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Radiant Energy

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 5:41 pm
by htmagic
kevin.b wrote:That heading,
ONE source, ONE force
Is stunning.
Pump up the volume.

Thanks for that link, pretty cool!

As for the neutrinos, Tesla didn't know what they were. He called them "particles". And he noticed that they were stronger in the day than the evening but even in the evening, they were still present. He designed a system to capture these particles to a flat plate and describes using this "radiant energy" in two patents. Look up US patents 685957 and 685958 and in them Tesla describes a method to capture electrical energy from radiant energy.

There are folks that have repeated his experiment and prove that it works. The bigger the plate area, the better the effect, just as Tesla described. Here is a guy on YouTube that recreated Tesla's device (almost).

If you study the way this guy does it and Tesla described it, there are differences. This guy is using LEDs instead of a spark gap or interrupter type circuit that Tesla described. But still, the guy is capturing energy. I have some high voltage (HV) capacitors and a tungsten spark gap that came off a welding machine that I want to try out. The HV caps will give higher voltages and probably more usable power. But I'm concerned about the possibility that it may also be lethal, especially during a thunderstorm!

I've got a ground rod already installed, separate from the house ground. I will let you know what I find out. I definitely want to reduce or eliminate my electric bill and this may be a cheap way to do it. I've even thought about using my aluminum siding that is already installed on the side of my house...


Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 6:05 pm
by AM
Mr. (Kevin) B. wrote:AM,
Think of yourself surrounded by a pressure, raining in from all directions, you have a dual field about you absorbing the lower positive and uper negative concentrations of this superlight stuff, imagine if you were assistd to increase such a dual field structure, enormously?
Kevin, sat in a chair.
Please tell me more about the lower positive and uper negative concentrations.

What do you think would happen if one would be able to increase such a dual field structure enormously?


Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 6:28 pm
by kevin.b
If the lower and upper flows were increased?,
Go with the flows, forward or backward, engage direction , increase one or the other.
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I,m not the only one, we are all one, and all dream, when you go with the flows.

Above the surface face of the planet, upto aprox 24 inchs, is a detectable area of opposite direction flow, this height varies by the time of day, and actually switchs totally around when the moon is at quadreture,

The daily variations in height and detectable volume(Width about a line) of the flows will be to do with FIELD position variation of this planet and the sun, the moon also throws its field into the cake mixture , and is most noticable in four directions, but especially when its nearest, quadreture.
All the other FIELDS about mass's will be adding into the variances at any point upon a sphere dependent upon their relative positions( I don't fink they move, but thats just my little thought)

The patterns of each mass as it travels in space, will draw out geometrically, and will in my opinion show up as patterns in wheat fields , as crop circles.
The content upon the Field lines will at times overload as the stuff attemptes to earth, look back in TIME at Grecian floors and roman floors, look at the patterns left in the terrazzo designs, they are not by chance.
Rambling hobbit.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 7:54 pm
by Trickfox

Soon.....VERY SOON......

I envision the "Beginning" of the paradign shift.

Weird.....July 16th is a date that suddenly pops up in my mind
Brian just says "IT IS DONE and ready to turn on"

I'm going to try and find out what date they have planned.

Are we ready everyone?

I certainly am.


Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 8:01 pm
by AM
Mr. Fox, what do you then think of the following:

"Gauging a Collider's Odds of Creating a Black Hole"

When you posted that link of yours I was immediately reminded of the above text.


Billions and Billions

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:14 am
by Trickfox
Too bad Reserch is so expensive. You can't really expect to be able to spend billions of dollars without promissing to find out something so important as the possible "solution to all mysteries" do you?
The truth of the mater is that I could die without knowing the results and perhaps all that will have been lost is "my personal happiness".

Knowing that I will be there because it's most important to me and my existence and life's mission.

The best part is the anticipation.

I'm just a poor happy fool perhaps, but if not, I have perhaps found "a map" to follow called "post quantum physics".

Here is another individual who's work I respect: ... c62877ec3a


Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 7:13 am
by AM
In light of what was said a few posts ago, this might be of some interest. wrote:Animals may see Earth's magnetic field

The idea that some animals navigate by "seeing" Earth's magnetic field has been shown to be feasible in laboratory tests, a new study says. First proposed about 30 years ago, the theory suggests that sunlight absorbed by molecules in the eyes of animals such as birds and bats triggers a chemical reaction. This reaction makes the molecules sensitive to the local magnetic field, according to study co-author Peter Hore, a chemist at the University of Oxford. The scientists set up an artificial photochemical-reaction system in the lab and monitored its response to a magnetic field weaker than Earth's. When exposed to light, this simulated model became sensitive to the magnitude and direction of the weak magnetic field. The team thus proved that this occurrence, known as chemical magnetoreception, is possible in nature. Thorsten Ritz is a physicist at the University of California, Irvine, whose field experiments with migratory birds support the idea of a photochemical compass

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 7:26 am
by kevin.b
Have you ever heard the phrase,
"Take a bee line"?
The bees are dissappearing,imo, because the natural pathways are been flooded with too much information and side roads, they are lost.

But we are blind to the ONE light, they with their compound eyes are not.

