Lavas and Riconosciuto Laser Document Analyzed

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Lavas and Riconosciuto Laser Document Analyzed

Post by Henry_Yang »

Hi all.

I believe this deserves a new thread. Will sort through a lot today.

Starting with the thesis of Marcus G Kuhn, who's work (RBAC) was copied into the TRUSIX papers, but he likely had no idea of this.

This document is called "Compromising emanations: eavesdropping risks of computer displays" and is archived by the University of Cambridge's Computer Library. Here is the note at the end of page 15:

I contacted Koch soon after the broadcast and obtained several handwritten pages of diagrams and technical explanations that Riconosciuto had provided. Unfortunately, these diagrams did not turn out to be descriptions of actual software or hardware modifications related to PROMIS or reception and decoding equipment to pick up such information. They were just hand drawn copies of figures from an early 1970s textbook on information transmission using non-sinusoidal carrier signals [69, pp. 92,170,240,287–289], an early precursor technology of what is today better known as direct sequence spread-spectrum modulation, which forms the basis of wireless LANs, satellite navigation systems and military low-probability-ofintercept radios. Such techniques might in general be relevant for modulating information into RF computer emanations (see p. 75), but this did not provide further specific insights into the nature of the claimed modifications.

Fortunately, Riconosciuto DID write a letter that showcased some of his earlier work on lasers.

Saved here on the Internet Archive in a report by Ted Gunderson... ... 95_FBI.pdf

We start on page 31.

This same report is mentioned by Raymond Lavas in his "Lesson 1" video.

Now the important thing that I must share with you is THIS:

Theory of FM Laser Oscillation

Read Riconosciuto's paper first and then read this one.

See the similarity in the equations?


He did NOT CITE IT but we can see that he USED IT and/or COPIED FROM IT!!!

I just noticed this on this very morning. I typed up Riconosciuto's paper almost a year ago and I will paste that text below, following a transcript of Raymond Lavas's video that I also typed.

Why did it take me this long to SEE it?????

Michael's paper (sadly not an original work):

Handwritten Abstract on: The Separation of Nuclear Isotopes using Laser Energy. This work was developed in the late 60s and Early 70s By Mike Riconosciuto at Stanford Research Institute. It is considered by many scientists as pioneering work in the field of laser applications.
A first order theory of FM laser oscillation may be obtained by utilizing a set of equations derived by Lamb, and termed as "self consistency" equations. These equations describe the effect of an arbitrary optical polarization on an optical cavity, and are as follows:

(1a) (Vn + φn - Ωn)En = -(1/2)(V/E0)Cn(T)

(1b) En + (1/2)(V/φn)En = -(1/2)(V/E0)Sn(T)

In the above equations, En, Vn, and φn are the amplitude, frequency, and phase, respectively, of the nth cavity mode; and Cn(T) and Sn(T) are the in-phase and quadrature components of its driving polarization. That is, the total cavity electromagnetic field:

(2a) E(Z,T) = nΣ En(T) cos [VnT + φn(T)] Un(Z)
Un(Z) = sin n π Z/L ;

and the polarization driving the nth mode has the form:

(2b) Pn(T) = Cn(T) cos [VnT + φn(T)] + Sn(T) sin [VnT + φn(T)]

Other symbols are defined as follows: Ωn = frequency of the nth mode in the absence of a driving polarization; △Ω = frequency interval between axial modes----(△Ω = π C/L);

[Footnote: W.E. Lamb Jr., "Theory of an Optical Maser", Phys. Rev. 134 (June, 1964)]

φn = φ of the nth mode, V = average optical frequency once the cavity polarization, Pn(T), and ∴ Cn(T) and Sn(T) are known in terms of En(T); then equations (1a) and (1b) completely determine the amplitude, frequency, and phase shift of the optical frequency oscillations. The cavity polarization Pn(T) consists of a parametric contribution resulting from the intracavity time-varying dielectric perturbation, and of an atomic contribution resulting from the presence of the inverted atomic media. The dialectric or phase perturbation might be accomplished by means of an electro-optic crystal situated at one end of the laser cavity, or perhaps by some type of acoustic mirror vibration. Now, if we assume that the phase perturbation to have an instantaneous phase retardation of S cos Vm T radians, where S is the peak phase retardation which an optical signal collects on a single one-way pass through the perturbing element, and Vm is the driving frequency. We also assume that the perturbation is situated at one end of the laser cavity, and that it occupies a length which is only a small fraction of the total cavity length. If the cavity φ is sufficiently high that only the contributions of immediately adjacent modes need to be considered then it may be shown that that polarization driving the nth cavity mode is given by:

