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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:09 pm
by kevin.b
The word COBOLT jumps out at me, I used to be a welder in the aircraft industry, and developed many specs for hardfacing the leading edges of titanium parts, using stellite, which is mainly cobolt.
I tried to talk about wear last week, but was weary , and needed some time out.
Cobolt is hard, wear resistant, but resistant to what?
If you think about the turbine blades ripping through space?
They are subject to huge amounts of resistance to space, not just air as most people will think.
I do not even want to consider the results of all of those blades whirring about and depositing cobolt out into the atmosphere?
If you want a craft to move in space and time, it will need to stand still, become another mini planet, and allow huge amounts of space to flow through its operating system.
The sun demonstrates the results of resistance , I doubt it been a nuclear anything, in fact if there is life anywhere, it is likely on the sun.
We SEE the result of resistance, as the sun crashes along, or better still stands still and space crashes around and through it.
Cobolt may well be the best transfer of resistance available, and if you cut grooves or marks into a disk, I will infill them with stellite for you, no need to cut or anything, i have stunning hand to eye co-ordination, I use it well with my dowsing.
It needs you to look at everything in the sky in a different way, instead of SEEING them moving, imagine them resisting movement, and the better they are at doing this the faster you will SEE them moving, but really they are stopping still faster.
As I consider what I detect is moving in all directions , both ways without any relevance to time, What the hell would time be?, if you could stop still , or slow well down in any direction .

all directions

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:16 pm
by grinder
Kevin, Just wanted you to know that I really value what you have to say. Honestly. But you can still leave me scratching my head. Expect comments from me once I come to some understanding of what it is you are actually saying. I sense that I mgiht agree with you. But I don't know WHY just yet. Welcome to grinders new age of HUH? Here is the oddest part: COBALT stood out for me too. why is that?

Andrew, You are a geologist. What does Cobalt have that would make it in any way important to something that Townsend Brown might have been doing? grinder

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:36 pm
by kevin.b
I think in the bible there is a passage about , if you knock on the door and ask, the door will open with an answer.
Dont know if that is spot on, but, if this planet has all past knowledge stored up in a system around and within it, and we are operating around the same frequency, then SOME will match up and be able to hook into that frequency.
Hence if you are absorbed and really interested in something you will unknowingly be knocking at the door asking for an answer.
The people who display this, tend to migrate towards each other, in a spiral fashion, not really sure about the others, watching and weighing them up.
I seem to recognise those, and do not doubt myself too much anymore, I now go with the flow, all the details and science is for others.
I have just completed something that I have never done, and as I am a 49 model , this will amaze some of you, i have just read a book.
I think I chose well, The hobbit.
I read half last week, and was wacked, the second half was easier.
I am a hobbit, I know about invisable things that others cant SEE, I recognise the dragon, and dont fear it, There are several of them, and they sit on all the gold, and want it all, its no use to them.
The dragon is dangerous , and is ready to belch out fire, time it was killed again?

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:01 pm
by Chris Knight

Cobalt is a rare-earth element with similar magnetic permeability to iron (can be magnetized) and similar in physical properties to both ion and nickel.

As Kevin implied, it is used primarily in corrosion resistant alloys (for example for parts in gas turbine aircraft engines), as well as in magnetic recording media, and as catalysts (for the petroleum industry, for one). I've used the cobalt salts in ceramics as they give a beautiful cobalt-blue color (hence the name :wink: ). The radioactive isotope, cobalt-60 is used to irradiate food and as a source of high energy gamma radiation.

It's alloyed with other metals to make Alnico, which has an unusually high magnetic strength. I also know that it has a very high corrosion resistance and is used in electroplating as a final coat.

I'd hazard a guess that it would be useful as an alloy or coating in adverse situations where perhaps ozone was an issue, such as in high voltage applications.

It's stable in air and water, but can be attacked by dilute acids. High voltage arcing can produce nitrous acid and nitric acid in air, so that might be an issue (not so much in the vacuum of space).