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Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:57 am
by Langley
wdavidb wrote:
So, what is this big secret? In my opinion it is the dynamic influence of the aether field and the zpe energy which determines the form and function of physical structure, in that if you can control the underlying dynamics of structure you can do what would appear to be virtually magic.

The bottom line is that there is a secret, a very serious secret.
Right on. There's a term the fatman uses on Top Gear about cars he really digs. "Biblical".

No Jeremy.

THIS is Biblical. Imagine the day some dude reveals this stuff. It'll make Cargo Cultists look rational. Unless its openly discussed and explained before hand.

Captain Slow rules OK.


Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:02 am
by Griffin
Oh, forgot to mention-

The Hatter will be serving thumb-print jam cookies too -- and rocky road ice cream!


Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:50 pm
by Trickfox
wdavidb wrote: A bit like coming in half way through a movie and trying to figure out why it ended the way it did.

The bottom line is that there is a secret, a very serious secret.
Or.... Perhaps it's like popping in this forum and reading only a few dozen of the posts, and perhaps "a bit about Paul's book", then wondering why it is difficult to understand what is happening and who is participating, and what's going on in the end,

Perhaps the bottom line is that the serious secret you speak of is only secret to the observer who thinks that it is.

Perhaps others already know what you consider to be a personnal secret to you.

All of this has to do with information theory.....

What is information? It is not matter nor is it energy, however it has two states "Known" and "Unknown", however, -to those who "know",- information becomes control over matter and energy, and thus others (who don't know).
This forum is a very revealing place and I have learned some important points from participating.
That is Great news Davidb....
Thank you for comming to the conclusion that you can learn new ideas.
That is exactly what I learned here also.

I'm wondering if you have seen the film "what the bleep do we know"
There is a short animation from the film on this webpage:

Tell me what you think of this webpage. Do you agree with any of the ideas expressed?
I have always been a loner, more or less, and never really thought too much about the perspectives of other people and how they actually thought. This new knowledge I hope will allow a better medium of communication.
Ah..... but David my dear friend, I have been a loner also.... so alone that my mind lived (and still does) in a galaxy far far away from here in that :arrow: direction. The difference is that I HAD to find out what the other earth people's perspectives matter how difficult or abstract these points of view were to myself and others.
Think of it in terms of crypto-analisys.... What is the noise comming into my mind from everywhere in the whole universe? Can it be perfect order if I can somehow decode the big SECRET code?
So, what is this big secret? In my opinion it is the dynamic influence of the aether field and the zpe energy which determines the form and function of physical structure, in that if you can control the underlying dynamics of structure you can do what would appear to be virtually magic.
BINGO......Give the man a prize here because finally I DO agree with
everything you have said in this technology description.

Just STOP right there....... and let me deal with the "underlying dynamics" part. Your "Unity" project is not a lofty impossible project. Andrew knows part of what you seek to do, I know other parts, Mikado knows other parts, Gregg has some of the key information, and perhaps DOZENS of others are just "watching without saying anything".

Together with all of those people comming together, the information about cold fusion and gravity control is comming together (again) just like I said it a long time ago.


Now..... here is the big science secret your are looking for....

At the moment we learn how to manipulate ALL the fields dynamically ALPHA/OMEGA is acheived and we won't see any more repetition in the information, and non-linear consciousness occurs. (ah....but if non-linear can it be Riemanian also?)

I'm not throwing the switch on the gear though...... Beyond my responsability to decide if mankind is ready to do this kind of thing.


Is there any reason Oppy had to push the button?

That is why someone else has to make the decision.


Where are you Jim?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:58 pm
by Trickfox
I am putting out a call to that brilliant webmaster and visual artist Jim Nickolson.

Please join us and post your input and art in these pages if you can. I love that stunning spinning galaxy banner in


Persistence of Time

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:08 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
I was wondering with all of this talk of Hutchinson and his cold welded metals and such how long it would be before the name of Salvador Dali surfaced. For those not familiar ... Memory.jpg

I remember being amazed at the fact that everyone focused so on the watches ... I guess they are the obvious message. Any one ever notice the sheer on the cliff in the background. I think I had just read a report on the possibility of a giant rift in Spain which geologists were saying SOMEDAY would sheer and fall into the ocean. Causing a massive tidal wave which would wipe out most of our eastern seaboard.

Shows you what a perverse and strange little kid I was. Everybody else was looking at the watches and it was the hillside that gave me the chills!


Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:40 pm
by flowperson
Yeah, I always liked the melting clocks too.

