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I honestly think Gregg

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:15 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
I know this might seem strange to you Gregg but in fact I think that in her mind it did turn that " occurrance" into being a " dream" that she had somehow wierdly shared with her father. It was a bit of a slight of hand I think because her wonderment shifted from the contents of the dream to the wonderment over the fact that she and her Dad had
shared " that dream. I don't think that it necessarily made it any more real to her ... just gave her company in the experience of the dream itself. After all, her father said that he had experienced a DREAM also .... which takes alot of the weight off of her shoulders. Once that was said then you could spend alot of time pondering the strangeness of coincidental dreams. And it becomes less and less a reality. The fact that her Dad claimed it as a dream made it a dream in her mind. And what kevin said too, perhaps she was not meant to see what she saw .............. or maybe,, indeed ......... she saw exactly what she was supposed to see and remember for the future. Elizabeth

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:17 pm
by Mikado14
I have to agree with gregg on this one. By telling the story at the dinner table (there's that table again) only served to validate the dream. This validation brought it into recognition. Now, as with gregg, this would only serve to create more questions than answers that could be given. We have Linda having a dream, she then tells Chip of it and then at the dinner table Dr. Brown tells of a dream he had and it matches what Linda had told Chip. The average individual would have responded by saying that the two set him up and was pulling his leg. Did he or didn't he do this? Apparently not, he believed. My question is, what did the adults say? What were the responses at the table?

Perhaps Dr. Brown was bringing the subject up to see if any of the ADULTS saw something so as to deal with it and pooh pooh it away.

Who knows, but I still agree with gregg and I do have my own slant.


Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:25 pm
by Mikado14
One more thing......

In keeping with Elizabeths post above, yes, he may have had a twofold purpose but I believe he was also fishing, I know I would have but then hell, just ask Mr. Twigsnapper, I'm not all there <g> at times.


hard to know

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:30 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Hard to know what Thomas Williams was thinking at the time, when Dr. Brown told him that story of the three "saucers" landing in the back pasture. Tom Williams was a talented commercial artist and had been working on a painting that Dr. Brown would later use in the pages of a paper called " Electrohydrodynamics" It was a specific design as you all will notice.

part of the work that he did for Dr. Brown can be found under that heading on Andrews site. and it has been mentioned and shown in this forum too. I'll try to post it for you later

Hard to tell exactly what was happening that weekend. But for sure the kids remembered that SOMETHING ODD happened. Elizabeth

Something still not right

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:37 pm
by greggvizza
I am not swayed. There is still something not quite right there. Mikado’s suggestion that TTB was fishing is the closest thing that I can see as a possible answer. He wanted to hear everyone’s comments. But this chosen course of action does not go in the direction of cover, it goes in the direction of exposure. Whether that was his intention or not, who knows.


Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:42 pm
by kevin.b
The other thing to keep in mind is the question of TIME.
If you can travel back and forth in this, well you may know the outcome of specific actions?
Dr Brown is obviously top class in all ways, if you breed from such, the off spring are normally similer, this is shown clearly in the horse world, we will be little different.
So linda is going to be some filly ( sorry if you are looking in, that is mean't with all respect )
If she was convinced she had seen them, she would probably have been driven to build some by now?
We and herself can't know that , because obviously she has informed elizabeth of how she felt.
If I had been in his shoes, I would not have wanted my daughter to be burdened all her life in a similer way as he had been, better to let her be free, to do what she loved most.( that is what love is all about, not imprisonning someone for your own requirement )
I consider we should be free in this way to be alive, not confined into a material driven existance.

Who knows what he may have seen?
what he may have been privvy to .
Hopefully we are on the pathway to find out.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:45 pm
by Mikado14
Geez Paul, look what you hath wrought!

Everyone is on to the dream and the only to comment on any other issue was the ladygrady.

The dream is the key to this, where is the lock?



Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:56 pm
by greggvizza
James Barrett wrote:Middle name? Never liked it much. Growing up in what would now be called an extremely stuffy and affected area I blamed it for giving me the knickname " Chip" for many years, until I grew up a little and "Red" became the obvious replacement.
Are you the same Chip that was at the dinner table in this chapter?


answering for him

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:50 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
I am answering for him because I am afraid too much time might go by before a response hits the forum as it seems to be moving pretty quickly.

