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Re: next lover

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:05 am
by Mikado14
Victoria Steele wrote:How wonderful is all of this. I KNEW that the relationship between Morgan and Linda was going to be torn apart in one respect ( but never in another) and of course I worried about Lindas reaction to all of that. I really shouldn't have. Notice that before she had her experience with Morgan, before she even knew where he was that summer she mention " her next lover" and nearly described him... saying that they would " know each other right away" and I have this feeling thats exactly what happened when George showed up in her life.

Talk about the right time, the right place , and after forty years .... it had to have been the right person. I'm not feeling sorry for Morgan. I wonder in the years after that decision ....( let her go.... don't let her go )....I wonder if he ever regrets not just slamming the door shut with her on his side of it. Paul are you ever going to be able to tell us more about his life or does it all fade off?

I don't blame Linda at all for moving on. Shes a smart and passionate cookie and life is too short. I would have given her the same advice her room mate was giving her when Tula said something like " move along Brown. Morgans long gone" ... or something like that. Sounds like something I would have thought and said.

And who says you can't love two equally fine men? You just have to decide which one you are going to live with. Elizabeth? I think thats advice you gave me once and it works well.

Absolutely the best yet Paul. I don't want it to end......... so ...... take your time...... I love every line ...... and I really have loved the romance between Linda and Morgan. Some of us have been lucky enough to have that kind of flame ..... and we recognize it when we see it.

One chair? No desk? No paperwork? ..... and what does he mean by " I can do that to others?" Are we touching on something barely mentioned? If I push on this door whats in the room beyond? I think I know now what Morgan actually " did". And thats worth a book by itself.

If your not Tula, I bet your not too far from being like her.


no not Tula

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:27 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
No Mikado... there is one thing that I can answer. Victoria is not " Tula"

Though I think you are right that they probably share many fine traits. I think both women make very good friends that they keep for their whole lives. Its obvious to me anyone who is lucky enough to count on either one of them as a friend is honored indeed.

Just noticing what has been written so far. It looks like Tula was the perfect friend for Linda during a very trying time. Interesting to me to note that Dr. Brown took such an active role in making sure that the girls could spend some time together..... ( In Philadelphia first and then later the trip to California and then again the trip to Santa Monica) Obviously he realized that Linda needed Tulas sunny outlook to sort of " hold it all together" Tula supplied the companionship and the reality check and perhaps the social outlet that his more retiring daughter needed.

Paul spent some time talking with Tula for several hours during a research trip to Ohio so I am sure that he might be able to answer more of your questions, if of course he can lift his nose from the grindstone of the next chapter! Elizabeth

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:03 am
by Gewis
What a hand-off! Paul, I am really loving how you keep telling the surface tale and then give us glimpses of the world underneath. They were going to demonstrate a fan, but the fan had little to do with it. It's especially intriguing to me how Dr. Brown actually had to develop a fan, live on the edge financially, develop a speaker, and so on. He had to do and be everything he was pretending to be, so it wasn't really pretense, while he simultaneously kept a life on the covert side.

I can't pretend that I like the direction the military-industrial complex has taken Brown's work, nor do I believe an elite Caroline Group necessarily has worked for our good all the time. There are too many stories of violent suppression of people successfully replicating some of Brown's results to not be suspicious of "secret combinations." That aside, still, these bubbles that come to the surface are fascinating.

fascinating posts

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:16 pm
by Mark Culpepper
All of you have responded in very interesting ways to this chapter, which I expected, but Elizabeth, you seem to have a different slant on this movie everyone is sort of slamming. I haven't seen it yet, but think I will, wooden acting and all.Popcorn and all. To hell with what the Dr. warns. <g>

But you brought up something interesting Elizabeth, as I said. Breaking into a museum? Before a mob? Were you talking about the Baghdad museum? And is this just a hint of someone knowing more than she choses to say at any one time?

And I love that line about the one whisker on a 2000 pound Walrus? Credit to how thought that up but notice that Mr. Twigsnapper mentioned " Whiskers" already in his recent post! So ............ thats like a trigger word?

And " dropping people off". What a glorious thought. I have this list. Can I get it to this special " rendition team" somehow? MarkC

not always happy

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:28 pm
by twigsnapper
Dr. Brown was not always happy with what " the military -industrial complex" did with his ideas. But understand his situation. Even the Caroline Group does not maintain complete control over the groups it interacts with, or the individuals who are involved. Many times, sadly, things have not gone well. Theres this rule about " self determination" remember.

He " moderated" that military complex situation during the years that he was active and others have picked up the flame. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Sometimes, as Morgan found while visiting Josephine once you have to report a failure. But thats for Paul to write if he wishes.

As Paul said there is too much for this story for one volume. But at the moment and rightly so there is only enough stamina for this one, well written and presented. Perhaps later the rest will be told. I am well pleased with what has been presented so far , and I have a world of patience for the rest. <g> Whiskers. Many, many whiskers. twigsnapper

Re: no not Tula

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:48 pm
by Mikado14
Elizabeth Helen Drake wrote: Paul spent some time talking with Tula for several hours during a research trip to Ohio so I am sure that he might be able to answer more of your questions, if of course he can lift his nose from the grindstone of the next chapter! Elizabeth
Hello Elizabeth,

Actually I was kinda poking a little fun for I saw a similarity in their attitude. As for questions, I really don't have any.

Heck, at one time I was gonna poke a little fun and claim that she might be Morgan in drag but thought better of it......oops, looks like I just said it.


