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Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:22 am
by Trickfox
By golly THAT"S IT!!!!

That's why the LHC did not work!!!
it's the darned flyback......
It was missing a couple of turns.... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:24 am
by Griffin
chemical components of marijuana reduce inflammation and stimulate the production of new brain cells, thereby enhancing memory
What kind of new brain cells and what kind of memories? Flashbacks anyone? <g>



Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:30 am
by twigsnapper
Ha Ha .... I think dear Griffin that you are showing your vintage.

I had a showhorse once that I dubbed " Flashback".
Brilliant animal. Talented, strong, smart . As well trained as he could be..... but his rider said he was ........ unpredictable. And thats the way I look on those possible " Flashback" memories. Sometimes they are brilliant ... sometimes they are nonsensical scribblings on trash paper. And the terrible thing is that you can not put your trust in an animal like that ... or whatever drug might be of choice!

It has worried me too to see some agencies rely so heavily on different drug reactions with the folks they call their " remote viewers". I doubt that they mention it much but most on the inside know that they rely sometimes heavily on " drug interactions" to elicit certain responses from their trial subjects. But then when they get a good " viewing" .... How much can that actually be trusted.

Talking alot about horses tonight for some reason. The word " Fizzing" came up in this or another recent thread and it brought to mind the expression that some horsemen of my background and training sometimes use. The word is " Fizzy" As in " The mare went " fizzy" on him and took four strides between fences". Going Fizzy like that is almost like trying to go in a hundred different directions all at once. What sometimes happens is that there is so much random action that no forward movement can happen ... And then the energy level just washes away and you are pathetically " done" for the session when so much more could have been accomplished.

Fizzing here I send to mean the " cosmic dance" ... the " jittering". And if thats the case then you are looking at something that will never " fade away like the drug enduced brilliance" because it is drawing its energy from another source entirely. Sometimes that experience is difficult to imagine for those who have perhaps not experienced it.

I have had the rare experience of seeing what happens when fate puts some truly talented people in al quantum hotel room and lets them brainstorm without expectations or plans to controll the " fizzing"

Or as Flow would have said..... Dancing is better than marching. twigsnapper


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:23 pm
by Mikado14
twigsnapper wrote: I have had the rare experience of seeing what happens when fate puts some truly talented people in al quantum hotel room and lets them brainstorm without expectations or plans to controll the " fizzing"

Or as Flow would have said..... Dancing is better than marching. twigsnapper
Mr. Twigsnapper,

I truly would love to hear about your experience that fate allowed you to see. A quantum hotel room.....Waldorf?.....Hyatt? ....Sheraton?.....or just a Motel 6? Or maybe perhaps the "fizzing" is nothing more than a reaction to a catalyst in bringing three unstable elements together.

Don't drovers ride horses? I think I used that word before here.



Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:33 pm
by Langley
Trickfox wrote:By golly THAT"S IT!!!!

That's why the LHC did not work!!!
it's the darned flyback......
It was missing a couple of turns.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Steve Jobs had the same problem Trickfox,,,

G3 Imac Flyback transformers ( Why they fail )


#1 (permalink)
Old 14-06-2007, 12:49 PM

Group: Regulars
Location: Northern Beaches , Sydney

G3 Imac Flyback transformers ( Why they fail )
I've just been given a slot load G3 Imac 350 that has startup issues and after doing a bit of research I found an excellent site for gudes to repairs to some of the more common types of electronic components found in computers - more specifically those usually of the power supply kind.The original iMac g3's were particularly prone to the Power supply failure problem, and these are mostly but not always due to the Flyback transformer failing. As a lot of us seem to have or had one of these at some stage , I just thought I would post this here for interests sake. This is taken from...

Why do flyback Transformers Fail?
While flyback transformers can on occasion be blown due to a failure elsewhere in the TV or monitor's power supply or deflection circuits, in most cases, they simply expire on their own. Why?

Flybacks are wound with many layers of really really fine wire with really really thin insulation. This entire assembly is potted with an Epoxy resin which is poured in and allowed to cure.

In some ways, these are just short circuits waiting to happen.

Flybacks get hot during use and this leads to deterioration of the insulation. Any imperfections, nicks, or scratches in the insulation or trapped air bubbles and impurities in the Epoxy fill material contribute to failure. Temperature cycles and manufacturing defects result in fine cracks in the Epoxy potting material reducing the insulation breakdown particularly in the area of the high voltage windings, rectifiers, and focus/screen divider network. They also physically vibrate to some extent. A whole bunch of other factors are also no doubt important.

Once a breakdown - sparking or arcing - develops, it is usually terminal.

It is amazing they last as long as they do with the stresses they are under"

Very Existential, that.

Can you run it headless?

Of course had the stupid buggers at Apple fitted the things with twin discrete power supplies and a quick disconnect computer section, people wouldnt be afraid øƒ CRT discharge and so fit em into another box, dice the monitor section still encased in its artwork and just hook up another monitor.

I might have a wonky logic board but that's another story.


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:35 pm
by Trickfox
Yes indeed Let's talk about those psychoactive drugs shall we!!!

The thing about these kind of drugs, is that in very small quantities, they are sometimes unwillingly "spiked" in the food or drink of some unsuspecting person. The victim's character can change dramatically. In fact the victim can become more cooperative and talkative. Seems to me that this kind of coersion would be a perfect tactic for a covert operation.

Too bad it would not work for those who have been through the whole "drug thing". You see once you have experienced the effects of these types of drugs voluntarilly, you can no longer be fooled by the subtle effects.

I'm sure the best of the intelligence world are well trained in this area, and they have all tested themselves under different psychoactives. I'm sure they have drank themselves under the table a few times also, just to see how they could withstand the effects.

