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and who is this?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:10 pm
by Victoria Steele
Following Elizabeths lead on this electrogravitic paper. Theres this.

"A certain amount of work is also going on in Europe. One of the French nationalized constructors and one company outside the nationalized elements have been making preliminary studies, and a little company money has in one case actually been committed. Some work is also going on in Britain where rigs are now in existence. Most of it is private venture work, such

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as that being done by Ed Hull a colleague of Townsend Brown who, as much as anybody, introduced Europe to electrogravitics. Aviation Studies' Gravity Research Group is doing some work, mainly on k studies, and is sponsoring dielectric investigations.

A certain amount is going on in Europe. Yeah, Dr. Brown with the French. Note he says " and ONE COMPANY" .... thats the one that Dr. Brown had his tests done with, right? private company, private money. I think that Mr. Twigsnapper has already said that it was " Caroline Group money.

So who is this Ed Hull that is mentioned ? You didn't name him Paul. Was he a part of the Caroline Group? Victoria

Re: New Boston?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:55 am
by Trickfox
Elizabeth Helen Drake wrote:Somebody want to try to explain this to me? I am not sure that I get what they are saying

IT WAS ASSUMED THAT PARTICLE DUALISM IN THE SUBATOMIC STRUCURE OF GRAVIY ... HUH? ..... What are they actually saying here. Somebody want to jump in and translate this for me?

The statement should be Wave/particle dualism and I believe they are speaking of the paradoxical nature of Electrons, Photons, and possibly in our case "The Gravitons" (the lepton Familly). These particles are said to exist in two paradoxical states (they contradict each other) either as waves and or solitary particles. (in some cases both states are observes and if tested behave rather odd by anticipating "the observer".

This is the result of the dual slit experiment in which science comes smack into a paranormal state.

There is a cartoon animation of the experiment on this website:
It runs on Windows media


Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:15 am
by flowperson
Elizabeth, Trickfox...It's dejavu' all over again, eh ?

Now many people believe that brain function and the act of observing does not or cannot affect materialities. I don't necesarily believe that is so. I'll bet Jacques Vallee' doesn't either.

flow.... :wink: ... -slit.html

fish looking up

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:52 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
With each day that passes I am coming to a greater appreciation of that little story Dr. Brown is said to have told his daughter. You know the one I hope, where he linked the sightings of "UFOs" with the hull of a ship passing overhead. Only I am getting a feeling right how how very much is beyond our understanding ( for what we are right now) that it may be we will never fully understand what these things represent. The enormity of it is ....... staggering ........... and to think that we are somehow more able to "handle it" ( as Sorkin might say) I am just not sure.

Odd that " Hull" would come into mind once more. That " cosmic haha" I guess. On another thread JDB asked about Ed Hull who had been mentioned in that antigravity paper and then he jumped to mentioning Richard Hull who I THINK is a fusion researcher.

And I wondered too if there is a connection ( now that you brought it up, thanks JDB) A dead end rabbit hole maybe but who knows what might show up along the way.



Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:53 pm
by kevin.b
Victoria Steele,
Your Ed Hull is a hard nut to crack?
There is one Hull with ufo connections, and the time fits,
Its Cordell Hull , see under FDR
It says these people are looking into him,
Funny name mufon?

A minute apart

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:57 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
zeroing in on HULL, for sure. Thanks kevin. Elizabeth

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:20 pm
by kevin.b
Elizabeth Helen Drake,
Sailed into the Knights, with a secret navy intelligence unit- Nebraska navy?
The truth may be stranger than fiction? ... ?read=4286


Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:48 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
I worry that sites like this have the single agenda of spreading fear for the future and suspicion of hidden things........and they take some truths and then by there own twisting of those truths make it even harder for others to see the past clearly. Much of what the writer has mentioned about the Knights Templar could probably be called true but I wonder about their source material for all of this. It just feels agenda driven. Elizabeth

hulls above, hulls below

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 6:58 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
I am stuck on the word HULL. The way it goes around here. kevin understands.

This statement just fascinates the heck out of me from Valones Electrogravitation paper. ************************************

"Some work is also going on in Britain where rigs are now in existence. Most of it is private venture work, such

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as that being done by Ed Hull a colleague of Townsend Brown who, as much as anybody, introduced Europe to electrogravitics.****************

So anybody out there know much more about Ed Hull. " rigs now in existence ... in Britain????? ...... so if this man is such a force in this field ( forgive me) .... where did he go???? And " rigs in existence?" where did they go too?????? Elizabeth

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:57 pm
by kevin.b
Elizabeth Helen Drake,
The commander of this outfit is an Ed Hull,
I went looking into radar.
Timing seems wrong?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:19 pm
by kevin.b
Elizabeth Helen Drake,
Microwaves makes sense? ... 4312v1.pdf
Sidereal sense.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:41 pm
by kevin.b
Elizabeth Helen Drake,
This hulls time is right, and subject? ... id=4423199
He's in box 41 however you get in there?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:44 pm
by kevin.b
A picture for Mr Twigsnapper at the end of this one, ... ffame2.cfm

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:24 pm
by Gewis
kevin.b wrote:Excuse me if this has been posted before, but the threads are too long to go through.
"This report summarizes in simple form the work that has been done and is being done in the new field of electrogravitics. It also outlines the various possible lines of research into the nature and constituent matter of gravity, and how it has changed from Newton to Einstein to the modern Hlavaty concept of gravity as an electromagnetic force that may be controlled like a light wave."

The name Hlavaty hasn't come up in these forums yet (Trickfox would be proud of me for doing a search). What I find with a google search for "Hlavaty gravity" comes up with a couple of references to the same document, plus others from 1954-1960ish. He was a Czech mathematician who published a book called "Geometry of Einstein's Unified Field Theory," in 1957.

This guy probably deserves a closer look, and it appears from a glance that he went a similar direction, theoretically, to Myron Evans's recent work.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:20 am
by Langley
I cant help equating Winterhaven as a name being chosen out of a moral opposition to Project Sunshine. This article explains explains. It puts the Florida Cesium cloud event relatively in the shade. ... 83520/pg_1