I can answer this question anyway and I am proud of that!

No. Chips off of different blocks I think entirely! Mr. Barrett and Mr. Williams ( Chip) are not the same person. I think "Chip" might have been a popular knickname. probably still is. Elizabeth

recognize his work

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:35 pm
by twigsnapper
And I am addressing Chip Williams here. So ... does this then look familiar? This is the work that your father had to show Dr. Brown ... at the time of the visit.

Dr. Brown had a great fondness for this particular piece of art.


No Set Needed

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:32 pm
by greggvizza
Here is a person that doesn’t need a set. He summons UFOs with just his voice.


then again

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:51 pm
by ladygrady
Then again, it could be one of those US intelligence drones just going to check him out. There are probably more of those in the air right now than the public anywhere is likely to know. grady

Re: answering for him

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:53 pm
by flowperson
Elizabeth Helen Drake wrote:I am answering for him because I am afraid too much time might go by before a response hits the forum as it seems to be moving pretty quickly.

I can answer this question anyway and I am proud of that!

No. Chips off of different blocks I think entirely! Mr. Barrett and Mr. Williams ( Chip) are not the same person. I think "Chip" might have been a popular knickname. probably still is. Elizabeth
It could be that his parents were enamoured with the Disney "Chip and Dale" chipmunk cartoons of the era...who knows ?

I see this all a little differently. What might the "set" do to influence the cognitive abilities of human beings who were brought into its proximity and under its influences. Might it have had, or does it have, the ability to significantly blur the boundaries between what is considered to be dreams and what we'd otherwise consider to be observed realities? What if some of us are born with brains which are electrogravitic-capable in hidden ways. That would explain a lot of the mystery here.

Think of what could be done with a "set" if it were hooked up to the grid and individuals and groups of people were "targeted" to be brought under its influences. What is real...what is not ? I think that TTB was aware of the dynamics of what the "set" could do to influence certain peoples' thoughts and acts, and was once again protecting his daughter from dangerous knowledge by relating his synchronous dream story at the table. Remember his oft repeated statement..."she needs not to know".

Think of local/non-local effects and the proven ability of quantum systems to instantanously project realities at speeds faster than light over galactic distances. That's what this is about IMHO, and TTB was the keeper of the keys. The power structures in place then were ok with that arrangement as long as he didn't have the resources to become "independent". TTB realized all of this and played his roles for the good of the species, so to speak

On top of all that, there were stories of recovered saucer wreckage evaluations from several locations world wide that intimated that the vehicles were "thought" controlled in some ways. All there was on the inside of some of the smaller flimsily constructed versions of these things was seating surrounding a small console with a joystick on top of it all.

In other words, you'd set your origin and destination coordinates in the vehicles' systems after you actually envisioned your voyage and purpose, and then somehow engaged whatever the drive train was. You'd pass through tunnels and portals instantaneously and you'd magically be there.

Just like Doc Brown did in the DeLorean. He set his coordinates to where he was and where he knew he needed to go, put some more plutoniumin the tank, applied the 1.21 jiggawatts of power, got the speed of the vehicle up to 88 mph, and bang, he was there. But I'm thinking here that brainpower alone might be the propulsion/transformation activator.

BTW, I mentioned this before early in my participation here, but no one responded. Robert Heinlein's final novel was titled, The Number of the Beast, but it's not what you think it is. It agrees with much of what we've been dscussing here. Please read it if you get the chance.

flow.... 8)

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:12 pm
by Griffin

Thanks for the introduction to Prophet Yahweh, for some ufology with soul. And the ladies were remembered too, via Sister Angela.

Las Vegas sounds like your turf. Maybe you should do a fly-by and commune with Prophet Y. and let us know what else is up.

As ever, grokingly,


Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:14 pm
by kevin.b
Mikado14 wrote:Geez Paul, look what you hath wrought!

Everyone is on to the dream and the only to comment on any other issue was the ladygrady.

The dream is the key to this, where is the lock?

To come out of a dream, you need to WAKE UP.

Perhaps we have fallen asleep , and our dreams are becoming nightmares?
If everything in universe is created by the self same substance and system, then we are all one.
