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Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 7:44 pm
by greggvizza
In reference to the craft that was described on the site and copied here by Trickfox.

[ZPE] "In one of ...sketches that he did for ... when they met back in the early 1990's"

I think that the person that did the sketch was Mark McCandlish and it can be viewed here:

You can also listen to an interview, were he describes how this craft was seen in a hanger at an airforce base and how he drew the sketch from that information. ... Page1.html


Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 8:35 pm
by kevin.b
This is quite odd ( whats new?)
I found this site earlier today and just thought, I will post that later today when the correct thread appears.

another christmas gift?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 10:45 pm
by Trickfox
Wow Kevin

I'm glad I kept paying attention to your post Kevin. Now I understand you a lot more because of the flying pig. I am still living on the dark side of the moon. The german video showed me things I needed to see, and perhaps Mr. Twigsnapper can confirm if Beau Kitselman would also have enjoyed that little you tube video.


Re: another christmas gift?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 11:19 pm
by Mikado14
Trickfox wrote:Wow Kevin

I'm glad I kept paying attention to your post Kevin. Now I understand you a lot more because of the flying pig. I am still living on the dark side of the moon. The german video showed me things I needed to see, and perhaps Mr. Twigsnapper can confirm if Beau Kitselman would also have enjoyed that little you tube video.

I would have liked the video better but you see:

Ich spreche nicht Deutsches


Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:35 am
by Trickfox
The center of mass of matter + EM field has conserved momentum and the mass is not changing. Torsion fields might change this because then the torsion field stress-energy density tensor is not symmetric. Also note that a vortex ring in the fabric of space itself would be a kind of warp field with "motion" perpendicular to the ring - like in hydrodynamics.
That is what you see in that film. You see the dropplets of liquid flying out and up comming out at 90 degrees. Producing ions would be a secondary functions (as shown with fluorescent tube).

Victor Schauberger had some astoundingly good ideas in hydrodynamics having to do with vortex rings.

You really don't need to understand everything that is said in German, it becomes obvious when you look at the videos demonstrations.

Thank you again Kevin. this was just at the correct time for me.

Wireless power

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:37 am
by Radomir
Seemed the best place to post this.

What's old is new again: ... less_power
MIT team claims wireless power demo

By BRIAN BERGSTEIN, AP Technology Writer Thu Jun 7, 6:04 PM ET

BOSTON - Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers made a 60-watt light bulb glow by sending it energy wirelessly — from a device 7 feet away — potentially heralding a future in which cell phones and other gadgets get juice without having to be plugged in.

The breakthrough, disclosed Thursday in Science Express, the online publication of the journal Science, is being called "WiTricity" by the scientists.

The concept of sending power wirelessly isn't new, but its wide-scale use has been dismissed as inefficient because electromagnetic energy generated by the charging device would radiate in all directions.

One advance was announced last fall, when MIT physics professor Marin Soljacic said he had figured out how to use specially tuned waves. The key is to get the recharging device and the gadget that needs power to resonate at the same frequency — allowing them to efficiently exchange energy.
Oh Tesla, they hardly knew ye. The article does mention Tesla, but leaves the impression that Tesla never really accomplished anything of this sort.

Now, whose agenda does it serve to leak out this type of technology now, at this point, as a "discovery?" What development path will it take, and how will that power be controlled? Or will it simply fade to yesterday's news, a minor blip on the radar, inevitably buried in the signal to noise ratio. All we can do is throw down another flag, and keep paying attention as things progresss.


red marker flags

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:05 am
by twigsnapper

Those red marker flags are endlessly important. Even if you or those around you never fully grasp the meaning of what you have noted ( and that is sometimes the case, being somewhat ahead of the "moment") but if you throw that flag down someone coming along behind you may hesitate on his trail and investigate that particular point. And sometimes thats all thats needed. I know its difficult sometimes to see your contribution but marking a trail has its future rewards. twigsnapper

A real hoot

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:47 pm
by greggvizza
You want a real hoot, check out the same article in the British Paper where they allow reader feedback. Click on “view all commentsâ€


Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:17 pm
by Radomir
Thanks both of you for your responses.

Mr. twigsnapper I pretty much can't help myself in flagging this sort of thing at this point. But it helps to have this affirmed: "I know its difficult sometimes to see your contribution but marking a trail has its future rewards." I am hopeful that such things may prove useful --and even strategic--to someone someday.

And yes, Greg those comments were a hoot. We will all now try to get some work done!

