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Re: non sequiter

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:27 am
by H. Short
Trickfox wrote:Sorry H. Short.. The thread you posted does not work
You are right, it doesn't. Its the link on that little page like icon in the top of the message box where it says Posted followed by the date and time... thinking it was a viable url I just right clicked on the thing, copied it, and pasted it into the message with out checking it... any case the post is on page 4.

Have you gotten any more information on that Tesla fan you were talking about earlier?

socialized medecine

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:58 am
by Trickfox
I heard Hillary Clinton declare that she was totally against socialized medecine, and I'm wondering "why is that such a sore point in the U.S."?

I live in Canada, and it costs the province of Québec more than $250,000.00 per year just to keep me alive. I pay ZERO and I get the very best health treatments offered in our country. They even pay my vehicle fuel and parking fees for me to attend my dialysis treatments.

It's not perfect, because I am a slave to "the system" and my lifestyle is extremely frugal as a result, however if I were a bit luckier I could just head south across the border to the U.S. and I would be free of "the System"(a huge bureacracy), and could demand more freedom and control in my own health care.

In the end, that seems to be the only difference. In Canada the doctors and bureacrats decide everything and people are at the mercy of the bureaucracy. At least in the U.S. the doctors are answerable to the patient clients. It's a different mentality altogether. Doctors and Health care workers make more money in the US, and they seemed more motivated to do their jobs better because of it. The only loosers in the US are POOR PEOPLE. If you are poor and sick, you are worthless to everyone in the U.S.

In Canada at least, if you are poor, your health benefits and medical treatments are really no different that the rich person in the bed next to you, and if you are really rich, then you can demand the very best by crossing the border.

I guess perhaps we end up having a pretty good system after all.
Too bad it could never work in the U.S. however, it's much the same as the "GUN LAWS". Practically nobody has handguns in Canada. They just don't sell them very much because of the extreme controls over possession, transport, required use etc. These laws and systems were put into place a long time ago and THEY WORK.

In the U.S. it's much too late to try and do the same as Canada did a long time ago. You all have big problems to solve and I don't really know how that will be acheived if you can't even control your borders.


oh BTW H. I have no ther information on the fan just yet, but that's because I just threw a flag down on that subject. I plan to follow up on it later on in the future. I have to do more research in the math portion first. Especially... Shauberger's work and Kitselman's work.

Don't Forget the Lampshade!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:29 pm
by Paul S.
Mikado14 wrote:
Paul S. wrote:
twigsnapper wrote:Nervous laughter? As in ..... making the association with a technology that might have been that ancient? .... or a modern technology that could have looked like a " burning bush" in ancient times? And then .... what would THAT mean? twigsnapper
That Charlton Heston was really hearing the voice of Eric Dollard?

Someday Paul, I would love to be at a party with you.

I would probably like that too, Mikado, as I'm sure you are among the very few who could appreciate my typically cerebral repartee. Most people just wonder 'who invited him?'


"Embrace The Mystery"

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:09 pm
by Paul S.
I wish I could remember who first used that expression with me... at some point when I was despairing over all these unanswerable questions... somebody just said "Embrace The Mystery" and my blood pressure returned to normal...

People expecting an answer in this section under/about "The Science of Townsend Brown" may be disappointed in what the are about to read...
Mikado14 wrote:I believe I would like to know if possible what is the goal of this story. What is the heart of it all? Are you telling the story of a man? Is the story strictly about the technology? Is it the either/or or both or what?
Uh.... yes.

I think I can answer Mikado's question best by going back to the absolute genesis of this project. Here is an excerpt from the first letter I ever wrote to Linda Brown. Her favorable response to this letter is the reason we are where we are now. I tried to explain why I was intrigued by her father's story, and why I thought it might make a suitable sequel (ha!) to my first book about at... you know... 'obscure 20th century scientist...':
First, I find this area of science, where electricity and relativity seemingly converge, to be an area of great and largely unexplored promise. Both men explored ideas that appeared to them in their own careful observations; that the ideas born of their unique insights took them to the outskirts of universally accepted physics and beyond the realm of scientific orthodoxy makes their discoveries all the more compelling.

Second — and what I find most appealing — is the human-interest story behind the science. I am drawn to investigate the process by which new knowledge overcomes the forces of conventional wisdom, and to depict the inevitable clash between the enlightened embrace of new ideas and the entrenched interests of the scientific, economic, and social status quo. I find that the stories of “new ideasâ€

Line Starts Here

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:26 pm
by Paul S.
Re: Rides on the FTM:
Mark Culpepper wrote:And the line forms on the right for that ride, somewhere behind Rex
Uh, actually, the line forms behind me, guys.

And I'm not even sure I'm standing in the right line.

You know that feeling when you're at McDonald's or the bank or someplace like that and the other line always seems to be moving faster than the one you chose?

Something like that... :?


Re: Line Starts Here

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:10 pm
by Mikado14
Paul S. wrote:Re: Rides on the FTM:
Mark Culpepper wrote:And the line forms on the right for that ride, somewhere behind Rex
Uh, actually, the line forms behind me, guys.

And I'm not even sure I'm standing in the right line.

You know that feeling when you're at McDonald's or the bank or someplace like that and the other line always seems to be moving faster than the one you chose?

Something like that... :?

Well Mr Schatzkin, on one head, who has to wear the lampshade first? And secondly, the FTM is built, just depends on your perspective.



Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:28 pm
by Trickfox

I have discovered Kevin's Circuler(ar) spheres.

There you GO Kevin.......

I finally understand your point. You are obviously describing another BRANE where you and only you see an "Icosidodecahedron" instead of the above webpage illustration.