Einstein gave us five years , once the bees dissappear, something I can agree with him upon.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 7:38 am
by AM
It's very interesting that you mentioned the (bee) colony collapse disorder, Mr. (Kevin) B.

I think that Einstein actually said four years and not five, so we have even less time.

Speaking of bees and our enviroment being flooded with too much electormagnetic radiation, there is an interesting story that a friend of mine told me just recently. An acquaintance of his who keeps bees noticed something strange: when being at the bee hive he received a phone call from his wife. He took out his cell phone and after a few moments he noticed that some bees simply droped down as if dead.

Although I myself do not keep bees (yet), I have been following the controversy around the reasons for the (bee) colony collapse disorder. One of the possible causes might be exactly what you are saying.

There though may be multiple causes and EM radiation is just one of them.


having a different set of eyes

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:20 pm
by ladygrady
Paul said in one of his very last responses to this forum that he was having to look at all of this information coming in on the forum with the eyes of an insect. I don't know his exact quote but I find it strange that you all have decided suddenly to talk about bees and bee lines and I wonder what else this
" communications" that we are dealing with here wants us to notice.

The importance of the bee? The short time frame? The bees ability to see many different things all at once but still be able to see the ONE thing that we all have been missing? The bee that goes from flower to flower to flower? ( remembering what Mr. Twigsnapper quoted, can't help myself when I hear the music in my head too) " But flower must not EVER go" from bee to bee to bee . What the heck does that have to do with any thing?

I am going back to my discussion of Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher. Who is going to speak with her? Paul? You are the bee I think here. I would LOVE to see a discussion between her and Paul and Linda Brown and AM and Trickfox and FM and Mikado and Griffin and Radomir and Victoria and Andrew and and and and and. Too many of us to even list! We need a conference!

So what part of the country? I propose a vote. Each of us just say what part of the country would be easiest for all of you. I vote East Coast... Maybe, just for old times sake , and to drive the Experiment people nuts! <g> PHILADELPHIA. Thats close enough for me. Other ideas? Oh, Vegas is good too I guess. ALOT more sideline entertainment there than Philadelphia could ever offer! I spent a lifetime there one weekend too. grady

Re: having a different set of eyes

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:28 pm
by Mikado14
ladygrady wrote:Paul said in one of his very last responses to this forum that he was having to look at all of this information coming in on the forum with the eyes of an insect. I don't know his exact quote but I find it strange that you all have decided suddenly to talk about bees and bee lines and I wonder what else this
" communications" that we are dealing with here wants us to notice.

The importance of the bee? The short time frame? The bees ability to see many different things all at once but still be able to see the ONE thing that we all have been missing? The bee that goes from flower to flower to flower? ( remembering what Mr. Twigsnapper quoted, can't help myself when I hear the music in my head too) " But flower must not EVER go" from bee to bee to bee . What the heck does that have to do with any thing?

I am going back to my discussion of Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher. Who is going to speak with her? Paul? You are the bee I think here. I would LOVE to see a discussion between her and AM and Trickfox and FM and and and and. Too many of us to even list. We need a conference!

So what part of the country? I propose a vote. Each of us just say what part of the country would be easiest for all of you. I vote East Coast... Maybe, just for old times sake maybe <g> PHILADELPHIA. Thats close enough for me. Other ideas? Oh, Vegas is good too I guess. ALOT more sideline entertainment there than Philadelphia could ever offer! spent a lifetime there one weekend too. grady
dear lady,

Do you honestly think that if I went to Vegas I would care to see the entertainment or would I rather spend my time to conspire by the fire?


I think

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:34 pm
by ladygrady
I think that the energy produced at that Conference ( wherever) Could light the city. Even Philadelphia. So I vote for just a good place where we can all just talk. Dangerous enough. Don't need showgirls, a campfire would be just great.

Philadelphia is close for me, no problem. And I think that would work for you Mikado and Trickfox ( I know, I know Canada but not all that far.) How about the rest of you? A little bit of self organizing happening here. grady


Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 2:44 pm
by Trickfox
Hi everyone

I Just got a new vehicle and I can drive to Pensylvania in Five hours.
Count me in for a reunion there Lady....
It would be an enormous pleasure to take this to the next level.

BTW I have a single degree of connectivity to Dr. Rauscher.

One of her assistants, Mike Coyle (a genius himself) -and I are friends from 10 years ago. He has kept me abreast of her recent work with the Resonance Project Foundation with N. Haramein.

She has published a paper with Haramein but IMHO it was not earth shaking news, and it did not have much gravity to it, but then who am I to judge anyone's work , since I'm still learning myself:

I think it would be a great idea for Paul to put a few of us together.
Maybe each of us could learn from each other.

For now, -know that I will be following my own advice and I will try and change one of my own bad habits.

If Paul goes for it, the anticipation for our next reunion will fuel enormous joy in my life.



Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 3:23 pm
by Chris Knight
Philadelphia is about 1:46 from Hershey, so that works for us.

oh, I get it?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:17 pm
by Victoria Steele
Not far from Hershey? But you are in California? Oh, I think I get it. Chocolate.

Hey, works for me too. Anybody else? Victoria