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:08 pm
by Mikado14
Gewis wrote: I can't pretend that I like the direction the military-industrial complex has taken Brown's work, nor do I believe an elite Caroline Group necessarily has worked for our good all the time. There are too many stories of violent suppression of people successfully replicating some of Brown's results to not be suspicious of "secret combinations." .
I agree with you Gewis. I am sure that there are many individuals who carry the scars both mentally and physically of the suppression from Campbell's, the makers of Alphabet soup or Mrs. Ingalls (figure that one out) group

One thing that should be remembered through all of this and that is that the Caroline backs the winners and consoles the losers. One must ask the question who or what determines which it is. Also, those that have/were suppressed, are they considered losers? They certainly are not winners in my opinion but then my opinion doesn't matter for I am neither part of the soup or the group. I only have to look at Trickfox and myself and wonder, just wonder, how many there really are. Well, let the sonofabitches try to block the internet for a breeze is blowing and all whirlwinds start that way.

And one more item. Ask yourself about what Paul is doing, ask yourself about how the information is being fed, what is it about a forum that makes it a very good vehicle for what is transpiring and then go climb a mountain and look down upon the valley.

oops, .... my soapbox just collapsed...



Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:25 pm
by twigsnapper

Altitude and Attitude my friend. Altitude and Attitude.

As for Tula being Morgan in drag. That actually made me laugh because of his wonderful ability with disguises. A survival tool, and if he could have pulled that off (being this glorious looking tall blonde), he certainly would have (if it suited his purpose!) But you see, that was one he would never have been able to manage! He just flat never had the legs to match hers!

Tula and Linda were quite a pair to draw from and Lee and George were fortunate men.

What was it that sent Linda to Georges side? Who really can answer that? According to Linda they have never been separated from that first night. She knew in advance ,I believe, that he would be the home she had been searching for but was not allowed until that moment to find, and KEEP.

Lee and Tula did marry, but later divorced. Another story.

Hello Tula, my best regards. twigsnapper

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:01 pm
by kevin.b
Mikado 14,
Your looking down from a mountain top quote.
What if you, we are from up above this time, descended down to help?
I seem to recognise things, and some people, Dr Brown and such as Tesla appeared to KNOW in advance how things and situations pan out.
You may recognise the nuts and bolts that make something, and it may be frustrating you not finding what you will recognise.
Mr Twigsnapper may know what I am writing, but cannot say anything in advance , or I may not write it.
That will require very special people to adhere to not interferring.
If Time is not linear, then anything or anyone could be from any time.
I consider humans merely occupy their bodies temporarilly, so Dr Brown may have remembered what he already knew, and was merely trying to clarify the details.
I know things that I have no right to know, not the details , hence my annoying you, as you want those details.

Re: altitude

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:59 pm
by Mikado14
twigsnapper wrote:Mikado,

As for Tula being Morgan in drag.
Actually........I was talking about Victoria........the thought occurred to me about the dances she owes me so I thought better about saying it and it was only in humor and...I guess you just had to be there <g>


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:12 pm
by Mikado14
kevin.b wrote:Mikado 14,
Your looking down from a mountain top quote.
It was meant to be an analogy to step back and look upon the situation here.

kevin.b wrote:You may recognise the nuts and bolts that make something, and it may be frustrating you not finding what you will recognise.
What I find frustrating is the way you continue to attempt to describe me and what it is I know and don't know but you only reenforce my wish for anonymity.
kevin.b wrote:Mr Twigsnapper may know what I am writing, but cannot say anything in advance , or I may not write it.
That will require very special people to adhere to not interferring.
If Time is not linear, then anything or anyone could be from any time.
I consider humans merely occupy their bodies temporarilly, so Dr Brown may have remembered what he already knew, and was merely trying to clarify the details.

I know things that I have no right to know, not the details , hence my annoying you, as you want those details.
As I said, you are not annoying as much as frustrating me and you have me now questioning why I would want to continue for it seems that everyone is calling you the Navigator but I want to know where in the hell the ship is headed and you can't answer. They can follow, I won't, told you that a year ago and I am saying it again.

Not annoyance, was frustration and no answers turns to apathy, in other words, I don't give a frogs buttocks anymore.


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:20 pm
by kevin.b
Mikado 14,
Frogs buttocks, brilliant.
Reminds me of these, you may think , a right load of balls, but I recognise them, think cymatics, think platonic solids.
Dr brown would have been interested in the various rocks they were carved from, and the variant interaction they display with STUFF.
People 4000 years ago could see the stuff, and its measure and structure, in my hobbit opinion.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:33 pm
by kevin.b
Mikado 14,
If you have not dozed off, heres some more balls.
Look out for straight lines, dead straight lines of the matrix, lines so dead straight create the most fabulous geometry, even people 4000 years ago knew this.
If the papers of Dr Brown have been given to who knows who, then we have to re-write them, simply start at a point, and draw a line. ... 40_072.pdf
Kevin, annoying little hobbit

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:39 pm
by Mikado14
kevin.b wrote:Mikado 14,
If you have not dozed off, heres some more balls.
Look out for straight lines, dead straight lines of the matrix, lines so dead straight create the most fabulous geometry, even people 4000 years ago knew this.
If the papers of Dr Brown have been given to who knows who, then we have to re-write them, simply start at a point, and draw a line. ... 40_072.pdf
Kevin, annoying little hobbit

The only balls that I am currently concerned with are the ones that belong to me....and I have been told that they can be very large at times and made of brass.


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:17 pm
by kevin.b
Back to the bikes
Ever heard what happens to brass monkey balls in the cold?
It's freezing cold out in space, where you desire to go.