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Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 3:41 am
by Chris Knight
Good video.


Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 2:03 pm
by Langley
The aether.

(Ill delete my understandings and insert : blah blah blah (me attempting to explain myself)

The use of microswaves. (I want to stay confined to that)

How does the aether respond to the passage of microwaves - that band in the spectrum?

If there is a response, what use if any could it be put?

The Rest of the Story

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 2:43 pm
by Paul S.
htmagic wrote: If this is so bogus, why hasn't the Obama campaign produced a valid copy of his birth certificate to a judge? And that isn't even the real issue. The issue Phillip Berg is raising is that Obama LOST his US citizenship while he was in Indonesia.
You've really only got a sliver of the whole story there, Bill. Get the rest of it here: ... gging.html
For weeks Ace of Spades has been working on a super-secret story about Obama, which "called Obama a straight-up liar on his supposed 'flimsy' relationship with The Terrorist William Ayers" and finally connected all the dots, linking Obama and Bill Ayers, Acorn, Tony Reszko, Charles Manson, the Chicago mob, the Illuminati, Freemasons, the Trilateral Commission, Jewish bankers, Nazis living in South America, Fidel Castro, the KGB, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Bigfoot, Area 51, the Harlem Globetrotters, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the Bermuda Triangle, Mrs. Calabash and Mr. Gorsky. Apparently, Ben Smith at Politico, had the story, too, according to Ace and Hill Buzz, and he was just sitting on it (though Smith denied it). ....Curse you, mainstream media and your accursed fact-checking! Will your cover-up of the truth about Barack Obama never end!
Illuminati... Freemasons... Area 51... The Berumuda Triangle. The only thing he doesn't mention is The Caroline Group. I'll have to send him a copy of the book, I'm sure he can connect a dot or two there, too.


Re: The Rest of the Story

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 2:51 pm
by Mikado14
Paul S. wrote: You've really only got a sliver of the whole story there, Bill. Get the rest of it here: ... gging.html
For weeks Ace of Spades has been working on a super-secret story about Obama, which "called Obama a straight-up liar on his supposed 'flimsy' relationship with The Terrorist William Ayers" and finally connected all the dots, linking Obama and Bill Ayers, Acorn, Tony Reszko, Charles Manson, the Chicago mob, the Illuminati, Freemasons, the Trilateral Commission, Jewish bankers, Nazis living in South America, Fidel Castro, the KGB, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Bigfoot, Area 51, the Harlem Globetrotters, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the Bermuda Triangle, Mrs. Calabash and Mr. Gorsky. Apparently, Ben Smith at Politico, had the story, too, according to Ace and Hill Buzz, and he was just sitting on it (though Smith denied it). ....Curse you, mainstream media and your accursed fact-checking! Will your cover-up of the truth about Barack Obama never end!
Illuminati... Freemasons... Area 51... The Berumuda Triangle. The only thing he doesn't mention is The Caroline Group. I'll have to send him a copy of the book, I'm sure he can connect a dot or two there, too.

You all still have it wrong,

O B A M A - 5 letters

M C C A I N - 6 letters

Which one do you think is the Anti-Christ?

Mikado <g>


Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 2:54 pm
by Kim

It came through. Thank you.


Re: The Rest of the Story

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:11 pm
by htmagic
Mikado14 wrote: You all still have it wrong,

O B A M A - 5 letters

M C C A I N - 6 letters

Which one do you think is the Anti-Christ?

Mikado <g>

That's funny! How many times have so many people reminded us of falling into the either/or trap?

I have noticed somewhat of a slant in media lately and I wondered if others picked up on it as well. Last week on Saturday Night Live (SNL), there seemed to be a slant for Sarah Palin. I thought maybe because she agreed to go on the show and work with these people so they were being nice to her. I also though that maybe thought SNL might have had the idea that they could keep this going for Tina Fey for four years doing her skit.

Then last night on the news, they were talking about Sarah Palin's glasses. Those designer glasses with titanium frames cost well over $300 but one store said they sold 25 so far. And the cheap knockoffs were flying off the shelves for $49. So I guess we will have plenty of Sarah Palins for Halloween! All I know is, that I'm not dressing up as a MOOSE! LOL!

People thought Ronald Wilson Reagan was the antichrist too and when he died, he was one of the greatest presidents. It proves that he who writes history is in control and can write it anyway he (or she!) feels...



Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:20 pm
by Griffin
Yes, Paul-

And the conspiracy is even vaster than all that, and we're all in on it. Con-spire means to "breathe with" or "breathe together" -- and I strongly suspect we're all breathing. I have to admit to my part in it. Maybe Mr. Spirito is the head of this vast conspiracy. But that's only a suspicion.



Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:09 pm
by amalie
Dear Trickfox,

I hope you are feeling a bit better.

I have discovered my daughter Tara is a great cook!

We had Russian chicken soup with sour cream, stuffed peppers with salad and some kind of fabulous vegetable melange, which was very Asian.

Please don't be depressed, you have to transcend all that, because being sad is only human, and you have to be really STRONG.

I am going now to talk about space policy, Magic Bill has given me the Powerpoint.

Everything is made possible because of you .
You should be proud of me and of all of the forum, this is what you wanted, now it is happening.

Love Amalie


Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:56 am
by Langley
Um, you know my obsession with looking for paraellel programs buried in the bomb program?

You remember the the navy's early uranium program and radar and sonar etc
Would anyone like to consider this ... -pt-2.html

Now McMillan and Abelson are important stages along the road esp to Plutonium

But does anyone see the potential in the linked article for a parallel program thats not radar, not the bomb, but which uses a knowledge base applicable to both?

This article isnt new, its not earth shattering but it might be worthwhile.


Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:57 pm
by arc
In a way, its along the lines of generating enough power to run the rather oversized oven needed to make enough lasagna to keep Mikado happy...<g>

Mikados school for gastronomic delight... could be a business there?... might even have appeal for the stockbrokers, lawyers, dentists... and other... "high flyers", what do you think Mikado.



Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:11 am
by Martin Calloway
I just heard something in passing and I wanted to share it with all of you.
Apparently Google has made some sort of arrangement about making books that have previously been " out of print" available to the public and the talk of course extends to new authors and new projects.

Now I don't understand any of that but one of my friends (who is pretty aware of all of this stuff) said that there will soon be a " electronic book" which will be shaped like your standard library book and will have a screen which will read just like the page all of us old fuddy duddies are accustomed to.

Its hooked up of course so that you could have your entire library with you .... read your selected book , page by page just the way you would with your favorite book from the shelf of your own library. Old classics, even new books ( like Pauls) available to you with a push of a key.


Anybody else know about this development? What are the pros and cons for new authors like Paul? Would he get the same kind of arrangement as a "paper publisher?" Maybe its just me but suddenly that sounds REALLY old fashioned for a book that is going to be introducing some major new (and reindroduced old) concepts.

And if the " Cosmic haha situation is still working the way it seems to be, then just putting Pauls book out where the public could " stumble upon it" by doing a simple search .... might just be an amazing way to get the word out.

Comments? Martin

Re: NOTEPAD for RANDOM IDEAS - Books & Downloads

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:06 am
by htmagic

Electronic books, ebooks, have been around for some time now. Most can do it on their computers now but their concept is a cheaper reader without keyboard and just forward, back, up, and down buttons. The idea of Paul's book being in electronic format would appeal to a wider range. But sometimes print versions are just nice to read. There is something about a well bound book, especially with good content inside, a wealth of knowledge from which to download.



Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:31 am
by arc
If you add a text recognition software package and a sound generator chip to the package you could get the book to "read to you". With a bit of fiddling around you could get the book to advise you on news, events etc. It certainly would suit the modern trend of youngsters apparently having "surgically implanted" headphones that I see all around me, even at the breakfast table.



Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:35 am
by Linda Brown
I agree with you MagicBill, but then you already know I think how much I love books. I love the feel of the older ones and the look of their pages and the differing type. I even love the smell of the old ink ....BUT

I "see" something in the future which could be all kinds of fun. Picture a leather bound " book" that you could take with you everywhere. Open the front cover and you have a screen and with a few touches you could transform your " book" into any of thousands on any library shelf in the world. Thats all you would ever need.

The cover would satisfy your feeling of having something of the past ... the innerds of the thing would bring you the needed technology. It could be a simple " reader" ... All that would be needed to satisfy the library lurker in all of us. And the best part of it is that it would still feel like a "book" , and read like one ... except you would have to touch the page instead of flipping it ... I can live with that.

I want one too. Somebody please develop it. <g>

No ... no news advisory system for me arc I just want it to be whatever book I happen to select. I'll leave all the other toys for that other stuff! Linda


Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:41 am
by arc
I fully agree, the feel of a good leather cover and the bulk/weight just "feel" right. I have a 1913 leather bound copy of the works of Longfellow with pages made of paper as thin as tissue paper, it just has a certain aura to it that makes a statement of its own.
