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Post by kevin.b »

Mikado 14,
Never ever detected You as a quitter.
I would emplore you not to run and hide away, build whatever, make it YOU, you are class.
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Post by htmagic »

kevin.b wrote:Mikado 14,
Never ever detected You as a quitter.
I would emplore you not to run and hide away, build whatever, make it YOU, you are class.

I'd like to echo Kevin's comments here. I don't know what happened and why you decided to quit but don't leave the forum. You keep us grounded and have steered people in the right direction. Please don't let a disagreement with one person lead to your absence. I don't know about you but I have been under a lot of stress recently and I believe others have been as well. That can lead to short tempers, especially when we stay up way too late spending time on this forum. Take a break, relax, but don't leave the forum. I do not believe Mark will be back so just because he left doesn't mean we want to see you go too. Besides, as the Enforcer, who's going to do the work that you have done on this forum? :?

Now let's get back to the task on focusing on Thomas Townsend Brown's work. And remember, everything will be allright!

Now, go forth,

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
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Post by Langley »

Mikado14 wrote:Paul and/or the Assistant Administrator,

As I requested per Email, please lockout the Mikado 14 account.

I have exported all my PM's for future reference and have no need for the account any longer.

After having posted over 2,000 posts, the time to follow other endeavors is at hand. Let some new blood come in and I believe this troll will take some of his own advice. Put your money where you mouth is and build it. I shall and have been.

I wish the forum the best.

Dear Mikado, Thanks so much for your posts and contacts. They have been richly enlightening. I will have something to send you in a few months.

I would like to send a best wishes to everyone in the Hurricane zone, it must be very rough.

A recent friend of mine, someone related to CP (of 1941) is in the Ike zone. I havent been able to contact her since the beginning of the week. I'm a bit worried.

He was under military confinement in Canada in 1941 Trickfox. Probably Confined to Barracks. Otherwise how would he have had access to a gun? The group he trained with and was supposed to sail with left for England without him, some weeks before his death. (A bit of an update there for you.)

Anyway. This 2012 thing. ... 99074.html ... larmax.htm
(old but usefuil)
(Is that AC or DC Mikado?)
The Mayans were not, in all probability, wrong. The weather and climate are initially solar driven. Hence the importance of an advanced, but agricultural society placed in solar prediction. When the climate changed, their civilization died.

But the world didn't end.

No doubt aspects of the next solar max will be used to fool us as per usual.

The next solar max does pretty much align with the end of the Mayan calender. ... arning.htm

YouTube - SOLAR MAX 2012
The 11 yeasr sp;ar max orbit around the sun SAINTBIRGITTA.COM. ... h_response ... a-big-one/

Edgar Cayce.

Its not about the end, its about change.

(I'm trying to be brief).

Regards all,


If the technology wasn't suppressed the world view and values would be mainstream and would mean that leaders
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Post by twigsnapper »


Sorry this will be brief. Restricted, as you know, from being as verbal as I would like to be right now.

I have a story to tell you about a little plastic troll. This tall goodlooking lanky kid used to stuff this silly thing in the back pocket of his balck jeans. ( wonder he could find the room) He would carry it to his classes there at Great Valley and then place it defiently on the right hand corner of his desk. Of course it was an open challenge to the teachers but the wise ones ignored it. The girls of the class however recognized it as their invitation to interact with this kid ( which of course was the idea all along) They would try to steal it away just as a way to get to know him, which of course was the point. He was different. Nobody else had a green haired troll on his desk. No one would even think of having one.

So now it sits where I can see it most of the time, because as you can guess, it has a long history with me.

So when Linda mentioned a troll, know that she was probably thinking of that green haired one, as I was.

Do what you need to do. And THANKYOU MIKADO, twigsnapper
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Post by Mikado14 »

twigsnapper wrote:Mikado,

Sorry this will be brief. Restricted, as you know, from being as verbal as I would like to be right now.

Yes, I do know.

I have a story to tell you about a little plastic troll. This tall goodlooking lanky kid used to stuff this silly thing in the back pocket of his balck jeans. ( wonder he could find the room) He would carry it to his classes there at Great Valley and then place it defiently on the right hand corner of his desk. Of course it was an open challenge to the teachers but the wise ones ignored it. The girls of the class however recognized it as their invitation to interact with this kid ( which of course was the idea all along) They would try to steal it away just as a way to get to know him, which of course was the point. He was different. Nobody else had a green haired troll on his desk. No one would even think of having one.

So now it sits where I can see it most of the time, because as you can guess, it has a long history with me.

So when Linda mentioned a troll, know that she was probably thinking of that green haired one, as I was.

Do what you need to do. And THANKYOU MIKADO, twigsnapper
There are somethings Sir, that I just told in an Email to someone and that is there are two things from my point of view that we have the freedom to choose. The friends we keep and how we choose to keep our word.

My account is still active and I wanted to answer you before I couldn't. You may not know this but you have enlightened me in ways that you may not realize. Ask Linda about the helmet, I shared what I told you about an incident with her.

I don't know why you are thanking me for I should be the one Thanking You.

