go forward. Our concern has been over the last several years .... how to make sure that the port is lit up somehow so that the ship out there will see that we are prepared and maybe even worthy of it pulling into port.

Now I see with your help and your association with Mr. Twigsnapper that perhaps we have moved into a different phase here ... One that I had not even considered before. This huge freighter is not meant to pull into one port .... she is meant to off load her cargo into smaller ships and they are meant to go where that ship could not go herself. Shallow draft boats.

You see it AM. What would have happened here if you hadn't seen that? Linda
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Food for thought!

Post by JZimmer »

Greetings everyone.

First, I am on board with everyone here that we need new, fresh technology to improve so many things in our world that I can't even begin to think of then all. I also think that we (or someone) has to start the wheels of change so that everyone can realize the dreams and goals that may be achieved by new and innovate discoveries.

But, everyone needs to take a step back and undergo a reality check, please, for much could be at stake here.

This world that we live in, has and unfortunately probably forever will be driven by money, greed and power. To think for even a moment that there will ever be free power (as an example), or anything is a reality that may never happen. I for one wish this were not the case, but the reality is that we are still many, many years if ever from a world where that can happening.

It just cannot happen until there is no need for government, money or desire for what other have.

What is going on here is wonderful, but in a sense not realistic. I am not saying that we cannot find a way to be successful or that we should give up working on the many goals that exists here; quite the contrary!

What I am saying is to have a realistic understanding of what we are facing so that we can find a way to do what needs to be done. I think that, more than anything that is what Mr. Twigsnapper is trying to tell us when he talks about boats and small ports.

For I am guessing a small boat has the chance to go undetected into ports where larger vessels may not; a tactic that I am sure he has done in the defense of our world when marching in the open was not something he could do.

I am a person of plain words, and plainly spoken, people will oppose what we are doing out of greed, the lust for power or to protect what they think they have built; even at the expense of the masses.

To be successful here, we must understand what drives our society, identify and understand what drives the will of those who would stop us from being successful, for then we can overcome people who would stop new thoughts from being brought into the light.

I think that Mr. Twigsnapper knows more than anyone here how important the phrase "Know thy enemy" is. We should all take heed of that phrase. I for one, am not afraid to take a stand here, no matter what it takes. I suggest everyone who is part of this forum look long and hard in the mirror and understand what they are willing to bring to the table to do what is surely right for everyone!

I hope that everyone understands what I am saying here, and does not think this sounds cheesy!