(3) Pn(T) = E0SC/VL [En+1 cos (VnT + φn+1) + En-1 cos (VnT + φn+1)]

It is evident that a particular cavity mode is driven by only the immediately adjacent cavity modes. It might be noted that equation (3) implies a phase perturbation which occupies only a small fraction of the total cavity length. If a longer perturbing element is used, its spatial variation is of particular importance. For example, it may readilly be shown that a perturbation which uniformly fills the entire laser cavity will produce no driving polarization at adjacent modes.

Now to introduce the atomic contribution to the polarization by means of macroscopic quadrature and in-phase components of susceptibility, denoted by Xn" and Xn', respectively. In an exact theory, Xn" and Xn' depend upon En and thereby include the effects of atomic saturation, power dependent mode pulling and pushing, and non linear coupling effects. We next resolve Pn(T) of equation (3) into in-phase and quadrature components of the form of equation (2b). Then to add the atomic polarization terms, and substitute the resulting Cn(T) and oscillation frequency of the nth mode, ie V, is assumed to be that of some central mode whose oscillation frequency is Ω0, plus nVm. Thus Ω0 + nVm - Ωn = n△V where △V is the frequency and the axial mode spacing frequency. Equations (1a) and (1b) can now forme:

(4a) [.φn + n△V + (1/2)V Xn'] En
= -SC/2L [En+1 cos (φn+1 - φn) + En-1 cos (φn - φn-1)]

(4b) .En + V/2 [1/φn + Xn"] En
= -SC/2L [-En+1 sin (φn+1 - φn) + En-1 sin (φn - φn-1)]

At this time we should look at the possible steady state solutions of equations (4a) and (4b) and thus set En = φn = 0. Now to define related terms:

(5a) Γ = C/L△VS = 1/π △Ω/π△V S


(5b) Pn = 2CS/LV[1/φn+X"]

(5c) θn = φn+1 - φn

Now to drop the term 1/2VXn' from equation (4a), and thereby neglect mode pulling effects, then equations (4a) and (4b) become:

(6a) 2n/Γ En = -[En+1 cos θn+1 + En+1 cos θn]

(6b) 2/Pn En = -[-En+1 sin θn+1 + En-1 sin θn]

The form of the solution of equations (6) depends on the relative magnitude of Γ and Pn. In order to obtain a perfectly pure FM signal, it is necessary to assume that Pn = ∞ for all modes from n = -∞ to n = +∞, then, by noting the following Bessel identity:

(7) 2n/Z Jn(Z) = Jn-1(Z) + Jn+1(Z)

It is now seen that equations (6) have the solution En=Jn(Γ) and

(8) θn = θn+1 = π

The En and θn may be substituted into equation (2a) to yield a cavity electromagnetic field given by E(Z,T)

(9) n=-∞ Σ +∞ Jn(Γ) [cos [(Ω0+nVm) T+nπ]] sin (N0+n)πZ / L

This assumes a change of variable in the mode number has been made such that N0 is now the central or carries mode of the FM signal. The quantity Pn is inversely proportional to the net or excess laser gain in the presence of parametric oscillation; ie, Xn" and ∴ Pn depend on En. For a free-running laser (assuming no parametric perturbation), all modes would saturate at gain = loss and ∴ Pn would be infinite for all oscillating modes. However, in the presence of a perturbation which itself effects the mode amplitudes, this could no longer be the case. It is thus expected that some or perhaps a great deal of distortion of the ideal solution should be present in an actual laser. The exact evaluation of this distortion must await the solution of the problem of non-linearity in the perturbing element.