Everybody have a great weekend.


fish nibbling his toes

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:25 pm
by Victoria Steele
And just imagine right now Paul is floating blissfully unaware of all this, fish gently nibbling on his toes ... water so clear it looks like 60 feet of gin ... ah ..... a little lime in his soda ......... the good life ...... but soon he will be home and will have to catch up with all of this. I am grinning already thinking about it!

You guys are all great. Fun reading.

Going to be out of touch myself for a few days. But I'll be back soon. Keep the fires burning! Victoria

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:52 pm
by kevin.b
I was today handed a book, called pieces for a jig saw, by,
Leonard G Cramp.1966
Has he been mentioned anywhere, he makes reference to Townsend brown, with drawings of a perspex craft with foward and rear electrodes and a centre core of aluminium.
There are many pages and drawings of craft related to the Biefield effect, it looks rather good to me?


Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 4:29 pm
by Mikado14
3:05 PM on a Saturday afternoon, cloudy but the sun was out.

A nuclear power plant with it's cooling towers emitting clouds of vapor.

A yellow with black trim dirigible shaped craft around the clouds.

Viewed from a distance travelling down a highway.

View blocked by a tree and then it was gone.

This is the kind of crap you don't mention.

Don't believe Mikado? Do a Google on UFO sightings around West Chester Pa through Pottstown and Limerick'll see.

Oh, and don't forget the triangles. On a good night you will see them....patience.

Re: Copied from another forum today

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:00 pm
by H. Short
Trickfox wrote:The following post popped up on my ongoing "google notification" I have gone through it a couple of times. There is cause to examine everything said here very carefully. Jack Sarfatti is one person I take seriously enough to listen to. Trickfox

Per your invitation, I have looked at your posts in this thread prior to this one and I simply am not capable of responding to most for two reasons: one) I don't have the obvious mathematical background, and two) I don't believe in the UFO alien conspiracy so my comments wouldn't be helpful there.

I do find this post somewhat interesting regarding the actual design, altho its a little hard to tell exactly what they are talking about. However, since Tesla had no use for Einstein or his theories, it is rather paradoxical to see someone doing an analysis of a supposed Tesla based design according to:

"... there is a very simple general proof that no EM stress system can fly if the symmetry group is the 10-parameter Poincare group of 1905 Einstein special relativity. This is Noether's theorem."

My advice to the author of this would be if you believe in Tesla then believe in him. If not then don't waste your time mixing apples and moose nuggets, because if you do, Tesla's insights, and those of the other great classical aether scientists, will forever remain a closed book.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 3:59 pm
by flowperson
Hello All...What a treat this a.m. on NPR. Several live feed songs by Emmy Lou Harris with Bobby Miller from Blackbird Studios in Nashville. (Know the place Paul ?)

She's releasing a five disk set on Rhino, some retrospective and some new. I especially liked her tune about Ellis Island, immigration, and her grandfather. Her tune about the boy frfom Tupelo was also special.

The silver haired goddess of country music never fails to hit the emotional nail on the head with me. I've been in the thrall of her mystica' lyrical voice and music for well over thirty years now.

Just my two cents.

flow.... :)

another coincidence

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:18 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Thank you Flow for another one of those strange coincidences.

It gave me the chance to read the rest of the posts in this thread wihcih had been sitting untouched for quite awhile. If any of you have a moment., read through this thread quickly and you will see what I mean. That it is TOTALLY relevent to what we have been talking about recently
especially maybe this comment from Mikado

"3:05 PM on a Saturday afternoon, cloudy but the sun was out.

A nuclear power plant with it's cooling towers emitting clouds of vapor.

A yellow with black trim dirigible shaped craft around the clouds.

Viewed from a distance travelling down a highway.

View blocked by a tree and then it was gone." .........

Don't believe Mikado? Do a Google on UFO sightings around West Chester Pa through Pottstown and Limerick'll see.

Oh, and don't forget the triangles. On a good night you will see them....patience"

and kevins response which bears even more wieght today
" was today handed a book, called pieces for a jig saw, by,
Leonard G Cramp.1966
Has he been mentioned anywhere, he makes reference to Townsend brown, with drawings of a perspex craft with foward and rear electrodes and a centre core of aluminium.
There are many pages and drawings of craft related to the Biefield effect, it looks rather good to me?

And Radomirs response .... which was wonderful to .... and needs to be seen again today
Mr. twigsnapper I pretty much can't help myself in flagging this sort of thing at this point. But it helps to have this affirmed: "I know its difficult sometimes to see your contribution but marking a trail has its future rewards." I am hopeful that such things may prove useful --and even strategic--to someone someday.