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Post by kevin.b »

This will sound odd, but,
just over half an hour ago the power went down, at the same moment I was looking at this thread, and was nearly knocked out of my chair.
I for some reason immeadiately checked with my dowsing rods around me, the flows were gone.
I have only noted this at certain alignment times relative to the moons position, I dont know where it is at this time?, relative to here in the UK.
If it wasn't the moon, what was it that knocked down the flows , and knocked off the electric?
The two may be linked?
Always keep in mind that all of this device could be gone in a flash, keep everything backed up on paper.
The flows are back, the weather here is bizzare, 30 degrees C yesterday, mid April, somebody is messing about.
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Post by wdavidb »

Thinking outside the box is as great an adventure as anyone might hope for, as there is no safety net beneath you or even a life jacket to keep you afloat. Once you step beyond the safety of the well worn path you are on your own. No one there to tell you what to do or if you're right or wrong, as you only have yourself to thank for whatever difficulties might appear.

Reasoning one's way through a series of questionable concerns you might be rewarded by a quick glimpse of something far beyond your own comprehension. Yet the wonder of it all is a delight to the senses, as this in itself will satisfy your hunger and your thirst.

To stand alone in a crowd you might wonder why, but within your heart you know full well the reason you are there. They told you what to do and you said you could not hear and when they told you were wrong you said you knew the way.

If we choose to ignore the crowd we know we're on our own, but without regret or pardon me all is right with me. And if you should ever wonder if you might think outside the box, you'll have no tears or sorrow, no wishing what might have been.

In the end it's up to you to make it what you will, and to anyone who's listening, you might find yourself at peace.
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quick glimpses and convoys

Post by twigsnapper »


You and I are closely aligned for being so far apart.

And you are in the fore front of some by the nature of your own personal path. Realizing that "glimpses " are all that are being offered right now.

Freezing rain running through the Carolinas, A view of the future? No rain where it is expected. We all need to be knocked off our chairs kevin. In ten years what will this mean?

David, you mentioned " no safety net beneath you and no life jacket to keep you afloat" And YES, I agree with you. This is a thought provoking convoy to be on , outside the box. No nets to catch you if you trip, no life jackets passed out.

When you said that I though immediately of the standard issue for the Merchant Marines who shipped out of Philadelphia bound for a port in Scotland and then Murmansk ( Russia). They were hauling food and arms and needed supplies to England and then also Russia. German subs tracked and sank them without flinching. German bombers concentrated on their homeports. Yet they pressed onward. Life jackets were not even passed out for those on ore ships or munitions. The knowledge was ... the first would sink so fast you would never have a prayer, the other would explode and vaporize all within sight, and wearing a life jacket was downright stupid anyway, except for the additional warmth, they would not help . The waters temperature would kill you and nobody would stop to try to rescue you anyway. So you trusted in your ship and its speed.

And you are closer to seeing the whole picture than you think David. There are going to be no life jackets handed out and no help if we go overboard. What counts is getting to port, handing off this valuable cargo to others who can go forward and do some real good with it.

Your glimpse is very accurate. twigsnapper
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Post by wdavidb »

There are so many threads it is difficult to know which one under which to post.......but seeing as this is the jump in the water post regardless of depth let's have at it.

A simultaneous condition of universe, amazing concept indeed, chapter 51,. But I'm sure you have heard it said that both past and future exist simultaneously relative to the present.

And how are we to get past our linear concept of time?

There are no years, no linear history other than our perception as such.

We make reference to millions of years and even billions of years and speak of billions of light years, but do they even exist?

It would seem not, as a simultaneous condition does not involve a linear definition. Where are we other than where we are and when are we there other than when we are?

But we insist that we are so far from here to there and so many years from the day we were born, which on a local level makes some kind of sense, but it is distracting.

How do we respond to discovering there are no light years, not even a linear sequencing of events? If both the past and future exist simultaneously we have no manner by which to determine whether we exist in the past or future, or does it even matter? Why should it, other than to assure ourselves that we have in fact been alive at a specific time and place? We seem to want to be assured that we are actually here now.

If we exist in a simultaneous universe the whole universe knows we exist and our thoughts, words and deeds are simultaneously received without official notification, but etched upon the fabric of universe as if engraved upon a granite slab. And to each thought, word and deed there is a simultaneous response of which we may not even be aware.

It seems we do attempt to escape the fact and tend to rationalize the universe to suit our own personal disposition towards what might be considered right or wrong. And we wonder why we cannot understand what it is he's saying or not saying depending on our point of view.