It is of interest to note that by the use of standard trigonometric and Bessel identities, equation (9) can be put into the closed form:

(10) E(Z,T) = 1/2 sin [Ω0T + N0πZ/L + Γ sin (VmT + πZ/L)]
- 1/2 sin [Ω0T - N0πZ/L + Γ sin (VmT - πZ/L)]

Now we can see a system that consists of two FM traveling waves, moving in opposite directions. Equation (10) may be further reduced to the standing wave form:

E(Z,T) = cos [Ω0T + Γ sin Vm T cos πZ/L]
x sin [N0πZ/L + Γ cos Vm T sin πZ/L]

It may now be concluded that at any particular point of space within the cavity, the total electromagnetic field is not frequency modulated

Raymond's video:

Raymond Tromprenard
May 10, 2012
This is just to introduce the written material we will be going into details with to begin our lessons in Force Manipulation by electrogravitic displacement
Raymond Lavas: Introduction to Vortex Fields and Dangerous Mathematics
Science Headings:
- Nicholas Tesla
- Thomas Townsend Brown
- Beau Kiytselm3 (next)
Note: There is no "lesson 2" posted anywhere, as far as I know, and thus no mention of Beau Kiytselm3, despite this hint that there would be...
Okay, I got this short message for people who are waiting for the lessons to begin. wanted to introduce you to a couple of the books that will be using. First of all this-- this is Nikola Tesla's book-- Colorado Springs notes, 1899 to 1900, with original handwritten notes from his laboratory. As you can see. And we will be investigating Nikola Tesla's system for sending electro-gravitic waves, or electro hydrodynamic waves through the air, through the earth, to do all kinds of things. And then after we're done with that, we'll go directly into the application of Thomas Townsend Brown's... serial number... this is a serial number, patent application... there's the serial number there-- 662105... application of Thomas Townsend Brown. Signed by Thomas Townsend Brown himself. And... here is the drawing. And it shows a system using high voltage here, and here, to modulate an audio signal...... that wor[ks]... here is the signal input, and it goes into here, and the field pulses come out, out front there, so that's-- these devices are fan fluid control systems. And we are going to be talking about all kinds of different types of these fluid control systems that have been kept classified for years, and we will be explaining why these have been classified for years.
Eventually we're going to be involved in building high voltage power supplies, and particular applications, for instance-- the application by Hercules Research Corporation in Hercules California, of the METC cooling unit as used by a laser Brewster window... Where the beam hits the Brewster window, and the METC point is being used for cooling the Brewster window in order to perform a rather important laser diagnostics, and also laser sciences of all kinds.
There's plenty of different modulation diagrams which come from the original work done it at Hercules Corporation. And then there is a final theorem, written in the handwriting of the master himself, M.R. [Michael Riconosciuto] And that will be discussed further on down the line-- that those people who are authorized to see this particular little seminar, and also understand what the applications and psyops (psychological warfare operations) in the military and how dangerous it is.
That's an important thing that people have to learn, before we start distributing free energy devices-- got to be careful with what you can do with the environment, that maybe they couldn't do beforehand, okay? So, we'll talk plenty about that the next time around.
{outro, enter cat on screen}
"He says he wants to talk to :Grimalkin"
"Oh dear"

Yeah, "final theorem" my a$$
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Re: Lavas and Riconosciuto Laser Document Analyzed

Post by Henry_Yang »

As I have alluded to in my other posts, Raymond Lavas said a big hint to the Biefield-Brown effect and other black technologies lie in the Phasorphone device. The book that he said to get ahold of and read, The Puzzle Palace, I have requested from the library and am currently waiting for it to find its way to me. It should be a few days at most and sooner rather than later, I will be able to add the material from that book to this forum. I plan on starting a new thread just for that information when as soon as I possibly can. I will quote all the relevant pages of the book that Raymond said to read so that it will be readily available to all of us in the future.

THIS post, however, is an attempt to organize some background information for purposes of breaking down that future content preemptively. I will go through all the terms that I believe will be relevant and define them simply as a kind of dictionary or guidebook to be used when trying to understand all the connections that this story relies upon.

