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Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:03 pm
by Linda Brown
Sorry, I seem to be on a roll today.

I quess when you have been able to stand next to someone who understands so much about what is so hidden from most of us ... sometimes it rubs off a little. Maybe thats the nature of everything that we learn. This " rubbing off process" <g>

Anyway. Take a look ... ?id=111062

Just noting this for our discussion:

Bohm, a leading expert in twentieth century plasma physics, observed in amazement that once electrons were in plasma, they stopped behaving like individuals and started behaving as if they were a part of a larger and interconnected whole. Although the individual movements of each electron appeared to be random, vast numbers of electrons were able to produce collective effects that were surprisingly well organized and appeared to behave like a life form. The plasma constantly regenerated itself and enclosed impurities in a wall in the same way that a biological organism, like the unicellular amoeba, might encase a foreign substance in a cyst. So amazed was Bohm by these life-like qualities that he later remarked that he frequently had the impression that the electron sea was "alive" and that plasma possessed some of the traits of living things. The debate on the existence of plasma-based life forms has been going on for more than 20 years ever since some models showed that plasma can mimic the functions of a primitive cell.

Plasma cosmologist, Donald Scott, notes that "...a [plasma] double layer can act much like a membrane that divides a biological cell". A model of plasma double layers (a structure commonly found in complex
plasmas) has been used to investigate ion transport across biological cell membranes by researchers (See American Journal of Physics, May 2000, Volume 68, Issue 5, pp. 450-455). Researchers noted that "Concepts like charge neutrality, Debye length, and double layer [used in plasma physics] are very useful to explain the electrical properties of a cellular membrane". Plasma physicist Hannes Alfvén also noted the association of double layers with cellular structure, as had Irving Langmuir before him, who coined the term "plasma" after its resemblance to living blood cells."

There .... I can practically hear Morgan saying ...." Chew on that for awhile" <g> Linda


Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:09 pm
by twigsnapper
And since this is the thread for random topics.

Consider what it might be like, reduced to just wishing that someone who cared for you would think to send you some BabyWipes ... so that you could get the damned sand out of your face and ears and other unmentionable spots. Having to sleep in hollowed out spots in a treeless environment where the wind just flat never stops throwing the sand in your face. Reduced to hoping with each mail call that someone will think to write just a note from home. About ANYTHING." Hows Ma and Pa and Em", as Paul might write. Knowing that you are going out on another one of those famous little walks in the countryside in the morning and wondering what that will bring because you have already experienced the whine of a bullet going close.

Just random thoughts. The Post Office offers a certain box for nine dollars and it will reach these guys if you just fill it with goodies and send it off/ Does it really matter who opens the box? twigsnapper


Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:45 pm
by htmagic
twigsnapper wrote:And since this is the thread for random topics.

Consider what it might be like, reduced to just wishing that someone who cared for you would think to send you some BabyWipes ... so that you could get the damned sand out of your face and ears and other unmentionable spots. Having to sleep in hollowed out spots in a treeless environment where the wind just flat never stops throwing the sand in your face. Reduced to hoping with each mail call that someone will think to write just a note from home. About ANYTHING." Hows Ma and Pa and Em", as Paul might write. Knowing that you are going out on another one of those famous little walks in the countryside in the morning and wondering what that will bring because you have already experienced the whine of a bullet going close.

Just random thoughts. The Post Office offers a certain box for nine dollars and it will reach these guys if you just fill it with goodies and send it off/ Does it really matter who opens the box? twigsnapper
Mr. Twigsnapper,

Some good thoughts for our men in Iraq. Our church gathered together some things to send to the troops overseas. For years, I had been traveling and living out of motel rooms. Every time I would come home, I had the little bars or soap, shampoo, and lotion (and the coffee). My wife had grocery bags full of them. We sent them along in care packages to the troops. I hope they enjoyed them.

When you put it in that perspective, Mr. Twigsnapper, we whiny Americans should have nothing to complain about! But we are so focused upon ourselves that we forget those around (and not around) us. Human nature I guess...

Time for me to get outdoors and enjoy the fall air...



Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:20 pm
by FM No Static At All
htmagic wrote: When you put it in that perspective, Mr. Twigsnapper, we whiny Americans should have nothing to complain about! But we are so focused upon ourselves that we forget those around (and not around) us. Human nature I guess...
No it's not human nature, but it is taught. We learn to be that way, it's not our nature. We must forget that greed and selfishness that is taught, and go back to the love and compassion for life of all kind. The men and women who defend us do so out of a sense of duty and honor. They are brave and lonely for their loved ones back home.