Perhaps it all is constructed such that when one mystery is solved and controls are implemented, other mysteries surface to cause us larger problems. After all, wherever we look, macro and micro, the universe seems to be designed to allow chaos to periodically emerge and allow the universe to redesign itself periodically. As Dali predicted decades ago, clocks melt and we symbolically and realistically come to control and manage time, and then cliffs collapse and tsunami plagues erupt.

One of the two underlying themes in Genesis is that half of humanity deludes itself into believeing that nature can be controlled to do the will of people. The other theme is that humans are to live harmonically with nature in order to preserve their viability and that of the Earth. Sounds like a contemporary film script, eh ?

It all brings to mind the myth of Prometheus who stole the fire from the Gods and became chained to the rocks of Earth as a result. Maybe Vannevar Bush's Raytheon Corp. knows something about this in a contemporary sense.

Trickfox, your excellent graphic brought to mind some ancient legends which have been studied for thousands of years regarding the similarity between what is above and what is below. This stuff is not so new, and IMHO a lot of so-called contemporary "progress" is actually the rediscovery of things that have been purposefully hidden and forgotten for someone else's benefit and advantage.

The tablet text

[edit] Newton's translation

One translation, by Isaac Newton, found among his alchemical papers:

1. Tis true without lying, certain & most true.
2. That which is below is like that which is above & that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing.
3. And as all things have been & arose from one by the meditation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
4. The Sun is its father, the moon its mother,
5. The wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nurse.
6. The father of all perfection in the whole world is here.
7. Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
7a. Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross sweetly with great industry.
8. It ascends from the earth to the heaven & again it desends to the earth and receives the force of things superior & inferior.
9. By this means you shall have the glory of the whole world & thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
10. Its force is above all force, for it vanquishes every subtle thing & penetrates every solid thing.
11a. So was the world created.
12. From this are & do come admirable adaptations where of the means (or process) is here in this.
13. Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
14. That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished & ended.


There are other translations on the wiki link. I suggest that you read them all.


things not noticed

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:55 pm
by Mark Culpepper

I always count on you to open doors . Reading and commenting soon.

About what Elizabeth noted regarding the hill in the background. This is the scarey part. How many of us out there have always seen the clocks and focused on them? And never noticed the hillside? I ... am admitting to being one of them.

So, I appreciate that thought and actually will never be able to look at that piece of art without seeing that hillside first. I appreciate the fact that you are here Elizabeth. Its a lesson here that is painfully and obviously needed in our discussions. What of those things that are not noticed in our rush to see the melted clocks? What else is there to be regarded? MarkC

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:54 pm
by flowperson
Hi Mark...It has always been my outlook, especially these days with the global turmoil and uncertainty that the Lords of Chaos have unleashed since WWII, that it is much better to open doors and deal with what may come our way than to do nothing and let the Chaos devour us without struggle.

Reminds me of the lady or the tiger story, which is a rather sexist parable. Of course in that tale if you opened either door you might be devoured, although in differing ways. Quelle dilemma !



Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:41 pm
by Griffin

Reminds me of a tiger story from the Chan/Zen tradition, with which you might already be familiar:

A person is being chased by a hungry tiger and comes to a cliff, grabs a hanging vine a la Tarzan/Jane and swings down from the cliff top and hangs suspended. Hearing a growl from below, another hungry tiger becomes apparent waiting underneath. Then two mice -- a black and a white one -- are seen gnawing the vine through overhead. In the midst of this dilemma, our person notices a luscious bunch of grapes hanging nearby. Reaching out and plucking one, it is totally savored. Bliss!

What!? Lions and tigers and mice, oh my!

As ever,


Dali time

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:31 pm
by Griffin

As the rabbit might say: "We can't dally, it's time -- and I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" Hey, relax wabbit -- time's not rushing by, it's simply melting away.

It's great that you took the time to include the link to Dali's famous painting. Again, teamwork. But are you on the football team or in the band? All matter is inherently somewhat precarious, slipping and sliding. Twigsnapper and Kevin might be reminded of the White Cliffs of Dover -- beautiful, evocative and solid as the proverbial rock.

During one of my qigong master's remote, nonlocal energy transmissions my watch lost about twenty minutes. I wondered if the battery needed replacing. No such thing -- only a reset. That was almost a year and a half ago and it's lost no discernible time since, at least in this dimension. It had also kept "perfect" time before.

As ever,


Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:01 pm
by kevin.b
Your Walter Russell type double vortex may be why everything has been so SECRET.
And explain the link between parallel time planes.
And explain what occurs when a nuclear explosion occurs , on a precise spot at a precise time, hence the SECRET?