I will start by saying that I judged Riconosciuto too harshly for saying that he outright copied from Harris and McDuff. He may have known those two men during his time at Stanford. He was either summarizing their work to Gunderson to show that he was in the loop about it.... or showcased it without getting credit from what where his potential former Stanford colleagues. He was 18 when their original paper was written. That was only one year after joining Arthur Leonard Schawlow at Stanford at age 17. This was also the same time he was recruited into MOSSAD by Al Holbert, thinking that it was the CIA.

Harris McDuff paper on FM laser oscillations: ... 960/18.pdf

Riconosciuto paper on FM laser oscillations: ... 95_FBI.pdf

I have transcribed the xeroxed and cursive handwriting of Riconosciuto into HTML text in an earlier post.

Both start with the equations of Lamb, discovered in 1964, and end up with a first-order theory revealing that the total cavity electromagnetic field at a particular point of space is not frequency modulated.

The 1982 patent by Sarbacher makes use of the frequency modulation equations and technology as the electrochemical cell itself is but an analogy of the electronic effect known as the Biefeild-Brown effect. Some kind of force stronger than the Coulomb electrostatic force that manifests readily in dielectric wedges made of Barium Titanite. This material is polarized easily because of the non-orientation of the dipoles, which lead to effects with nucleus desheilding.

But now we need to return to the main subject of defining Raymond Lavas's vocabulary... He used these words in his posts extensively and I am guessing that they will be keywords in future posts of mine as well....


As defined by John R. Smythies, this is a subspace inside of a superspace where the human consciousness resides. Unlike in Bertrand Russell's 6D model of private subspaces in a public superspace, Smythies coined the word "brane" to describe a multiverse of many different private subspaces living simultaneously in a public superspace.


From Douglas Hofstader's book, "Godel, Escher, Bach". This refers to a set of symbols that define each other and then the system becomes more than the sum of its parts. The self-referentially principle is the loop that reverses chaos and defines definitions through circular tautologies.


The law that says a negation of a falsehood makes a truth. And also, that the negation of a truth makes a falsehood. In binary code, this means 1 and 0 are the only options with no in-betweens.


Intuitionism is the philosophy started by the famous topologist LEJ Brouwer, which famously rejects the Law of the Excluded Middle, on the basis that it is unphysical during the flow of time. Intuitionism also rejects the Double Negation Law in logic as well. Meanwhile, Ultrafinitism criticizes the so-called existence of the Transfinite numbers. Finitism was started by Ludwig Wittgenstein and has been extended to Ultrafinitism by Edward Nelson as to criticize even the so-called existence of ultra-large but apparently finite numbers within the Natural number set.


A tool used to study the physical time-harmonics of sinusoidal quantities. The phasor formulation happens to replace the time-harmonic physical quantity with a single complex constant. There may be a metaphorical parallel to the Relative Permittivity formula of dielectric science that measures the Coulomb electrostatic force through a complex-valued and frequency-dependent formula.


Wherein sine waves are converted to square waves by means of binary code bits labeling the points of a sign wave and redrawing the line with those discrete points. According to the Nyquist Shannon theory, in order to reproduce the analog signal, you have to sample it at 2 times the original frequency.


For the N-gon, a wave can be generated by rotating the linear distance from one fixed end on the center point, to the other end feeling around the perimeter lines, and tracking the rise and fall of that line with respect to the dimension of time. And for the circle, a the same can be done by rotating the radius with one end fixed to the center point and the other feeling all the way around the circumference.


Energy is characterized by its wavelength in fixed period of time, aka the frequency. Clockwise tracing around the unit circle defines a wave with positive frequency. Counter-clockwise tracing around the unit circle defines a wave with negative frequency. Negative frequency is a mathematical convention referring to a change of sign in the equations to denote the backwards motion as opposed to even being a physically real concept with any relation to negative time.


A device invented by a group of four men residing in Seattle, Washington, which was led by Carl Nicolai. The NSA placed a SECREY ORDER on the patent in 1977 without telling any of them why or how the order even came to be. The device was inspired by the writings of Pfanstiehl in Analog Magazine. It operated by hiding the transmission signals themselves rather than cryptography. Instead of one side merely tuning into a radio frequency, what the operators needed to do was set an agreed upon frequency and tune in together.