Now remote viewers are probably a similar crew in that "the effects" caused by psychoactive drugs are perhaps wanted by remote viewers, however, the loss of control over the effects are NOT wanted.

I wager that the best remote viewers are able to trigger the "psychoactive effects" without using any drugs whatsoever. I believe there is a natural method of changing the brain's operational mode using breathing excercises, meditation, and concentration. There is no need for any psychoactive drugs once a person knows what to do to stimulate the brain's own serotonin levels.



Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:10 pm
by Griffin
Yes, Mr. T and Mons. T -- I totally agree. Couldn't resist a "flashback" comment, though.

What you both also mentioned relates to a bad flashback we've experienced on this Flow Forum before: MK-ULTRA. Dr. Puharich would have also considered that memory a bad flashback of a coercive draft induction experience, imo. Fortunately, he apparently avoided being sucked deeply into that abyss. But "once burned, twice shy."

As ever,



Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:49 pm
by twigsnapper

You mentioned ". Fortunately, he apparently avoided being sucked deeply into that abyss. But "once burned, twice shy"

speaking of Dr. Puharich. Unfortuneately a flight of stairs was as far down into that abyss as he needed to go. twigsnapper


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:29 pm
by Trickfox

Very Interesting Mr. Twigsnapper.... I see Dr. Rausher was there also....

Strange how Elizabeth gets around.



Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:42 pm
by Griffin
Two items from Trickfox's link were particularly apt, I thought:

“Interment at Devotion, North Carolina” and “If only he had not been so bull-headed he might still be alive.”

I don’t think that any reasonable person studying Dr. Puharich’s life would quarrel with the term “devotion” or perhaps “extreme devotion” being applied to him. So it seems appropriate that he was interred in a place by that name.

Being bull-headed might be the downside of extreme devotion, but if you’re dealing with toreadors from various camps armed with swords, well…

He was continuing to expose that use of manipulative and dangerous targeted radiations used by both the KGB and the CIA. He supposedly continued to refuse to work with the CIA. Who knows what precipitated a heart attack in a frail and quite stressed elderly man on that flight of stairs? But, of course, you are in a much better position than I am to assess what the real story might have been, Mr. Twigsnapper.

I only met Dr. Puharich once in Santa Monica at the home of his friend. Although he did not seem particularly appreciative of writers, he was quite interested in hearing about two areas of my research. Quite an incandescent mind and energy field, imo. I respect his dedication, honest and courageous research, and sacrifice -- perhaps even an ultimate sacrifice. Reading of his health condition at the time, it’s likely that it was actually a deliverance for him under the circumstances. At least it seems to have been mercifully quick.

As ever,



Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:12 pm
by Trickfox
He should have started hemodialisys, he might have been alive today if he had. :(


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:23 pm
by Mark Culpepper
Wierd crossovers.

Seems to me that we had a long discussion about a " Josh Reynolds" a couple of years ago. He was a friend of Dr. Browns I think and oddly was at that " Townsend Brown Conference" in Philadelphia years and years ago. But the " Josh Reynolds" who was the host of Puharich was a different Josh Reynolds, obviously.

But here is the odd quantum notation... the common strange thread. Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher apparently was both at the conference with Josh No 1 and living in Josh #2s Estate when Puharich died. Now thats just flipping .... wierd.



Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:30 pm
by skyfish
The use of psychoactive substances to reach an altered state has been a practice of all cultures
throughout history. I support the idea that it may be initally used to familiarize one with
the "gateway" , but may not be necessary after the student becomes adept at
attaining the mystical state unaided. Here is a flashback. Anybody read
Carlos Castaneda? Not sure how factual it all is but an entertaining read.

He also used the term "nagual" to signify that part of perception which is in the realm of the unknown yet still reachable by man, implying that, for his party of seers, don Juan was in some way a connection to that unknown. Castaneda often referred to this unknown realm as nonordinary reality, which indicated that this realm was indeed a reality, but radically different from the ordinary reality experienced by human beings who are well engaged in everyday activities as part of their social conditioning.



Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:54 am
by Radomir
As long as the "fizz" comes from Pepsi, it appears all is well. :wink:



Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:18 pm
by htmagic
I have been quiet on the boards for a few days as I was in the midst of a move. So I made it safe on the drive down to Tennessee and we unloaded the car trailer and 26 foot long truck yesterday. And on top of it, I was sicker than a dog starting about Wednesday evening with some sort of virus where things were explosive from both ends, the trots and dry heaves because I couldn't keep anything down. Thanksgiving was spent loading the truck and I had a little stuffing and got sick later. I drove down Thursday after taking 5 Imodiums to stop me up and that seemed to work. I survived on Gatorade and water and didn't have any solid food for about three days. I figured whatever was in my stomach must have passed long ago. I felt like I had broken glass in my stomach and it kept gurgling from just the water or Gatorade in me. I went to Wal-Mart last night and one of the things I picked up was a cheese with active (probiotic) cultures. That seemed to do the trick and now I am eating again and starting to feel normal. I feel I have expelled Maryland from my system and can start to enjoy the grits and other southern foods. :wink:

On the bright side, I feel like I must have lost about 10-15 pounds. I'd like to keep it off and keep the momentum going but what I went through is a terrible way to do it! I think my wife caught the same thing and I pray she doesn't have to go through 3 days of what I did. And if it wasn't for my 17 year old stepdaughter Danielle, I couldn't have moved without her. She helped quite a bit as Mom couldn't do any heavy lifting.

When I got here, I had some good friends that helped unload the truck before the rain came. Then my best friend (and best man for my wedding) helped move boxes from the basement with the appliance dolly to the various rooms. He truly is a good friend with a heart of gold.

So today I set up the laptop and am on the floor reading emails and trying to play catch up. I will try to set up my desktop later. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and a great weekend.

Take care,