JUST Look at the possibility that the webpage link will show you what most of the world (using the right operating system of course) would consider to be the description of "Circuler Spheres". (Spheres moving in a circular fashion to be more specific)

You are intercepting the position of these spheres and assigning them "planes" from which to intercect based on a series of integer values
They are precisely geometric in perspective.

Thank you for your point of view Navigator, but please understand mine also. ENGLISH is a plain language to understand. There is no need to make it more complex unless you are purposely obfuscating the issue.

Not everyone sees how and why Fibonacci divided the the spiralling function. It appears that he was looking at nature for an answer.

So in your desire to ferret out the line-ups and patterns how does nature guide you?


you already know

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:40 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Trickfox and Everybody, the list is too long and too important. You all know I am speaking to YOU.

I am having major connection problems here so I am going to make this quick. Look at what all you have done Raymond! And help others see what they are capable of seeing and doing. You guys don't need "Mom" anymore. Its been a wonderful exchange but look at what conclusions you are reaching all by yourselves! I find this wonderful! Look carefully at what you have said to each other!

Look at what you ALL have done and ARE CAPABLE OF . And if anyone sees something that can be made of the technology that you are suddenly seeing Dr. Browns words are simply GO FORTH! Mikado ..... Langley ... grab what you see and what means something to you and go with it.

And Andrew. Well you are the main beacon of light and always will be.

And Victoria? There isn't a basket big enough to hide your light under! room enough there for much activity! Save me a spot!

Not enough time for everything I want to say. But I guess I don't have to.

And Paul. Now I know I have made the right choices all along and my grand friend ..... You were one of my very best. Elizabeth


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:27 pm
by greggvizza

It’s only an internet connection. Your post made me feel teary eyed, like you were on your deathbed 5 minutes from taking your last breath. You know, “tell everyone that I love them and that they can make it without meâ€


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:27 pm
by flowperson
Yes Elizabeth, get re-connected. We all miss your "stabilizing" influence.

In the mean time I thought everyone might like to know how the formal debate regarding FTM's is going. I know that most of us have different versions of this thing in our minds and imaginations, but here's what the BIG GUYS are thinking. By the way, Technicon might be thought of as Israel's equivalent to our RAND Corporation. ... ime108.xml

flow.... :wink:

Rex Strikes again

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:57 am
by Trickfox

Kevin b, I think you will appreciate the works of someone who thinks a lot like you.

The link above will contain information of some familliarity with your visions.

Again, Thank you for participating and having the patience to deal with us.

Re: Rex strike's again. (it's an inside joke?)

This is for Flowperson.... Just checking out that Technion University guy working on the time machine. I'll assume he knows John Tutor... In any case Dr. Ori has allready created a future dogma,- or are we just experiencng anothe cosmic Ah HA...
"Hallowed are the Ori." (this mantra is repeated by all believers almost as punctuation. Considered Blasphemous if a non-believer speaks these words)
"Hallowed are the children of the Ori." (this mantra is said by the priors, which followed by the next mantra):
"Hallowed are we; hallowed are the Ori."
"Those who reject the path to enlightenment must be destroyed."
"The power and the greatness of the Ori cannot be denied."
"Those who seek the path to enlightenment must not be led astray!"
"Enemies of the Ori show no mercy in their attempts to draw believers away from the path."
"Glorious are the Ori, who lead us to salvation, who did fight the evil that would doom us all to mortal sin. Did they defeat the old spirits and cast them out? And now, with the strength of our will, they do call upon us to prevail against the corruption of all unbelievers."
"Those who follow the path of righteousness shall be raised up high."
"Ours is not to question, but to rejoice in their service, for they are perfection."

Well I have news for those who worship the ORI?

According to T'pow, The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that Time Travel is Impossible.


Re: Rex Strikes again

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:11 am
by Mikado14
Trickfox wrote:According to T'pow, The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that Time Travel is Impossible.

Well Mr. Trickfox, I will have you know that I travelled in time, so do me a favor and inform T'pow.

I actually went from yesterday to today, the trip took about 24 hours but hey, who's complaining, I arrived........on time......and I did it without the flux capacitor or the DeLorean.


Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:38 am
by flowperson guys have got it all backwards again. Since he came from the future to teach us about how he got here, his real name there is Iro. Now that he is back here with us traveling to the future he came from where he learned all this stuff he is obliged to use the name Ori...get it ?

Just like the names mom and dad, otto, bob, etc are all ready made for time travel...get it...? Yeah...that's the ticket!

flow.... :wink:

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:12 am
by kevin.b
Rhymonic, how do they come up with these funny words, its basically what I detect, thank you.
The matrix is operating as it says, imo ,but for some reason, I envisage the finite edge to be made of the elements, 144 of them, whatever they are?
Then , dependent upon density of the position you are located inside this circuler sphere , will determine form and motion.
If I arrived at an almost identical conclusion , just by watching my rods, many will have before, and elsewhere.
Dr Brown will have in his lab.
Then its just a case of operating as it does, manipulating what it is, all the fancy sums boil down to instantanious communication and travel, with everything made from one.
Did you read the emerald tablet that the alchemists kept by them, in whatever translation, it says the same, I could have written the emerald tablet before seeing it.
But then again, in a matrix, everything is one.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 10:02 am
by kevin.b
This Gregory Hodwanec,
is ? ... sla_11.htm

By working out what I slice through on the ground, then mirror it up, I could draw the same patterns as in space.
By hearing the frequencies here, mirror them up, talk with whoever is up there.
Mirror downward too?