You will always have my respect,

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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Post by twigsnapper »


Though our friend Mikado has decided to close this door ( which is his free choice of course) I am going to ask you to leave his door open for him. Who knows. Maybe he will decide that he misses the company after a time. twigsnapper
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Post by Rose »

Everything is cyclical, Mikado. We move away and we circle back. I look forward to you circling back in again, soon.

Strange travel suggestions are dancing lessons from god.
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Post by Linda Brown »

Mikado and Rose,

I agree.

" Returning, returning, returning"

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Post by amalie »

Magic Bill,

Thank you so much

" The PCBs would have to be collected prior to final disposal in a permitted TSCA incinerator."

In fact EPA is planning to dispose of the collected toxins and contaminated materials in a landfill !

" If the PCBs are on the surface of an impermeable surface, they can be wiped or washed from the surface. "

That is what I would have thought as well, so the girders can just be hosed down to remove traces....
( not quite so easy I know )

Do you have a link on removal of PCB's by "wash process" for impermeable surfaces.

I will forward that to restoration committee etc.

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Post by amalie »

Dear Mikado ,

I am am sorry if you are gone now, I did enjoy talking to you.

I plan to take your last advice "Put your money where you mouth is and build it".

I think I will eventually find a better link into tt browns work within the holistic and mystical viewpoint ,
which reaches and engages for science though so many original, remarkable and innovative ideas.

I wish you all the best

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Post by htmagic »

amalie wrote:Magic Bill,

Thank you so much

" The PCBs would have to be collected prior to final disposal in a permitted TSCA incinerator."

In fact EPA is planning to dispose of the collected toxins and contaminated materials in a landfill !

" If the PCBs are on the surface of an impermeable surface, they can be wiped or washed from the surface. "

That is what I would have thought as well, so the girders can just be hosed down to remove traces....
( not quite so easy I know )

Do you have a link on removal of PCB's by "wash process" for impermeable surfaces.

I will forward that to restoration committee etc.


In chemistry, like dissolves like. So the organic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can be dissolved using a organic solvent (similar to dry cleaning fluid) or a surfactant (detergent). Links include: ... id=6911785 ... posal.html

To name a few. If the contaminated material is mostly solid, then the PCB-contaminated solids can be buried in a landfill but incineration is usually the best and (final) treatment. The incinerators are specially designed to TSCA standards.

If they are burying the PCB contaminated materials in a landfill, then they are probably porous materials and not impermeable.

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
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Best Wishes

Post by Griffin »

Mr. Mikado-

In the spirit of Thomas Townsend Brown, I wish you every success in going forth with your building endeavors -- which can bring satisfaction to you and to others as well.

As ever,

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Post by arc »

Sir Mikado

I see you as both an engineer and a thinker, a person whose mind has the ability to look around a problem and see the other side. I did want to talk to you about some technical matters but I see that through my own doing, the opportunity has been annulled by my inept bumbling entrance into this unfamiliar territory.

Considering this, I in good faith and as one gentleman to another will retire from the field. You have loyal people here and it is readily apparent from their remarks that they appreciate your input and regard you as more than just one of the team, your part of the family.

I wish you absolute success with the device and your endeavours.

I do not believe our destiny lays beneath our feet... it lays beneath the stars
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Post by Mikado14 »

arc wrote:Sir Mikado

I see you as both an engineer and a thinker, a person whose mind has the ability to look around a problem and see the other side. I did want to talk to you about some technical matters but I see that through my own doing, the opportunity has been annulled by my inept bumbling entrance into this unfamiliar territory.

Considering this, I in good faith and as one gentleman to another will retire from the field. You have loyal people here and it is readily apparent from their remarks that they appreciate your input and regard you as more than just one of the team, your part of the family.

I wish you absolute success with the device and your endeavours.

Mr. arc,

I owe you this response. I came on here to cut and paste something from a search and noticed your response. I tried logging on and I see it is still active.

I may have thought or believed you to be AM for there were some stiking similarities that you wouldn't know unless you were here when AM was on, or was it AM2? and I wasn't alone in those assumptions. In any event, it doesn't matter. Through you own doing? your inept bumbling? No, I bumble as well. You have questions, ask them, others will answer, never NOT ask a question and as the old adage goes, No such thing as stupid questions, only stupid answers. Experiment if you cannot find your answers but don't quit. I am not quitting but I must take a path at this time that is - of a personal nature and the recent antics of the past days have brought some roosters home to roost. But you must seek your answers and don't let my "bumbling" by thinking you to be AM stop you from seeking truth. You must turn over every rock you can, even when someone like myself questions you, stand and deliver your views, have the convictions of your research but don't be so cast in concrete that your mind has become hardened to new possibilities. I may have appeared at times that I was hard and set in concrete but that truly is not the case. If you don't know where you have been how are you to know where you will be?


There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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Post by arc »

Mikado ;You’re a Gentleman and a Scholar

The time has been all to brief but I have been pleased to make your acquaintance.

Something I said to someone else here but it applies to one and all, and I know it applies directly to you Sir

When the going gets tough…… the tough get going

Keep going Mikado……… you may think this a nearing the end……. but perceptions are not what they seem….. its only the beginning

My regards and respect to you Sir
I do not believe our destiny lays beneath our feet... it lays beneath the stars