With all the issues that face us each day, we tend to forget that we have Americans around the world defending our freedoms and way of life. But I do not hold the people in charge of these brave troops in high regard, for they have placed our loved ones in harm's way, not so much for defense of America, but for the greed and profits of multinational corporations. Those brave souls do not know that. They are doing what they believe is the right thing, and I do not diminish my love and respect for them.

We are on the brink of major changes in the world, and who represents us in the change will determine the fate of out planet. Should that responsibility be given to any one person? Or should we all as humans take responsibility for assuring that we make changes that serve the highest good of all?

What are you pretending not to know?


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:51 pm
by Langley
Some links ... les/curie/ ... fchp2.html ... e-bio.html
In 1937, Joliot-Curie left the Radium Institute to become a professor at the College de France, working on chain reactions and the requirements for the successful construction of a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy through the use of uranium and heavy water. At the time of the Nazi invasion in 1940, Joliot managed to smuggle his working documents and materials to England. He was one of the scientists mentioned in Albert Einstein's 1939 letter to President Roosevelt as one of the leading scientists on the course to chain reactions. However, World War II stalled Joliot-Curie's research, as did his subsequent post-war administrative duties. He was on the ALSOS list, which is the Manhattan Project's military intelligence effort to capture known enemy nuclear scientists in an attempt to learn how far Germany had progressed in its efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.

During the French occupation, Joliot-Curie took an active part in the Resistance; he was President of the National Front and formed the French Communist Party. After the war, he served as director of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and became France's first High Commissioner for Atomic Energy. In 1948, he oversaw the construction of the first French atomic reactor. A devout Communist, he was relieved of his duties in 1950 for political reasons. He was one of the 11 signatories to the Russell-Einstein Manifesto in 1955. Although he retained his professorship at the College de France, on the death of his wife in 1956, he succeeded her as Chair of Nuclear Physics at the Sorbonne.

Joliot-Curie and his wife had one daughter, Helene, and one son, Pierre. He died in Paris on August 14, 1958.
Related Reading
Book Cover

The Making of the Atomic Bomb
by Richard Rhodes
Related Sites

ALSOS Library on Nuclear Issues Entry: Frédéric Joliot-Curie

(Excuse me if Im a Leo, off weirding again) (but straight lines dont exist in nature)

On another topic does anyone know if radioactive invisible ink (it stayed invisible, and a fluroscope was used to read the message) was used in world war 2 after its invention in the 40s at the UC Berkeley Lawrence Rad Lab?


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:03 pm
by Mark Culpepper
Great links Langley, as usual!

I just typed up " rock electricity townsend brown" and got this interesting site

Rock Music indeed. And have we been looking at this all along? This simple communication between intelligences. Us and .... something else .... using the very fibre of our world as a transmitter and receiver?

For those who just want to stick on the surface of this conversation I noted that there are some very good photos of Dr. Brown at work, some I had seen through Pauls efforts and some I hadn't. I noticed that the credit line is to " Optical Multimedia" ( which is who? Is that you Andrew?) and of course " The Townsend Brown family". I noted the date was about ten years ago so did that mean that Joseph Brown was involved in putting this information out?

I know that we get all involved in some pretty far out thoughts and sometimes for me its just sort of a pleasant relief to get back to simple questions that might have simple answers? Who actually represents the " Townsend Brown Estate" now, besides Linda of course? Anybody who can answer that? MarkC


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:29 pm
by Martin Calloway
Just wanted you to know Linda that I did catch what I think was your purpose in throwing out this pitch.

A quote from another writer but it was important enough for you to mention it and if I have learned one thing. It is to pay attention when you " off-handedly" mention something.

"Bohm, a leading expert in twentieth century plasma physics, observed in amazement that once electrons were in plasma, they stopped behaving like individuals and started behaving as if they were a part of a larger and interconnected whole. Although the individual movements of each electron appeared to be random, vast numbers of electrons were able to produce collective effects that were surprisingly well organized and appeared to behave like a life form"

And I suppose we make another really grand leap if we somehow include " intelligent " to that "life form" comment. Isn't that Dr. Brown has been saying all along? Or did he let Kozyrev be the one to mention that?

If you have what you call a "consortium" of interests which Paul has called " The Caroline Group". Then ... Could a non-human intelligence be part of the club too? In fact. could they be a founding member?