The concept by Pfanstiehl regarding the theory of "A-Priori knowledge", which says that noise is not random, but hidden intelligence.



Clifford algebra rotational multiplications by reflections model perfectly the phenomenon in nonlinear optics when two laser beams cross together in space. This is called interference, and along with indeterminism, form the entirety of the science and mathematics of the theory of Quantum Mechanics. According to Orlov, “every atomic proposition of classic logic can be represented by a diagonal operator”, which means that logic itself underlies the Clifford algebra and that the whole of Quantum Mechanics can be derived from logic.


According to Raymond Lavas, these where and are higher dimensional entities manifesting down on this plane as ball plasma, which is a holographic representation that localizes the nonlocal consciousness energy but is tragically unstable due to Rayleigh-Taylor stabilities related to the four dimensions of our BRANE of spacetime.
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Re: Lavas and Riconosciuto Laser Document Analyzed

Post by Henry_Yang »

Some more terms to define before I post about the Puzzle Palace episode with Raymond Lavas. This list, unlike the last one, debunks the terms on it and refutes the notion that they will be meaningful later on at all. I consider them distractions that have appeared in the midst of all this research but are not relevant and in some cases manage to subtract away from the truth of the matter. Some have appeared in Lavas's posts so it becomes important to disassociate them from the previous list and the entire subject as well.


Designed electrical circuits that he believed communicated instantaneously (and faster than the speed of light) with "biodynamic signals", which he says are an alternate form of electromagnetic radiation. Round Robin magazine, now Borderlands, is the New Age and "forbidden science" magazine that published his essays, in conjunction with Gerry Vassilatos, a contributor who also claims to have rediscovered "Vril" energies. Lawrence claims that he detected biodynamics signals coming from outer space and that alien life forms are communicating with them, and that we can intercept their messages although they may not be directed at us. Lawrence also designed a camera that he claimed he took pictures of ghosts at in a "haunted house" in California and has also lectured on Radionics in Californian New Age seminar schools.


Designed a specially carved quartz crystal that is said to amplify biodynamics energies. It is a wand that one holds with thumb and forefinger and points at the thymus gland in another person in order to heal them. Claimed that crystal structure of Quartz is much like that of frozen water. Thus Quartz is like a rock solid version of liquid water. Thus it resonates with the water in the human body. Claims that by carving a "receiving" and "transmitting" end into the wand, the healing energies can surface and be directed though the wand like electricity through a wire. No scientific studies have verified the effectiveness of such crystals and ever vendor is legally required to give a self-discrediting disclaimer to customers. Vogel was inspired by Backster and also claimed, as a Christian, to have been guided by God himself in developing his theories.


Believed that lie detector tests proved a plant was aware of surroundings and telepathically read emotional internal situations as well. The moisture moving through the leaves of the plant set off the lie detector machine. He never showed why that would mean a heightened awareness in plants, especially as they don't have the same central nervous system as humans that cause sweating. He never repeated the experiments under controlled scientific conditions and whenever the plant gave no response, he claimed it was "flatlining" or "too scared to give a response today". He also claimed the plant was connected to its owner across international distances if the lie detector chart went off while the owner was far away and stressed, but in some cases the owner could be down the hall or in another room of the same building and suddenly the plant would not showcase reactions to stress. And finally, he claimed that "killing" yogurt gave a reaction in plants, but killing brine shrimp would not if those shrimp where inanimate or dead. "We have to rethink what the definition of life is" he said when the contradiction came up that if yogurt is alive, the brine shrimps ought to be considered more alive, but he was content to believe the opposite. Such contradictions prove logically the failure of his hypothesis.


Claimed that the human brain generated radio waves which could be picked up by a receiver. If this was true, we could communicate to each other without talking. Major inspiration for L George Lawrence. It was noted by William Grey Walter in his book, "The Living Brain" that any form of electromagnetic brain waves are simply too weak to explain any form of telepathy.