A secret they say, the truth is a secret. Can anyone explain why no one should be allowed to know the truth or is there something very wrong with the truth? It would seem there is something we don't know or quite understand. So when we find that something is a secret, perhaps we should ask why, because it would seem that the Russians know as much as we on the subject. So who exactly are we keeping the secret from if not ourselves?

Is it possible that the secret is plainly clear, could it be that we don't know how to duplicate a UFO. Yes, we have disclosure and talk of disclosure, but is it possible we just don't know? The secret is a secret because we don't know, so we make it a secret to hide our own lack of understanding of what the man was trying to tell us.

And how many times does he have to repeat himself before anyone gets the angle of the plot?

An amazing story, but it is more than that. It is an essential history of who we are and why we're here desperately attempting to understand something beyond our own perception of the situation.
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antecedent pronouns and nouns?

Post by Mikado14 »

wdavidb wrote: It seems we do attempt to escape the fact and tend to rationalize the universe to suit our own personal disposition towards what might be considered right or wrong. And we wonder why we cannot understand what it is he's saying or not saying depending on our point of view.
Who is "he"?
wdavidb wrote: Is it possible that the secret is plainly clear, could it be that we don't know how to duplicate a UFO. Yes, we have disclosure and talk of disclosure, but is it possible we just don't know? The secret is a secret because we don't know, so we make it a secret to hide our own lack of understanding of what the man was trying to tell us.
Who is the "man"?
wdavidb wrote: And how many times does he have to repeat himself before anyone gets the angle of the plot?
Who is "he"?

I would assume that the first two might be Dr. Brown and the last might be Paul but I would rather you confirm or correct.

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Post by wdavidb »

Mikado 14.............BRAVO!!!!!!!!
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Post by kevin.b »

Elizabeth helen drake,
Do you believe in co-incidence?
I don't, and this is possibly the first real crop circle of the year, at Morgan hill. ... 7&strart=0
P.s, I may go for a wander in this one, see if anyone has anything to say?
fibonacci is king
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Morgan Hill?

Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

I love it! Thank you for that kevin. No coincidences, Just cosmic ha ha s.
Wander well and say hello for me! Or just enjoy a wonderful day. Which ever comes first! Elizabeth
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Re: quick glimpses and convoys

Post by Gewis »

twigsnapper wrote: What counts is getting to port, handing off this valuable cargo to others who can go forward and do some real good with it.

Your glimpse is very accurate. twigsnapper
By "others who can go forward and do some real good with it," do you have any people or groups specifically in mind? Or just whoever's willing to pick up the torch?
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Post by twigsnapper »

Individuals Gewis. who recognize that cargo for what it is and recognize what they themselves can do with it. Strictly individuals, each to decide for himself. (Of course, its always helpful having partners who share the vision and can share the load. It is true still that there is strength in numbers twigsnapper
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Post by kevin.b »

Somebody give this man a round of applause.
This is stunning,bang on.
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Post by kevin.b »

Go to figure 8,
Brown 1973, whats that?
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Elizabeth Helen Drake
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interesting indeed

Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

And I also note that there is this in the notes:

Rauscher and Van Bise., Information Signaling and Homeostasis in the Human Body., Bioenergetic Research and Development, Inc., May 1988.

There she is again, Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher ..... are your ears burning yet Dr.? I understand that you had an oportunity to meet with Dr. Brown and were impressed enough with what he had to say that you spoke about his work in that "Townsend Brown Conference" held in Philadelphia a very long time ago. I have the utmost respect for your brilliant mind and the passion of your work> Are you watching this forum? Your comments would be appreciated. Elizabeth
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Post by kevin.b »

Elizabeth Helen Drake,
Well spotted girl, I had looked through seeking Brown, missed that, your like a blood hound?
fibonacci is king
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no better at this

Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

kevin, I am no better at this than anyone else here on the forum. Mr. Twigsnapper considers us his "hounds" and (speaking to others here who may be new ...kevin understands, I think )before you take offense in any possible way to that , understand that horses and hunting dogs are an integral part of this mans life. Good fast horses and strong dogs mean a whole lot to him so if he ever uses a phrase that links to that interest understand that you are getting a wonderful compliment from a man who usually does not hand out flowery praise. What we sniff out together will put us on a wonderful scent and a historical trail. nd frankly I listen very carefully to the MFH on the grey horse. Elizabeth