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Re: Downloads

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:31 pm
by skyfish
Thanks Griffin,
I'll communicate any way you wish. The water is deep....let's go for a swim! : )

The origin is hindu. Buddhism sprang from hinduism...buddha read the vedas...and attained enlightenment and buddhism spread into china.

It is necessary to transcend the conscious mind, "reign in the horses of the 5 senses", and go deep..beyond the sleep state and the subconscious. The tendancy is to fall asleep until focus is mastered. You should be in a quiet, comfortable place...the upanishads recommend a dry cave with smooth floors...but I'll pass on that. Just remember...if you are thinking about it you are not doing it...does not involve thought...the internal dialouge.

I kind of see it like this: the biological machinery that we have grown and evolved into is a device or vehicle for interacting whith the larger material world and only the devine spark...that is aether/brahman energy can proceed into the illumination...not the ego..our sense of self... which is of the material world. Our connection to brahman is at the level of the very small...very fine.

Yes...the golden disc is a signpost....also bright flashes of light, maybe something that looks like snow falling.... or lightning. You might even see something that looks like a hubble pic of a galaxy! Right in your face. There is a sense of a very small point and infinity at the same time...near and yet far...and limitless energy.

What about the that point the quality of the ego...the nature of our sense of self becomes apparent...and to proceed into the light the ego left behind. The are potential dangers. This energy can be a strain on a body not prepared and a mind that does not handle the energy in a balanced way. Ida pingala...sushumna shakti.

My own personal take is that it is a direct experience of the aether...which is also known as brahman...that from which all else springs.

Do you think that it is possible that the ancients, during samadhi, could have a direct experience of the nature of the universe? Would that provide them with a pure insight into the workings of nature? Direct knowledge...gnosis??? Do you think that would have an influence on their "technology"? I surely do.

Krishnamurti knew.

And why is this so rare today? It is time for this connection to be reestablished. The universe is calling.


Dont worry mikado...they were probably just looking for lasagna recipes.

Re: Downloads

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:37 pm
by Mikado14
skyfish wrote: ps
Dont worry mikado...they were probably just looking for lasagna recipes.
I will be very sure that is all anyone will get. At least they won't starve if they so desire to cook.

Re: Downloads

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:40 pm
by AM2
Again I say. Bullshit.
Well, what can I say?
A better question might be. How do you know that you and I have never met?
An interesting question, yes. What makes you think that we might have met in real life? How do you think I look like?

And if you would meet me, would you recognize me? Would I recognize you?

As I told Mr. Twigsnapper, judging from the blurry photos you look much more like your father in the sense of inheriting his peculiar facial characteristics - the area around the eyebrows and the mouth especially. And of course the elongated head.

Will try to remember if I met somebody like this. In the past? In the future? Memories of future?


P. S. I finally sent you the information you were interested in. If you are still curious, you can follow the lead. If you cannot, then let me know and I will provide further information.

P. P. S. If we met, am I really so terrible as it seems on the forum? So full of bullshit? But then, some people are full of mystical bullshit. Wouldn't then these two kinds of bullshits go together quite well?

Re: Downloads

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:49 am
by Trickfox
I had a wonderfull day today climbing up and down ladders and running wires all over a newly contructed car garage.
I spent 11 hours breathing in cold air, and walking through the first snow of the season. It's wonderful to be alive and without pain.
Don't you think so mr. Twigsnapper?
Hope your knees are well today sir.


"It's Been Said" ???

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:51 am
by Paul S.
Griffin wrote: Four points meet at the cross and the antenna is a transceiver. It’s said to have been buried by TTB on the grounds of the old O-C Ranch which he spent time at on various occasions
By who, exactly?

That's the first I'm hearing of such a suggestion, and I think I've heard more than most.


Re: Downloads

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:09 am
by arc
Ms. Kitselman alone knows what her price will be. But I would caution that she had dealings with others already and she herself admits that there are most likely (because of her marriage connections) " files on various desks in Washington" that are an inch thick. You want to be included in that? Or perhaps ... it is already too late? Linda
Only Washington Linda...? the other 6 timezones sit quietly under the shade of yonder tree...

Re: "It's Been Said" ???

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:36 am
by greggvizza
Griffin wrote: Four points meet at the cross and the antenna is a transceiver
What would 4 points meeting look like? I know what lines meeting look like. In a cube, 3 lines meet at each corner and form a point. At the intersection of a cross 4 lines meet at a point.

What would 4 points meeting look like?


Time portal

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:46 am
by Mikado14
For those interested, I thought I heard of this before. Here is a link to what I believe is what Rose was talking about. ... =oid:47018


Re: Downloads

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:24 am
by skyfish
Here is some more mystical late night brain candy....

"The most significant example of this process was Bohm's extensive dialogues with the Indian spiritual master and mystic, J. Krishnamurti. Bohm was first exposed to Krishnamurti's teaching when his wife, Saral, brought home to him one of Krishnamurti's books from the library because she noticed that it centred on the observer/observed relationship, which is so crucial in quantum theory. Bohm and Krishnamurti eventually developed a close friendship, and they carried on an intensive dialogue over several years that entailed deep explorations of the ultimate meaning and nature of thought, insight, existence, death, truth, reality, intelligence, and so on." ... ISHNAMURTI

Krishnamurti is as good as it gets...imho.

Hey...if it was good enough for Bohm it's good enough for me! Some may say mystical bs...but how can we deny our part in the creation that is going on all around and in us? Observer/ that not so?
Quantum probability ocean, waves collapsing into particles...we are part of, and directly involved with creation. Gee I like this download thread!

The part about death is the best...

Look...I'm up later than anybody else!


Re: Downloads

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:30 am
by skyfish forum....up late...crazy going to a bar to quit drinking....whose idea was this???

We should be looking for time travelers folks! That is what this is all about....right??? Or are we just going through the motions. I would think that if you are in this forum you think it might be possible. If you think Dr. Brown was credible then we should pursue this. I think that time travelers do exist. What would it be like to travel not only time but all the other dimensions/universes?
So...any time travelers out there? Most on this planet are probably not ready for it but the people on this forum are as good place as any to start!


Re: Downloads

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:44 am
by Linda Brown

You are also in that odd place where the cool and the warm air meet. Too late to be " late" and too early to be " early"..... its an interesting time of day/night.

I keep looking for the fingerprints of " time traveller"too. Once you have come to the personal conclusion that such a thing is possible then other situations become much more interesting and more visible. Those strange " anomalies" are what I first notice. Anything that just doesn't quite " fit in". Once the idea of entities " blinking in and out" of your own dimension becomes a possibility to you then some of the unexplained mysteries of our own history become even more interesting.

Anyway, its nice to have company. As Buffett said ... Its five oclock somewhere. Linda

Re: Downloads

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:08 pm
by AM2

Re: Downloads

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:23 pm
by Linda Brown

And for that latest message of focused magic ... I thank you very much. Linda

Re: Downloads

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:18 pm
by AM2


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:51 pm
by Griffin

You asked:
Griffin wrote: Four points meet at the cross and the antenna is a transceiver. It’s said to have been buried by TTB on the grounds of the old O-C Ranch which he spent time at on various occasions

By who, exactly?

That's the first I'm hearing of such a suggestion, and I think I've heard more than most.

Please check with Elizabeth Helen Drake. She's the source I've followed and she can tune you in on the antenna story. Quite a reliable source, imo.

As ever, wishing you fine attunement,