Although thoroughly discredited, the "magic camera" devices of Drown and De la Warr continue to be built and sold in New Age circles. These where also admitted inspirations for L George Lawrence. Meanwhile, a work of FICTION by Franz Bardon, of which he was not proud of having written, described the Tepaphone device, conveniently without any technical details. This device fits in the same category as Radionic cameras and is also sold off as real in the same "new energy" circles.
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Re: Lavas and Riconosciuto Laser Document Analyzed

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Henry, a few brief comments, dredged from ancient memories:

When Townsend took Linda's husband, George, on a tour of the Engineering building on the Stanford Campus, where the CIA/Navy work was being done in the pre-SRI days he witnessed a demonstration of this:
Believed that lie detector tests proved a plant was aware of surroundings and telepathically read emotional internal situations as well.
Hmm...I remember some discussion of him in the Before Times forum, but don't remember the context:
Gerry Vassilatos,
Not directly related to your question in another question in another post but a couple of interesting tidbits re Sarbacher.

In the sixties, he was in the news for promoting a batteries driven by bacterial organiisms. He was still talking about this in retirement, when interviewed in Florida. In one or another of the articles, he says/implies that the US had found one that was highly efficient, but that it was secret. But probably, one of the most intriguing of Sarbacher's patents was for an "electric muscle suit," issued sometime in the fifties, IIRC. I have tried to find the reference to that again, but with no luck.

Also, while at the National Archives, reading after action reports from WW II, I came across a mention of a unit using "ground powered radios." I have never been able to find a reference to those in any research since then, but I have always wondered if they used some sort of Tesla technology.

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Re: Lavas and Riconosciuto Laser Document Analyzed

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Jan,

To me I think this is the most shocking thing:
In the sixties, he was in the news for promoting a batteries driven by bacterial organisms. He was still talking about this in retirement, when interviewed in Florida. In one or another of the articles, he says/implies that the US had found one that was highly efficient, but that it was secret.
I recently discovered Robert Temple's thoughts on Benard cells, which occur hydrodynamics. The electrohydrodynamic equivalent is the rayleigh taylor singularity. Dr. Temple said that the Benard cells communicate with each other. I am looking into references to see if this is well founded or not currently.

I also finally posted the reference in the Puzzle Palace book, which was on page 356 and dealt with the Phasorphone's connection to Alfred Pfansteihl's 1960 article in Analog magazine. Sadly there was not any new information because all the same text is included already in the links Raymond had posted, although that was not clear to me at the time.

For now, whatever the Phasorphone had to do with the electrogravitics of TTBrown remains unclear. Perhaps, as noted in a footnote in the Puzzle Palace book, Alfred Pfansteihl's thoughts influenced the PRYAMIDER satellites as well, and the whole time, TTBrown was involved with the satellites, not with the telephones. But these speculations are beyond the realm of proof sadly.

Back to the original subject, do you know if Sarbacher ever worked with electroculture?
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Re: Lavas and Riconosciuto Laser Document Analyzed

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Henry, I have only followed Sarbacher through my subscription. The articles are very informative. I learned, for example, that Sarbacher was not happy that uranium had become the accepted nuclear power, fuel in the face of less dangerous options.

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Re: Lavas and Riconosciuto Laser Document Analyzed

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Jan Lundquist wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 8:13 pmSarbacher was not happy that uranium had become the accepted nuclear power, fuel in the face of less dangerous options.
"...less dangerous options..." for a fission reactor?

Or was he speaking of something other than fission? Fusion, for example, which, while hardly ivory--pure, is a far cry less dangerous than anything involving fission (unless Sarbacher knew of a cleaner fission fuel).

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: Lavas and Riconosciuto Laser Document Analyzed

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Paul, I don't recall why, but I thought he was referring to either deuterium or thorium. I know that Oak Ridge operated a thorium powered generator until the sixties, so he could have been suggesting that was the preferable alternative.

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Re: Lavas and Riconosciuto Laser Document Analyzed

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Jan Lundquist wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:13 pm Paul, I don't recall why, but I thought he was referring to either deuterium or thorium. I know that Oak Ridge operated a thorium powered generator until the sixties, so he could have been suggesting that was the preferable alternative.
Must have been thorium, which can be used as a fissile material. Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen, so only has one proton in the nucleus. Useful in fusions, but obviously not fission, and fission is the only kind of nuclear process we're getting any useful energy out of at the moment.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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