If everyone is afraid of your big vicious dog, it keeps them at bay, if they knew that your big vicious dog was actually chained to a point, and that your big vicious dog could not be released unless it was exactly at that spot at a precise time, well they would not be afraid of your big vicious dog.

All that waffle is just to say , we have no nuclear deterant, its b******s.
Anyone who is a bit good at maths, say like mr kitselman, will have sussed all of this, we exist in a matrix, with measurable dimensions and timings.
They need the precise points on that matrix to detonate, at precise timing, relative to the field reaction and interactions.
If you work all that out, you can foretell where and when is the position that one nuclear explosion can be achieved, not any war.

So who's been kidding who?
To throw your switch trickfox will be in reverse to all of those equations, I have an interest in crop circles, and I do not think you sir will be the first.

To punch through the layers will require precision of position and timing, and the result will be an overload upon the local area of the matrix grid, hence the crops zapped to earth.
I reckon they realised this with the early bombs, and also realised the consequence of connecting parallel time planes, as we got visitors through the sort of tear created by the explosion.
The reverse is implosion, created by a strong enough field .
Ramblings of a hobbit,


Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:06 pm
by Griffin

I should answer my own question since I like to avoid what may seem like tricky questions, although I'm sure that you would see through the either/or. Ultimately, we're all on the same field participating in the same experience and game.


tiny bubbles

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:14 pm
by Trickfox
Wow.... a sudden burst of very revealing knowledge comming from out navigator!!!
kevin.b wrote:Trickfox,
Your Walter Russell type double vortex may be why everything has been so SECRET.
Actually it has been named the "Schwatzchild wormhole" or more historically it describes the crossing point of "the Gravitational radius" .
kevin.b wrote: And explain the link between parallel time planes.
And explain what occurs when a nuclear explosion occurs , on a precise spot at a precise time, hence the SECRET?
"Zeno of Elea" is my answer, and to go any further is pointless and would bore everyone to read through. suffice it to say that is is very very complex
So now.... Are you are devulging restricted information?
kevin.b wrote:If everyone is afraid of your big vicious dog, it keeps them at bay, if they knew that your big vicious dog was actually chained to a point, and that your big vicious dog could not be released unless it was exactly at that spot at a precise time, well they would not be afraid of your big vicious dog.
Unless, of course, -you know how to move the point around anywhere you want to right?
kevin.b wrote:All that waffle is just to say , we have no nuclear deterant, its b******s.
Oh, but what if we can prevent the chain reaction by changing the infomatics of the matter itself? I'm not sure either way.
kevin.b wrote:Anyone who is a bit good at maths, say like mr kitselman, will have sussed all of this, we exist in a matrix, with measurable dimensions and timings.
They need the precise points on that matrix to detonate, at precise timing, relative to the field reaction and interactions.
If you work all that out, you can foretell where and when is the position that one nuclear explosion can be achieved, not any war.
What do you mean by "not any war"
kevin.b wrote:So who's been kidding who?
To throw your switch trickfox will be in reverse to all of those equations, I have an interest in crop circles, and I do not think you sir will be the first.
I never said I was the first.... I just said "it is repeating...repeating..."
Maybe the switch will not be thrown. Either way I don't care.... my job will be done.
kevin.b wrote:To punch through the layers will require precision of position and timing, and the result will be an overload upon the local area of the matrix grid, hence the crops zapped to earth.
I reckon they realised this with the early bombs, and also realised the consequence of connecting parallel time planes, as we got visitors through the sort of tear created by the explosion.
The reverse is implosion, created by a strong enough field .
Ramblings of a hobbit,

What about the math which is created in the energy expansions in the first .025 seconds of a nuclear explosion?

Look at this image.... Doesn't it look like the entropy is uneven much like the expanding universe itself?

What is happening to the Gravitational forces and thus "time itself" inside these discolored bubbles of energy?

Can it be that the secret is as plain as observed in this image?

Re: cookies

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:33 pm
by Trickfox
Griffin wrote:Oh, forgot to mention-

The Hatter will be serving thumb-print jam cookies too -- and rocky road ice cream!

Griffin.... Just wondering.... do you have any ancestry from the orient?
are you part oriental in culture?

Your references to oriental philosophy being predominent in your posts and all, made me think you might have roots in that part of the world.

You like that kind of ice cream you?


Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:55 pm
by flowperson
Trickfox...It would be interesting to have an image of the below-ground dynamics mirroring the above-ground image of that nuke shot. I'm sure it's been done. What might the whole appear to be ?

flow.... 8)