Just a thought on a Sunday afternoon. Just tossed the ball back into play Linda, is all. Martin

Re: Optical Multimedia and the Townsend Brown Family

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:56 pm
by Chris Knight

I don't think Joseph Brown or his family was ever involved in anything associated with his father's work (I forget which chapter discusses that relationship). To answer your question, though, Optical Multimedia (a web design company) was the the precursor of Qualight, and the name under which we (Linda Brown and I) used to diseminate some of TTB's information.


Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:03 am
by Langley
Mark Culpepper wrote:Great links Langley, as usual!

I just typed up " rock electricity townsend brown" and got this interesting site

Rock Music indeed. And have we been looking at this all along? This simple communication between intelligences. Us and .... something else .... using the very fibre of our world as a transmitter and receiver? MarkC

Um, would this stuff sing? ... nitite.htm

Piezo electric generation as a distance bomb detonation detector?

Re: Optical Multimedia and the Townsend Brown Family

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:30 am
by htmagic
Chris Knight wrote:Mark,

I don't think Joseph Brown or his family was ever involved in anything associated with his father's work (I forget which chapter discusses that relationship). To answer your question, though, Optical Multimedia (a web design company) was the the precursor of Qualight, and the name under which we (Linda Brown and I) used to diseminate some of TTB's information.
So Andrew,

Is this still available? Where can I please get a copy?
5) [1980] Brown, T.T, Furumoto A. S, Morrison, H.F, Gottscholk W. M, Potter J.G, Kautz. W. M: “Phenomenal Variations of Resistivity and the Petrovoltaic Effect” Republished 1997 Optical Multimedia & The Townsend Brown Family
And I am curious about the IBVA Waterfall Graph Measuring Cumberlandite, Laurie Studio. Could you please describe this in more detail? Is this equipment available as well as the software? The display looks like a 3 D plot. What are we seeing there? Is this the pitch variations as displayed from the audio signals? What did the audio signals sound like? Is there any audio wave files?

We see the VOM but is that around 0.5 volts or is that millivolts? Could this power a small transistor circuit or did you always need amplification to detect the signals?



Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:29 am
by Mikado14
Mr. Twigsnapper,

Had a very long conversation with someone of importance to me today. In light of what is being presented here perhaps something from my "cookbook" might be appropriate ( pay attention land of the long white cloud ). The ancients never referred to conductors and insulators by those names. Have you read the transcripts? ...<g>

In any event, those names are one-sided and I was wondering if you were aware of this?



Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:07 am
by natecull
Linda Brown wrote: Bohm, a leading expert in twentieth century plasma physics, observed in amazement that once electrons were in plasma, they stopped behaving like individuals and started behaving as if they were a part of a larger and interconnected whole. Although the individual movements of each electron appeared to be random, vast numbers of electrons were able to produce collective effects that were surprisingly well organized and appeared to behave like a life form.
How very intriguing. I've read Bohm (he has an interesting spiritual take on the world with his 'implicate/explicate order') but I hadn't realised he had made the direct argument that plasma exhibited life signs.

My immediate reaction is 'doesn't that sound similar to what is described by the HAARP researchers'? I believe the term used was something like 'the ionosphere is an active environment'? ... ct133.html

Disclaimer: I'm not actually one of the people who think HAARP is Evil or even particularly interesting itself: the power levels seem miniscule compared with, say, your basic radar system, or all the world's cellphone emissions; it seems roughly along the same line as shining lasers at the moon; but what did intrigue me from doing some basic Googling a while ago was learning that the ionosphere isn't just a 'dumb' chunk of sky but has active structure and replicating processes in it.

Now, if there were some kind of suggestion of the ionosphere as a sort of 'planetary aura'... Bohm and Brown both seem to be people with interests along that line, though they may have never met.


Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:38 am
by Chris Knight

Yes, it is in the library section (

Actually, only four of the photos came from us - the two of TTB in his white suit, and then the two color photos of TTB at his desk (I think these were from Catalina).

Two of his laboratory journals are sitting on top of the strip recorder in the right color photo - just in case anyone was wondering what they looked like.

I couldn't commemt on the waterfall graph as it is exclusively Mr. Laurie's research.


Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:37 pm
by Linda Brown
Maybe...........its all this "subtle energy" needs to be.

"The voltage that’s available from the rocks is capable of moving the needle of a meter but not much more in the way of work. However, small voltages of this kind are common within the brain/body communications system.”



Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:22 pm
by Mark Culpepper

No wonder Morgan took a second look when you crossed his path in highschool.
You are one magical individual. Hair on the back of my neck standing straight up. MarkC